Mayor Pete stumbles & bumbles when asked by Iowa student: How does your faith make you pro-abortion?

Deuteronomy 30:19 "choose life"

Can't get cleared than that, Brain.
Where does it mention abortion?

Those of us who oppose the Atrocity of Abortion are Pro-life. An admonition by Almighty God to "Choose Life!" is pretty crystal clear.
So you support abortion when having a baby will kill the mother?
When was the last time a cesarean killed the mother? It's a trope and a useless one at that. Why not just admit that you accept that abortion kills a baby and you're okay with that. Don't dress it up. Abortion is best used in minority communities while white women choose to have their babies.

Superb point. The Abortion Industry overwhelmingly choose locations in the Ghetto for Abortuary locations. The Philadelphia Ghetto was the location of leading abortionist Kermit Gosnell's House of Horrors Abortion Mill.

Planned Parenthood doesn't locate their facilities in Beverly Hills or across the street from Mar A Lago.
The pro aborts won't admit that they support the deaths of black and brown babies. That would be racist. But they do. And they are fine with that. As long as they can avoid the truth.
Where does it mention abortion?

Those of us who oppose the Atrocity of Abortion are Pro-life. An admonition by Almighty God to "Choose Life!" is pretty crystal clear.
I assume you support gun control because you choose life?

Gun Control costs lives. Look at the record of places with Draconian Style Gun Control- like Chicago and Mexico- compare and contrast with places like Kenessaw, Georgia
Our homicide rate is 4-5x higher than countries with strong gun control. Weak gun laws are also tied to higher suicide rates. Guess you aren’t so pro life. Shocking.
Start executing murderers and stop releasing them after 5 years to repeat if you’re so concerned.

Here in America, you get 5 years in prison, no questions asked, for killing a praying mantis.

OTOH, if your an Illegal, like Mr. Zarate in San Francisco, they give you a medal for slaughtering Kate Steinle in the streets.
I don’t remember the Bible mentioning abortions. Where is that at? It’s pretty clear on getting divorced....

Deuteronomy 30:19 "choose life"

Can't get cleared than that, Brain.
Where does it mention abortion?

Those of us who oppose the Atrocity of Abortion are Pro-life. An admonition by Almighty God to "Choose Life!" is pretty crystal clear.

Abortion is an "atrocity"? Many fertilized eggs do not make it to developing into babies. Some just abort when a woman who has it doesn't know that it is even there. Go rid this nation of automatic weapons. AR-15s and the like. Go make comfortable the thousands of people who are fleeing a terrible life, and possible death, in their home countries.
I don’t remember the Bible mentioning abortions. Where is that at? It’s pretty clear on getting divorced....

Deuteronomy 30:19 "choose life"

Can't get cleared than that, Brain.
Where does it mention abortion?

Those of us who oppose the Atrocity of Abortion are Pro-life. An admonition by Almighty God to "Choose Life!" is pretty crystal clear.

Abortion is an "atrocity"? Many fertilized eggs do not make it to developing into babies. Some just abort when a woman who has it doesn't know that it is even there. Go rid this nation of automatic weapons. AR-15s and the like. Go make comfortable the thousands of people who are fleeing a terrible life, and possible death, in their home countries.

There is no plan to get rid of AR15's or other so-called "assault weapons". The only plan is to disarm LAW ABIDERS.

In fact, libs are against disarming the criminal element. "Stop and Frisk", the brainchild of Little Mikey Bloomberg as NY Mayor to disarm thugs, was repudiated by the mayor himself.

In San Francisco, the Illegal who slaughtered Kate Steinle in the streets was hailed as a hero.
I don’t remember the Bible mentioning abortions. Where is that at? It’s pretty clear on getting divorced....

Deuteronomy 30:19 "choose life"

Can't get cleared than that, Brain.
Where does it mention abortion?

Those of us who oppose the Atrocity of Abortion are Pro-life. An admonition by Almighty God to "Choose Life!" is pretty crystal clear.

Abortion is an "atrocity"? Many fertilized eggs do not make it to developing into babies. Some just abort when a woman who has it doesn't know that it is even there. Go rid this nation of automatic weapons. AR-15s and the like. Go make comfortable the thousands of people who are fleeing a terrible life, and possible death, in their home countries.

There is no plan to get rid of AR15's or other so-called "assault weapons". The only plan is to disarm LAW ABIDERS.

In fact, libs are against disarming the criminal element. "Stop and Frisk", the brainchild of Little Mikey Bloomberg as NY Mayor to disarm thugs, was repudiated by the mayor himself.

In San Francisco, the Illegal who slaughtered Kate Steinle in the streets was hailed as a hero.

Nobody hailed anyone as a "hero." Ms. Steinle was, unfortunately, killed by a ricocheting bullet. It was not an intentional murder.
Why did Chris Watts kill his entire family? Why did the guy in Celebration, Florida, do the same? Are they heroes to you? Just "misunderstood"? These guys were not being attacked.
I don’t remember the Bible mentioning abortions. Where is that at? It’s pretty clear on getting divorced....

Not mentioned specifically. God's message is clear though. Here's a great reference site for Biblical questions:

Bible Questions Answered |

Question: "What does the Bible say about abortion?"

The Bible never specifically addresses the issue of abortion. However, there are numerous teachings in Scripture that make it abundantly clear what God’s view of abortion is. Jeremiah 1:5 tells us that God knows us before He forms us in the womb. Psalm 139:13-16 speaks of God’s active role in our creation and formation in the womb. Exodus 21:22-25 prescribes the same penalty—death—for someone who causes the death of a baby in the womb as for someone who commits murder. This clearly indicates that God considers a baby in the womb to be just as much of a human being as a full-grown adult. For the Christian, abortion is not a matter of a woman’s right to choose. It is a matter of the life or death of a human being made in God’s image (Genesis 1:26-27; 9:6).
Deuteronomy 30:19 "choose life"

Can't get cleared than that, Brain.
Where does it mention abortion?

Those of us who oppose the Atrocity of Abortion are Pro-life. An admonition by Almighty God to "Choose Life!" is pretty crystal clear.

Abortion is an "atrocity"? Many fertilized eggs do not make it to developing into babies. Some just abort when a woman who has it doesn't know that it is even there. Go rid this nation of automatic weapons. AR-15s and the like. Go make comfortable the thousands of people who are fleeing a terrible life, and possible death, in their home countries.

There is no plan to get rid of AR15's or other so-called "assault weapons". The only plan is to disarm LAW ABIDERS.

In fact, libs are against disarming the criminal element. "Stop and Frisk", the brainchild of Little Mikey Bloomberg as NY Mayor to disarm thugs, was repudiated by the mayor himself.

In San Francisco, the Illegal who slaughtered Kate Steinle in the streets was hailed as a hero.

Nobody hailed anyone as a "hero." Ms. Steinle was, unfortunately, killed by a ricocheting bullet. It was not an intentional murder.
Why did Chris Watts kill his entire family? Why did the guy in Celebration, Florida, do the same? Are they heroes to you? Just "misunderstood"? These guys were not being attacked.

Zarate was allowed into the country and was not deported due to his Illegal Status, was not permitted to be deported. As I remember, Illegals like this gentleman were held up as role models and great Americans who we should welcome into our country and praise.
Where does it mention abortion?

Those of us who oppose the Atrocity of Abortion are Pro-life. An admonition by Almighty God to "Choose Life!" is pretty crystal clear.

Abortion is an "atrocity"? Many fertilized eggs do not make it to developing into babies. Some just abort when a woman who has it doesn't know that it is even there. Go rid this nation of automatic weapons. AR-15s and the like. Go make comfortable the thousands of people who are fleeing a terrible life, and possible death, in their home countries.

There is no plan to get rid of AR15's or other so-called "assault weapons". The only plan is to disarm LAW ABIDERS.

In fact, libs are against disarming the criminal element. "Stop and Frisk", the brainchild of Little Mikey Bloomberg as NY Mayor to disarm thugs, was repudiated by the mayor himself.

In San Francisco, the Illegal who slaughtered Kate Steinle in the streets was hailed as a hero.

Nobody hailed anyone as a "hero." Ms. Steinle was, unfortunately, killed by a ricocheting bullet. It was not an intentional murder.
Why did Chris Watts kill his entire family? Why did the guy in Celebration, Florida, do the same? Are they heroes to you? Just "misunderstood"? These guys were not being attacked.

Zarate was allowed into the country and was not deported due to his Illegal Status, was not permitted to be deported. As I remember, Illegals like this gentleman were held up as role models and great Americans who we should welcome into our country and praise.

Who was held up as a "role model" and a "great American," and by whom? You have some fantasy world that you live in. Name some names of people who do this sort of stuff. Add some information about time and place.

Seven people dead, and one was pregnant by her killer, who also murdered his children.
Those of us who oppose the Atrocity of Abortion are Pro-life. An admonition by Almighty God to "Choose Life!" is pretty crystal clear.

Abortion is an "atrocity"? Many fertilized eggs do not make it to developing into babies. Some just abort when a woman who has it doesn't know that it is even there. Go rid this nation of automatic weapons. AR-15s and the like. Go make comfortable the thousands of people who are fleeing a terrible life, and possible death, in their home countries.

There is no plan to get rid of AR15's or other so-called "assault weapons". The only plan is to disarm LAW ABIDERS.

In fact, libs are against disarming the criminal element. "Stop and Frisk", the brainchild of Little Mikey Bloomberg as NY Mayor to disarm thugs, was repudiated by the mayor himself.

In San Francisco, the Illegal who slaughtered Kate Steinle in the streets was hailed as a hero.

Nobody hailed anyone as a "hero." Ms. Steinle was, unfortunately, killed by a ricocheting bullet. It was not an intentional murder.
Why did Chris Watts kill his entire family? Why did the guy in Celebration, Florida, do the same? Are they heroes to you? Just "misunderstood"? These guys were not being attacked.

Zarate was allowed into the country and was not deported due to his Illegal Status, was not permitted to be deported. As I remember, Illegals like this gentleman were held up as role models and great Americans who we should welcome into our country and praise.

Who was held up as a "role model" and a "great American," and by whom? You have some fantasy world that you live in. Name some names of people who do this sort of stuff. Add some information about time and place.

Seven people dead, and one was pregnant by her killer, who also murdered his children.

Nancy Pelosi called out President Trump when our President called out the Animals of MS 13 coming to this country as illegals. Pelosi said that the MS 13 were the Children of God and undeserving of the enmity given them by Trump.

Illegals have been called repeatedly "great Americans" by people in the liberal hierarchy, who are called dreamers on the path to citizenship.
There is no such thing as "pro-abortion." There is such a thing as "pro-choice, " when a person decides whether to continue a pregnancy or not.

No. I don't have any weird photo-shopped pictures to show, because I am not an idiot.

Not this idiotic shit denial, again.

If you are a PROponent for keeping elective (not medically necessary) abortions "legal" - You are "pro" on the issue of abortion.

You are "pro abortion." Same way that people who want to legalize weed are "pro weed." Pro-gun, etc.
Stop being an ass. A choice can go either way. I've known two people who chose to bring their pregnancies to term, one of whom put herself in grave physical danger as a Type I diabetic and against the advice of her doctors, and one person who chose to have an abortion.

You simply don't understand the idea of making a decision. The DECISIONMAKER is the person who is pregnant, not some politician or hopped-up cult leader. I'm not going back through statistics, but I seem to recall that hundreds of thousands of people have made the decision to have an abortion. They apparently were not members of your religion. This is not the concern of Big Government.

Hay fucktard.

My wife and I actually did have to face that decision in more ways than one. Medically, emotionally and financially.

In the end, I wound up with custody, the marriage ended, and I raised our little unplanned tissue mass for nine years by myself, before I finally remarried.

So gfy.
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There is no such thing as "pro-abortion." There is such a thing as "pro-choice, " when a person decides whether to continue a pregnancy or not.

No. I don't have any weird photo-shopped pictures to show, because I am not an idiot.

Not this idiotic shit denial, again.

If you are a PROponent for keeping elective (not medically necessary) abortions "legal" - You are "pro" on the issue of abortion.

You are "pro abortion." Same way that people who want to legalize weed are "pro weed." Pro-gun, etc.
Stop being an ass. A choice can go either way. I've known two people who chose to bring their pregnancies to term, one of whom put herself in grave physical danger as a Type I diabetic and against the advice of her doctors, and one person who chose to have an abortion.

You simply don't understand the idea of making a decision. The DECISIONMAKER is the person who is pregnant, not some politician or hopped-up cult leader. I'm not going back through statistics, but I seem to recall that hundreds of thousands of people have made the decision to have an abortion. They apparently were not members of your religion. This is not the concern of Big Government.

Hay fucktard.

My wife and I actually did have to face that decision in more ways than one. Medically, emotionally and financially.

In the end, I wound up with custody, the marriage ended, and I raised our little unplanned tissue mass for nine years by myself, before I finally remarried.

So gfy.

So you have to go calling me names because you and your ex-wife made a decision? You did exactly as I said. Calling somebody dirty names on a chat board says a lot about you. I hope your kid turns out okay in spite of having you for a father.
There is no such thing as "pro-abortion." There is such a thing as "pro-choice, " when a person decides whether to continue a pregnancy or not.

No. I don't have any weird photo-shopped pictures to show, because I am not an idiot.

Not this idiotic shit denial, again.

If you are a PROponent for keeping elective (not medically necessary) abortions "legal" - You are "pro" on the issue of abortion.

You are "pro abortion." Same way that people who want to legalize weed are "pro weed." Pro-gun, etc.
Stop being an ass. A choice can go either way. I've known two people who chose to bring their pregnancies to term, one of whom put herself in grave physical danger as a Type I diabetic and against the advice of her doctors, and one person who chose to have an abortion.

You simply don't understand the idea of making a decision. The DECISIONMAKER is the person who is pregnant, not some politician or hopped-up cult leader. I'm not going back through statistics, but I seem to recall that hundreds of thousands of people have made the decision to have an abortion. They apparently were not members of your religion. This is not the concern of Big Government.

Hay fucktard.

My wife and I actually did have to face that decision in more ways than one. Medically, emotionally and financially.

In the end, I wound up with custody, the marriage ended, and I raised our little unplanned tissue mass for nine years by myself, before I finally remarried.

So gfy.

So you have to go calling me names because you and your ex-wife made a decision? You did exactly as I said. Calling somebody dirty names on a chat board says a lot about you. I hope your kid turns out okay in spite of having you for a father.


Needs salt.
There is no such thing as "pro-abortion." There is such a thing as "pro-choice, " when a person decides whether to continue a pregnancy or not.

No. I don't have any weird photo-shopped pictures to show, because I am not an idiot.
Kinda like slave owners were pro choice for slavery but not pro slavery? Do you agree with those linguistic gymnastics?

How about people that are pro choice for rape but not pro rape.. That make sense to you?

Anyone that gets paid for aborting unborn children is pro-abortion.

Anyone that takes abortion profits is pro-abortion.

Anyone that supports abortion on demand for convenience is pro-abortion.
Those of us who oppose the Atrocity of Abortion are Pro-life. An admonition by Almighty God to "Choose Life!" is pretty crystal clear.
I assume you support gun control because you choose life?

Gun Control costs lives. Look at the record of places with Draconian Style Gun Control- like Chicago and Mexico- compare and contrast with places like Kenessaw, Georgia
Our homicide rate is 4-5x higher than countries with strong gun control. Weak gun laws are also tied to higher suicide rates. Guess you aren’t so pro life. Shocking.
Start executing murderers and stop releasing them after 5 years to repeat if you’re so concerned.

Here in America, you get 5 years in prison, no questions asked, for killing a praying mantis.

No you don't. Do you ever post anything factual?
"Reproductive rights are human rights.

Reproductive rights are economic rights.

And I will fight to protect those rights for all folks who need abortions" - Mayor Pete
its not your body. its not your choice.

you got that from God. he gave it to you!

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