Like everything else Obama 3rd Qtr "Growth" not what it seems


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
What a surprise! The recently reported 3rd Qtr growth of 3.6% was due to a large increase in "Unsold inventory"

That's right!

Businesses aren't moving their product so that boosts the Obama economy.

After all, what else could you expect from a group that thinks Unemployment and Food stamps stimulate the economy and Bank ATM's hurt the economy.

“The problem is all of the upward revision was in a buildup of goods and services produced, but not sold,” said Paul Edelstein, director of financial economics at IHS Global Insight in Lexington.

As a result, Edelstein said, in the fourth quarter, the nation will probably see a smaller buildup in inventories, which is going to hurt gross domestic product.

“The buildup in the third quarter was in some ways a mistake,” he said. “Adding to it is the fact that the holiday shopping season is not going that well. So that’s probably going to make the problem worse.”

Unsold inventories result of GDP boost | Boston Herald
When Republicans helped move those millions of jobs to China from 2001 to 2008, they also helped close tens of thousands of factories.
And that's assuming the numbers are even reliable. We know the administrtion is not above fudging them. But now the Fed is faced with an economy that looks like it's recovering, so they will be pretty well forced to scale back their bond purchases.
When Republicans helped move those millions of jobs to China from 2001 to 2008, they also helped close tens of thousands of factories.

Topic: Here

You: Out there in Lalaland

See the problem?

The problem is that Republicans ruined our economy and want to blame it on others. They take no responsibility for any of their fiascoes or debacles.
When Republicans helped move those millions of jobs to China from 2001 to 2008, they also helped close tens of thousands of factories.

Topic: Here

You: Out there in Lalaland

See the problem?

The problem is that Republicans ruined our economy and want to blame it on others. They take no responsibility for any of their fiascoes or debacles.

Obama on his 6th year and passed his entire agenda: Obamacare, failed stimulus, Dodd Frank, the gses are spewing record profits Bear Stearns and Lehmann are as dead as Jacob me on the doll where George Bush touched the economy Deany

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