3rd Quarter GDP Up Based on Biden Selling US Oil, Gas and Weapons Overseas While Americans Suffer at the Pump


Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2020
A dig into the GDP "growth" spurt reveals that without a reduction of imports caused by inflation & supply chain chokes & a big surge in exports, the GDP would've shrunk.
Let's see, the Nord Stream Pipeline blows up & Pedo Joe sells our strategic national reserves overseas.
Our military arms & other support going overseas to support the corruption in Ukraine.

Meanwhile, our domestic personal consumption is shrinking despite the record inflation & our businesses are contracting because they know what's really coming

It makes you wonder what the true numbers are here.
A 2.6% increase powered by the elites selling us out overseas while the population suffers back breaking increases in prices everywhere is not the good news they will try to sell this as.

If the economy was actually healthy & growing like the progbots say, that 8% inflation rate alone would power a much higher GDP increase.
True GDP is shrinking & this is just a Monopoly game trick of semantics where we send massive resources to Europe to gaslight the low info into believing things are turning for the better when the exact opposite is taking place.

If you like seeing the elites grow much wealthier while your actual purchasing power continues to shrink, keep voting for the collectivist totalitarians of the left.
Actually, all of the UNiparty is responsible for this. McConnell, McCarthy, Graham, Cheney, etc... are just as guilty.
They will do everything they can to ensure the status quo

  • Personal Consumption: 0.97% of the bottom line number, down from 1.38% and the lowest since 2019.
  • Fixed Investment subtracted -0.89% from the GDP, in line with last month's -0.92% as corporations continue to retrench ahead of the recession
  • The change in private inventories shrank for the 3rd quarter, this time shrinking GDP by -0.70%
  • On the positive side net exports rose by 2.77% courtesy of a 1.63% increase in exports and a decline in imports which contributed another 1.14% to the GDP print. As noted above, this alone was enough to explain the entire gain in Q3 GDP, and is a function of US support of the European war economy as the US exports record amount of commodities (oil and gas) as well as weapons to Europe.
  • Finally, government consumption - which was and remains an oxymoron - added 0.42% to the bottom line GDP.

Looking at the slowdown in consumption, BBG notes that personal consumption expenditures on goods were down 1.2% annualized in Q3, after dropping 2.6% in Q2. Meanwhile, growth of personal consumption expenditures on services moderated to 2.8%, from 4.6%.

Today data, according to some such as the FT, "ends a debate that raged over the summer as to whether the US economy was already in a recession" although we disagree since the only reason the GDP print was strong is because Europe is collapsing into a recession and is now overly reliant on US energy and weapons exports; the GDP print also did little to dispel fears that the US will eventually (again) tip into an even bigger recession given the aggressive steps the US central bank is taking to stamp out elevated inflation.

Joe is taking our emergency oil reserves and selling it at 2019 prices to China... don't tell me he isn't beholden to our main global enemy....
You got a link to the White House selling oil at 2019 prices to somebody? It is supposed to be released on the market, which is, of course the international market, since we do not have a domestic market controlled by the Federal Government.
A dig into the GDP "growth" spurt reveals that without a reduction of imports caused by inflation & supply chain chokes & a big surge in exports, the GDP would've shrunk.
Let's see, the Nord Stream Pipeline blows up & Pedo Joe sells our strategic national reserves overseas.
Our military arms & other support going overseas to support the corruption in Ukraine.

Meanwhile, our domestic personal consumption is shrinking despite the record inflation & our businesses are contracting because they know what's really coming

It makes you wonder what the true numbers are here.
A 2.6% increase powered by the elites selling us out overseas while the population suffers back breaking increases in prices everywhere is not the good news they will try to sell this as.

If the economy was actually healthy & growing like the progbots say, that 8% inflation rate alone would power a much higher GDP increase.
True GDP is shrinking & this is just a Monopoly game trick of semantics where we send massive resources to Europe to gaslight the low info into believing things are turning for the better when the exact opposite is taking place.

If you like seeing the elites grow much wealthier while your actual purchasing power continues to shrink, keep voting for the collectivist totalitarians of the left.
Actually, all of the UNiparty is responsible for this. McConnell, McCarthy, Graham, Cheney, etc... are just as guilty.
They will do everything they can to ensure the status quo

  • Personal Consumption: 0.97% of the bottom line number, down from 1.38% and the lowest since 2019.
  • Fixed Investment subtracted -0.89% from the GDP, in line with last month's -0.92% as corporations continue to retrench ahead of the recession
  • The change in private inventories shrank for the 3rd quarter, this time shrinking GDP by -0.70%
  • On the positive side net exports rose by 2.77% courtesy of a 1.63% increase in exports and a decline in imports which contributed another 1.14% to the GDP print. As noted above, this alone was enough to explain the entire gain in Q3 GDP, and is a function of US support of the European war economy as the US exports record amount of commodities (oil and gas) as well as weapons to Europe.
  • Finally, government consumption - which was and remains an oxymoron - added 0.42% to the bottom line GDP.
View attachment 716374

Looking at the slowdown in consumption, BBG notes that personal consumption expenditures on goods were down 1.2% annualized in Q3, after dropping 2.6% in Q2. Meanwhile, growth of personal consumption expenditures on services moderated to 2.8%, from 4.6%.

Today data, according to some such as the FT, "ends a debate that raged over the summer as to whether the US economy was already in a recession" although we disagree since the only reason the GDP print was strong is because Europe is collapsing into a recession and is now overly reliant on US energy and weapons exports; the GDP print also did little to dispel fears that the US will eventually (again) tip into an even bigger recession given the aggressive steps the US central bank is taking to stamp out elevated inflation.

The Fed is doing the biggest ever pump and dump in US equities
You got a link to the White House selling oil at 2019 prices to somebody? It is supposed to be released on the market, which is, of course the international market, since we do not have a domestic market controlled by the Federal Government.
A dig into the GDP "growth" spurt reveals that without a reduction of imports caused by inflation & supply chain chokes & a big surge in exports, the GDP would've shrunk.
Let's see, the Nord Stream Pipeline blows up & Pedo Joe sells our strategic national reserves overseas.
Our military arms & other support going overseas to support the corruption in Ukraine.

Meanwhile, our domestic personal consumption is shrinking despite the record inflation & our businesses are contracting because they know what's really coming

It makes you wonder what the true numbers are here.
A 2.6% increase powered by the elites selling us out overseas while the population suffers back breaking increases in prices everywhere is not the good news they will try to sell this as.

If the economy was actually healthy & growing like the progbots say, that 8% inflation rate alone would power a much higher GDP increase.
True GDP is shrinking & this is just a Monopoly game trick of semantics where we send massive resources to Europe to gaslight the low info into believing things are turning for the better when the exact opposite is taking place.

If you like seeing the elites grow much wealthier while your actual purchasing power continues to shrink, keep voting for the collectivist totalitarians of the left.
Actually, all of the UNiparty is responsible for this. McConnell, McCarthy, Graham, Cheney, etc... are just as guilty.
They will do everything they can to ensure the status quo

  • Personal Consumption: 0.97% of the bottom line number, down from 1.38% and the lowest since 2019.
  • Fixed Investment subtracted -0.89% from the GDP, in line with last month's -0.92% as corporations continue to retrench ahead of the recession
  • The change in private inventories shrank for the 3rd quarter, this time shrinking GDP by -0.70%
  • On the positive side net exports rose by 2.77% courtesy of a 1.63% increase in exports and a decline in imports which contributed another 1.14% to the GDP print. As noted above, this alone was enough to explain the entire gain in Q3 GDP, and is a function of US support of the European war economy as the US exports record amount of commodities (oil and gas) as well as weapons to Europe.
  • Finally, government consumption - which was and remains an oxymoron - added 0.42% to the bottom line GDP.
View attachment 716374

Looking at the slowdown in consumption, BBG notes that personal consumption expenditures on goods were down 1.2% annualized in Q3, after dropping 2.6% in Q2. Meanwhile, growth of personal consumption expenditures on services moderated to 2.8%, from 4.6%.

Today data, according to some such as the FT, "ends a debate that raged over the summer as to whether the US economy was already in a recession" although we disagree since the only reason the GDP print was strong is because Europe is collapsing into a recession and is now overly reliant on US energy and weapons exports; the GDP print also did little to dispel fears that the US will eventually (again) tip into an even bigger recession given the aggressive steps the US central bank is taking to stamp out elevated inflation.

Did you know England and the rest of the world are also dealing with these things?

England has had 2 Prime Ministers in the last 2 or 3 days? They actually elected a person of color for the first time to be PM. But this guy supposedly is smart and can fix the mess we are all in.
Did you know England and the rest of the world are also dealing with these things?

England has had 2 Prime Ministers in the last 2 or 3 days? They actually elected a person of color for the first time to be PM. But this guy supposedly is smart and can fix the mess we are all in.
They did exactly what Joe Biden did..... spent too much and stopped our energy industry cold....
They did exactly what Joe Biden did..... spent too much and stopped our energy industry cold....
I think Russia fucked us, not them, not Biden. Despite all that I think Biden is doing a great job

U.S. Economy Returned To Growth Last Quarter, Expanding 2.6%​

Stronger exports and consumer spending, backed by a healthy job market, helped restore growth to the world’s biggest economy at a time when worries about a possible recession are rising.

The U.S. economy grew at a 2.6% annual rate from July through September, snapping two straight quarters of contraction and overcoming high inflation and interest rates just as voting begins in midterm elections in which the economy’s health has emerged as a paramount issue.

Consumer spending, which accounts for about 70% of U.S. economic activity, expanded at a 1.4% annual pace in the July-September quarter, down from a 2% rate from April through June. Last quarter’s growth got a major boost from exports, which shot up at an annual pace of 14.4%. Government spending also helped: It rose at a 2.4% annual pace, the first such increase since early last year, with sharply higher defense spending leading the way.
Housing investment, though, plunged at a 26% annual pace, hammered by surging mortgage rates as the Federal Reserve aggressively raises borrowing costs to combat chronic inflation. It was the sixth straight quarterly drop in residential investment.
Overall, the outlook for the overall economy has darkened. The Fed has raised interest rates five times this year and is set to do so again next week and in December. Chair Jerome Powell has warned that the Fed’s hikes will bring “pain” in the form of higher unemployment and possibly a recession.

Don't blame them or Biden.
Joe is taking our emergency oil reserves and selling it at 2019 prices to China... don't tell me he isn't beholden to our main global enemy....
You got a link to the White House selling oil at 2019 prices to somebody? It is supposed to be released on the market, which is, of course the international market, since we do not have a domestic market controlled by the Federal Government
Hmmmmm. See what you mean. Unipec/ Dallas. Texas commodities trader, was or is one of the 16 commodity and petroleum companies, (including Valero Marketing buying 6.8 million barrels), as well as oil giants Shell, Exxon, and Chevron to bid on the oil released from the Strategic Oil Reserves and one of the dozen companies to get contracts, Unipec buying 0.95 million barrels (the second smallest contract. The idea they were sold at 2019 market price instead of market price at the time of sale is patently false, according to multiple articles and outlets reporting on the questionability of selling to American Company that is an owned subsidiary of China petroleum oil giant Sinopec. Though Hunter's people say he no longer has a stake in that company, there does appear to be a link through some entity by the name of BHR, through another company, known as Skaneateles, which Hunter owns and that company having a 10% share in BHR, BHR having a stake in Sinopec.

It is sounds pretty convoluted, but there is something there. If there is a "there", there, my problem would not be that a Chinese international oil company with ties to the Chinese government (and certainly not by buying at 2019 prices, as it didn't happen) was effectively benefitting to keep the prices high by acquiring the second-smallest sale of the release, but whether there was a benefit to Hunter Biden, the President's son, if that connection had anything to do with the sale, or being selected as one of the twelve, selected from the sixteen bidders on the international sales. It has at the least a whiff of foul smell, but nobody can put a finger on it exactly, whether there is a "there", there or not.

To me, it is worth knowing the story exists, proven foul in any way or not, so I thank you for sparking my interest, with your post, where the OP did not. Here is another link, reporting much the same.
You got a link to the White House selling oil at 2019 prices to somebody? It is supposed to be released on the market, which is, of course the international market, since we do not have a domestic market controlled by the Federal Government

Hmmmmm. See what you mean. Unipec/ Dallas. Texas commodities trader, was or is one of the 16 commodity and petroleum companies, (including Valero Marketing buying 6.8 million barrels), as well as oil giants Shell, Exxon, and Chevron to bid on the oil released from the Strategic Oil Reserves and one of the dozen companies to get contracts, Unipec buying 0.95 million barrels (the second smallest contract. The idea they were sold at 2019 market price instead of market price at the time of sale is patently false, according to multiple articles and outlets reporting on the questionability of selling to American Company that is an owned subsidiary of China petroleum oil giant Sinopec. Though Hunter's people say he no longer has a stake in that company, there does appear to be a link through some entity by the name of BHR, through another company, known as Skaneateles, which Hunter owns and that company having a 10% share in BHR, BHR having a stake in Sinopec.

It is sounds pretty convoluted, but there is something there. If there is a "there", there, my problem would not be that a Chinese international oil company with ties to the Chinese government (and certainly not by buying at 2019 prices, as it didn't happen) was effectively benefitting to keep the prices high by acquiring the second-smallest sale of the release, but whether there was a benefit to Hunter Biden, the President's son, if that connection had anything to do with the sale, or being selected as one of the twelve, selected from the sixteen bidders on the international sales. It has at the least a whiff of foul smell, but nobody can put a finger on it exactly, whether there is a "there", there or not.

To me, it is worth knowing the story exists, proven foul in any way or not, so I thank you for sparking my interest, with your post, where the OP did not. Here is another link, reporting much the same.
Joe takes our reserve oil and sells it to oil companies which in return honor their commitments of old... and that's how China is getting a deal on our emergency reserve oil... it makes no sense at all...
Joe takes our reserve oil and sells it to oil companies which in return honor their commitments of old... and that's how China is getting a deal on our emergency reserve oil... it makes no sense at all...
Not a deal, just market pricing, same as Exxon, Chevron and Shell and the largest buyer, Valero Marketing, buying over 7 times as much (whoever they are) got and there is nothing that says those companies kept what they bought here in the US. That is just not how it works on international or how the laws and regulations for those sales (written primarily by Republican involved with that industry) were written.
Not a deal, just market pricing, same as Exxon, Chevron and Shell and the largest buyer, Valero Marketing, buying over 7 times as much (whoever they are) got and there is nothing that says those companies kept what they bought here in the US. That is just not how it works on international or how the laws and regulations for those sales (written primarily by Republican involved with that industry) were written.
There is no way any sane nation would allow a sale of oil lower than market price to go forward especially when the oil company didn't drill it out of the ground... it was in our reserve we already paid for it....
How can you defend that? are you insane?...
We are running out of Diesel fuel and Biden has no answer for what to do... and you are arguing with me on this?... wake up man before its too late....
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