Lightfoot slams 'overwhelming whiteness' of Chicago press, defends only speaking to reporters of color


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
Lightfoot reeled off the diversity of the city's leadership, including its "majority Black and Latinx City Council," and called it "unacceptable" that reporters covering City Hall were mostly White.

"Many of them are smart and hard-working, savvy and skilled. But mostly white, nonetheless," she wrote.

She lectured the Chicago media leadership to evolve and diversify, for fear that "this arm of our democratic system is on life support."

Lightfoot has taken heavy criticism for banning White reporters from speaking with her, with one Latino Chicago Tribune reporter saying he had cancelled his scheduled interview with her in protest.

She is entirely too good for all those white reporters.

Tell me how the hell this woman was elected.
Lightfoot reeled off the diversity of the city's leadership, including its "majority Black and Latinx City Council," and called it "unacceptable" that reporters covering City Hall were mostly White.

"Many of them are smart and hard-working, savvy and skilled. But mostly white, nonetheless," she wrote.

She lectured the Chicago media leadership to evolve and diversify, for fear that "this arm of our democratic system is on life support."

Lightfoot has taken heavy criticism for banning White reporters from speaking with her, with one Latino Chicago Tribune reporter saying he had cancelled his scheduled interview with her in protest.

She is entirely too good for all those white reporters.

Tell me how the hell this woman was elected
Let the "wokeness" and racism impact the media next and see if they enjoy it. After that, call out corporate leadership billionaires and their privileged families. Let's get it all out into the light and see how much the elites enjoy being "cancelled".

When the commies take over, the wealthy will appreciate the nation they used to have before they ruined it.
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Lightfoot reeled off the diversity of the city's leadership, including its "majority Black and Latinx City Council," and called it "unacceptable" that reporters covering City Hall were mostly White.

"Many of them are smart and hard-working, savvy and skilled. But mostly white, nonetheless," she wrote.

She lectured the Chicago media leadership to evolve and diversify, for fear that "this arm of our democratic system is on life support."

Lightfoot has taken heavy criticism for banning White reporters from speaking with her, with one Latino Chicago Tribune reporter saying he had cancelled his scheduled interview with her in protest.

She is entirely too good for all those white reporters.

Tell me how the hell this woman was elected.
She is gonna find it difficult to find the press giving her coverage in the future what with an attitude like that...
Lightfoot reeled off the diversity of the city's leadership, including its "majority Black and Latinx City Council," and called it "unacceptable" that reporters covering City Hall were mostly White.

"Many of them are smart and hard-working, savvy and skilled. But mostly white, nonetheless," she wrote.

She lectured the Chicago media leadership to evolve and diversify, for fear that "this arm of our democratic system is on life support."

Lightfoot has taken heavy criticism for banning White reporters from speaking with her, with one Latino Chicago Tribune reporter saying he had cancelled his scheduled interview with her in protest.

She is entirely too good for all those white reporters.

Tell me how the hell this woman was elected.

Let's see if she get's re-elected with that crap.
Lightfoot reeled off the diversity of the city's leadership, including its "majority Black and Latinx City Council," and called it "unacceptable" that reporters covering City Hall were mostly White.

"Many of them are smart and hard-working, savvy and skilled. But mostly white, nonetheless," she wrote.

She lectured the Chicago media leadership to evolve and diversify, for fear that "this arm of our democratic system is on life support."

Lightfoot has taken heavy criticism for banning White reporters from speaking with her, with one Latino Chicago Tribune reporter saying he had cancelled his scheduled interview with her in protest.

She is entirely too good for all those white reporters.

Tell me how the hell this woman was elected.

Let's see if she get's re-elected with that crap.

Do you remember that Canadian crack head mayor Rob Ford? Sometimes Lightfoot says and does things that make me wonder if she is up to the exact same shenanigans because that would make sense.

Definition of schadenfreude

: enjoyment obtained from the troubles of others
Lightfoot reeled off the diversity of the city's leadership, including its "majority Black and Latinx City Council," and called it "unacceptable" that reporters covering City Hall were mostly White.

"Many of them are smart and hard-working, savvy and skilled. But mostly white, nonetheless," she wrote.

She lectured the Chicago media leadership to evolve and diversify, for fear that "this arm of our democratic system is on life support."

Lightfoot has taken heavy criticism for banning White reporters from speaking with her, with one Latino Chicago Tribune reporter saying he had cancelled his scheduled interview with her in protest.

She is entirely too good for all those white reporters.

Tell me how the hell this woman was elected.

Let's see if she get's re-elected with that crap.

Do you remember that Canadian crack head mayor Rob Ford? Sometimes Lightfoot says and does things that make me wonder if she is up to the exact same shenanigans because that would make sense.
No...but now I'm going to look him up!

Let's see if she get's re-elected with that crap.
LOL.... You bed wetters kept TED KENNEDY in the US Senate for decades after he killed a woman. You kept that jabbering retard Xiden in DC for over 47 years and then put him in the fuckin WH and this was AFTER he was the VP to the first POTUS who did a worse job than Jimmy Fucking Carter. You had a CRACK HEAD called Marion Barry RE-ELECTED to being DC Mayor after being released from federal prison, and you have window licking imbeciles like AOC, Illhan Omar and Hank Johnson on your team. There is no deeper you can send the bar.

In fact you have literally pushed the bar through the core of the earth, and has gone out to space above the Indian Ocean. It may be in the fuckin asteroid belt by now and that's why there are so many UFO's being reported. They're wondering how the fuck you lunatics reversed Darwin's Theory and set natural selection back so far.

Lori Lightfoot claims that she doesn't have to answer questions by white journalists.
This bigotry reminds me of the normal responses by Arabs against Jews.
This is textbook systemic racism.


Lori Lightfoot claims that she doesn't have to answer questions by white journalists.
This bigotry reminds me of the normal responses by Arabs against Jews.
This is textbook systemic racism.

View attachment 491332

Sadly, this only raises her profile among the left. They love it.
Lightfoot reeled off the diversity of the city's leadership, including its "majority Black and Latinx City Council," and called it "unacceptable" that reporters covering City Hall were mostly White.

"Many of them are smart and hard-working, savvy and skilled. But mostly white, nonetheless," she wrote.

She lectured the Chicago media leadership to evolve and diversify, for fear that "this arm of our democratic system is on life support."

Lightfoot has taken heavy criticism for banning White reporters from speaking with her, with one Latino Chicago Tribune reporter saying he had cancelled his scheduled interview with her in protest.

She is entirely too good for all those white reporters.

Tell me how the hell this woman was elected.

What if all white reporters nationwide decided not to interview any black politicians.. just avoid them? What would be their excuse for avoiding black politicians?
Would that not that exclusion be called an act of racism? I kinda think so. I think Lightfoot is displaying an example of passive aggressiveness. She needs a psychiatrist or a psychologist's evaluation.
Now, white people are going to know what it is like to be discriminated against, and that will cause white people to do something.
What’s with white reporters? Too accountable for Lightfoot? She obviously feels entitled to be exempt from accountability and is not afraid to use race, gender, and sexual preference to get it. Now that’s privilege.

Let's see if she get's re-elected with that crap.
LOL.... You bed wetters kept TED KENNEDY in the US Senate for decades after he killed a woman. You kept that jabbering retard Xiden in DC for over 47 years and then put him in the fuckin WH and this was AFTER he was the VP to the first POTUS who did a worse job than Jimmy Fucking Carter. You had a CRACK HEAD called Marion Barry RE-ELECTED to being DC Mayor after being released from federal prison, and you have window licking imbeciles like AOC, Illhan Omar and Hank Johnson on your team. There is no deeper you can send the bar.

In fact you have literally pushed the bar through the core of the earth, and has gone out to space above the Indian Ocean. It may be in the fuckin asteroid belt by now and that's why there are so many UFO's being reported. They're wondering how the fuck you lunatics reversed Darwin's Theory and set natural selection back so far.

oh...the bar can be much much lower - just take the log out of your eye.

Trump set that bar so deep into the cess no one is brave enough to go lower...but they'll do anything they can to overturn an election in order to get him back.

Then you have Dennis Hastert - kept getting relected despite tons of shady ethics and scandals, later found to be a child molester. Or how about Bill Janklow, killed a person when speeding through a stop sign - tons of traffic stops but no tickets...hmm...still managed to be re-elected...the scumwaffle.

Lot's of bars lying deep in the mud there...but it's hard to tell the R from the D bars.
I've heard that journalism is a heavily white such it's worth asking why. The answer isn't necessarily racism, and Lightfoot's behavior does nothing to answer the questions and see if maybe that imbalence can be addressed and how. She just acts like an ass.
Lightfoot reeled off the diversity of the city's leadership, including its "majority Black and Latinx City Council," and called it "unacceptable" that reporters covering City Hall were mostly White.

"Many of them are smart and hard-working, savvy and skilled. But mostly white, nonetheless," she wrote.

She lectured the Chicago media leadership to evolve and diversify, for fear that "this arm of our democratic system is on life support."

Lightfoot has taken heavy criticism for banning White reporters from speaking with her, with one Latino Chicago Tribune reporter saying he had cancelled his scheduled interview with her in protest.

She is entirely too good for all those white reporters.

Tell me how the hell this woman was elected.

She was elected because the DemoKKKrats in Chicago (and everywhere else) fucking LOVE racists.
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Lightfoot's stated racial preference is one of the main reasons that the current 2-party pendulum is swinging too far left. If this type of behavior continues to play out, and more Dem leaders jump on this racial preference type of mindset, the Dems are going to ensure they lose in 2024. By publicly defining who has access to the news and who does not due to skin color will boost the numbers of undecideds to the middle and right. There is still a lot of time left before the next election and if Lightfoot's course doesn't wind up in the mud now, it will later in a much bigger way.

Never a dull moment in the political circus arenas.

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