Lock Her Up

Whereas the leftards are actually doing it.
Oh you weren’t really hoping comey was going to charge Hillary? Sure seemed like it. So you opened up this can of worms.

You want to go after Hillary for using private email then do it when you get in and not expect to be charged? You went after us for it. So you knew it was wrong
Whereas the leftards are actually doing it.
Trump got one free pass. Colluding with Russia. He did it and wasn’t charged. But we can’t overlook the classified documents, Jan 6 and what he did in Georgia. Come on man.

And why no pile on with the stormy Daniel law he broke. He’s a criminal
When you charge a criminal with murder, you charge them with all the other crimes they committed too. Just in case you don’t have enough to prove murder.
Whereas the leftards are actually doing it.

“And I’ll tell you what,” he said at an October presidential debate. “I didn’t think I’d say this, but I’m going to say it, and I hate to say it. But if I win, I am going to instruct my attorney general to get a special prosecutor to look into your situation, because there has never been so many lies, so much deception. There has never been anything like it, and we’re going to have a special prosecutor.”

Can you believe Trump said that to Hillary in 2016? Look at him now.
Now there's two that need to be locked up. First there's Liz Cheney for what she did while on the J6 Committee. Cassidy Hutchinson testified against Trump, showing no loyalty to Trump or the GOP.

---Trump Calls for Prosecution of Liz Cheney Over January 6 Committee---

---But on Thursday, Trump escalated by insisting the Justice Department should take action against Hutchinson---

In order to lock someone up you have to have evidence. Then you have to convince a jury of 12. In all the years of lock her up, you haven't had enough to charge her. It's not that Trump was being kind. He had NOTHING. So Trump threatening to go after his political opponents. Go ahead. Good luck finding 12 MAGA idiots to put on a jury who don't care about the facts or evidence.

Let's start with the Clinton Foundation. Republicans think it's corrupt. Prove it. Like they proved Trump's was and it was shut down.

And why did Michael Cohen go to jail but Trump won't?
Never gonna lock her up.

A good chance Trump will be.

Because it takes evidence. Think about it. Back when Hillary was using private emails, so was everyone else. Trump made a big deal out of it because he was never a politician. So you couldn't prove he'd do it too, which he and his team did. So Trump went after Hillary for something that later on, he did himself. Classified documents case.

Let's not forget Trump made what Hillary did after she did it, a felony, then he did what she did. So sorry that Mueller didn't have enough to charge her. Just enough to make her look bad.

Trump threatened Hillary at their debates that she'd be in jail if he were in charge.

Republicans have been "going after" or "investigating the Clinton's" for years. Obama too. Biden too. Haven't found much. Trump, we have found plenty of crimes and enough evidence to convict.
Trump got one free pass. Colluding with Russia. He did it and wasn’t charged. But we can’t overlook the classified documents, Jan 6 and what he did in Georgia. Come on man.

And why no pile on with the stormy Daniel law he broke. He’s a criminal
That is not the point.

UNEQUAL JUSTICE is the point.
That is not the point.

UNEQUAL JUSTICE is the point.
Nonsense. Bring charges and find our leaders guilty in a court of law. You can't. What we find is the talk you talk outside of court is much different than when you are in court. In court you have nothing.

What Hillary was doing, they all do. Including Team Trump once they got into office. In fact, Trump broke the law after he made it a felony. It wasn't when Hillary did it.

The Senators didn't convict Trump in his second impeachment. Said it was a matter for the courts. Well, here we are. 4 cases against him. And you know he's guilty in the other 3 cases.

Be careful not caring that your guy breaks the law. One day it'll be our guy in there and you can't care then.

Oh yea, and why did Trump say he didn't say lock her up? And why didn't the right wing media hosts questioning him object or call bullshit on that lie?

The media has to start calling bullshit.
Nonsense. Bring charges and find our leaders guilty in a court of law. You can't. What we find is the talk you talk outside of court is much different than when you are in court. In court you have nothing.

What Hillary was doing, they all do. Including Team Trump once they got into office. In fact, Trump broke the law after he made it a felony. It wasn't when Hillary did it.

The Senators didn't convict Trump in his second impeachment. Said it was a matter for the courts. Well, here we are. 4 cases against him. And you know he's guilty in the other 3 cases.

Be careful not caring that your guy breaks the law. One day it'll be our guy in there and you can't care then.

Oh yea, and why did Trump say he didn't say lock her up? And why didn't the right wing media hosts questioning him object or call bullshit on that lie?

The media has to start calling bullshit.

The media can kiss my ass. I don't own a TV and never will.

The media can kiss my ass. I don't own a TV and never will.
Like I said, when Trump can sit in front of 3 Fox News hosts, lie, and they don't call him on it, and you don't see it? You're a Not See. Let's start demanding out media hosts like Fox and CNN start calling bullshit when they hear it. Stop being afraid pussies.

Yes the media can kiss my ass too. Do a better job.
Like I said, when Trump can sit in front of 3 Fox News hosts, lie, and they don't call him on it, and you don't see it?

I don't care. Journalism has become a dishonorable profession. I couldn't care less about Fox noise

You're a Not See.

I see way more than you do.

Let's start demanding out media hosts like Fox and CNN start calling bullshit when they hear it. Stop being afraid pussies.

What did I just say, dumbass?

I DO NOT CARE about your idiotic media.

Yes the media can kiss my ass too. Do a better job.

Then get rid of your TV.

Throw some beer into it. That usually does the trick.
I don't care. Journalism has become a dishonorable profession. I couldn't care less about Fox noise

I see way more than you do.

What did I just say, dumbass?

I DO NOT CARE about your idiotic media.

Then get rid of your TV.

Throw some beer into it. That usually does the trick.
Well wherever you are getting your news from, it's not producing a smarter individual. Not as far as I can see. Do yourself a favor and join or start a party. How about the Unibombers? He didn't watch TV either and the government was the enemy. He was paranoid like you.

I'll give you an example how how today you're being brainwashed to believe all journalism and media is the enemy, when in fact it's one of the checks and balances against corruption. Unless it's in on the corruption, like it's been proven at Fox News. Proven, in a court of law. What do you have on us?

And you did this to regulations in the 2000's. Regulations were bad you said. Blanket statement. But what regulations? Most regulations are in place for a good reason. But the GOP had you going to war against REGULATIONS in the 2000's. Which regulations?

Same goes for the media. And I don't just blow off Fox News. I go there and watch and they confirm my beliefs. Did you watch the Daily Show last night? Wake up. Get a tv. Or the internet and google that shit.

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