March 24th - March for our Lives

How dare these kids get upset at being shot.

Years of liberal indocrination. I feel sorry for them. They don't even know the root cause of the problem.
I think they do. Thats why reactionaries like Fox are turning on them.

The root cause is a depraved/immoral society. The carnage will continue to spiral exponentially.
America is no better or worse than anywhere else. Access to guns is the problem. Why dont you want to see the kids safe in school ?

I do. Whats happening is abhorrent. If we're going to settle with a society that has no problem with pothead, high, mentally unstable kids, then we need a thorough mental background check. I had access to guns when I was young thirty years ago. Access to guns was never the problem then. Why now?
Hopefully they will encourage all who participate to include their participation on their resume.
I want to be sure I never hire an un-American.
'March For Our Lives' applies for permit, estimates 500,000 people on National Mall

This is awe inspiring stuff. Lets hope that it is a great success and that Trump will tell his paymasters that lives are more important than guns.
Regardless how successful, Trump and Republicans will do nothing to address gun violence in schools.

Arm staff, what ya say Jonesy? But let me guess you'll take the BAN GUNS route. It's the leftists way
'March For Our Lives' applies for permit, estimates 500,000 people on National Mall

This is awe inspiring stuff. Lets hope that it is a great success and that Trump will tell his paymasters that lives are more important than guns.
Putin promised he'd be there to help Lefty continue to tear down America.
Not my president, am I right? All you douche bags loved that....and that came straight from Vladimir Putin's Ass, and y'all licked it right up, just like you are doing with this.

How dare adults do NOTHING to protect the children and then use them politically, so their crisis doesn't go to waste...

But let's say, you take our ar's, when do you plan on telling these little robots that hand guns are the problem and march them out for show again?

Talk to me about the success of gun control in Chicago. Convince me that the founding fathers were wrong. Tell me why we still haven't made one effort to protect our children. You won't find 17 judges shot in courthouses. Why is that?
You are absolutely causing the opposite effect that you are hoping for. We are getting sick to death of you...
'March For Our Lives' applies for permit, estimates 500,000 people on National Mall

This is awe inspiring stuff. Lets hope that it is a great success and that Trump will tell his paymasters that lives are more important than guns.
Regardless how successful, Trump and Republicans will do nothing to address gun violence in schools.
Its depressing but I think you are right. Do you think they will play smart and throw out some token initiatives ? My experience with organising protests is that the target tends to try and deflect.
How dare adults do NOTHING to protect the children and then use them politically, so their crisis doesn't go to waste...

But let's say, you take our ar's, when do you plan on telling these little robots that hand guns are the problem and march them out for show again?

Talk to me about the success of gun control in Chicago. Convince me that the founding fathers were wrong. Tell me why we still haven't made one effort to protect our children. You won't find 17 judges shot in courthouses. Why is that?
You are absolutely causing the opposite effect that you are hoping for. We are getting sick to death of you...

They want "gun control" but time and time again it's failed them. Arm the staff at schools, it'll stop or slow down drastically. These shooters are cowards at heart
How dare these kids get upset at being shot.

Years of liberal indocrination. I feel sorry for them. They don't even know the root cause of the problem.
I think they do. Thats why reactionaries like Fox are turning on them.

The root cause is a depraved/immoral society. The carnage will continue to spiral exponentially.
America is no better or worse than anywhere else. Access to guns is the problem. Why dont you want to see the kids safe in school ?
It is better than the shithole you live in.
How dare these kids get upset at being shot.

Years of liberal indocrination. I feel sorry for them. They don't even know the root cause of the problem.
I think they do. Thats why reactionaries like Fox are turning on them.

The root cause is a depraved/immoral society. The carnage will continue to spiral exponentially.
America is no better or worse than anywhere else. Access to guns is the problem. Why dont you want to see the kids safe in school ?
It is better than the shithole you live in.
We dont shoot our kids matey. They go to school and then they come home. Thats pretty much the benchmark.
Hopefully they will encourage all who participate to include their participation on their resume.
I want to be sure I never hire an un-American.

There is nothing un-American about peaceful protest, even when what one is protesting about is ignorant and wrong. What is un-American is giving the protesters undue credibility solely for political purposes.

Anyone who actually believes that banning ugly rifles, like the AR-15 or the AK-47, will do anything to slow down or stop school shooters, does not have the mental capacity necessary to comment intelligently on the subject of school shootings.

A Glock 19X, 9mm Luger has a magazine capacity of 17 rounds. Magazines can be changed faster, and the weapon is much easier to conceal. Do we ban those guns after the next shooting? Where do we stop?
Years of liberal indocrination. I feel sorry for them. They don't even know the root cause of the problem.
I think they do. Thats why reactionaries like Fox are turning on them.

The root cause is a depraved/immoral society. The carnage will continue to spiral exponentially.
America is no better or worse than anywhere else. Access to guns is the problem. Why dont you want to see the kids safe in school ?
It is better than the shithole you live in.
We dont shoot our kids matey. They go to school and then they come home. Thats pretty much the benchmark.

Most kids are not shot at school. They are shot on their way to or from school, on their front porch, or in the park. But, since they are not shot in large enough numbers to be used as political hay, those children are mostly ignored by the loony toons that want to ban guns.
'March For Our Lives' applies for permit, estimates 500,000 people on National Mall

This is awe inspiring stuff. Lets hope that it is a great success and that Trump will tell his paymasters that lives are more important than guns.

Yes....the national socialists told the German people that did the leaders of the other European nations......then, after doing everything you say you want for guns....they marched 12 million Europeans, men, women and children........all without guns.......into gas chambers to murder them.....

You are right across the water to that history, and you learned nothing from it...
And each of the student speakers will first eat a Tide Pod and take selfies in order to put it on twitter and snapchat before they call the NRA know, the NRA who teach police how to use firearms to save children, and who teach gun safety education to save children...that NRA...

Meanwhile...the democrats, who will be providing the Tide Pods for the kids to eat......keep releasing violent criminals back into minority neighborhoods where they go on to murder people....

In fact...the democrats can't let violent criminals out of jail fast enough

They also cut down on dealing with violent the 19 year old who shot up those kids...

Did the Progressive 'Broward County Solution' Cost 17 Student Lives?

As Benzing relates, Broward County used to lead the state of Florida in sending students to the state's juvenile justice system. County leaders responded with a perfectly progressive solution: "lower arrests by not making arrests."

Authorities agreed to treat twelve different misdemeanor offenses as school-related issues, not criminal ones. The results impressed the people who initiated the program. Arrests dropped from more than a thousand in 2011-2012 to less than four hundred just four years later.

One particular motivation behind programs like Broward County's was the pressure from multiple sources to reduce the statistical disparity between black and Hispanic student arrests on one hand and white and Asian student arrests on the other. Benzing writes, for instance, how a Denver organization called "Padres & Jóvenes Unidos" successfully advocated for a program like Broward's to help achieve "racial and education equity" in Denver schools.

By virtue of his name alone, Nikolas de Jesús Cruz, the adopted son of Lynda and Roger Cruz, became a statistical Hispanic. As such, authorities at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland had every reason not to report his troubling and likely criminal behavior to the police.

According to a source who spoke to the Miami Herald, Cruz had been suspended from Stoneman Douglas High for fighting and also for being caught with bullets in his backpack. This was apparently at least one of the reasons why administrators reportedly emailed a warning to teachers against allowing Cruz on the campus with a backpack. He was later expelled for reasons that have not been disclosed, but he was apparently not arrested.

This is not the first time that this "solution" to school crime has produced lethal results. An earlier case in the nearby Miami-Dade County public school system should have been a warning, but unfortunately, the media conspired to suppress the details of the case. The victim in Miami-Dade was one Trayvon Martin
I respect the right of anyone, or any group, to assemble and protest the actions or inaction of government at any level. I also expect intelligent adults to actually look objectively at a problem, and derive logical solutions that might actually work in a free society.

We do not have the capability to weed out all of the nutcases that might be tempted to shoot up a school, and we are not going to disarm the American people. Therefore, we need to look for a solution that will work under those conditions. We must provide deterrence at the schools.

First, we must look at what is required to keep a shooter out of the school long enough for the police to arrive. Second, we need to do everything possible, to protect as many children as possible, if the shooter manages to get inside the school.

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