Looooooong Posts


VIP Member
Feb 14, 2004
I remember when I first start posting on boards in forums like this. I would write all kinds of stuff, get my links down, debate based on facts and opinions, provide all kinds of support for my positions, etc. Then one day, I realized I was wasting my f'n time. I respect those of you that post momentus ramblings but do you ever wonder if it is worth it all? I now just do drive-bys. I still post links that support my beliefs, thesis', etc., but I don't go into the long rambles much any more. I am pretty much convinced that most are going to believe what they want - factual or not - and so it is pretty much a waste of my time to ramble on like I am in this post. See what I mean??:p:

Watcha think?
Can't talk... gotta drive by... :D

Actually, I usually drive by on threads I don't care too much about. If it's a topic I care about, I take more time to discuss it.
I am on both sides, obviously.


I do drivebys, but I have a few points which I think are critical for mass understanding.

I also think it is incredibly risky for me to accept the notion that if I have facts, I can let the masses misunderstand and slip our nation or themselves into further trouble without relaying those facts.

I believe in some cases we have unadressed responsibility on topics that people like to ignore in favor of personal pleasure.

I don't accept that.

If I have to spend hours putting up posts to inform then I will.

I just try to make sure it is worth the risk, and that the people I am dealing with aren't wasting my time.

-I guess it boils down to a kind of evaluation and risk assessment.
I think most of the fun comes in the argument. We know we probably won't change each othersminds,but we can argue it out and see every possible point that can be made for or against. I think it is good for everyone to do so. Everyone has a certain topic that you just loooove to debate.
Originally posted by freeandfun1
I remember when I first start posting on boards in forums like this. I would write all kinds of stuff, get my links down, debate based on facts and opinions, provide all kinds of support for my positions, etc. Then one day, I realized I was wasting my f'n time. I respect those of you that post momentus ramblings but do you ever wonder if it is worth it all? I now just do drive-bys. I still post links that support my beliefs, thesis', etc., but I don't go into the long rambles much any more. I am pretty much convinced that most are going to believe what they want - factual or not - and so it is pretty much a waste of my time to ramble on like I am in this post. See what I mean??:p:

Watcha think?

I used to like your ramblings :(
I understand whatcha saying Free. I used to go to a mostly Liberal site, although it wasn't a political site until last year. I would write and write and instead of debateing facts in return, I got mudslinging and nonsence. I've never been a debater, I've always been very non confrontaional, so this kind of through me for a loop. Now I just drive by there, and mostly here. I still get fired up, but not as bad since I'm not in the conversation.
I just don't have the patience, and with 2 three year olds, the time for it. :(
Originally posted by Hannitized
I understand whatcha saying Free. I used to go to a mostly Liberal site, although it wasn't a political site until last year. I would write and write and instead of debating facts in return, I got mudslinging and nonsense. I've never been a debater, I've always been very non confrontational, so this kind of through me for a loop. Now I just drive by there, and mostly here. I still get fired up, but not as bad since I'm not in the conversation.
I just don't have the patience, and with 2 three year olds, the time for it. :(

You boiled it all down for me. I don't like confrontation and when you use facts to point out something and all you get in return is a diatribe of rhetorical BS that you have just PROVED wrong with facts, it becomes very irritating and demoralizing. That is the tactic of the left.... divide and conquer and wear them down.....

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