Looks Like The Cat's Out Of The Bag....


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Remember this, from the first Republican President?

You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.

Looks like the Global Warming Scam has run its course.

"New Gallup Poll: Americans do not even mention global warming as a problem – 36 ‘problems’ cited, but not climate

According to the latest Gallup poll, NOBODY thinks global warming is our most important problem, contrary to what NRCM, Audubon and CLF sock puppets tell us."
New Gallup Poll: Americans do not even mention global warming as a problem – 36 ‘problems’ cited, but not climate

Oh, noooozzzzz!!!!

Now we're gonna have to find a whole new bunch of human piñatas!!!


Remember this, from the first Republican President?

You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.

Looks like the Global Warming Scam has run its course.

"New Gallup Poll: Americans do not even mention global warming as a problem – 36 ‘problems’ cited, but not climate

According to the latest Gallup poll, NOBODY thinks global warming is our most important problem, contrary to what NRCM, Audubon and CLF sock puppets tell us."
New Gallup Poll: Americans do not even mention global warming as a problem – 36 ‘problems’ cited, but not climate

Oh, noooozzzzz!!!!

Now we're gonna have to find a whole new bunch of human piñatas!!!

As more and more people are aware of what the earth has done over the ages they learn what they are seeing is not an emergency of any kind... Its rather refreshing to see people become informed on a scam that stole trillions of dollars from us.
Remember this, from the first Republican President?

You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.

Looks like the Global Warming Scam has run its course.

"New Gallup Poll: Americans do not even mention global warming as a problem – 36 ‘problems’ cited, but not climate

According to the latest Gallup poll, NOBODY thinks global warming is our most important problem, contrary to what NRCM, Audubon and CLF sock puppets tell us."
New Gallup Poll: Americans do not even mention global warming as a problem – 36 ‘problems’ cited, but not climate

Oh, noooozzzzz!!!!

Now we're gonna have to find a whole new bunch of human piñatas!!!

As more and more people are aware of what the earth has done over the ages they learn what they are seeing is not an emergency of any kind... Its rather refreshing to see people become informed on a scam that stole trillions of dollars from us.

Think we can get Gore to give back the loot????
Remember this, from the first Republican President?

You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.

Looks like the Global Warming Scam has run its course.

"New Gallup Poll: Americans do not even mention global warming as a problem – 36 ‘problems’ cited, but not climate

According to the latest Gallup poll, NOBODY thinks global warming is our most important problem, contrary to what NRCM, Audubon and CLF sock puppets tell us."
New Gallup Poll: Americans do not even mention global warming as a problem – 36 ‘problems’ cited, but not climate

Oh, noooozzzzz!!!!

Now we're gonna have to find a whole new bunch of human piñatas!!!

As more and more people are aware of what the earth has done over the ages they learn what they are seeing is not an emergency of any kind... Its rather refreshing to see people become informed on a scam that stole trillions of dollars from us.

Think we can get Gore to give back the loot????
Not a chance.... he still has the EU duped...
Been saying it for 5 years.
...the evidence is daunting.

Even most young people laugh when "global warming" comes up for discussion. It was a fad for the hopelessly duped, many who now know the score and dont want to look like a jackass!:cul2::cul2:.
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I guess Europe, Asia and the scientists who know more about it than anybody need to catch up with dumb ass Americans.

The EU is censoring anything that doesn't match their socialist takeover agenda.... Can't have reasoning minds get the facts on the scam..

The world would laugh at us if the abject stupidity in this country wasn't so dangerous. I've given up on trying to convince people like you that scientists the world over are not in on a conspiracy to scam us into giving them grant money. It's enough to know historians will look back and talk about how people like you were stupid as fuck.
Looks like Conservative misinformation is working

It's seriously embarrassing. A bunch of fuck mouthed rednecks from the United States have unraveled the global conspiracy being pushed by some of the most educated people on Earth. Right...
I guess Europe, Asia and the scientists who know more about it than anybody need to catch up with dumb ass Americans.

The EU is censoring anything that doesn't match their socialist takeover agenda.... Can't have reasoning minds get the facts on the scam..

The world would laugh at us if the abject stupidity in this country wasn't so dangerous. I've given up on trying to convince people like you that scientists the world over are not in on a conspiracy to scam us into giving them grant money. It's enough to know historians will look back and talk about how people like you were stupid as fuck.
As I have a Masters in Atmospheric Physics I find your comment insulting...

As a scientist, you are the ones who are climbing a tree that is on fire.. Your facts are derived from models that have NO PREDICTIVE POWER... Your making assumptions from a position of ignorance.. Fooled by your toys... Until you come to grips with empirical evidence you will always be a dupe for whatever folly your told is true. I deal in facts you can prove, not fantasy you wish were happening...
Looks like Conservative misinformation is working

It's seriously embarrassing. A bunch of fuck mouthed rednecks from the United States have unraveled the global conspiracy being pushed by some of the most educated people on Earth. Right...

This verbiage outs you as a paid for UN Agenda Shill.... Run along laddie, your mamma has a nice hot cup of coco for ya!
Where do you find all these crazies, Marc Morano,

hanging out on conservative threads.
I guess Europe, Asia and the scientists who know more about it than anybody need to catch up with dumb ass Americans.

The EU is censoring anything that doesn't match their socialist takeover agenda.... Can't have reasoning minds get the facts on the scam..

The world would laugh at us if the abject stupidity in this country wasn't so dangerous. I've given up on trying to convince people like you that scientists the world over are not in on a conspiracy to scam us into giving them grant money. It's enough to know historians will look back and talk about how people like you were stupid as fuck.
As I have a Masters in Atmospheric Physics I find your comment insulting...

As a scientist, you are the ones who are climbing a tree that is on fire.. Your facts are derived from models that have NO PREDICTIVE POWER... Your making assumptions from a position of ignorance.. Fooled by your toys... Until you come to grips with empirical evidence you will always be a dupe for whatever folly your told is true. I deal in facts you can prove, not fantasy you wish were happening...

You'd think somebody that went to college for 6 years would be a little better at typing English. The scientists are not lying to us. People like you are a detriment to our species.
Looks like Conservative misinformation is working
Does global warming donation money go to "campaigns" to legislate climate issues? Imagine that coincidence.
Can you list who receives the donation money, listing percentages to where and which companies, campaigns, national committees are the benefactor? Because surely the Polar bears who have no pockets have not received a dime.
Been saying it for 5 years.
...the evidence is daunting.

Even most young people laugh when "global warming" comes up for discussion. It was a fad for the hopelessly duped, many who now know the score and dont want to look like a jackass!:cul2::cul2:.

"...the hopelessly duped..."

Looks like a couple of 'em dropped into the thread.

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