Manliness and Happiness in Marriage


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2019
I feel very sorry for anyone who is not married to the love of their youth, as I am. Toward that end, I have advice for young men starting out in life.

1. "Yes dear." Funny but all too true. Women are more mature and wiser than we men are.
The prisons are not full of women, but full of men.
America's Dumbest videos on television rarely show women being stupid, but men are on all the time.

Have you ever seen a woman dive into a large cactus? Men do and then they yell for help.

2. Listen to your wife and your mother and don't just dismiss what she has to teach you. It took me ten or twenty years sometimes to figure out that what my mother told me when I was a married man was correct. I was well educated and traveled the world, but that did not confer the wisdom I thought it had.

3. There can be serious consequences to your dumbass decisions. Anticipate and think before you dive of a cliff, as I did into Lake Powell. It turned out all right, but might not have.

4. Scholar and founder of Focus on the Family, James Dobson said, "There is almost nothing a man can do wrong if he shows his children that he loves their mother." That is wisdom.

God bless women. They are fantastic. I know my wife is and feel sorry for sick, perverted homosexuals.
I feel very sorry for anyone who is not married to the love of their youth, as I am. Toward that end, I have advice for young men starting out in life.

1. "Yes dear." Funny but all too true. Women are more mature and wiser than we men are.
The prisons are not full of women, but full of men.
America's Dumbest videos on television rarely show women being stupid, but men are on all the time.

Have you ever seen a woman dive into a large cactus? Men do and then they yell for help.

2. Listen to your wife and your mother and don't just dismiss what she has to teach you. It took me ten or twenty years sometimes to figure out that what my mother told me when I was a married man was correct. I was well educated and traveled the world, but that did not confer the wisdom I thought it had.

3. There can be serious consequences to your dumbass decisions. Anticipate and think before you dive of a cliff, as I did into Lake Powell. It turned out all right, but might not have.

4. Scholar and founder of Focus on the Family, James Dobson said, "There is almost nothing a man can do wrong if he shows his children that he loves their mother." That is wisdom.

God bless women. They are fantastic. I know my wife is and feel sorry for sick, perverted homosexuals.

The smartest thing I ever did in my life was marry a good woman.

We will have our 50th anniversary here shortly.
I feel very sorry for anyone who is not married to the love of their youth, as I am. Toward that end, I have advice for young men starting out in life.

1. "Yes dear." Funny but all too true. Women are more mature and wiser than we men are.
The prisons are not full of women, but full of men.
America's Dumbest videos on television rarely show women being stupid, but men are on all the time.

Have you ever seen a woman dive into a large cactus? Men do and then they yell for help.

2. Listen to your wife and your mother and don't just dismiss what she has to teach you. It took me ten or twenty years sometimes to figure out that what my mother told me when I was a married man was correct. I was well educated and traveled the world, but that did not confer the wisdom I thought it had.
1. If you like being a servant, best luck! In my opinion, Female Supremacy is no better then Male Supremacy.

2. Mothers abuse children twice as much as fathers. Here.
Many weak men are complicit in their wives abuse of children.
1. If you like being a servant, best luck! In my opinion, Female Supremacy is no better then Male Supremacy.

2. Mothers abuse children twice as much as fathers. Here.
Many weak men are complicit in their wives abuse of children.

Neither one of my parents were abusive. However, my Mom was the stricter disciplinarian in the family.
Neither one of my parents were abusive. However, my Mom was the stricter disciplinarian in the family.
My parents (alive, well, may they live to 120) and grandmother (RIP) were great people and never abusive.

I knew three boys and one girl abused by their mothers. In most Developing Nations child abuse is the norm.
This was actually kind of wholesome before you wrapped it up with your bigotry.
Your bigotry (intolerance) against Christianity and heterosexuality is showing and it is ignorant and deadly.
Homosexuals have life expectancies some 30 years shorter than normal, happy, married men.

Six of the most deadly mass murderers in 20th Century America were homosexuals.
1. If you like being a servant, best luck! In my opinion, Female Supremacy (sic) is no better then (sic) Male Supremacy (sic) .

2. Mothers abuse children twice as much as fathers. Here.
Many weak men are complicit in their wives abuse of children.

Your analytical ability is no better than your grammar.
Female supremacy is not a proper noun, nor is male supremacy.
Nobody has suggested either of those except you.
My wife was not abusive. I am the man of the house and have always been. But she gets her way and gives me mine. You seem unable to cope with a healthy marriage's intricacies. It's no wonder there are so many divorces, probably including you.
Look it up yourself. Stop being so lazy. Any time I provide data or sources to any Leftist, they/you always play games and make excuses. When proof is ultimately provided, they/you simply claim "lies and propaganda." Here's a counter: If my contentions are in error, YOU provide YOUR source contradicting them.

John Wayne Gacy
Randy Kraft
Juan Corona to name but three homosexual mass murderers with dozens of victims
I cannot picture a worse existence than being married. I was married for 14 years,to a man ordinarily described as a good man. I am still recovering.
Your analytical ability is no better than your grammar.
Female supremacy is not a proper noun, nor is male supremacy.
Nobody has suggested either of those except you.
My wife was not abusive. I am the man of the house and have always been. But she gets her way and gives me mine. You seem unable to cope with a healthy marriage's intricacies. It's no wonder there are so many divorces, probably including you.

Sometimes I think my wife just pretends to let me think that I am in charge.

However, if we kept a record I would bet she gets her way more than I get my way.

We have a long standing non aggression treaty. If something is really important to her I give in. If something is really important to me she gives in. I have quite a collection of firearms because of that arrangement. She spends a lot of money on antiques.
Sometimes I think my wife just pretends to let me think that I am in charge.

However, if we kept a record I would bet she gets her way more than I get my way.

We have a long standing non aggression treaty. If something is really important to her I give in. If something is really important to me she gives in. I have quite a collection of firearms because of that arrangement. She spends a lot of money on antiques.
Best Luck to everyone in Happy Marriage -- whatever arrangements are!

Abusive relationships are a totally different story.
I cannot picture a worse existence than being married. I was married for 14 years,to a man ordinarily described as a good man. I am still recovering.
Let me help you "picture a worse existence."

1. Go transgender. Transgenders have an extremely high ratio of suicides and attempted suicides compounding their extremely high incidence of clinical depression. I wonder why.
2. If he was so bad, why did you marry him? It was your choice.
3. I wonder what he has to say about you. Perhaps he is still recovering too, and with a woman who truly loves him now. And shows it.

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