March 24th - March for our Lives

Years of liberal indocrination. I feel sorry for them. They don't even know the root cause of the problem.
I think they do. Thats why reactionaries like Fox are turning on them.

The root cause is a depraved/immoral society. The carnage will continue to spiral exponentially.
America is no better or worse than anywhere else. Access to guns is the problem. Why dont you want to see the kids safe in school ?
It is better than the shithole you live in.
We dont shoot our kids matey. They go to school and then they come home. Thats pretty much the benchmark.
No you let them get raped so they are scarred for life. Brilliant.
I don't usually follow or read anything from Gateway, but they seem to be the only ones covering the Deep State angle of this story right now.

EXPOSED: School Shooting Survivor Turned Activist David Hogg's Father in FBI, Appears To Have Been Coached On Anti-Trump Lines [VIDEO]

Media Star Students Who Survived School Shooting to Snub Meeting Pres. Trump for Jake Tapper CNN Show; May Skip School Reopening if Interview Schedule Interferes

Some of Trump's most fervent supporters have started to criticize a school-shooting survivor who has made a flurry of media appearances






If folks go to this, it's because their minds have been artificially molded and they are not living an authentic life.
Yes,the demonisation of these kids is well under way.
Yes,the demonisation of these kids is well under way.
Child actors, pawns, paid staff, AstroTurf.
Here is what our children need to understand

Liberal doublespeak: Words that don’t mean what they say
August 19, 2014 | John R. Smith | Print Article

It’s hard for the average person to translate the left’s euphemisms into plain English. So let’s look at some fabricated words and phrases they use to deceive, including:

Affirmative Action A leftist term that makes preferential treatment for a particular race or minority group sound positive and moral.

Crony Capitalism — A phrase used by the left to describe governmental favors to businesses, as if capitalism is the cause, when, in fact, favoritism is a hallmark of fascism and socialism.

Custodial Artist – A euphemism for janitor.

Domestic Engineer – A euphemism for housewife.

Economically Disadvantaged Area – Euphemism for ghetto.

Enlarged Physical Condition – A nice way to describe someone who’s fat.

Ethnic Cuisine — Otherwise known as foreign food.

Fair Share — A liberal demand, requiring high-income earners to pay sky-high taxes to share their wealth with under-achievers, causing economist Thomas Sowell to ask, “What is your ‘fair share’ of what someone else has worked for?”

Gender Reassignment A sex change.

Hate Speech or Hateful Policies — Speech or policy that the left disagrees with and wants eliminated, but described in a way to make you believe such policies promote hate, when they are merely written by people the left hates.

Herstory — A deviation of the word “history,” used to describe a historical study of women’s affairs to offset the “male bias” of history.

Homophobia — The left’s description of people who disagree with the political positions of the LGBT community.

Murderer – A lumberjack.

One-Percenters — A derogatory, class-warfare term used by the left to describe the wealthiest strata of society.

Black journalist shut’s up NBC panel: Let’s not pretend
cops killing blacks is the problem

Outdoorsman — The new leftist doublespeak for someone who used to be called a bum; later commonly referred to as “homeless person.”

Pathologically High-Spirited – A psycho.

Political Correctness — An edict dictating that the masses conform to the principles of the left or be punished for past opinions.

Rainforest — A jungle.

Sanitation Engineer — A garbage man.

Social Justice — A leftist effort to create socialist laws that afford special treatment to the “victims” of inequities to ensure equal outcomes for all; the war against achievement, where excellence and success are unrewarded and people get punished for what their ancestors did.

Special Interests — Groups opposed to the interests of those contributing to leftists.

Substance Abuse — Liberal jargon for drug addiction.Here is what our children need to understand
Liberal doublespeak: Words that don’t mean what they say
Yes,the demonisation of these kids is well under way.
Child actors, pawns, paid staff, AstroTurf.
And kids who are sick of living in a war zone.
'March For Our Lives' applies for permit, estimates 500,000 people on National Mall

This is awe inspiring stuff. Lets hope that it is a great success and that Trump will tell his paymasters that lives are more important than guns.

I always love it when idiots self identify.

Even better when they do so publicly.

Why are they against guns and not the gross negligence involved in the case? Because they never take responsibility for the actual root cause and guns are evil.

So their actions lead to death and they blame what they wanted to blame anyway. Use public tax payer money to make drones of the message of the children. Classic leftist trickery, only a fool would buy into it.
Yes,the demonisation of these kids is well under way.
Child actors, pawns, paid staff, AstroTurf.
And kids who are sick of living in a war zone.
As opposed to a whorehouse?
The same leftwingnuts who opposed a military parade showing pride in America support a bunch of brainwashed morons ashamed of America too cowardly to deal with the underlying problems including the failure of the FBI. The hypocrisy of the left shows itself again.

I want to know just what the failure of the FBI was since a girl he knew complained about his behavior to the school for at least two years and he stalked his x girlfriend, 39 times the sheriff visits his house, once or twice florida social services visits him but you say it's the FBI fault. Don't think so.
Yes,the demonisation of these kids is well under way.
Child actors, pawns, paid staff, AstroTurf.
And kids who are sick of living in a war zone.
None of them actually feel like that, or believe that.

See my first post in your thread where I referred to folks whose minds have been artificially molded. You are living an inauthentic life.

Your chance of dying in a school shooting is less than drowning in the bathtub. Stop being so hyperbolic.
The same leftwingnuts who opposed a military parade showing pride in America support a bunch of brainwashed morons ashamed of America too cowardly to deal with the underlying problems including the failure of the FBI. The hypocrisy of the left shows itself again.

I want to know just what the failure of the FBI was since a girl he knew complained about his behavior to the school for at least two years and he stalked his x girlfriend, 39 times the sheriff visits his house, once or twice florida social services visits him but you say it's the FBI fault. Don't think so.

The guy was reported to the FBI.

Here is what they did:

Actually, maybe they did blame guns, which ironically they have their corners full of.

Well done!
The same leftwingnuts who opposed a military parade showing pride in America support a bunch of brainwashed morons ashamed of America too cowardly to deal with the underlying problems including the failure of the FBI. The hypocrisy of the left shows itself again.

I want to know just what the failure of the FBI was since a girl he knew complained about his behavior to the school for at least two years and he stalked his x girlfriend, 39 times the sheriff visits his house, once or twice florida social services visits him but you say it's the FBI fault. Don't think so.

The guy was reported to the FBI.

Here is what they did:

Actually, maybe they did blame guns, which ironically they have their corners full of.

Well done!

He was not reported until long after everyone was told about him, so the school, the cops and florida social services dropped the ball.
Yes,the demonisation of these kids is well under way.
Child actors, pawns, paid staff, AstroTurf.
And kids who are sick of living in a war zone.
None of them actually feel like that, or believe that.

See my first post in your thread where I referred to folks whose minds have been artificially molded. You are living an inauthentic life.

Your chance of dying in a school shooting is less than drowning in the bathtub. Stop being so hyperbolic.

But the latter is a bigger worry than the former. And not many kids get shot in their bath.
Another case of our children being used by their liberal handlers. These same children can't read or write, but they can and will hand us over to the UN. And parents do nothing...

Well, that young lady from Parkland High School, Emma Gonzales did a pretty good showing the other day. She can obviously read as well as speak. In fact, she was kicking ass.

Florida Shooting Survivors Demand Change at Rally
Another case of our children being used by their liberal handlers. These same children can't read or write, but they can and will hand us over to the UN. And parents do nothing...

Well, that young lady from Parkland High School, Emma Gonzales did a pretty good showing the other day. She can obviously read as well as speak. In fact, she was kicking ass.

Florida Shooting Survivors Demand Change at Rally
/—-/ Can we get a change at the FBI, local police and school administration that knew this kid had serious illness and did nothing? Or is that too logical?
How dare these kids get upset at being shot.

Years of liberal indocrination. I feel sorry for them. They don't even know the root cause of the problem.
I think they do. Thats why reactionaries like Fox are turning on them.

The root cause is a depraved/immoral society. The carnage will continue to spiral exponentially.
America is no better or worse than anywhere else. Access to guns is the problem. Why dont you want to see the kids safe in school ?
People risk their lives to come to the US, and they come by the millions. Do you know why? Because we are easilly the greatest country on earth.

You don't know what you're talking about.

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