Massive Wind Turbine Failures


Platinum Member
Dec 1, 2013
Jewitt City, Connecticut
Yep, the sad news is all across the Country there is a News' Blackout of Massive Wind Turbines failing.

The good news is that being renewable, Wind Turbines magically repair themselves and continue to simply operate, which saves a lot of money cause we never have to repair the Renewable Blades, they fix themselves.


Was only a little off balance, they used one wrong nut, and it fell, but renewed itself for free.

The scandal of UK s death-trap wind turbines A turbine built for 115mph winds felled in 50mph gusts. Dozens more affected by cost-cutting. Why residents living in their shadow are demanding answers Daily Mail Online

Don't worry, that was a "Green" mess which has zero impact on anything.
Not 1/1000 as destructive as coal, oil or natural gas fucks up! End of story.
We increased the production of, "coal, oil or natural gas", to build the World's largest structures for supposed "energy" called Wind Turbines. But of course my sarcasm was directed at mattpew who believes Wind Turbines appear magically by "Green Fairies", who at night dust the Earth with Green Renewable Free Energy, Magic Wind Turbines need no Energy, no raw materials to be created, they are gifts from the "Green Fairies".
Big bucks for technicians willing to hang on a rope 200 feet above ground to maintain and repair these things. I get butterflies just looking at this photo.View attachment 36529

Technicians and Mechanics, you are mistaken, Wind Turbines cost no money, its free energy that lasts forever, there are no Technicians or Mechanics, that would make them not sustainable, renewable, or free.

WindAction Dual deaths in wind turbine fire highlight hazards
(Netherlands) – Two young mechanics, ages 19 and 21, died when a fire broke out in a wind turbine where they were performing routine maintenance. The tragedy occurred at Deltawind’s Piet de Wit wind farm in the Netherlands, but highlights the hazards associated with fires caused by wind turbines.

According to the Netherlands Times, “because of the height, the fire department initially had trouble extinguishing the fire in the engine room.” The fire started in the afternoon, but it took until evening for a special team of firefighters to arrive and ascend with a large crane.

One victim was found on the ground beside the wind turbine; the other body was recovered by the specialized team. Two other mechanics escaped safely. A witness reported seeing two men jump through flames into a staircase.

Cause of the fire has not yet been determined, but Deltawind has suggested a short circuit could be the cause. The turbine was a 1.75 megawatt Vestas V-66. Troublingly, these turbines are being sold by secondhand dealers online to buyers who may have no knowledge about the potential fire hazard.

The wind industry has long claimed that wind turbine fires are rare. But after creating a Google alert for the term “wind turbine fire,” ECM has received clips from media outlets around the world documenting that in fact, wind turbine fires are far more common than the industry would have prospective buyers believe.
It's pretty darn sad when someone cheers the failure of renewable energy. But these boards are full of these folks.
First of all, renewable energy stabilizes our energy independence. Now doesn't being energy independent. actually strengthen the United States?
Secondly, taking in all of the accidents by the providers of fossil fuel energy, which has been in operation for several decades, what's the difference? The author of this OP completely ignores all the costs of all the misfortunes by the fossil fuel sector but goes full throttle pointing fingers at renewable energy. That's pretty small thinking..
The world is moving forward in making renewable energy part of the long-term plan of having an infinity of options for energy resources. This is a good idea as it enhances future generations with endless resources of energy.
It's pretty darn sad when someone cheers the failure of renewable energy. But these boards are full of these folks.
First of all, renewable energy stabilizes our energy independence. Now doesn't being energy independent. actually strengthen the United States?
Secondly, taking in all of the accidents by the providers of fossil fuel energy, which has been in operation for several decades, what's the difference? The author of this OP completely ignores all the costs of all the misfortunes by the fossil fuel sector but goes full throttle pointing fingers at renewable energy. That's pretty small thinking..
The world is moving forward in making renewable energy part of the long-term plan of having an infinity of options for energy resources. This is a good idea as it enhances future generations with endless resources of energy.
Cheer? Why come into this thread and make stuff up?

Renewable Energy, that is a canard. Wind Turbines that last about 10 years are hardly renewable, Wind Turbines that use 270 Tons of raw materials in the manufacture can hardly be called Green, not when the output is around 300 kwh, if that.

Renewable stabilizes our energy independence, how? By using more of everything faster to produce less? Wind Turbines output varies considerably within 1 hour of time, as the wind is constantly changing, that is stable?

Yes, lets consider that to build the World's largest Wind Farm (that produces very little electricity) takes the World's Largest amount of Oil, the largest amount of Fossil Fuel, hence the accidents you speak are a direct cause of the increase in consumption that Wind Turbines require. The demand of Wind Turbines for the most raw materials ever put into a "Power Plant" is part of the reason we have accidents at Fossil Fuel plants.

I ignore Fossil Fuel? Now you are just babbling wildly, this is simply a thread about Wind Turbines Massive Failures. Funny how people must defend their ideology by constantly attacking the very industry that makes "Green" "Renewable" energy possible. How do you propose fixing these Massive Failures without Fossil Fuels. Until you can answer that question truthfully you are a hypocrite.

Small thinking, you have made assumptions here you can not support, you have made assumptions of me with zero knowledge of the many posts and threads I have created.

The World is moving forward in Renewable Energy, really, even Spain and Germany? Even in Denmark? Those countries would disagree.

Renewable Energy is failing everywhere we look, 100's of billions of dollars has been wasted, and you call that success? Most likely we already spent a trillion dollars, we just dump the money on these things, and that is called success.

It enhances future generations providing endless energy? Really, all these broken Wind Turbines are providing energy? Wind turbines do not last forever, they last about 10 years, if that, with constant maintenance, 5 barrels of oil just to lubricate them. Hardly lasting 10 years is forever?

The only thing Endless is the need for money to keep these things working.

What a waste of Copper, to sit in a field doing nothing for 70% of everyday, that same copper used in a nuclear power plant will provide energy 500 days straight without ever breaking down, without stopping for maintenance.

Small thinking indeed, to use all that raw material for something that barely works in comparison to all other forms of energy production.

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