Mayor Pete stumbles & bumbles when asked by Iowa student: How does your faith make you pro-abortion?

"Pete "I'm a Christian" Buttigieg refuses to condemn late term abortions.
Late term abortions have been defined as anywhere up until 28 weeks.
At 28 weeks a baby can open its eyes, flutter its eyelashes, dream, and make faces."
"Pete "I'm a Christian" Buttigieg refuses to condemn late term abortions.
Late term abortions have been defined as anywhere up until 28 weeks.
At 28 weeks a baby can open its eyes, flutter its eyelashes, dream, and make faces."

In fact, "Mayor" Pete condones the murder of children at any age outside the womb as well. He said so himself, live and on national TV. Like so many other radical leftists of our day, Pete is some thing who wears human flesh but is anything but a human being. Think John Carpenter's They Live and you'll have some idea of what's really going on, metaphorically—perhaps. These freaks on the modern left want the government to stand by and do nothing as women— mothers—murder their children at any age, and they want We The People to be fine and dandy with that. They're real life monsters and they're no longer afraid to show us all their real faces.

WATCH: Buttigieg won’t condemn infanticide, late-term abortion
If this is a late-term situation, then by definition, it’s one where the woman was expecting to carry the pregnancy to term. Then she gets, perhaps, the most devastating news of her life. We’re talking about families that may have picked out a name, and they learn something excruciating and are faced with this terrible choice
Take professor Charles Camosy, for example. He is pro-life Democrat who spent much of his life working on getting members of his party elected to office. But no more. Just yesterday, he disclosed in the New York Post that he has given up supporting Democrats, citing Buttigieg’s abortion extremism as the “straw that broke the camel’s back.”
There is no such thing as "pro-abortion." There is such a thing as "pro-choice, " when a person decides whether to continue a pregnancy or not.

No. I don't have any weird photo-shopped pictures to show, because I am not an idiot.
Don't sell yourself short.

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