Looks Like Bigger Bus, Again: Obama On Fast & Furious


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
Obama on Fast and Furious: "People who have screwed up will be held accountable" - CBS News Investigates - CBS News

President Obama today responded to a question about Fast and Furious, the controversial ATF program which allowed thousands of weapons into the hands of traffickers for Mexican drug cartels. In an interview with ABC News, Mr. Obama said, "People who have screwed up will be held accountable."


House Republicans have accused Attorney General Eric Holder of misleading Congress about when he knew about the controversial government program. During the interview, which airs tonight on Nightline, the president said, "It's very upsetting to me to think that somebody showed such bad judgment that they would allow something like that to happen. And we will find out who and what happened in this situation and make sure it gets corrected."

On October 6, the president said he had "complete confidence" in the attorney general and a Justice Department investigation of the gunwalking operation.
Here he goes passing the buck AGAIN.

Does this man know ANYTHING that is happening in his crooked administration????

Obama should be impeached over this.
Here he goes passing the buck AGAIN.

Does this man know ANYTHING that is happening in his crooked administration????

Obama should be impeached over this.

I don't see that happening. Having Obama gone in 2012 and Holder sooner though, would be a step in the right direction.
I hope some heads roll.

I also laugh that none of you were upset about this kind of stuff when it happened under Bush.
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I hope some heads roll.

I also laugh that none of you were upset about this kind of stuff when it happened under Bush.

of course. BUSH:rolleyes:
So Stuphanie, why exactly weren't you upset about this when it happened under Bush?

Probably because it never came to light? 200 guns, under a dozen of which crossed the border. They recognized the danger and stopped the program, even though they were working with the Mexican police at the time. So yeah, for some reason it didn't make news, it failed then; so why would the Obama crowd resurrect a plan in a big way, that had already failed and chose not to inform the Mexicans of what they were doing?
of course. BUSH:rolleyes:
So Stuphanie, why exactly weren't you upset about this when it happened under Bush?

Probably because it never came to light? 200 guns, under a dozen of which crossed the border. They recognized the danger and stopped the program, even though they were working with the Mexican police at the time. So yeah, for some reason it didn't make news, it failed then; so why would the Obama crowd resurrect a plan in a big way, that had already failed and chose not to inform the Mexicans of what they were doing?
The "liberal" media strikes again.

I doubt either Bush or Obama had anything to do with this....programs under atf, fbi, cia, etc. have a way of continuing across administrations.
So Stuphanie, why exactly weren't you upset about this when it happened under Bush?

Probably because it never came to light? 200 guns, under a dozen of which crossed the border. They recognized the danger and stopped the program, even though they were working with the Mexican police at the time. So yeah, for some reason it didn't make news, it failed then; so why would the Obama crowd resurrect a plan in a big way, that had already failed and chose not to inform the Mexicans of what they were doing?
The "liberal" media strikes again.

I doubt either Bush or Obama had anything to do with this....programs under atf, fbi, cia, etc. have a way of continuing across administrations.

Uh huh.
I hope some heads roll.

I also laugh that none of you were upset about this kind of stuff when it happened under Bush.

It didn't. No guns were sold to drug cartels under Bush, that part of the program was started in 2009. But then if you actually had a brain you would know that.
I hope some heads roll.

I also laugh that none of you were upset about this kind of stuff when it happened under Bush.

It didn't. No guns were sold to drug cartels under Bush, that part of the program was started in 2009. But then if you actually had a brain you would know that.

You're right, not to the cartels, but to straw purchasers. It was a mistake and the program was stopped. The Mexican authorities lost site of the dozen or so guns and it was shut down.

Now this fiasco? They never had a plan to keep the guns under observation and didn't stop until the program came out in the blogs, then by CBS.
I hope some heads roll.

I also laugh that none of you were upset about this kind of stuff when it happened under Bush.

It didn't. No guns were sold to drug cartels under Bush, that part of the program was started in 2009. But then if you actually had a brain you would know that.

You're right, not to the cartels, but to straw purchasers. It was a mistake and the program was stopped. The Mexican authorities lost site of the dozen or so guns and it was shut down.

Now this fiasco? They never had a plan to keep the guns under observation and didn't stop until the program came out in the blogs, then by CBS.

Trailing the guns, finding out who they were eventually sold to, elucidating the paths these guns took was never the purpose behind "Fast and Furious". Opening the Southern border to unlimited, unrestricted immigration on a "compassionate basis" was, as was putting the government in charge of who had what in the way of firearms and flushing the Second Amendment to the Constitution down the nearest water closet. Gun control and paying back ''La Raza" and the SEIU for their support in helping to get Obama elected were the driving forces behiond "Fast and Furious". What went on with Organizing For America and its aiding and abetting the insurrection against Governor Scott Walker in Wisconsin, Organizing For America's current participatory role in OWS and "Fast and Furious" has removed any and all uncertainty there was over whether Mr Obama is merely a "Well intentioned man, but stupid" or inherently, "Purely Evil". Nobody's provided any photographs of the numbers "666" tatooed onto his scalp, so far, but we've seen enough of his behavior while in office to enable us to stop looking for them and deal with what we've learned he really is.

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