Lincoln was actually a RINO, not at all against big government.. and tyrannical/anti-Constitution


Diamond Member
Oct 5, 2021

The first books I read on Lincoln were full of myths according to DiLorenzo who wrote a book about the real Lincoln...

I feel I was totally lied to by the authors of the first books I read on L

He was actually what we now refer to as a "progressive" although I don't know why we use that term because "progressives" are very retrogressive... especially since they are NAZIs when it comes to human life in the womb...

Forgive me because I admit that I didn't pay as much of attention in history and social studies class in school as I should have so I might be mistaken, but didn't he help end the war on slavery or something?
Forgive me because I admit that I didn't pay as much of attention in history and social studies class in school as I should have so I might be mistaken, but didn't he help end the war on slavery or something?
Lincoln was not an abolitionist and didn't want to have anything to do with those who were

He had political reasons for wanting to "keep the Union together"

the North were about as anti-Black as the South and most of them didn't want to fight to free slaves... Who wants to go to war over much of ANYTHING?

the North fought for ECONOMIC reasons... figures

It's the economy, Stupid

as some political person once declared...

the slave owners could have been paid off to free the slaves... there was talk of that... but Lincoln didn't listen to those who advocated such...

Lincoln was not an abolitionist and didn't want to have anything to do with those who were

He had political reasons for wanting to "keep the Union together"

the North were about as anti-Black as the South and most of them didn't want to fight to free slaves... Who wants to go to war over much of ANYTHING?

the North fought for ECONOMIC reasons... figures

It's the economy, Stupid

as some political person once declared...

the slave owners could have been paid off to free the slaves... there was talk of that... but Lincoln didn't listen to those who advocated such...


No offense I can't believe that as I don't believe that's what I was taught. I even asked somebody about it and they confirmed that he led the slaves to freedom. Or at least that he played a big part in it even if he wasn't the only reason.
No offense I can't believe that as I don't believe that's what I was taught. I even asked somebody about it and they confirmed that he led the slaves to freedom. Or at least that he played a big part in it even if he wasn't the only reason.
well, i have lived long enough to realize we are all lied to on a regular basis

u think the modern progressives (so called) were the only ones to want to re-write history?

But it WAS the R party that voted for the slaves to be free. And the R party is not like Lincoln's party back in the day... Most R are NOT for big govt... although there are plenty of RINOs...

The Rs back then did vote for Blacks to have the vote. The Dims didn't want that and most voted against it. In fact 100% voted NOT to give Blacks the vote...

lovely party

but again... Lincoln was "one of them" before... they even were one of them...

Trump was originally a democrat, but I still don't see any evidence for all of this I'm afraid as I apologize, but it sounds like conspiracy theories.
Lincoln was a pragmatist and a politician.

He didn’t have much of an ideology per se.
What's the economic effect of being owned as a piece of property?
the civil war had little to do w/ slavery... Slavery like so many things was just a political tool used by both sides... not both sides of Everyday America but... well, some things never change, do they? The elites in those days controlled things just as they do today..

The North didn't like that the South had outlawed tariffs, unlike them

Businesses were able to get their goods cheaper from the South and the NOrth didn't like that... Again, few soldiers were willing to fight to free slaves, whom they saw as ... once freed, competing for their jobs..

The North wanted tariffs, just as Lincoln did... but tariffs raise the price of things.. and ... well, it gets politically complicated

but the key word is politics...

isn't it always?


The first books I read on Lincoln were full of myths according to DiLorenzo who wrote a book about the real Lincoln...

I feel I was totally lied to by the authors of the first books I read on L

He was actually what we now refer to as a "progressive" although I don't know why we use that term because "progressives" are very retrogressive... especially since they are NAZIs when it comes to human life in the womb...

Dishonest Abe was a traitor who should have been executed before he took the nation to war causing 850k dead Americans. Treason is defined as warring on fellow Americans. He did this.

You should read his Gettysburg Address. It’s laughable how absurd it is when you understand what he did.
Dishonest Abe was a traitor who should have been executed before he took the nation to war causing 850k dead Americans. Treason is defined as warring on fellow Americans. He did this.

You should read his Gettysburg Address. It’s laughable how absurd it is when you understand what he did.
i do understand...

btw, it was 620,000 dead, according to my best info.. but 1 was too many...

all those people died and then there were also the ones Lincoln held in jail, no habeus corpus.. and he had the military execute ppl for not supporting his war.. a guy named Mumford was executed for taking a flag down.. (so I briefly read about)... don't have details but then there was that Vallandingham (spelling?) who was deported for standing up for state's rights and/or not having a govt central bank...

amazing how I went from virtual adoration of L to... total disgust. He was the one, not FDR who made the fed govt master of We the People rather than the other way around..

no wonder this country is in such bad shape... didn't know it all went back THAT far...

amazing how... the fed gov took over theschools and that is how we all got lied to about honest Abe


The first books I read on Lincoln were full of myths according to DiLorenzo who wrote a book about the real Lincoln...

I feel I was totally lied to by the authors of the first books I read on L

He was actually what we now refer to as a "progressive" although I don't know why we use that term because "progressives" are very retrogressive... especially since they are NAZIs when it comes to human life in the womb...

Yes, Lincoln was a big government liberal. I've tried to explain this on this forum many times.

The Republicans were the liberals, the Democrats were the conservatives.

Eventually, the parties began to have a blend of conservatives and liberals. Right around 1957 or so, the Republican Party became more conservative, and the Democratic party became more liberal.

JFK was a liberal Democrat. He picked LBJ as VP to help win the conservative Democratic South.

He was in Dallas on that fateful day to woo conservatives. That's why conservative Democrat John Connally was in the front seat of the limo. He was a leading light of the conservative Democrats.
Lincoln was not a "small government" Republican. He stuck his nose where it didn't belong. He didn't believe in states' rights for the southern states.
Dishonest Abe was a traitor who should have been executed before he took the nation to war causing 850k dead Americans. Treason is defined as warring on fellow Americans. He did this.
They were traitors. Traitors deserve to be shot.
Yes, Lincoln was a big government liberal. I've tried to explain this on this forum many times.

The Republicans were the liberals, the Democrats were the conservatives.

Eventually, the parties began to have a blend of conservatives and liberals. Right around 1957 or so, the Republican Party became more conservative, and the Democratic party became more liberal.

JFK was a liberal Democrat. He picked LBJ as VP to help win the conservative Democratic South.

He was in Dallas on that fateful day to woo conservatives. That's why conservative Democrat John Connally was in the front seat of the limo. He was a leading light of the conservative Democrats.
i was wondering when the 2 parties switched... Now the R party is the one that is in the right on almost every issue... I mean, wait, every issue that I know of...

and the Ds are all on the wrong side of issues and the wrong side of history

American politics... a strange thing..
They were traitors. Traitors deserve to be shot.
well, I don't know about that... he did get elected (but maybe 1860 and/or 1864 were similar to 2020? God knows)

I'm pro life so I dont believe in executing these kinds of traitors... although the ones who conspired to kill Lincoln were all hanged... a woman was hanged w/ them..

it seems getting killed makes everyone a hero... I think of G. Floyd.. etc...

In any case, I also think of Durham and his work...

seems some people can get away with anything just bc of their last name..

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