Lincoln was actually a RINO, not at all against big government.. and tyrannical/anti-Constitution

well, I don't know about that... he did get elected (but maybe 1860 and/or 1864 were similar to 2020? God knows)

I'm pro life so I dont believe in executing these kinds of traitors... although the ones who conspired to kill Lincoln were all hanged... a woman was hanged w/ them..

it seems getting killed makes everyone a hero... I think of G. Floyd.. etc...

In any case, I also think of Durham and his work...

seems some people can get away with anything just bc of their last name..
The traitors started the fight. America finished it.
Forgive me because I admit that I didn't pay as much of attention in history and social studies class in school as I should have so I might be mistaken, but didn't he help end the war on slavery or something?

The short answer is historians whitewashed Lincoln's actions, first as the GOP's Party propaganda apparatus kicked in, and from then on the Todd family kept all his papers and correspondence under their control, and no historian could write a history of Lincoln using their papers without signing over complete editorial control to the family. They finally relinquished that control in the late 1940's or so, and not until after that do we get books like The Lincoln Nobody Knows, North Of Slavery, Forced To Glory, etc., with the real facts of the era, turning up in new histories, like the massive death tolls in his 'Contraband Camps', blacks forced back onto the plantations run by the government, etc., etc.

Lincoln didn't start the war over slavery, and said so himself many times. Few northerners fought to free slaves. If that were the case, why did so many blacks remain in the South if they were allegedly 'free citizens'? They answer is they were deliberately kept there, until some big corporation needed scab labor to bust immigrant workers' strikes in the north.
JFK was a liberal Democrat. He picked LBJ as VP to help win the conservative Democratic South.

lol this is just silly. LBJ was a New Deal Democrat, not a conservative. He had no pull in the South. He had pull in Texas and both Houses, and a master at consensus building.
Lincoln, Grant, Roosevelt ( Teddy ), Ike and even Nixon were Progressive for their time and day and wouldn’t be members of either political party in today time…

I doubt they would even bother running…
people really should read this book or one like it... didn't know there are actually several that touch on the topic of how dictatorial Lincoln was.

Apparently Lincoln has no peace in the next realm... Many people including Churchill claimed to see his ghost... I used to wonder about that... you know.. why would he not apparently be at peace... Now I know..

so I was right as a child to wonder why on Earth 620,000 people had to be killed, brother against brother, citizen against citizen...

he put editors in jail, no trial, no charges.. and a very bad jail at that... for not agreeing w/ his policies. Some people were actually killed by his law enforcement..

He esp seemed to like hearing the stories from his generals on how VIOLENT their "work" was in Atlanta and elsewhere in the South... how they left women and children and old people to starve after killing livestock and burning everything up... going against the Geneva Convention at every turn... If the Union hadnt won, they would have been legititmately tried as war criminals..

Sherman was married to a CINO... Catholic in name only... Instead of reprimanding him for his atrocities she stupidly cheered him on...
The traitors started the fight. America finished it.
the South were not traitors for believing in secession. The economic policies were highly discriminatory against the South.. but the South was paying more in taxes... Taxation w/o representation..

Our whole country was founded on secession.. from Britain

Jefferson, Madison and many others affirmed that secession is a right...

It's in the Declaration of I

When govt [is corrupt, out of control (my words)] we have the power to replace it w/ another
Dishonest Abe was a traitor who should have been executed before he took the nation to war causing 850k dead Americans. Treason is defined as warring on fellow Americans. He did this.

You should read his Gettysburg Address. It’s laughable how absurd it is when you understand what he did.
The thing I find is incredible gipper is John Schneider from Dukes of Hazzard and smallville fame whom I am pretty good aquintances with,he understands all this about Lincoln,yet he is brainless about Reagan and puts him on a pedestal.How anyone can possibly be that stupid about Reagan all these years later when he was a president in his lifetime I cant fathom.If it was the other way around that he held Lincoln on a pedastal but called Reagan a tyrant,now THAT I could understand sense Lincoln was not in his lifetime ,but the other way around? how can anybody possibly be THAT stupid?
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No offense I can't believe that as I don't believe that's what I was taught. I even asked somebody about it and they confirmed that he led the slaves to freedom. Or at least that he played a big part in it even if he wasn't the only reason.
you were also taught by our corrupt school system that Oswald kIlled kennedy as well remember FJB ?:auiqs.jpg:

The first books I read on Lincoln were full of myths according to DiLorenzo who wrote a book about the real Lincoln...

I feel I was totally lied to by the authors of the first books I read on L

He was actually what we now refer to as a "progressive" although I don't know why we use that term because "progressives" are very retrogressive... especially since they are NAZIs when it comes to human life in the womb...


Lincoln was very much a Republican, an advocate of big government and an authoritarian tyrant hostile to the Constitution.

Lincoln was the first Imperial President; Republicans today support and seek to expand the powers of the Imperial Presidency.

And Republicans today are likewise advocates of big government:

More government, bigger government forcing women to give birth against their will.

More government, bigger government restricting minority Americans’ right to vote.

More government, bigger government hostile to gay and transgender Americans.

More government, bigger government violating social media’s right to freedom of association.

More government, bigger government violating the due process rights of immigrants.

Just to note a few examples – Republicans need to understand that ‘small government’ is far much more than just reckless, irresponsible tax cuts and deregulation.

Like Lincoln, Republicans today are very much advocates of big government, anti-Constitution, and authoritarian tyrants.
the South were not traitors for believing in secession. The economic policies were highly discriminatory against the South.. but the South was paying more in taxes... Taxation w/o representation..
Northerners saw nothing wrong with their discriminatory practices.
Dishonest Abe was a traitor who should have been executed before he took the nation to war causing 850k dead Americans. Treason is defined as warring on fellow Americans. He did this.

You should read his Gettysburg Address. It’s laughable how absurd it is when you understand what he did.
Perhaps you forget that the SOUTH drew first blood? Or did that part of History escape you?

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