LORD or lord

New testament in Greek and English-1822= a god last line John 1:1--proving trinity translations are wrong. He compared both languages side by side proving The Word was not called HoTheos in the last line as the true God was called in the 2nd line.
It is as i have been saying all along--trinity translations are filled with errors by satans will from centuries ago.
Think about it--34,000 trinity based religions on earth, all claim to have holy spirit, yet teach different truths, proving 100% they do not have holy spirit and are a house divided they will not stand. 1Cor 1:10- unity of thought, no division= 1 single religion has Jesus.
Nice side-step, again. You are pointing your finger at Christian Churches while three are pointing back at you. I did not quote the NT in my post. I quoted Old Testament versus that prove your translating skills are the real Satanic lie. Why did you not try to rebut them? Because you can't. It's clear that there is a LORD and there is a lord both known as God. It's your translations that are in error. Remember the John 10:34 and Psalms 82:6 proof that it was correct for Jesus to call himself the Son of God or a God as well. You also refuse to believe that there is a Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost which is clearly part of the Godhead.
As far as what Church is the True Church, it isn't Jehovah Witnesses church. 5 times your prophets proved they were not prophets and lied to the world claiming the end of the world on specific dates. Nothing that came from them can therefore be true. Satan has deceived you and I charge you to get out of Satan's kingdom now before it's too late for you.

I agree that the Christian Church has divided itself. They have all lost the plain and precious truths of God and the teachings of Jesus Christ. But, they do have some truths. All religions teach some truth. Satan is the great deceiver and deception is done by taking part of the truth and mingling it with falsehoods. Your Church does the same thing. They take your doctrines of man and mingle that with scripture manipulated by your false prophets to come up with a false church with no authority to act in the name of God. Since all Churches had become corrupt, including yours, the bible writes about the last days and the restitution of all things pertaining to the kingdom of God established by Jesus Christ. In other words, The Church of Jesus Christ in the meridian of time 2,000 years ago had to be re-established in our day through a true prophet of God called directly by God in personage and spirit. That church is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Nice side-step, again. You are pointing your finger at Christian Churches while three are pointing back at you. I did not quote the NT in my post. I quoted Old Testament versus that prove your translating skills are the real Satanic lie. Why did you not try to rebut them? Because you can't. It's clear that there is a LORD and there is a lord both known as God. It's your translations that are in error. Remember the John 10:34 and Psalms 82:6 proof that it was correct for Jesus to call himself the Son of God or a God as well. You also refuse to believe that there is a Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost which is clearly part of the Godhead.
As far as what Church is the True Church, it isn't Jehovah Witnesses church. 5 times your prophets proved they were not prophets and lied to the world claiming the end of the world on specific dates. Nothing that came from them can therefore be true. Satan has deceived you and I charge you to get out of Satan's kingdom now before it's too late for you.

I agree that the Christian Church has divided itself. They have all lost the plain and precious truths of God and the teachings of Jesus Christ. But, they do have some truths. All religions teach some truth. Satan is the great deceiver and deception is done by taking part of the truth and mingling it with falsehoods. Your Church does the same thing. They take your doctrines of man and mingle that with scripture manipulated by your false prophets to come up with a false church with no authority to act in the name of God. Since all Churches had become corrupt, including yours, the bible writes about the last days and the restitution of all things pertaining to the kingdom of God established by Jesus Christ. In other words, The Church of Jesus Christ in the meridian of time 2,000 years ago had to be re-established in our day through a true prophet of God called directly by God in personage and spirit. That church is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
The word-LORD does not belong in the OT--that is fact. The divine name kjv 2015, put Gods name back in those nearly 6800 spots, because it belongs there.. The word LORD does not belong there, that is what is causing your confusion. God was called sovereign Lord in the OT.
The word-LORD does not belong in the OT--that is fact. The divine name kjv 2015, put Gods name back in those nearly 6800 spots, because it belongs there.. The word LORD does not belong there, that is what is causing your confusion. God was called sovereign Lord in the OT.
It does belong and is in there. It doesn't fit the narrative you want so you just rip it on out and claim bad translation. God was called more than that as I pointed out in the many versus. You're just being an idiot. "Stupid is as stupid does" - Forrest Gump
It does belong and is in there. It doesn't fit the narrative you want so you just rip it on out and claim bad translation. God was called more than that as I pointed out in the many versus. You're just being an idiot. "Stupid is as stupid does" - Forrest Gump

Every scholar on earth knows God-or LORD does not belong in the OT--The tetragramoton was in every one of those spots= YHWH. They had no right removing Gods name and replacing it with titles. God put his name there because he wants it there. It was removed by satans will. The name belongs in the NT as well. Jerome told the Pope back in the 300,s the name belongs in the NT, The Pope wouldnt allow it. They know they take the name in vain that is why they keep it out.
Every scholar on earth knows God-or LORD does not belong in the OT--The tetragramoton was in every one of those spots= YHWH. They had no right removing Gods name and replacing it with titles. God put his name there because he wants it there. It was removed by satans will. The name belongs in the NT as well. Jerome told the Pope back in the 300,s the name belongs in the NT, The Pope wouldnt allow it. They know they take the name in vain that is why they keep it out.
Once again, you are implying something you know nothing about. Jesus is Jehovah and therefore, Jehovah no longer is needed in the New Testament. It's a New Testament because it requires that you accept Jesus as the Christ, the Messiah, The Savior, The Redeemer of Israel, The one who atones for our sins and lead the way for our eventual resurrection of our bodies to our spirit bodies.
By the way, there was no Pope in 300,s. The Catholic Church didn't start until after Constantine.
While I agree that "God" or "LORD" refers to a title. But, Jehovah is used in the OT. The reason for the change is because it was referring to the Godhead or a member of the Godhead. God the Father or God the Son. I shared with you again evidence the Jehovah is the Son who is Jesus Christ. But, it's your assertion that there was a change. And, what is your problem with Jehovah or Elohim being called "God" or "Lord?" What does that have to do with Satan? That is another just dumb accusation. And, no, only your scholars think there's a problem with this because it doesn't fit your narrative.
And, finally, yes, using the name of God over and over is taking the Lord's name if vain. Shame on you. All you JW's are going to hell for this. :5_1_12024:
Once again, you are implying something you know nothing about. Jesus is Jehovah and therefore, Jehovah no longer is needed in the New Testament. It's a New Testament because it requires that you accept Jesus as the Christ, the Messiah, The Savior, The Redeemer of Israel, The one who atones for our sins and lead the way for our eventual resurrection of our bodies to our spirit bodies.
By the way, there was no Pope in 300,s. The Catholic Church didn't start until after Constantine.
While I agree that "God" or "LORD" refers to a title. But, Jehovah is used in the OT. The reason for the change is because it was referring to the Godhead or a member of the Godhead. God the Father or God the Son. I shared with you again evidence the Jehovah is the Son who is Jesus Christ. But, it's your assertion that there was a change. And, what is your problem with Jehovah or Elohim being called "God" or "Lord?" What does that have to do with Satan? That is another just dumb accusation. And, no, only your scholars think there's a problem with this because it doesn't fit your narrative.
And, finally, yes, using the name of God over and over is taking the Lord's name if vain. Shame on you. All you JW's are going to hell for this. :5_1_12024:
The LORD( YHWH) said to my Lord( Jesus) proves he is not YHWH. the first council of Nicea325--there was a Pope. You better check facts. No trinity was being served at that first council, it was added later.
Wow now you think you are judge= pure darkness you live in. Dont forget the judgement you render( when you have no right)is the judgement God will give to you. Luke 6:37
The LORD( YHWH) said to my Lord( Jesus) proves he is not YHWH. the first council of Nicea325--there was a Pope. You better check facts. No trinity was being served at that first council, it was added later.
Wow now you think you are judge= pure darkness you live in. Dont forget the judgement you render( when you have no right)is the judgement God will give to you. Luke 6:37
First of all, LORD, if you are saying the Father, would be Elohim, not Jehovah. Also, I shared with you many other OT versus that refute your assertions and promote Trinity.
According to The Moody Handbook of Theology, the official beginning of the Roman Catholic church occurred in 590 CE, with Pope Gregory I.... in 380 AD, Roman Catholicism became the official religion of the Roman Empire. - Trace the History of the Roman Catholic Church
Of course, the Catholic Church claims that Peter was the first Pope or leader that the Church originated from Jesus Christ. That's their traditions. But, that's all it is. Constantine started the organized version. But, Bishop of Rome becomes Rector of the whole Church in the 6th century. These proclamations did not create the office of the pope but from the 6th century onward the Bishop of Rome's power and prestige increased so dramatically that the title of "pope" (Gk: pappas, "father") began to fit the Bishop of Rome best. - History of papal primacy - Wikipedia
Maybe you should study some history. And, forget about your corrupt scholars. They can't translate. They are scammers.
First of all, LORD, if you are saying the Father, would be Elohim, not Jehovah. Also, I shared with you many other OT versus that refute your assertions and promote Trinity.
According to The Moody Handbook of Theology, the official beginning of the Roman Catholic church occurred in 590 CE, with Pope Gregory I.... in 380 AD, Roman Catholicism became the official religion of the Roman Empire. - Trace the History of the Roman Catholic Church
Of course, the Catholic Church claims that Peter was the first Pope or leader that the Church originated from Jesus Christ. That's their traditions. But, that's all it is. Constantine started the organized version. But, Bishop of Rome becomes Rector of the whole Church in the 6th century. These proclamations did not create the office of the pope but from the 6th century onward the Bishop of Rome's power and prestige increased so dramatically that the title of "pope" (Gk: pappas, "father") began to fit the Bishop of Rome best. - History of papal primacy - Wikipedia
Maybe you should study some history. And, forget about your corrupt scholars. They can't translate. They are scammers.
Elohim is not a name-look it up. The write ups about Jerome, who lived in the 300,s says he was the Popes secretary.
They translated just fine. All information is easily found today. Back when the Protestants translated they couldnt find information.
Elohim is not a name-look it up. The write ups about Jerome, who lived in the 300,s says he was the Popes secretary.
They translated just fine. All information is easily found today. Back when the Protestants translated they couldnt find information.
Elohim means the Most High God. Names usually have meanings. Sometimes their meaning is a title. So, you are wrong.
I found the information on the Catholic Church and Popes. I have actually references. What do you have?
Elohim means the Most High God. Names usually have meanings. Sometimes their meaning is a title. So, you are wrong.
I found the information on the Catholic Church and Popes. I have actually references. What do you have?
That Jerome was the Popes secretary, he told the Pope Gods name belongs in the NT in the 300,s. Look Jerome up. He was the translator.
That Jerome was the Popes secretary, he told the Pope Gods name belongs in the NT in the 300,s. Look Jerome up. He was the translator.
As ignorant people do, the word "Pope" is a title like "God." This is after the Council at Nicene. But, the article I shared is clear that the term Pope was not used until later. This is a writing of someone today looking back using titles or words people would understand. It doesn't mean that the title of Pope was used back then. Damasus was known as a the Bishop of Rome.
From what I've read on Jerome, I don't see your assertions. Yes, he was a translator. So are your biased scholars. Why would I take your scholars interpretations over one who lived much closer to the time of Jesus Christ and the Apostles? Jerome was fluent in Hebrew and Greek of that day. You have shown no reason to believe anything you say. Where are your references?
As ignorant people do, the word "Pope" is a title like "God." This is after the Council at Nicene. But, the article I shared is clear that the term Pope was not used until later. This is a writing of someone today looking back using titles or words people would understand. It doesn't mean that the title of Pope was used back then. Damasus was known as a the Bishop of Rome.
From what I've read on Jerome, I don't see your assertions. Yes, he was a translator. So are your biased scholars. Why would I take your scholars interpretations over one who lived much closer to the time of Jesus Christ and the Apostles? Jerome was fluent in Hebrew and Greek of that day. You have shown no reason to believe anything you say. Where are your references?

How about undeniable facts--From Moses on up until this very day, the Israelite religion, teach, serve and worship a single being God-YHWH(Jehovah) thus this was the God taught to Jesus while he attended and to every bible writer---Hard to get by facts of reality.
How about undeniable facts--From Moses on up until this very day, the Israelite religion, teach, serve and worship a single being God-YHWH(Jehovah) thus this was the God taught to Jesus while he attended and to every bible writer---Hard to get by facts of reality.
Your reality is confusion. Genesis 3:22, "And the Lord God said, Behold, the man is become as one of "US': to know good and evil. Also, in Genesis 3:5, "For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall b as god(s), knowing good and evil. So, Moses knew the facts that God is a title and there is a Godhead with more than one being.
No, none of the original NT writers say Jesus is anyone but Jehovah. That Jesus was speaking to his Father who therefore is no Jehovah. Father God is Elohim, not Jehovah. John 10:34 confirms this when Jesus himself calls himself Jehovah, the one talking in Psalms 82:6. These are the facts. Your ignorant knucklehead prophets and scholars have polluted and changed the doctrine and continue to lie to your people. When is the next end of the earth?
Your reality is confusion. Genesis 3:22, "And the Lord God said, Behold, the man is become as one of "US': to know good and evil. Also, in Genesis 3:5, "For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall b as god(s), knowing good and evil. So, Moses knew the facts that God is a title and there is a Godhead with more than one being.
No, none of the original NT writers say Jesus is anyone but Jehovah. That Jesus was speaking to his Father who therefore is no Jehovah. Father God is Elohim, not Jehovah. John 10:34 confirms this when Jesus himself calls himself Jehovah, the one talking in Psalms 82:6. These are the facts. Your ignorant knucklehead prophets and scholars have polluted and changed the doctrine and continue to lie to your people. When is the next end of the earth?
Us = YHWH(Jehovah) and his master worker( Jesus a created being) he tells you so at Proverbs 8.
Every scholar on earth knows Gods name is YHWH(Jehovah)

Here is Paul-Peter teaching the Father is Jesus' God-1Peter 1:3--Coll 1:3,, Eph 1:13,17--1Cor 15:24-28--And Jesus teaches it-John 20:17, Rev 3:12--
Trinity translations are filled with errors that contradict itself.
Us = YHWH(Jehovah) and his master worker( Jesus a created being) he tells you so at Proverbs 8.
Every scholar on earth knows Gods name is YHWH(Jehovah)

Here is Paul-Peter teaching the Father is Jesus' God-1Peter 1:3--Coll 1:3,, Eph 1:13,17--1Cor 15:24-28--And Jesus teaches it-John 20:17, Rev 3:12--
Trinity translations are filled with errors that contradict itself.
Which God? Father, Son or Holy Ghost?
1Cor 15:24-28 is about the Father
Eph 1:17 is about the Lord Jesus Christ and the Father as separate beings, both member of the Godhead and thus both Gods.
And, I'll refer you to John 10:34 referring to himself as Jehovah in Psalms 82:6.
The only errors are the ones JWs make in translation and removing versus from the Bible because they don't fit their stupid narrative. How do I know? Because they lied about the end of the word's date, 5 times!!! And, you people still claim your prophets are accurate with their translations. False prophets cannot be trusted. You even ignored the "US" in Genesis stating clearly there are multiple Gods in the Godhead. Elohim, Jehovah, Holy Spirit in the OT and Elohim, Jesus, Holy Ghost in the NT. Michael is the Arc Angel who became the first Man, Adam.
Which God? Father, Son or Holy Ghost?
1Cor 15:24-28 is about the Father
Eph 1:17 is about the Lord Jesus Christ and the Father as separate beings, both member of the Godhead and thus both Gods.
And, I'll refer you to John 10:34 referring to himself as Jehovah in Psalms 82:6.
The only errors are the ones JWs make in translation and removing versus from the Bible because they don't fit their stupid narrative. How do I know? Because they lied about the end of the word's date, 5 times!!! And, you people still claim your prophets are accurate with their translations. False prophets cannot be trusted. You even ignored the "US" in Genesis stating clearly there are multiple Gods in the Godhead. Elohim, Jehovah, Holy Spirit in the OT and Elohim, Jesus, Holy Ghost in the NT. Michael is the Arc Angel who became the first Man, Adam.
You cant understand english At Psalm 82:8 Jesus asks God to judge the earth--proves he is not God. He does not claim to be Jehovah anywhere in Psalms or the bible. I dont see how you can possibly think that at verse 6 he says that--verse 6= i myself have said you are gods, and all of you are sons of the most high---- where does say he is Jehovah there?
You cant understand english At Psalm 82:8 Jesus asks God to judge the earth--proves he is not God. He does not claim to be Jehovah anywhere in Psalms or the bible. I dont see how you can possibly think that at verse 6 he says that--verse 6= i myself have said you are gods, and all of you are sons of the most high---- where does say he is Jehovah there?
Why do you pivot to verse 8? Verse 8 has nothing to do with John 10:34. This shows your lie. When you don't have a Savior who atoned for your sins, it is easy to lie. Way to go JWs. Heck, if you think Psalms 82:6 is talking about the Father, then Jesus says he is the Father. And, you believe Jehovah to be the Father. So, now your are claiming Jesus is still Jehovah but now the Father. And, we know Jesus said he is the Son of the Father. Now, you are doubly screwed up.
Why do you pivot to verse 8? Verse 8 has nothing to do with John 10:34. This shows your lie. When you don't have a Savior who atoned for your sins, it is easy to lie. Way to go JWs. Heck, if you think Psalms 82:6 is talking about the Father, then Jesus says he is the Father. And, you believe Jehovah to be the Father. So, now your are claiming Jesus is still Jehovah but now the Father. And, we know Jesus said he is the Son of the Father. Now, you are doubly screwed up.

Jesus is not Jehovah. Jesus is speaking at Psalms 82, not the Father. The Father is who Jesus refers to in verse 8=God.

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