Man Smokes, Dies Of Cancer, Wife Sues Tobacco Company, Gets Rich


Ninja Kicker
Jul 6, 2012
$25 BILLION she won, because the tobacco company are somehow responsible for her idiot husband smoking himself to death. Apparently, the company didn't tell smokers that smoking can kill you.

And now the floodgates have opened, people...

A CIGARETTE giant in the US has vowed to fight a jury verdict ordering the company to pay $25.5 billion in punitive damages to Cynthia Robinson, the widow of a longtime smoker who died of lung cancer.

Yesterday, a Florida jury ordered tobacco company RJ Reynolds to pay the sum, in addition to more than $17 million in compensation to the estate of Michael Johnson Sr, after 15 hours of deliberations. It’s the largest verdict for a plaintiff in state history and sends a strong message to Big Tobacco that could open the floodgates for further claims.

During the four-week trial lawyers for Cynthia Robinson argued RJ Reynolds Tobacco Company was negligent in informing consumers of the dangers of consuming tobacco and thus led to her late husband Johnson contracting lung cancer from smoking cigarettes. They said Johnson had become “addicted” to cigarettes and failed multiple attempts to quit smoking.

RJ Reynolds Tobacco Company ordered to pay Cynthia Robinson $25 billion in damages after husband dies of lung cancer |

How about some personal responsibility, folks? Its been known for years that smoking is dangerous, yet people continue to do it!
That reward is ridiculous, but the tobacco should be sued. I have a friend with COPD from second hand smoke. He should sue the smokers & tobacco companies. The smokers that caused his illness are all dead now, but their estates should pay, along with the tobacco companies & Congress members who protected them. Just imagine how much this is costing us through our healthcare system.
$25 BILLION she won, because the tobacco company are somehow responsible for her idiot husband smoking himself to death. Apparently, the company didn't tell smokers that smoking can kill you.

And now the floodgates have opened, people...

A CIGARETTE giant in the US has vowed to fight a jury verdict ordering the company to pay $25.5 billion in punitive damages to Cynthia Robinson, the widow of a longtime smoker who died of lung cancer.

Yesterday, a Florida jury ordered tobacco company RJ Reynolds to pay the sum, in addition to more than $17 million in compensation to the estate of Michael Johnson Sr, after 15 hours of deliberations. It’s the largest verdict for a plaintiff in state history and sends a strong message to Big Tobacco that could open the floodgates for further claims.

During the four-week trial lawyers for Cynthia Robinson argued RJ Reynolds Tobacco Company was negligent in informing consumers of the dangers of consuming tobacco and thus led to her late husband Johnson contracting lung cancer from smoking cigarettes. They said Johnson had become “addicted” to cigarettes and failed multiple attempts to quit smoking.

RJ Reynolds Tobacco Company ordered to pay Cynthia Robinson $25 billion in damages after husband dies of lung cancer |

How about some personal responsibility, folks? Its been known for years that smoking is dangerous, yet people continue to do it!


There's also the principle of corporate responsibility, where businesses that knowingly sell unsafe goods and services can be held accountable for their wanton disregard for public safety.
$25 BILLION she won, because the tobacco company are somehow responsible for her idiot husband smoking himself to death. Apparently, the company didn't tell smokers that smoking can kill you.

And now the floodgates have opened, people...

A CIGARETTE giant in the US has vowed to fight a jury verdict ordering the company to pay $25.5 billion in punitive damages to Cynthia Robinson, the widow of a longtime smoker who died of lung cancer.

Yesterday, a Florida jury ordered tobacco company RJ Reynolds to pay the sum, in addition to more than $17 million in compensation to the estate of Michael Johnson Sr, after 15 hours of deliberations. It’s the largest verdict for a plaintiff in state history and sends a strong message to Big Tobacco that could open the floodgates for further claims.

During the four-week trial lawyers for Cynthia Robinson argued RJ Reynolds Tobacco Company was negligent in informing consumers of the dangers of consuming tobacco and thus led to her late husband Johnson contracting lung cancer from smoking cigarettes. They said Johnson had become “addicted” to cigarettes and failed multiple attempts to quit smoking.

RJ Reynolds Tobacco Company ordered to pay Cynthia Robinson $25 billion in damages after husband dies of lung cancer |

How about some personal responsibility, folks? Its been known for years that smoking is dangerous, yet people continue to do it!


There's also the principle of corporate responsibility, where businesses that knowingly sell unsafe goods and services can be held accountable for their wanton disregard for public safety.

Many products sold are dangerous and addictive. Alcohol is addictive and causes many deaths every year as well, not to just those drinking. This guy was 36 he should have known better. Those older before the dangers were known and advertised may be due compensation.

But even those should not be given such a ridliclous amount. A few million maybe a little more sounds reasonable as long as medical costs are covered by the company separately. Billions is totally inappropriate IMO.
$25 BILLION she won, because the tobacco company are somehow responsible for her idiot husband smoking himself to death. Apparently, the company didn't tell smokers that smoking can kill you.

And now the floodgates have opened, people...

A CIGARETTE giant in the US has vowed to fight a jury verdict ordering the company to pay $25.5 billion in punitive damages to Cynthia Robinson, the widow of a longtime smoker who died of lung cancer.

Yesterday, a Florida jury ordered tobacco company RJ Reynolds to pay the sum, in addition to more than $17 million in compensation to the estate of Michael Johnson Sr, after 15 hours of deliberations. It’s the largest verdict for a plaintiff in state history and sends a strong message to Big Tobacco that could open the floodgates for further claims.

During the four-week trial lawyers for Cynthia Robinson argued RJ Reynolds Tobacco Company was negligent in informing consumers of the dangers of consuming tobacco and thus led to her late husband Johnson contracting lung cancer from smoking cigarettes. They said Johnson had become “addicted” to cigarettes and failed multiple attempts to quit smoking.

RJ Reynolds Tobacco Company ordered to pay Cynthia Robinson $25 billion in damages after husband dies of lung cancer |

How about some personal responsibility, folks? Its been known for years that smoking is dangerous, yet people continue to do it!


There's also the principle of corporate responsibility, where businesses that knowingly sell unsafe goods and services can be held accountable for their wanton disregard for public safety.

The NRA are not held responsible every time there is a mass shooting. People need to be responsible. You know that smoking kills, so if you choose to smoke, you accept the possible consequences.
The amount is ridiculous, but Noomi this isn't anything new. There have been numerous lawsuits like this against tobacco companies in the past.

I agree with you though, if anyone is stupid enough to CHOOSE to start smoking, they alone should bear the responsibility for the consequences.
Having said that, I'm not exactly rooting for the tobacco companies. I would love to see them driven out of business.
$25 BILLION she won, because the tobacco company are somehow responsible for her idiot husband smoking himself to death. Apparently, the company didn't tell smokers that smoking can kill you.

And now the floodgates have opened, people...

A CIGARETTE giant in the US has vowed to fight a jury verdict ordering the company to pay $25.5 billion in punitive damages to Cynthia Robinson, the widow of a longtime smoker who died of lung cancer.

Yesterday, a Florida jury ordered tobacco company RJ Reynolds to pay the sum, in addition to more than $17 million in compensation to the estate of Michael Johnson Sr, after 15 hours of deliberations. It’s the largest verdict for a plaintiff in state history and sends a strong message to Big Tobacco that could open the floodgates for further claims.

During the four-week trial lawyers for Cynthia Robinson argued RJ Reynolds Tobacco Company was negligent in informing consumers of the dangers of consuming tobacco and thus led to her late husband Johnson contracting lung cancer from smoking cigarettes. They said Johnson had become “addicted” to cigarettes and failed multiple attempts to quit smoking.

RJ Reynolds Tobacco Company ordered to pay Cynthia Robinson $25 billion in damages after husband dies of lung cancer |

How about some personal responsibility, folks? Its been known for years that smoking is dangerous, yet people continue to do it!


There's also the principle of corporate responsibility, where businesses that knowingly sell unsafe goods and services can be held accountable for their wanton disregard for public safety.

Since the mid-'60's people have officially known that cigarettes cause cancer. Anyone smoking past that point bears the responsibility.

I remember my parents telling me when I was a little kid that my grandfather who never smoked refered to cigarettes as "cancer sticks" all the way back in the '40's.
Cancer is a scary thing. I hope I never get that, and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. Main reason why I don't smoke anymore. I love Mary Jane but I love my body more.
$25 BILLION she won, because the tobacco company are somehow responsible for her idiot husband smoking himself to death. Apparently, the company didn't tell smokers that smoking can kill you.

And now the floodgates have opened, people...

A CIGARETTE giant in the US has vowed to fight a jury verdict ordering the company to pay $25.5 billion in punitive damages to Cynthia Robinson, the widow of a longtime smoker who died of lung cancer.

Yesterday, a Florida jury ordered tobacco company RJ Reynolds to pay the sum, in addition to more than $17 million in compensation to the estate of Michael Johnson Sr, after 15 hours of deliberations. It’s the largest verdict for a plaintiff in state history and sends a strong message to Big Tobacco that could open the floodgates for further claims.

During the four-week trial lawyers for Cynthia Robinson argued RJ Reynolds Tobacco Company was negligent in informing consumers of the dangers of consuming tobacco and thus led to her late husband Johnson contracting lung cancer from smoking cigarettes. They said Johnson had become “addicted” to cigarettes and failed multiple attempts to quit smoking.

RJ Reynolds Tobacco Company ordered to pay Cynthia Robinson $25 billion in damages after husband dies of lung cancer |

How about some personal responsibility, folks? Its been known for years that smoking is dangerous, yet people continue to do it!

Personal responsibility?

What does it matter?

"I quite a few years ago now. Have your seen what is written on the little packages? Man those things will kill you!"

-Norm Macdonald
A man smokes a product with a label that says Cigarettes have been known to cause cancer

Can't reward him for his own arrogance
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A man smokes a product with a lable that says Cigarettes have been known to cause cancer

Can't reward him for his own arrogance

This case was from a 1997 Death and I don't think the labels had that back then, which is the basis for the case.

Still silly to assume he somehow didn't know as of the 1990's that smoking causes cancer, jeeze.
I see youngsters out and about smoking their cancer sticks. They have no one to blame but themselves if they get cancer from this. This has been true for many years now!
$25 BILLION she won, because the tobacco company are somehow responsible for her idiot husband smoking himself to death. Apparently, the company didn't tell smokers that smoking can kill you.

And now the floodgates have opened, people...

A CIGARETTE giant in the US has vowed to fight a jury verdict ordering the company to pay $25.5 billion in punitive damages to Cynthia Robinson, the widow of a longtime smoker who died of lung cancer.

Yesterday, a Florida jury ordered tobacco company RJ Reynolds to pay the sum, in addition to more than $17 million in compensation to the estate of Michael Johnson Sr, after 15 hours of deliberations. It’s the largest verdict for a plaintiff in state history and sends a strong message to Big Tobacco that could open the floodgates for further claims.

During the four-week trial lawyers for Cynthia Robinson argued RJ Reynolds Tobacco Company was negligent in informing consumers of the dangers of consuming tobacco and thus led to her late husband Johnson contracting lung cancer from smoking cigarettes. They said Johnson had become “addicted” to cigarettes and failed multiple attempts to quit smoking.

RJ Reynolds Tobacco Company ordered to pay Cynthia Robinson $25 billion in damages after husband dies of lung cancer |

How about some personal responsibility, folks? Its been known for years that smoking is dangerous, yet people continue to do it!
People need to take responsibility for their own actions. Liberal crybaby's don't get that point.

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