Maths teacher accused of misgendering pupil on religious grounds

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

The hearing heard Sutcliffe was also alleged to have shared his views that same-sex marriage was wrong during a maths lesson, although he claimed it was during a Bible group he had set up at the school.

This guy sounds like a nutcase. The kids have sussed him out and are playing him like a violin. He should not be spreading his hate in schools.

The hearing heard Sutcliffe was also alleged to have shared his views that same-sex marriage was wrong during a maths lesson, although he claimed it was during a Bible group he had set up at the school.

This guy sounds like a nutcase. The kids have sussed him out and are playing him like a violin. He should not be spreading his hate in schools.
we all know how fascist dont like it when people dont say what they are told to say,,,

to the train with him,,
So let me get this correct. A student who misgendered their gender got upset because the teacher misgendered their misgendering of their gender.
Its not his call.. It was a decision of the school in conjunction with the pupil and the parents.
He then compounded his fault by identifying the kid on national TV.

Total sleaze.
Yes. That isnt his call. He should treat all his pupils with respect. Even if they are gay or muslim.
He isnt suited to that job. Two schools have sacked him already.
What's insulting is a society believing one can be something they never will be, and then expecting other to accept their fantasy. Did they skip the part in biology on male and female?

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