Liz Cheney & Other Reps Come Out For Impeachment

Her daddy was a big shot- so he and others feel- that makes her special- we're to believe everything they and their betters tell us to believe-
Well that post was about as cultish as it gets...
If it is verified 12,000 dead voters voted, what will you say? That is how much Biden won by. OMG the crimes you guys committed. And you believed Trump was a Russian hoax....LOLOL
Shame on Liz Cheney! what a POS......but we know that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

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So if you don't bow down at the alter of Trump, you are a back stabber.


Not only is a communist liberal like Liz Cheney coming out for impeachment, there are some house Republicans coming out for impeachment well as Moscow Mitch signaling impeachment...

They must be panicking about Trump unsealing the 724 secret indictments, ordering a temporary takeover of government and hold militarytribunals...then Trump can reconvene the government with congress members of his choosing.

Of Dick Cheney fame? Oh goodie, now the MSM can find another Neo-Con to hug and hold.
Wait...I thought they wanted him prosecuted for war crimes?
Isn't it something else. Impeaching him will unite us. They can't hold a trial for a citizen.....LOL. First he gets a trial. 5 days left after tomorrow. My God.

they are afraid of him declassifying and other midnight hour actions...................lolol

let them
Why didn't he declassify anything a long time ago??

Dont you trumpers get tired of the cosplay??
He just declassified quite a bit recently on the Russian scam. No one wants to read it. It is a lie. a conspiracy.
He didn't declassify shit....

And when the Durham report yields nothing, you folks will as usual claim Durham is deep state..

Trump is the weakest cuck of a president in US history
So it is taking this long for nothing. One person already indicted. LOLOL

and you believed a Russian hoax.
70 arrested...160+ case files...with more to come...
WOW!!. They sure planned the Capitol police well. 230 people.

Where were you this Summmer? You let this happen. You cheated an election
That's what the National Guard is for. But Trump the traitor made sure they didn't have weapons and could only direct traffic. Then he delayed them from assisting for hours. The whole world knows why, your freakish cultism notwithstanding.

Not only is a communist liberal like Liz Cheney coming out for impeachment, there are some house Republicans coming out for impeachment well as Moscow Mitch signaling impeachment...

They must be panicking about Trump unsealing the 724 secret indictments, ordering a temporary takeover of government and hold militarytribunals...then Trump can reconvene the government with congress members of his choosing.

Trump-hating RINO cuck slut. She should go duck hunting with her daddy.
Her father is thieving war criminal just as Trump is a thieving racketeer so neither belonged anywhere near the seats of power.
Of course Liz Cheney and Dick Cheney are Neo-con pro-MIC warmongering bastards! But when Cheney Sr. and Bush were lying about “Weapons of Mass Destruction” in Iraq, most of the Trumpsters here were waving the “Red, White and Blue” and cheering on the war and occupation of Iraq! Now they all act like they were always opposed to Bush and the neo-cons. Pathetic dishonest cultists all.

Not a one is a genuine anti-imperialist, or would stand against proxy wars in Asia or Africa against China had Trump been re-elected and told them they were necessary. Admittedly there are a few libertarians here who want to return to the 18th century and claim to hate federal power and both parties “equally.” People like Gdjjr. But most are so emotionally attached to their fantastic illusions in Trump, or to their hatred for Republicans like Cheney who simply refuse to take the nation down Trump’s rabbit hole, or to their hatred for “Demonrats,” or to their jealousy and hatred for “elites” ... they have lost all sense.

Trump has pissed ... not in Obama’s Kremlin bed ... but in his own. Let him lie in it. The “Wizard of Oz” is a conman. More than that he has proven a danger to the Republic. Let him go. Holding on to insurrectionary cultism is a dead end. Not worth another single death.
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Not only is a communist liberal like Liz Cheney coming out for impeachment, there are some house Republicans coming out for impeachment well as Moscow Mitch signaling impeachment...

They must be panicking about Trump unsealing the 724 secret indictments, ordering a temporary takeover of government and hold militarytribunals...then Trump can reconvene the government with congress members of his choosing.

Trump-hating RINO cuck slut. She should go duck hunting with her daddy.
Her father is thieving war criminal just as Trump is a thieving racketeer so neither belonged anywhere near the seats of power.

So how much undeclared money did Dick Cheney and Donald Trump take from Russia, Ukraine, and China, like Joe Biden did?

Not only is a communist liberal like Liz Cheney coming out for impeachment, there are some house Republicans coming out for impeachment well as Moscow Mitch signaling impeachment...

They must be panicking about Trump unsealing the 724 secret indictments, ordering a temporary takeover of government and hold militarytribunals...then Trump can reconvene the government with congress members of his choosing.
Good. Can we impeach the crazed warmonger Liz Cheney too

Not only is a communist liberal like Liz Cheney coming out for impeachment, there are some house Republicans coming out for impeachment well as Moscow Mitch signaling impeachment...

They must be panicking about Trump unsealing the 724 secret indictments, ordering a temporary takeover of government and hold militarytribunals...then Trump can reconvene the government with congress members of his choosing.
Good. Can we impeach the crazed warmonger Liz Cheney too
If these current day Trumpers would have had this insight back when they were Bushees -- maybe there would have never been a Liz Cheney in Congress......but.......hindsight is 20/20.....

Although........liberals told you about Bush and Cheney 20 years ago...

Not only is a communist liberal like Liz Cheney coming out for impeachment, there are some house Republicans coming out for impeachment well as Moscow Mitch signaling impeachment...

They must be panicking about Trump unsealing the 724 secret indictments, ordering a temporary takeover of government and hold militarytribunals...then Trump can reconvene the government with congress members of his choosing.

Trump-hating RINO cuck slut. She should go duck hunting with her daddy.
Her father is thieving war criminal just as Trump is a thieving racketeer so neither belonged anywhere near the seats of power.

So how much undeclared money did Dick Cheney and Donald Trump take from Russia, Ukraine, and China, like Joe Biden did?
Not that this will matter to you -- since you have Trump's dick planted so firmly down your throat, that you can't notice the irony of fearmongering Biden and China....

"Of course, as we know from Biden’s tax returns, which he released in contrast to Trump, the former vice president doesn’t have any income from or business dealings with China -- Mr. Trump maintains a bank account in China -- In 2017, the company reported an unusually large spike in revenue—some $17.5 million, more than the previous five years’ combined. It was accompanied by a $15.1 million withdrawal by Mr. Trump from the company’s capital account."


Not only is a communist liberal like Liz Cheney coming out for impeachment, there are some house Republicans coming out for impeachment well as Moscow Mitch signaling impeachment...

They must be panicking about Trump unsealing the 724 secret indictments, ordering a temporary takeover of government and hold militarytribunals...then Trump can reconvene the government with congress members of his choosing.
Good. Can we impeach the crazed warmonger Liz Cheney too
If these current day Trumpers would have had this insight back when they were Bushees -- maybe there would have never been a Liz Cheney in Congress......but.......hindsight is 20/20.....

Although........liberals told you about Bush and Cheney 20 years ago...
Oh...there’s plenty exactly like her in the D Party. Both criminal gangs fully support the war machine. It’s a job prerequisite.

Not only is a communist liberal like Liz Cheney coming out for impeachment, there are some house Republicans coming out for impeachment well as Moscow Mitch signaling impeachment...

They must be panicking about Trump unsealing the 724 secret indictments, ordering a temporary takeover of government and hold militarytribunals...then Trump can reconvene the government with congress members of his choosing.
Good. Can we impeach the crazed warmonger Liz Cheney too
If these current day Trumpers would have had this insight back when they were Bushees -- maybe there would have never been a Liz Cheney in Congress......but.......hindsight is 20/20.....

Although........liberals told you about Bush and Cheney 20 years ago...
Oh...there’s plenty exactly like her in the D Party. Both criminal gangs fully support the war machine. It’s a job prerequisite.
I am sure there are plenty like her in the D party...

How does that translate into policies tho??

Does plenty like her in the D party make them less likely or more likely to expand Voting Rights, Civil Rights, Social Security, Medicare?

That is ALL I CARE ABOUT.....the personality cult and the "us vs them" culture war games you folks get caught up in ain't my concern...just the policies...

Not only is a communist liberal like Liz Cheney coming out for impeachment, there are some house Republicans coming out for impeachment well as Moscow Mitch signaling impeachment...

They must be panicking about Trump unsealing the 724 secret indictments, ordering a temporary takeover of government and hold militarytribunals...then Trump can reconvene the government with congress members of his choosing.
Good. Can we impeach the crazed warmonger Liz Cheney too
If these current day Trumpers would have had this insight back when they were Bushees -- maybe there would have never been a Liz Cheney in Congress......but.......hindsight is 20/20.....

Although........liberals told you about Bush and Cheney 20 years ago...
Oh...there’s plenty exactly like her in the D Party. Both criminal gangs fully support the war machine. It’s a job prerequisite.
I am sure there are plenty like her in the D party...

How does that translate into policies tho??

Does plenty like her in the D party make them less likely or more likely to expand Voting Rights, Civil Rights, Social Security, Medicare?

That is ALL I CARE ABOUT.....the personality cult and the "us vs them" culture war games you folks get caught up in ain't my concern...just the policies...
If you haven’t figured out the two parties are near mirror images of each other, it may be too late. Joe will govern very much like Don on policy. The D Party stands against M4A. Both parties agree on expanding the police state. So there goes your civil rights. Watch as Joe imposes draconian measures. A Patriot Act II if you will. You do know he claims authorship of Patriot Act I right?

Not only is a communist liberal like Liz Cheney coming out for impeachment, there are some house Republicans coming out for impeachment well as Moscow Mitch signaling impeachment...

They must be panicking about Trump unsealing the 724 secret indictments, ordering a temporary takeover of government and hold militarytribunals...then Trump can reconvene the government with congress members of his choosing.
Good. Can we impeach the crazed warmonger Liz Cheney too
If these current day Trumpers would have had this insight back when they were Bushees -- maybe there would have never been a Liz Cheney in Congress......but.......hindsight is 20/20.....

Although........liberals told you about Bush and Cheney 20 years ago...
Oh...there’s plenty exactly like her in the D Party. Both criminal gangs fully support the war machine. It’s a job prerequisite.
I am sure there are plenty like her in the D party...

How does that translate into policies tho??

Does plenty like her in the D party make them less likely or more likely to expand Voting Rights, Civil Rights, Social Security, Medicare?

That is ALL I CARE ABOUT.....the personality cult and the "us vs them" culture war games you folks get caught up in ain't my concern...just the policies...
If you haven’t figured out the two parties are near mirror images of each other, it may be too late. Joe will govern very much like Don on policy. The D Party stands against M4A. Both parties agree on expanding the police state. So there goes your civil rights. Watch as Joe imposes draconian measures. A Patriot Act II if you will. You do know he claims authorship of Patriot Act I right?
Here is why I have so little respect for folks like you.....

On one hand -- you claim Biden and the Dems are all socialist communists radical terrorists who want to take over healthcare, blah blah blah...

Then turn around and say "Oh, Biden will govern very much like Trump"

Which tells me its all about the "us vs them" game with you.....and it also tells me you are full of shit

I for one know that Dems in office are easier to push to the left than Reps in office....why??

Because way back in May, the Dems passed a $2000 stimulus bill....and it was blocked by the GOP (INCLUDING TRUMP) -- until he was desperate and came out in support.....

What does that tell me?

It tells me that when shit got hot; it was the progressive policy that he turned to -- not the bullshit conservatives wanted...
I remember during the Obama, Romney circus act, a side by side comparison of their rhetoric on specific policies- they were almost identical- I had, just previous to that time, began to look at the big picture and results- vs cheap, scripted rhetoric- the results speak for themselves. The Bottom Line(s) I arrived at are pretty telling- BOTH Party spotlight whores (the larger percentage of ALL 535 of them) subscribe to Borrow to Spend to suit their betters desires- follow the money, see the agenda-
Diversion noted. Blanket indictments are a convenient ploy to avoid confronting the specific.
When you grow a set of balls- let's see your tactics at diversion to go with the other intellectual cowards who refuse to address the questions-


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