Manafort should have worn a "WH FOR SALE" T-Shirt....

None of us have anything yet.....none of us are truly privy to what's going on inside the Investigation.
...the investigation into Trump's involvement in a crime that has not even been proven to have been committed. Democrats are investigating Trump to see what they can find, using as justification to do so a crime they can only CLAIM - without evidence to back it up - occurred.

And snowflakes are so bat-shit crazy with hate they can't even see how f*ed up that is.
"Democrats are investigating trump"....ah, but it's Republicans who assigned a Special Counsel and the Special Counsel himself is a Republican.

And how is it even possible to charge someone with a crime "without evidence"?

Trumpanzees continuously CLAIM that H. Clinton and Former President Obama are guilty of this and that crime....and yet not even one indictment as of yet tho we've been promised indictments for a very long time.........a very long time.
How's it coming collecting evidence to support there ever was a crime and that Trump was involved in 'Collusion'? You going to be able to do that any time soon or just keep 'flapping your gums'? :p
Let me ask again, since you seem to have missed it the first time. You are privy to ALL the evidence being held by the Mueller Investigative team...yes or no?
"There is proof of Russian ties!

Remember when Donald Trump made that $500,000 speech in Russia? Oops, that was Bill Clinton.

Then Trump signed off on selling U.S. uranium resources to Russia? Silly me, that was Hillary Clinton.

But then after the uranium deal Trump got $145 million for his foundation. Wait, now I remember, the Clinton Foundation is the one that got the money from shareholders who sold their company to the Russian government.

Oh, but didn’t Trump forget to disclose that his foundation
received millions more from Russian oligarchs for his foundation? Oh Lord, my memory is slipping. That was also the Clinton Foundation.

Funny how the news media had the same memory lapses."

Let’s not be hypocritical about ‘Russian ties’: #tellusatoday
"There is proof of Russian ties!

Remember when Donald Trump made that $500,000 speech in Russia? Oops, that was Bill Clinton.

Then Trump signed off on selling U.S. uranium resources to Russia? Silly me, that was Hillary Clinton.

But then after the uranium deal Trump got $145 million for his foundation. Wait, now I remember, the Clinton Foundation is the one that got the money from shareholders who sold their company to the Russian government.

Oh, but didn’t Trump forget to disclose that his foundation
received millions more from Russian oligarchs for his foundation? Oh Lord, my memory is slipping. That was also the Clinton Foundation.

Funny how the news media had the same memory lapses."

Let’s not be hypocritical about ‘Russian ties’: #tellusatoday
You are privy to ALL the evidence being held by the Mueller Investigative team...yes or no?
Let me ask again, since you seem to have missed it the first time. You are privy to ALL the evidence being held by the Mueller Investigative team...yes or no?

Best way to mop the floor and send to the ash-bins right wingers' deflective comments, is to ask a "yes or no" question.....LOL
Let me ask again, since you seem to have missed it the first time. You are privy to ALL the evidence being held by the Mueller Investigative team...yes or no?
Nice attempt to distract, but the false accusations of Trump Collusion go way back further than Mueller's appointment, dear....

When are you going to provide the evidence to show that there was EVER a crime that needed to be investigated and that Trump was involved? Tick, tock, snowflake.
When are you going to provide the evidence to show that there was EVER a crime that needed to be investigated and that Trump was involved? Tick, tock, snowflake.

Sometime in mind-March of next year...Around the full swing of the mid-term election cycle...
Satisfied, you impatient CULT member?................LOL
Let me ask again, since you seem to have missed it the first time. You are privy to ALL the evidence being held by the Mueller Investigative team...yes or no?
Nice attempt to distract, but the false accusations of Trump Collusion go way back further than Mueller's appointment, dear....

When are you going to provide the evidence to show that there was EVER a crime that needed to be investigated and that Trump was involved? Tick, tock, snowflake.

Russian interference in our election was a crime that needed investigating

If Trump was be it
Let me ask again, since you seem to have missed it the first time. You are privy to ALL the evidence being held by the Mueller Investigative team...yes or no?

Best way to mop the floor and send to the ash-bins right wingers' deflective comments, is to ask a "yes or no" question.....LOL
Snowflake, the easiest way to destroy the snowflake conspiracy scam is to ask for any evidence a crime existed in the 1st place and that Trump was in any way involved. Long before Mueller came on the scene snowflakes could not justify their claim of 'Russia Collusion'.

'Trump made a cutting / sarcastic remark during a debate!" THAT, btw snowflake, is not evidence of anything.
None of us have anything yet.....none of us are truly privy to what's going on inside the Investigation.

The only tangible proof that we certainly have against Manafort, is the fact that a FISA judge granted TWO search warrants....THAT would not have happened without adequate and damning probable cause and the "fear" that documentation would have been destroyed by Manafort.

LOL, you're joking right? the track record for FISA warrants is that %0.03 of requests get denied, which basically means the DOJ Lawyer has to show up high on both heroine and crack, grab the Presiding Judges private parts and threaten to screw him with a rubber chicken and an Oreo cookie and then maybe the request will be declined.

The FISA warrants are in NO way any indication that reasonable probable cause existed anymore than FISA issuing a warrant authorizing surveillance on 10's of millions of American Citizens (which the FISA court did) indicates that there is probable cause to suspect them of any wrongdoing .

If that's your only "tangible proof" that you certainly have against Manafort then you might as well drop the matter now since that amounts to ZERO.

You are aware that both the FISA courts was initiated by republicans, AND that 10 of the 11 FISA judges were appointed by republicans.
Who cares which partisan assholes initiated it? the fact is that FISA is a secret kangaroo court with zero judicial review that gives out warrants like they're going out of style and if we went by FISA warrants as any indication of guilt every American with a cell phone would guilty.

Are you hereby condemning republicans??..........yes or No?
As per my usual, yeah, fuck the Republicans and fuck the Democrats, they're both nothing more than organized crime families, what's your point? :cool:
To avoid the continued Liberal 'circle jerk', I will issue the challenge - when you snowflakes get your hands on ANY EVIDENCE proving a crime was ever committed and that there was ever any actual 'Russia-Trump Collusion' just 'ping' me and provide it for us to look at.

Until then I am just going to ignore your opinionated, tap-dancing, fake news bullshit and calls to 'just wait and see' while I laugh at you.

I would end by saying 'tick tock' but it has been more than 10-months with nothing from the snowflakes. It's not a clock that is needed to track waiting time - it's a CALENDAR. :p
Snowflake, the easiest way to destroy the snowflake conspiracy scam is to ask for any evidence a crime existed in the 1st place and that Trump was in any way involved. Long before Mueller came on the scene snowflakes could not justify their claim of 'Russia Collusion'.

'Trump made a cutting / sarcastic remark during a debate!" THAT, btw snowflake, is not evidence of anything.

,,,,and then we have THIS.....(Trump telling his Russian buddies what they demanded to hear from him....) LOL

“I just fired the head of the F.B.I. He was crazy, a real nut job.......I faced great pressure because of Russia. That’s taken off.”
To avoid the continued Liberal 'circle jerk', I will issue the challenge - when you snowflakes get your hands on ANY EVIDENCE proving a crime was ever committed and that there was ever any actual 'Russia-Trump Collusion' just 'ping' me and provide it for us to look at.

DEAL.......Now, go back to sleep.......LOL
Let me ask again, since you seem to have missed it the first time. You are privy to ALL the evidence being held by the Mueller Investigative team...yes or no?
Nice attempt to distract, but the false accusations of Trump Collusion go way back further than Mueller's appointment, dear....

When are you going to provide the evidence to show that there was EVER a crime that needed to be investigated and that Trump was involved? Tick, tock, snowflake.
That is not a distraction at goes straight to the heart of your often stated claim that there is NO evidence. So I ask again, you are privy to ALL the evidence being held by the Mueller Investigative team.....yes or no?
None of us have anything yet.....none of us are truly privy to what's going on inside the Investigation.

The only tangible proof that we certainly have against Manafort, is the fact that a FISA judge granted TWO search warrants....THAT would not have happened without adequate and damning probable cause and the "fear" that documentation would have been destroyed by Manafort.

LOL, you're joking right? the track record for FISA warrants is that %0.03 of requests get denied, which basically means the DOJ Lawyer has to show up high on both heroine and crack, grab the Presiding Judges private parts and threaten to screw him with a rubber chicken and an Oreo cookie and then maybe the request will be declined.

The FISA warrants are in NO way any indication that reasonable probable cause existed anymore than FISA issuing a warrant authorizing surveillance on 10's of millions of American Citizens (which the FISA court did) indicates that there is probable cause to suspect them of any wrongdoing .

If that's your only "tangible proof" that you certainly have against Manafort then you might as well drop the matter now since that amounts to ZERO.

You are aware that both the FISA courts was initiated by republicans, AND that 10 of the 11 FISA judges were appointed by republicans.
Who cares which partisan assholes initiated it? the fact is that FISA is a secret kangaroo court with zero judicial review that gives out warrants like they're going out of style and if we went by FISA warrants as any indication of guilt every American with a cell phone would guilty.

Are you hereby condemning republicans??..........yes or No?
As per my usual, yeah, fuck the Republicans and fuck the Democrats, they're both nothing more than organized crime families, what's your point? :cool:
"FISA is a secret kangaroo court with zero judicial review that gives out warrents like they are going out of style"......what has happened historically to make you believe that to be true?
To avoid the continued Liberal 'circle jerk', I will issue the challenge - when you snowflakes get your hands on ANY EVIDENCE proving a crime was ever committed and that there was ever any actual 'Russia-Trump Collusion' just 'ping' me and provide it for us to look at.

Until then I am just going to ignore your opinionated, tap-dancing, fake news bullshit and calls to 'just wait and see' while I laugh at you.

I would end by saying 'tick tock' but it has been more than 10-months with nothing from the snowflakes. It's not a clock that is needed to track waiting time - it's a CALENDAR. :p
We are not privy to any evidence in the hands of the Mueller investigators....we are not highly placed within the Investigation. Are you? Are you able to see all they have so that you can clearly and truthfully say that they have NO evidence? Yes or no?
Let me ask again, since you seem to have missed it the first time. You are privy to ALL the evidence being held by the Mueller Investigative team...yes or no?

Best way to mop the floor and send to the ash-bins right wingers' deflective comments, is to ask a "yes or no" question.....LOL
Snowflake, the easiest way to destroy the snowflake conspiracy scam is to ask for any evidence a crime existed in the 1st place and that Trump was in any way involved. Long before Mueller came on the scene snowflakes could not justify their claim of 'Russia Collusion'.

'Trump made a cutting / sarcastic remark during a debate!" THAT, btw snowflake, is not evidence of anything.

Russia hacking into the DNC server and distributing the information is a crime

Best way to mop the floor with conservatives is to remind them about what the investigation is about
We are not privy to any evidence in the hands of the Mueller investigators....we are not highly placed within the Investigation. Are you? Are you able to see all they have so that you can clearly and truthfully say that they have NO evidence? Yes or no?
NO evidence found / presented a crime was even ever committed....Barry just started digging ... and illegally sharing ... and illegally leaking ... and illegally unmasking ... and illegally colluding with foreign agents... and....


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