Long Term Effect of Prolonged Use of HeAvYY DruG3ssss


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
"In the long run we can't continue to spend as if deficits don't have consequences, as if waste doesn't matter, as if the hard earned tax dollars of the American people can be treated like monopoly money, that's what we've seen time and time again, Washington has become more concerned about the next election than the next generation" -- Barack Hussein Obama, no that's not a joke

After saying we're bankrupt, then buying off Reid, Ben Nelson and Mary Landrieu on ObamaCare then ignoring the $60Billion in annual Medicare Fraud and Waste and promising to piss away $300B on the Fraud Science of Global Warming, Obama says taxpayer money is not Monopoly money.

Wow. Just wow.

And Hannibal Lecter tells us eating human flesh might not be a healthy nutritional choice, but he just ordered the Chianti and a side of fava beans

Is Obama back on heavy drugs, meth? Coke?
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Obama definitely did his fair share of coke in his teens and perhaps early 20s. It's nowhere near the amount of coke Bush did throughout his mid 20s and into his early 30s though by most accounts. I'm honestly not sure either was all that effected 20+ years on from the cessation of their use when they took the Oval office. It makes both of them major hypocrites on drug policy though, since their policies would have locked both of them up, made it impossible for Obama to go to college or for Bush to even vote. Paranoia is the long term consequence most likely shared, and may help explain their devotion to avoiding transparency and open government.

I'm also not sure what either has to do with drugs, but they both talk almost solely in doublespeak. Claiming to support fiscal responsibility while giving money away like candy to their corporate buddies, gifting the financial elite in return for their largesse and screwing the average American, digging them into a burdensome financial hole their grandkids won't be able to climb out of. Not to mention, that ridiculous "war is peace" rhetoric they shared and arguing they're championing democracy in the Middle East by propping up corrupt, despotic regimes and killing scores of citizens each month.

Drug use would seem to play a part if it was just these two perpetual prevaricators who behaved this way, but it's been going on since way before a history of felony drug possession became a prerequisite to getting elected.
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and here i thought this thread was about Frankie's drug use and the brain damaged caused as a result.

"In the long run we can't continue to spend as if deficits don't have consequences, as if waste doesn't matter, as if the hard earned tax dollars of the American people can be treated like monopoly money, that's what we've seen time and time again, Washington has become more concerned about the next election than the next generation" -- Barack Hussein Obama, no that's not a joke

Now you have to imagine Jon Stewart listening to an audio of this then looking into the camera and saying, "Whhhat? Seriously?
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Well then someone should check the Oval Office for a crack pipe

I don't find hyperbole helpful. If you actually think it's a possibility the President of The United States is smoking crack, I'd be more concerned with your own drug use.

"In the long run we can't continue to spend as if deficits don't have consequences, as if waste doesn't matter, as if the hard earned tax dollars of the American people can be treated like monopoly money, that's what we've seen time and time again, Washington has become more concerned about the next election than the next generation" -- Barack Hussein Obama, no that's not a joke

So he was clean and sober when he said this, which is 180 degrees out of kilter with how he spends every waking hour?

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