*Man of 5 children BuRnEd


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
TO DEATH.The man being a victim of a BLM Protest
where a building was burned.That's Arson ... Folks.
Pure and simple.No if ands or buts about it.
The man was in the building and died.At what the BLM
Protestors did.
So what did Biden's DOJ { Department of Injustice } do.
After the perp was Identified and the charges filed and
detetmined.The Sentence of such arson is 20 years.
The DOH reduced it in half.But thats not the scary part.
The rationale for the reduction is horrifying.Using every
Leftist excuse and lie imaginable.That the Arson took
place during a " Peaceful Protest " and as such those protesting
have a right to be heard and their greivance established.
They Meant " Greivance Set Ablaze " Because that's what
I think at this stage of Injustice even the cast of :
What's Happening! { 1976-1979 }
Has lost their appetites.Even ' Rerun ' who should be
somewhere in Heaven { maybe Heavens cafeteria }
practicing his latest new Disco moves.

* As explained to Brian Kilmeade on Fox and Friends by
Senator Tom Cotton.No finer explanation need apply.
A tale of a tragic arson, AND a 'rerun' reference in the same post.

Sadfully if ' Rerun ' were around today like a
- Good Times - actor { Jimmie Walker } or ' J.J. '
who has been doing Medicare commercials.Also
still on the Comedy Store circuit, He { ' Rerun ' }
would be very Unhappy.He was almost never seen
Unhappy on the Show - What's Happening! -.
Even when he seemed unhappy it was just superficial
and never lasted more than a few minutes.
That explains the depths to which those in BLM
are Evil.No other explanation required.
Unless one wants to Interview Career Lifers
in the pen { Penitentiary } for their take.
Which is a precise fit for todays obnoxious degree of
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