list interesting things you have heard on this forum


Platinum Member
Nov 28, 2022
Here's something I have just now taken note of. OK, I did notice before but it really struck me all over again

People here, even a lot of the liberals I've had big problems with are pro life

There are hardly any posters here who are pro-abortion (or "choice"... same thing)

So how did Roe ever get enacted by the scotus?

oh yeh.... 7 MEN

2 had some sense but the 7 won. 7 people out of 350 million in the US. And something like 65 million murdered persons later

TRUMP and Co got rid of that sick monster Roe

Someone said Timothy Macveigh might have been gay the other day. This ridiculous assertion was made by a right winger who was trying to insist that right wing conservatives would never hurt anyone.
The Nashville shooter shoe thing. I double checked the footage. It does appear to be true. I am not sure if she changed shoes or if it is an optical illusion created by the lighting, but she does appear to be wearing different sneakers when killed than she was wearing when shooting her way through the doors.
If by 'interesting' you mean hilarious....Yesterday I heard that the Clintons, Obamas, Bidens and Bushes are "innocent."

But if by interesting you mean actually interesting..... I really can't think of anything. :dunno:

ETA: Actually, if what Dekster said in the above post is true, then that would be interesting. But even if that turned out to not be true, it wouldn't change the fact that Problem - Reaction - Solution is the PTSB's MO these days... and people should question any big news stories from the controlled media. I would think that that would go without saying by now, but amazingly, it still needs to be said.
Someone said Timothy Macveigh might have been gay the other day. This ridiculous assertion was made by a right winger who was trying to insist that right wing conservatives would never hurt anyone.
Prove he wasn’t.
Someone said Timothy Macveigh might have been gay the other day. This ridiculous assertion was made by a right winger who was trying to insist that right wing conservatives would never hurt anyone.
Seems he likely was and there are plenty of evidence sources .
He was 100% CIA Special Force , very high IQ and it seems likely he was not executed .

Resist prejudging until you have researched . If you do not DYOR , shut up .

What's the point of running False Flags if the Sheeple think it is all garbage ?
Seems he likely was and there are plenty of evidence sources .
He was 100% CIA Special Force , very high IQ and it seems likely he was not executed .

Resist prejudging until you have researched . If you do not DYOR , shut up .

What's the point of running False Flags if the Sheeple think it is all garbage ?

I remember reading Ambrose Evans-Pritchard's writing on the OKC bombing, and it was definitely interesting. Nothing at all like what the public was told. I wish people would turn off the idiot box and actually dig deeper into all of these "events" that always result in pre-planned power grabs and political agendas.
To be honest I've never seen anything on here that would cause me to sit back and say.....Well ain't that some shit?

Either too jaded or too well informed I guess. ;)
and/or too prideful?

just sayin
If by 'interesting' you mean hilarious....Yesterday I heard that the Clintons, Obamas, Bidens and Bushes are "innocent."

But if by interesting you mean actually interesting..... I really can't think of anything. :dunno:

ETA: Actually, if what Dekster said in the above post is true, then that would be interesting. But even if that turned out to not be true, it wouldn't change the fact that Problem - Reaction - Solution is the PTSB's MO these days... and people should question any big news stories from the controlled media. I would think that that would go without saying by now, but amazingly, it still needs to be said.
I question everything these days... we've been deceived too often not to

But some news sources attempt to get things right. The ones that don't bother, the ones that blab on with nothing but political hackery talking points like CNN

gave up on them a LONG time ago
and/or too prideful?

just sayin
Well I do take pride in being well informed....That's a vice?

But it's also the small things. I've posted memes that are at least 10-15 years old and some here act like it's the first time they have seen them. I'm glad that they are either entertained (or insulted) but damn.

Then there is the droning tripe the leftists post that makes my poor old eyes glass over. I mean you can only take so much "orange man bad", the constant TDS, and crying wolf over "climate change" before you reject it out of hand.

On the whole folks here take themselves way to serious because at the end of the day most everyone (unless they think that they are special) is just along for the ride, they may as well have some fun while they are about it. ;)
Well I do take pride in being well informed....That's a vice?

But it's also the small things. I've posted memes that are at least 10-15 years old and some here act like it's the first time they have seen them. I'm glad that they are either entertained (or insulted) but damn.

Then there is the droning tripe the leftists post that makes my poor old eyes glass over. I mean you can only take so much "orange man bad", the constant TDS, and crying wolf over "climate change" before you reject it out of hand.

On the whole folks here take themselves way to serious because at the end of the day most everyone (unless they think that they are special) is just along for the ride, they may as well have some fun while they are about it. ;)
go along for the ride?


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