Maths teacher accused of misgendering pupil on religious grounds

The hearing heard Sutcliffe was also alleged to have shared his views that same-sex marriage was wrong during a maths lesson, although he claimed it was during a Bible group he had set up at the school.

This guy sounds like a nutcase. The kids have sussed him out and are playing him like a violin. He should not be spreading his hate in schools.
retardo british math is not plural.
No, He did not. It is our sinful, unregenerate nature that did that and the fact that Satan is the author of Confusion. Your problem is you refuse to acknowledge that G-d has one, and ONLY one legitimate sexual design. And that is one man-one woman in lifetime marital bond that He will bless.
Or one man and many women in trumps case.
Or one man and many women in trumps case.
Don't go there, Tommy.

Biden feeling up little girl.gif
Making the choice to stay alive changes their age every second.

In any material sense they don't stop aging when they die ... And their remains will continue to age and could even be fossilized for eternity.
Age is a measure of time ... You nitwit ... :auiqs.jpg:

No, he shouldn’t.

But this is the arrogance of theism – the wrongheaded belief that your religion gives you the ‘right’ to be a hateful racist or bigot.

It doesn’t.
They focus a lot of unchristian hate ona very small minority of people.
Its just a culture war and its all they have now they have lost on abortion.

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