What is the top issue that liberals use to score points?
Everything revolves around that. The latest attack was this convoluted story of a Muslim father lambasting Trump over his dead son. 12 years ago no less. Never mind that his story has absolutely nothing to do with Trump in the first place.
So they dig this guy up and media sets up interviews with Trump to see what his response is to his claims. If he had said "No Comment" they would have had something to say about that, much less an actual response.
So this guy Khan make a series of fallacious attacks on Trump based off of a lie perpetrated by the media. Trump responds and every liberal in the press is disgusted. Eventually we discover that this guy isn't the innocent father he appears to be. He is actually an immigrant lawyer who is working to bring more Muslims into this country, so he apparently has a vested interest in who becomes president. This is almost always the case whenever the left starts a campaign. As hackers showed clearly the DNC, Hillary, and members of the media are busy committing fraud. This situation is no different. The problem that always surfaces is it takes time and effort to expose these frauds. When they are, the media barely covers them.
A perfect example is the Freddy Gray indictments, which fizzled on a massive scale, but if you weren't paying attention you wouldn't know it. Cops are being shot nearly every day over it, but the whole thing was based off of lies. Same goes for "Hands Up....Don't Shoot". Based on lies. BLACKLIVESMATTER.....based on lies. Everything Democrats are involved with is nothing but a pack of lies. Meanwhile the economy is stagnant, thousands of refugees are being flooded into the country, a presidential candidate that has committed fraud, espionage, perjury, you name it, who is currently leading in the polls and is claimed to be the most honest and most qualified candidate in US history. It's like the Twilight Zone.
Democrats are busy screwing this country up and one deflection after another is offered up to keep the media busy. It just never ends.
"Evil is smart, very deceptive, and very skilled at leading us to believe that lies are true. Evil does not want us to believe God is true.
Therefore he artfully uses us, robs us, violates us, and tells us it was God that did it. Who would want to believe in a God like that anyway? Many are trapped in the snare, just like Eve was. Liberals, especially. It sounded like a good point, the question evil asked Eve. It led her to doubt God’s goodness toward her. She fell for it. I used to be a liberal; it was the same thing. The deception is subtle, not obvious."
The Twelve Tribes | The Deception of Liberal Thinking
Therefore he artfully uses us, robs us, violates us, and tells us it was God that did it. Who would want to believe in a God like that anyway? Many are trapped in the snare, just like Eve was. Liberals, especially. It sounded like a good point, the question evil asked Eve. It led her to doubt God’s goodness toward her. She fell for it. I used to be a liberal; it was the same thing. The deception is subtle, not obvious."
The Twelve Tribes | The Deception of Liberal Thinking