Making A Silk Purse Out Of A Sow’s Ear


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Politically, that means making a hero out of a villain.

Control of the schools and the media allows the Left/Liberals to do exactly that.

To the educated, the transformation is astounding….we’re astounded that they get away with it.

Examples that come to mind are Che, Mossadegh, and now, Morsi.

What sort of imbecile wears a shirt stating “I’m an imbecile”….or the equivalent, a picture of Che Guevara?

What is the attraction for this homicidal Communist dentist
“Guevara and his men conducted immediate summary executions of departing combatants—Guevara records one such incident in his diary. Other historical sources tell of executions conducted on mere suspicions of disloyalty…. he wrote of “hatred as an element of struggle; unbending hatred for the enemy, which pushes a human being beyond his natural limitations, making him into an effective, violent, selective, and cold-blooded killing machine.”
The New Che, Same as the Old

In his book "Che Guevara: A Biography," Daniel James writes that Che himself admitted to ordering "several thousand" executions during the first few years of the Castro regime: Guevara made it a policy for his men to parade the families and friends of the executed before the blood, bone and brain-spattered result.

'If you see a liberal wearing a Che Guevara t-shirt, say: "Yeah, when I was a kid I thought I was cool and outrageous wearing a Charles Manson t-shirt—until my mom and dad told me exactly the sick things he'd done. I guess you never learned that your sicko mass murderer Che killed way more people than my mass murderer did."
The 365 Ways to Drive a Liberal Crazy, james Delingpole

Turning Che into a hero is the result of the occupation of the education industry by the Liberals/Leftists.

There is no basis for it, other than turning the world, values, morality, upside down.....and trying to turn that sow's ear into a silk purse.

And Che isn’t the only example…..

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Politically, that means making a hero out of a villain.

Control of the schools and the media allows the Left/Liberals to do exactly that.

To the educated, the transformation is astounding….we’re astounded that they get away with it.

Examples that come to mind are Che, Mossadegh, and now, Morsi.

What sort of imbecile wears a shirt stating “I’m an imbecile”….or the equivalent, a picture of Che Guevara?

What is the attraction for this homicidal Communist dentist
“Guevara and his men conducted immediate summary executions of departing combatants—Guevara records one such incident in his diary. Other historical sources tell of executions conducted on mere suspicions of disloyalty…. he wrote of “hatred as an element of struggle; unbending hatred for the enemy, which pushes a human being beyond his natural limitations, making him into an effective, violent, selective, and cold-blooded killing machine.”
The New Che, Same as the Old

In his book "Che Guevara: A Biography," Daniel James writes that Che himself admitted to ordering "several thousand" executions during the first few years of the Castro regime: Guevara made it a policy for his men to parade the families and friends of the executed before the blood, bone and brain-spattered result.

If you see a liberal wearing a Che Guevara t-shirt, say: "Yeah, when I was a kid I thought I was cool and outrageous wearing a Charles Manson t-shirt—until my mom and dad told me exactly the sick things he'd done. I guess you never learned that your sicko mass murderer Che killed way more people than my mass murderer did."
The 365 Ways to Drive a Liberal Crazy, james Delingpole

Turning Che into a hero is the result of the occupation of the education industry by the Liberals/Leftists.

There is no basis for it, other than turning the world, values, morality, upside down.....and trying to turn that sow's ear into a silk purse.

And Che isn’t the only example…..


When I was in my early 20's I'd see people wearing Che Guevara t-shirts around the college campus and thought they looked cool.

Then later in life I read about what a murdering psychopath Che was during his life and felt foolish for ever liking those shirts. ... :cool:
When I was in my early 20's I'd see people wearing Che Guevara t-shirts around the college campus and thought they looked cool.

Then later in life I read about what a murdering psychopath Che was during his life and felt foolish for ever liking those shirts. ... :cool:

If only the universities changed and matured as you did.....

They....quite the opposite.
Kids trying to look edgy is hardly an endorsement for the full raft of communist beliefs. Che Guevara said some things that are useful in mounting a populist resistance to a fascist government, that is his entire value to the left.
I think they should put this image of "Che" on the t-shits:


The only good commie is a dead commie. Here is Ernesto Guavara, being a good commie.
Next, hero-nee-villain, Mohamed Morsi, love-object of Hussein Obama: Another of the psychopaths that the Left polishes to use as a cudgel against America and rectitude

“Turning charismatic autocrats into icons of progress is one of the more annoying habits of the left. Che Guevara should be remembered as a common murderer. Instead he has been turned into a cool campus symbol of opposition to capitalism.

While the recently-deceased, and charisma-challenged, former president of Egypt, Mohamed Morsi, will probably not wind up on t-shirts signaling radical chic, he is nevertheless undergoing in death a near deification that comes closer to the post-mortem reinvention of Mohammed Mosaddeq than of Che Guevara.

Efforts by media outlets and academics are under way to transform Morsi from failed Muslim Brotherhood dictator wannabe into misunderstood man of the people,…”
In Death, Morsi Becomes Mossadeq

“…Morsi announced that he would do his best to free Omar Abdel Rahman, the so-called "blind sheikh" and mastermind of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing then serving a life sentence in a U.S. supermax prison. As president, he appointed Muslim Brotherhood ideologues as regional governors, including Luxor, where he named as governor a member of Rahman's terrorist organization, the Gama'a Islamiya.

Perhaps the most honest Morsi eulogy came when Muslim Brotherhood television personality Moataz Matar admitted that "every missile launched by the resistance forces in recent years – by the Al-Qassam [Brigades] in Gaza and all the resistance factions – has had Dr. Morsi's fingerprints on it." Ibid.

Just fine with Obama, ‘cause they share the same faith.
Kids trying to look edgy is hardly an endorsement for the full raft of communist beliefs. Che Guevara said some things that are useful in mounting a populist resistance to a fascist government, that is his entire value to the left.
I am CERTAIN the makers of such t-shirts had the same "edgy" goal.

Ernesto Guevara was a murdering thug who killed lots of innocent people, just like Hitler.
I am sure Hitler probably said a lot of useful things too.

You commies should wear Hitler be edgy.

Kids trying to look edgy is hardly an endorsement for the full raft of communist beliefs. Che Guevara said some things that are useful in mounting a populist resistance to a fascist government, that is his entire value to the left.
Would you say the same thing about a Hitler t-shirt?

After all he was a vegetarian, animal right advocate, and made sure every ethnic German citizen had housing and employment. ... :cool:
Kids trying to look edgy is hardly an endorsement for the full raft of communist beliefs. Che Guevara said some things that are useful in mounting a populist resistance to a fascist government, that is his entire value to the left.
I am CERTAIN the makers of such t-shirts had the same "edgy" goal.

Ernesto Guevara was a murdering thug who killed lots of innocent people, just like Hitler.
I am sure Hitler probably said a lot of useful things too.

You commies should wear Hitler be edgy.

Who gives a shit? The people on our money were murdering bastards if you choose to take that view. The history of ideas is far more important and relevant than the history of conflict. We all take from history the ideas we find useful and leave the rest.
Kids trying to look edgy is hardly an endorsement for the full raft of communist beliefs. Che Guevara said some things that are useful in mounting a populist resistance to a fascist government, that is his entire value to the left.
Would you say the same thing about a Hitler t-shirt?

After all he was a vegetarian, animal right advocate, and made sure every ethnic German citizen had housing and employment. ... :cool:

And a great painter....

Kids trying to look edgy is hardly an endorsement for the full raft of communist beliefs. Che Guevara said some things that are useful in mounting a populist resistance to a fascist government, that is his entire value to the left.
Would you say the same thing about a Hitler t-shirt?

After all he was a vegetarian, animal right advocate, and made sure every ethnic German citizen had housing and employment. ... :cool:

And instituted every Liberal program the Democrats support........
Kids trying to look edgy is hardly an endorsement for the full raft of communist beliefs. Che Guevara said some things that are useful in mounting a populist resistance to a fascist government, that is his entire value to the left.
I am CERTAIN the makers of such t-shirts had the same "edgy" goal.

Ernesto Guevara was a murdering thug who killed lots of innocent people, just like Hitler.
I am sure Hitler probably said a lot of useful things too.

You commies should wear Hitler be edgy.

Who gives a shit? The people on our money were murdering bastards if you choose to take that view. The history of ideas is far more important and relevant than the history of conflict. We all take from history the ideas we find useful and leave the rest.

Is this idea important to you?

"We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life." Leon Trotsky

Supported by every Democrat presidential candidate.
Politically, that means making a hero out of a villain.

Control of the schools and the media allows the Left/Liberals to do exactly that.

To the educated, the transformation is astounding….we’re astounded that they get away with it.

Examples that come to mind are Che, Mossadegh, and now, Morsi.

What sort of imbecile wears a shirt stating “I’m an imbecile”….or the equivalent, a picture of Che Guevara?

What is the attraction for this homicidal Communist dentist
“Guevara and his men conducted immediate summary executions of departing combatants—Guevara records one such incident in his diary. Other historical sources tell of executions conducted on mere suspicions of disloyalty…. he wrote of “hatred as an element of struggle; unbending hatred for the enemy, which pushes a human being beyond his natural limitations, making him into an effective, violent, selective, and cold-blooded killing machine.”
The New Che, Same as the Old

In his book "Che Guevara: A Biography," Daniel James writes that Che himself admitted to ordering "several thousand" executions during the first few years of the Castro regime: Guevara made it a policy for his men to parade the families and friends of the executed before the blood, bone and brain-spattered result.

'If you see a liberal wearing a Che Guevara t-shirt, say: "Yeah, when I was a kid I thought I was cool and outrageous wearing a Charles Manson t-shirt—until my mom and dad told me exactly the sick things he'd done. I guess you never learned that your sicko mass murderer Che killed way more people than my mass murderer did."
The 365 Ways to Drive a Liberal Crazy, james Delingpole

Turning Che into a hero is the result of the occupation of the education industry by the Liberals/Leftists.

There is no basis for it, other than turning the world, values, morality, upside down.....and trying to turn that sow's ear into a silk purse.

And Che isn’t the only example…..

I recall a bus ride in my college days. I was headed to DC to protest the Vietnam War and on the bus were a handful of Maoists. I recall thinking, like most on the folks on the bus, that they were just plain nuts, and that was before some the horror stories of Mao came out. On a bus full of leftists, the Maoists were a fringe element. The Che t-shirts are worn by people who just want to shock people or they're just fringe players like the Maoists. Using them to attack the left is no better than using neo-Naziis to attack the right.
Current conservative thought leaders.

Kids trying to look edgy is hardly an endorsement for the full raft of communist beliefs. Che Guevara said some things that are useful in mounting a populist resistance to a fascist government, that is his entire value to the left.
I am CERTAIN the makers of such t-shirts had the same "edgy" goal.

Ernesto Guevara was a murdering thug who killed lots of innocent people, just like Hitler.
I am sure Hitler probably said a lot of useful things too.

You commies should wear Hitler be edgy.

Who gives a shit? The people on our money were murdering bastards if you choose to take that view. The history of ideas is far more important and relevant than the history of conflict. We all take from history the ideas we find useful and leave the rest.

Is this idea important to you?

"We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life." Leon Trotsky

Supported by every Democrat presidential candidate.
I know who Trotsky was but I only ever hear the right talking about him. It would be difficult to find anyone under 40 who could tell you anything about him. Find a more mainstream boogyman the left actually quotes on a regular basis. Hint: it's not anyone who was a Stalinist authoritarian monster.
Politically, that means making a hero out of a villain.

Control of the schools and the media allows the Left/Liberals to do exactly that.

To the educated, the transformation is astounding….we’re astounded that they get away with it.

Examples that come to mind are Che, Mossadegh, and now, Morsi.

What sort of imbecile wears a shirt stating “I’m an imbecile”….or the equivalent, a picture of Che Guevara?

What is the attraction for this homicidal Communist dentist
“Guevara and his men conducted immediate summary executions of departing combatants—Guevara records one such incident in his diary. Other historical sources tell of executions conducted on mere suspicions of disloyalty…. he wrote of “hatred as an element of struggle; unbending hatred for the enemy, which pushes a human being beyond his natural limitations, making him into an effective, violent, selective, and cold-blooded killing machine.”
The New Che, Same as the Old

In his book "Che Guevara: A Biography," Daniel James writes that Che himself admitted to ordering "several thousand" executions during the first few years of the Castro regime: Guevara made it a policy for his men to parade the families and friends of the executed before the blood, bone and brain-spattered result.

'If you see a liberal wearing a Che Guevara t-shirt, say: "Yeah, when I was a kid I thought I was cool and outrageous wearing a Charles Manson t-shirt—until my mom and dad told me exactly the sick things he'd done. I guess you never learned that your sicko mass murderer Che killed way more people than my mass murderer did."
The 365 Ways to Drive a Liberal Crazy, james Delingpole

Turning Che into a hero is the result of the occupation of the education industry by the Liberals/Leftists.

There is no basis for it, other than turning the world, values, morality, upside down.....and trying to turn that sow's ear into a silk purse.

And Che isn’t the only example…..

Politically, that means making a hero out of a villain.

Control of the schools and the media allows the Left/Liberals to do exactly that.

To the educated, the transformation is astounding….we’re astounded that they get away with it.

Examples that come to mind are Che, Mossadegh, and now, Morsi.

What sort of imbecile wears a shirt stating “I’m an imbecile”….or the equivalent, a picture of Che Guevara?

What is the attraction for this homicidal Communist dentist
“Guevara and his men conducted immediate summary executions of departing combatants—Guevara records one such incident in his diary. Other historical sources tell of executions conducted on mere suspicions of disloyalty…. he wrote of “hatred as an element of struggle; unbending hatred for the enemy, which pushes a human being beyond his natural limitations, making him into an effective, violent, selective, and cold-blooded killing machine.”
The New Che, Same as the Old

In his book "Che Guevara: A Biography," Daniel James writes that Che himself admitted to ordering "several thousand" executions during the first few years of the Castro regime: Guevara made it a policy for his men to parade the families and friends of the executed before the blood, bone and brain-spattered result.

'If you see a liberal wearing a Che Guevara t-shirt, say: "Yeah, when I was a kid I thought I was cool and outrageous wearing a Charles Manson t-shirt—until my mom and dad told me exactly the sick things he'd done. I guess you never learned that your sicko mass murderer Che killed way more people than my mass murderer did."
The 365 Ways to Drive a Liberal Crazy, james Delingpole

Turning Che into a hero is the result of the occupation of the education industry by the Liberals/Leftists.

There is no basis for it, other than turning the world, values, morality, upside down.....and trying to turn that sow's ear into a silk purse.

And Che isn’t the only example…..


The misguided notion of the romantic revolution goes all the way back to France circa the mid-to-late 1700's and the atheist/anti-establishment/sadism charged writings of Diderot and d'Alembert among others, in their composition of Le Encyclopédie which was the equivalent of modern day radical Leftist propaganda as spread in the present by Google/You Tube, etc. Marx and others continued this great deception of the idea of revolution which held that the oppressed workers of the Western (enlightened) new world would rise up arm in arm against the historical oppressive hierarchy which had forever forced them into essentially social slavery and topple that system, and then in its ancient place establish a new, even more enlightened paradise of collectivism where the common man frolicked in eternal happiness.

During the mid-20th Century radical Leftist intelligentsia gaining power across Western Academia romanticized further the revolutionary "struggles" of Pol Pot, Che Guevara, Mao and others as this noble effort by the average poor man to unite valiantly in the face of the evil hierarchy in their attempts to bring about some kind of citizens' utopia in their corner of the Earth. Our parents' generation, that generation of Peace and Love and communes, were deceived quite brilliantly and ruthlessly into thinking revolution meant a collective, benevolent uprising of the everyman against the tyranny of the rich and the new nobility and their middle class "whores" once again, in order to tear down all ancient (oppressive) institutions and create a paradise on Earth for all where peace, love and fields of flowers would stretch as far as their eyes could see. In this way, some of the most notorious murderers of the 20th Century were canonized as t-shirt and cultural sciences 101 worthy saints of their Age.

The reality of the matter is but one revolution has been worthwhile and righteous in the past three centuries, and that my friends was and remains the American Revolution. Every other called for and successful revolution since has been made and/or carried out by the extreme radical political Left, with the majority of them fueled by Marxism or postmodernism, and not a one of them has been by the people or for the people, and every last one has resulted in the deaths of millions of average, every day citizens of whatever respective nation. So indeed, the next time one sees a fellow "cool" kid wearing a Che t-shirt, one ought to see not a hero of the people, but a butcher of them; not an icon of revolutionary progressivism, but a symbol of the death's head in screen print.
Current conservative thought leaders.


Which one endorses individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government?


So, them must be Leftists/Liberals rather than any iteration of conservative, huh?

It may be impossible to be dumber than you are.
Kids trying to look edgy is hardly an endorsement for the full raft of communist beliefs. Che Guevara said some things that are useful in mounting a populist resistance to a fascist government, that is his entire value to the left.
I am CERTAIN the makers of such t-shirts had the same "edgy" goal.

Ernesto Guevara was a murdering thug who killed lots of innocent people, just like Hitler.
I am sure Hitler probably said a lot of useful things too.

You commies should wear Hitler be edgy.

Who gives a shit? The people on our money were murdering bastards if you choose to take that view. The history of ideas is far more important and relevant than the history of conflict. We all take from history the ideas we find useful and leave the rest.

Is this idea important to you?

"We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life." Leon Trotsky

Supported by every Democrat presidential candidate.
I know who Trotsky was but I only ever hear the right talking about him. It would be difficult to find anyone under 40 who could tell you anything about him. Find a more mainstream boogyman the left actually quotes on a regular basis. Hint: it's not anyone who was a Stalinist authoritarian monster.

Soooo......ignorance is your defense????

Worse than government school grads not knowing who Bolsheviks are by name is the fact that your sort stands for the same things they did.

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

See if you recognize the similarity in this Margaret Mead, anthropologist, quote: The natives are superficially agreeable, but they go in for cannibalism, headhunting, infanticide, incest, avoidance and joking relationships, and biting lice in half with their teeth.

One wonders, if she were still alive, what her views of this Democrat Party would be.
A reminder of Morsi’s paternity, and Obama’s affections….the Muslim Brotherhood.

Muslim’s other grand radical movement, Islamists, might seem, at first, to be an exception, free of the European virus, [Nazism, and Communism]… as the Egyptian and Pakistani versions began as organs of peaceful political reform, i.e., the strictly religious Muslim Brotherhood, …but scratch the surface, and there is the sympathy for Nazism. The Young Egypt Society, the ‘Greenshirts,’ were openly Nazi, and Hassan al-Banna was not far behind.

The Nazis were largely responsible for the creation of Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood, the first modern mass movement of political Islam (1928): they hoped to use the Brotherhood against the British in the Middle East.
Paul Berman, “Terror and Liberalism,” p. 60,
and John Loftus, ‘The Muslim Brotherhood,

The Muslim Brotherhood, Nazis and al-Qaeda

Hassan al-Banna, the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood, was a devout admirer of Adolf Hitler.

When Palestinian Islamists organized Hamas as the combat wing of the Muslim Brotherhood, with the characteristic new act of murdering random crowds with a bomb, singling out women and children, a plus. Rather than a Palestinian state, the goal was suicide. Parents, in their piety, addressed the press, wishing for the suicide of their children. Posters in the kindergarten proclaimed “The children are the holy martyrs of tomorrow!”

While the Muslim Brotherhood infiltrated and dominated the professional guilds, such as doctors, lawyers, engineers, etc., it oversaw the birth of two more radical branches, the Islamist Group of Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman, and the Islamic Jihad of Dr. Ayman al-Zawahiri: the wanted nothing to do with modernity, so, of course, they murdered secular intellectuals.

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