Dacid Duke Approves Of Herman Cain But Stormfront Supporters Like Ron Paul


May 29, 2010
My sense of superior white intellect tells me that stormfront members and supporters of White Nationalist will support Herman Cain if it comes down to between him and the userper who is not Constitutionally eligible to be president named Barack Hussein Obama. Cain seems to be a negro who wants nothing but the best of every individual to get off his ass and make ends meet. That means welfare and ssi people who are cheating the system on a generational level . It's time to support David Duke and his cause in order to defeat Obama at the polls.
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Pretty much my mind set to...Believe me, I don't like this at all as this is the start of the down fall of this nation into a third world nation, but if it comes down to Cain vrs Obama...I will have to go with Cain. O'well. This is what this country wants and what they the majority want; they will get. There is nothing me or people like me can do about it as no matter the data, science or anything the majority(the vast majority) is going to hate us and going to slam us...Just remember what happen to africa. Not like you people give a crap.

This country is already going down the tubes anyways. I can bitch and whine, but I don't really matter a lot when I'm out numbered 20 to 1 within my own race. Sadly, I will live to see myself be proven correct as I'm in my twenty's.
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