Lying Swamp Creature Chris Wray Defends Spying on Trump:


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Lying Swamp Creature Chris Wray Defends Spying on Trump:
FBI Opens Investigations “Based on Law and Facts and Nothing Else” (VIDEO)

Lying Swamp Creature Chris Wray Defends Spying on Trump: FBI Opens Investigations "Based on Law and Facts and Nothing Else" (VIDEO)
9 Dec 2019 ~~ By Jim Hoft
The New York Times’ Headline upon the selection of Christopher Wray to run the FBI – “Trump’s Pick Is Said to be Low-Key and Principled”. We suspected if the NY Times was praising Trump’s pick that he would be a Deep State crook and we were right!
We noted in December 2017 that Christopher Wray worked on the Enron team along side Mueller, Comey and Weissmann.
The gang that oversaw the indictment of Enron’s Chairman and CEO Kenneth Lay are all the members of today’s crooked and criminal FBI and DOJ teamJames Comey, Robert Mueller, Andrew Weissmann and Christopher Wray.
Christopher Wray is a card carrying member of the Deep State. He worked closely with three of the Deep State’s most notorious criminals – Mueller, Comey and Weissmann.
This gang attempted a coup of the US government.

On Monday, after the release of the DOJ IG report on the Obama FBI spying on the Trump campaign, FBI Director told NBC News that he did not think the Trump campaign was unfairly targeted by the FBI.

IMHO, The Federal Bureau of Investigation became corrupt under J. Edgar Hoover the first Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation of the United States and an American law enforcement administrator. The corruption within has only become more pervasive as time has passed. The strategies he employed for this purpose are considered illegal and wrong. In his later life and especially after his death in 1972, he became a controversial figure owing to a large amount of evidence surfacing demonstrating his illegal activities and abuse of power. It appears that his predecessors have continued in his illegal activities. That now includes Director Christopher Wray.
So, the silver lining in all of this is, you all now see things my way. Conservatives used to worship law enforcement, love to watch cop shows on CBS with a vicarious tear in their eye. Now, all of you know, the FBI is fettid pond scum. What they were willing to do to infiltrate and undermine and destabilize the States Militia were literally acts of war and treason, what they did to take over and run the mob was turning a government agency into a racketeering ring, what they did at WACO and OK city was to prove themselves child murderers. What fate do child murdering, treasonous, racketeers deserve?
The FBI will not be fixed until Wray is gone....Trump must remove him and anyone Wray works closely with....
I like what Trump tweeted...Wray must of not read the same IG report he did...and I agree...Wray was whitewashing the hell out of the what is the swamper Wray going to say when agents start going to prison after Durham is finished?....Hhhhmmmmmmmm?...fucking swamper assfuck....
FBI director who was Tramps pick should be apologized to by Tramp and he and Barr should apologize to the FBI.

The two, tramp and his side kick are deplorable.
There were SEVENTEEN cases of the FBI with holding exculpatory evidence, altering it or simply making shit up.

They have Manafort and Roger Stone sitting in jail rotting over trumped up bullshit and Flynn is awaiting the axe to fall as well, all on procedural nonsense that they would not have been charged with had the FBI done a legit job acting on EVIDENCE and not bullshit.

But when it comes to a Democrat, well, we need to see intent to break the law, 30,000 emails that are government documents get destroyed, oh well! Quid Pro Quo Joe rakes in cash through his son and no one thinks that is worthy of investigation at FBI HQ?


The top officers of the FBI are incompetent, partisan hacks who should be out of a job and in jail.

Wray is one of the worst, having a complete view of the mountain of shyte he is sitting on and claiming its all rose petals and snuff.

Lying Swamp Creature Chris Wray Defends Spying on Trump:
FBI Opens Investigations “Based on Law and Facts and Nothing Else” (VIDEO)

Lying Swamp Creature Chris Wray Defends Spying on Trump: FBI Opens Investigations "Based on Law and Facts and Nothing Else" (VIDEO)
9 Dec 2019 ~~ By Jim Hoft
The New York Times’ Headline upon the selection of Christopher Wray to run the FBI – “Trump’s Pick Is Said to be Low-Key and Principled”. We suspected if the NY Times was praising Trump’s pick that he would be a Deep State crook and we were right!
We noted in December 2017 that Christopher Wray worked on the Enron team along side Mueller, Comey and Weissmann.
The gang that oversaw the indictment of Enron’s Chairman and CEO Kenneth Lay are all the members of today’s crooked and criminal FBI and DOJ teamJames Comey, Robert Mueller, Andrew Weissmann and Christopher Wray.
Christopher Wray is a card carrying member of the Deep State. He worked closely with three of the Deep State’s most notorious criminals – Mueller, Comey and Weissmann.
This gang attempted a coup of the US government.

On Monday, after the release of the DOJ IG report on the Obama FBI spying on the Trump campaign, FBI Director told NBC News that he did not think the Trump campaign was unfairly targeted by the FBI.

IMHO, The Federal Bureau of Investigation became corrupt under J. Edgar Hoover the first Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation of the United States and an American law enforcement administrator. The corruption within has only become more pervasive as time has passed. The strategies he employed for this purpose are considered illegal and wrong. In his later life and especially after his death in 1972, he became a controversial figure owing to a large amount of evidence surfacing demonstrating his illegal activities and abuse of power. It appears that his predecessors have continued in his illegal activities. That now includes Director Christopher Wray.
So, the silver lining in all of this is, you all now see things my way. Conservatives used to worship law enforcement, love to watch cop shows on CBS with a vicarious tear in their eye. Now, all of you know, the FBI is fettid pond scum. What they were willing to do to infiltrate and undermine and destabilize the States Militia were literally acts of war and treason, what they did to take over and run the mob was turning a government agency into a racketeering ring, what they did at WACO and OK city was to prove themselves child murderers. What fate do child murdering, treasonous, racketeers deserve?
He is trying to save face for the dept he is in charge of.
Candycorn thinks the FBI falsifying information to get a bullshit FISA warrant is funny.

What a bunch of Nazis the left has become.
Candycorn thinks the FBI falsifying information to get a bullshit FISA warrant is funny.

What a bunch of Nazis the left has become.
Can you even begin to imagine if this had happened to one of their own? Cities would probably be burning if heads didn’t roll quickly enough.
Why does Trump keep filling sensitive positions in his administration with Deep State snakes?
When you have no way to defend Trump just screech something looney like Deep State. Whatever happened to TDS? I miss that one.

Opinion | They Are Not the Resistance. They Are Not a Cabal. They Are Public Servants.

President Trump is right: The deep state is alive and well. But it is not the sinister, antidemocratic cabal of his fever dreams. It is, rather, a collection of patriotic public servants —​

NYT Columnist Admits Deep State Exists...To Protect Us From Trump

Stewart admitted: “Well, you meet these characters in my book, and the fact is, in a sense, he’s right. There is a deep state...” However, the author quickly praised the clique of anti-Trump government officials: “...there is a bureaucracy in our country who has pledged to respect the Constitution, respect the rule of law.”

He specifically touted how ex-FBI Director James Comey “told me in my book, ‘Thank goodness for that,’ because they are protecting the Constitution and the people when individuals – we don’t have a monarch, we don’t have a dictator – they restrain them from crossing the boundaries of law.”

After Guthrie worried that “The ‘deep state’ is now a pejorative term,” Stewart reassured her: “What Trump calls the deep state in the United States is protecting the American people and protecting the Constitution. It’s a positive thing in this sense.”
Democrats' Deep-State Denial Morphs Into Deep-State Salute | RealClearPolitics

For years, Democrats and liberal commentators mocked and derided the notion of an American "deep state" fundamentally opposed to President Trump as a baseless conspiracy theory. But then something funny happened. In the space of a few weeks, the same people have decided not only that there really is an unelected coterie of unfireable Washington bureaucrats working behind the scenes to undermine the president and overturn the 2016 election results, but also that it’s a good thing.

It was such a drastic and rapid change of tack that not everyone got the memo. For example, Wikipedia’s page on “Deep state in the United States” still leads off with the words “In the United States, the term ‘deep state’ is used to describe a conspiracy theory,” with five citations to the Democrat Party line.

Yet even as they mocked, some media outlets grudgingly acknowledged the central dynamic in early 2017. “Like it or not, leaks abound when career people feel their agencies are being unfairly attacked,” Politico Magazine explained. A commentator at the same outlet conceded that, “truth be told, charged with leaking for its own purposes, thwarting Trump’s policy priorities, and ousting his appointees, this Deep State sure looks quite guilty in the context of a chaotic first six weeks in office.”

Still, the “conspiracy theory” mockery continued for two more years, right through this summer. Then, something very important changed: Ukraine-gate.

By September at the latest, The New York Times knew what Adam Schiff had known since August: The so-called whistleblower who set off the latest effort to overturn the 2016 election and remove President Trump from office is the epitome of a “deep state” actor -- a CIA operative with extensive ties to Obama administration officials and Democratic politicians.

Further reporting only made it worse. RealClearInvestigations later named the whistleblower as Eric Ciaramella, a CIA analyst who worked closely with Obama’s spymaster John Brennan -- one of the most hyper-partisan boosters of the Russia collusion narrative -- and Democratic 2020 front-runner Joe Biden. Ciaramella was allegedly removed from his post at the White House specifically for leaking, which would explain why he was forced to rely on second- and third-hand information in his complaint on Trump-Ukraine. When Democrats tried to substantiate Ciaramella’s complaints, they called up Army Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman. A former commander quickly came forward to call Vindman “a political activist in uniform” — an Obama devotee who could be the “deep state operative” from central casting.

And suddenly, as this was coming to light, the press changed its tune about the existence of the deep state.

In its coverage of the current and former administration officials testifying before Congress, The New York Times called the Democrats’ witnesses “practically the embodiment of the ‘deep state’ that the president has long accused of trying to take him down.” The newspaper’s opinion page screamed that “President Trump is right: The deep state is alive and well” and hailed the deep state moles — who supposedly didn’t exist a month ago — as heroes.

The quickest narrative reversal in history reached fruition last week as former acting CIA Director John McLaughlin sat on stage with two Russia-gate stalwarts, Brennan and disgraced former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe. “Thank God for the deep state,” McLaughlin said, to the delight of the Trump-hating audience.​

Really, Mr 'West', you need to catch up with your reading the DNC talking points.
When you have no way to defend Trump just screech something looney like Deep State. Whatever happened to TDS? I miss that one.
Everyone knows and recognizes what the Deep State is. We see what they did in the Russian collusion failure.
They are behind the impeachment fiasco. You conspicuously make yourself a clown when you pretend it does not exist
and is not driving the plot to nullify the 2016 presidential election.

Run along, little slow minded child.
Candycorn thinks the FBI falsifying information to get a bullshit FISA warrant is funny.
What a bunch of Nazis the left has become.
Can you even begin to imagine if this had happened to one of their own? Cities would probably be burning if heads didn’t roll quickly enough.
It would never happen to a Democrat because the GOP does not advance those loyal to them like the Democrats do. GOP just throws you under the bus and pretends to have never trusted you in the first place.

Jordan, Graham, McCarthy, Scalise, Cruz, and others seem to have grown some testicals.

Lets see if they can use them.
When you have no way to defend Trump just screech something looney like Deep State. Whatever happened to TDS? I miss that one.
Everyone knows and recognizes what the Deep State is. We see what they did in the Russian collusion failure.
They are behind the impeachment fiasco. You conspicuously make yourself a clown when you pretend it does not exist
and is not driving the plot to nullify the 2016 presidential election.
Run along, little slow minded child.
Democrats get so used to ignoring reality that they get confused if they dont keep up with the latest New and Improved Truth lies.
When you have no way to defend Trump just screech something looney like Deep State. Whatever happened to TDS? I miss that one.
Everyone knows and recognizes what the Deep State is. We see what they did in the Russian collusion failure.
They are behind the impeachment fiasco. You conspicuously make yourself a clown when you pretend it does not exist
and is not driving the plot to nullify the 2016 presidential election.

Run along, little slow minded child.
Trump is behind the impeachment fiasco and the Dem`s case is rock solid. The fiasco is Trump and all of his jail bird friends some who are already locked up with more awaiting sentencing and trials. Have you been on another planet for the last 6 weeks? Just to keep you up to date, Hillary Clinton is still walking free and living a far better life than Trump`s campaign manager and his personal lawyer. Roger Stone is facing up to 50 (fifty) years.
Candycorn thinks the FBI falsifying information to get a bullshit FISA warrant is funny.
What a bunch of Nazis the left has become.
Can you even begin to imagine if this had happened to one of their own? Cities would probably be burning if heads didn’t roll quickly enough.
It would never happen to a Democrat because the GOP does not advance those loyal to them like the Democrats do. GOP just throws you under the bus and pretends to have never trusted you in the first place.

Jordan, Graham, McCarthy, Scalise, Cruz, and others seem to have grown some testicals.

Lets see if they can use them.
Gym Jordan and testicals in the same sentence. Priceless! :)

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