Zone1 Man Claims to Have Gone to Hell and Have Being Sung to By Demons

I gone I was good sure and it would be unwise to mock zgod.

Sounds like he did some bad LSD and ended up at a Bon Jovi concert or some other equally shitty 90's hair band.
you are deist?
I've been called many things; pagan, deist, non-christian, etc. But I identify as Catholic. So I guess that makes me a whore of Babylon follower.

Monotheism is predicated upon a Creator God who doesn't meddle in the affairs of men. So when you read accounts in the OT that claim God did this or God did that's just Jewish embellishment. Almost everyone will claim God is on their side, right? I mean have you ever heard anyone claim that God was against them? I haven't.
copeland ...osteen ...most mega churches
Don't know Copeland but I'm pretty certain that Osteen believes that successful behaviors naturally lead to success and that's why he teaches the prosperity gospel. While I disagree with some of his beliefs and his getting excessively rich off of it, I do agree that individuals are responsible for their own happiness, health, and situations in life, and that following certain practices - which have been scientifically proven to lead to happiness - can improve most situations. So the message isn't all bad.

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