Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness- Most Unique Declaration in Human History


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Life and Liberty - throughout human history this has been a common theme seen in the formation of governments.


I am not aware of any government in history being established mentioning happiness. Yet happiness is one of the most important things for a society to function correctly. And the Founding Fathers were wise enough to recognize it.

Note they only said "Pursuit". They knew a society that allows its citizens to pursue happiness would only grow in greatness. Happy people make things better.
Life and Liberty - throughout human history this has been a common theme seen in the formation of governments.


I am not aware of any government in history being established mentioning happiness. Yet happiness is one of the most important things for a society to function correctly. And the Founding Fathers were wise enough to recognize it.

Note they only said "Pursuit". They knew a society that allows its citizens to pursue happiness would only grow in greatness. Happy people make things better.
but there are limits to happiness
you can't go running around naked just anywhere, if that makes you happy
you can't go speeding at 100 mph
you can't even say what you want sometimes

..happiness--nice that a government thinks that--but that doesn't make the people ''happy''

it doesn't stop murders/suicides/mass killings/robbery/etc
nice to think of and write down on paper--but in reality it's just that--words on paper
...pursuit of happiness?? well --isn't that what '''most'' humans naturally try to do?? --and when they are not happy, some of them try to kill others or themselves
..they drink/eat/etc when they are happy and unhappy
...a government cannot ''make'' people happy . can help the people be free/unchained/etc.....
Life and Liberty - throughout human history this has been a common theme seen in the formation of governments.


I am not aware of any government in history being established mentioning happiness. Yet happiness is one of the most important things for a society to function correctly. And the Founding Fathers were wise enough to recognize it.

Note they only said "Pursuit". They knew a society that allows its citizens to pursue happiness would only grow in greatness. Happy people make things better.
but there are limits to happiness
you can't go running around naked just anywhere, if that makes you happy
you can't go speeding at 100 mph
you can't even say what you want sometimes

..happiness--nice that a government thinks that--but that doesn't make the people ''happy''

it doesn't stop murders/suicides/mass killings/robbery/etc
nice to think of and write down on paper--but in reality it's just that--words on paper
...pursuit of happiness?? well --isn't that what '''most'' humans naturally try to do?? --and when they are not happy, some of them try to kill others or themselves
..they drink/eat/etc when they are happy and unhappy
...a government cannot ''make'' people happy . can help the people be free/unchained/etc.....
If the founders had just included "no regressive liberals allowed" we would be fine today.
Life and Liberty - throughout human history this has been a common theme seen in the formation of governments.


I am not aware of any government in history being established mentioning happiness. Yet happiness is one of the most important things for a society to function correctly. And the Founding Fathers were wise enough to recognize it.

Note they only said "Pursuit". They knew a society that allows its citizens to pursue happiness would only grow in greatness. Happy people make things better.
but there are limits to happiness
you can't go running around naked just anywhere, if that makes you happy
you can't go speeding at 100 mph
you can't even say what you want sometimes

..happiness--nice that a government thinks that--but that doesn't make the people ''happy''

it doesn't stop murders/suicides/mass killings/robbery/etc
nice to think of and write down on paper--but in reality it's just that--words on paper
...pursuit of happiness?? well --isn't that what '''most'' humans naturally try to do?? --and when they are not happy, some of them try to kill others or themselves
..they drink/eat/etc when they are happy and unhappy
...a government cannot ''make'' people happy . can help the people be free/unchained/etc.....
If the founders had just included "no regressive liberals allowed" we would be fine today.
...look how much our government has tried to please the ''leftists''/libs with free $$$/free education, affirmative action, quotas, etc and they still complain --like Maxine ...boy-- is she unhappy
...they are all unhappy and butthurt with Trump in office.....I've never see so much unhappiness
Life and Liberty - throughout human history this has been a common theme seen in the formation of governments.


I am not aware of any government in history being established mentioning happiness. Yet happiness is one of the most important things for a society to function correctly. And the Founding Fathers were wise enough to recognize it.

Note they only said "Pursuit". They knew a society that allows its citizens to pursue happiness would only grow in greatness. Happy people make things better.
but there are limits to happiness
you can't go running around naked just anywhere, if that makes you happy
you can't go speeding at 100 mph
you can't even say what you want sometimes

..happiness--nice that a government thinks that--but that doesn't make the people ''happy''

it doesn't stop murders/suicides/mass killings/robbery/etc
nice to think of and write down on paper--but in reality it's just that--words on paper
...pursuit of happiness?? well --isn't that what '''most'' humans naturally try to do?? --and when they are not happy, some of them try to kill others or themselves
..they drink/eat/etc when they are happy and unhappy
...a government cannot ''make'' people happy . can help the people be free/unchained/etc.....
You obviously have no clue to what the OP says.
Life and Liberty - throughout human history this has been a common theme seen in the formation of governments.


I am not aware of any government in history being established mentioning happiness. Yet happiness is one of the most important things for a society to function correctly. And the Founding Fathers were wise enough to recognize it.

Note they only said "Pursuit". They knew a society that allows its citizens to pursue happiness would only grow in greatness. Happy people make things better.
but there are limits to happiness
you can't go running around naked just anywhere, if that makes you happy
you can't go speeding at 100 mph
you can't even say what you want sometimes

..happiness--nice that a government thinks that--but that doesn't make the people ''happy''

it doesn't stop murders/suicides/mass killings/robbery/etc
nice to think of and write down on paper--but in reality it's just that--words on paper
...pursuit of happiness?? well --isn't that what '''most'' humans naturally try to do?? --and when they are not happy, some of them try to kill others or themselves
..they drink/eat/etc when they are happy and unhappy
...a government cannot ''make'' people happy . can help the people be free/unchained/etc.....
You obviously have no clue to what the OP says.
you obviously have no clue to what I said
nice on paper, --NOT unique-- not reality
the US is not unique in having HUMANS as citizens!!!
HUMANS want happiness all over the world
Ho Chi Minh was the SAME human--
"All men are created equal. They are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness"
Declaration of Independence of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam
Ho Chi Minh - Wikiquote
you think the founder fathers were different than other humans??
Life and Liberty - throughout human history this has been a common theme seen in the formation of governments.


I am not aware of any government in history being established mentioning happiness. Yet happiness is one of the most important things for a society to function correctly. And the Founding Fathers were wise enough to recognize it.

Note they only said "Pursuit". They knew a society that allows its citizens to pursue happiness would only grow in greatness. Happy people make things better.
but there are limits to happiness
you can't go running around naked just anywhere, if that makes you happy
you can't go speeding at 100 mph
you can't even say what you want sometimes

..happiness--nice that a government thinks that--but that doesn't make the people ''happy''

it doesn't stop murders/suicides/mass killings/robbery/etc
nice to think of and write down on paper--but in reality it's just that--words on paper
...pursuit of happiness?? well --isn't that what '''most'' humans naturally try to do?? --and when they are not happy, some of them try to kill others or themselves
..they drink/eat/etc when they are happy and unhappy
...a government cannot ''make'' people happy . can help the people be free/unchained/etc.....
You obviously have no clue to what the OP says.
the Vietnamese were exactly like the Americans in 1776--trying to get rid of the colonialists
Life and Liberty - throughout human history this has been a common theme seen in the formation of governments.


I am not aware of any government in history being established mentioning happiness. Yet happiness is one of the most important things for a society to function correctly. And the Founding Fathers were wise enough to recognize it.

Note they only said "Pursuit". They knew a society that allows its citizens to pursue happiness would only grow in greatness. Happy people make things better.
Jefferson was an Epicurean, he addressed his ideas on happiness and the "pursuit" of it in this letter to one William Short.

Moral. Happiness the aim of life.
Virtue the foundation of happiness;
Utility the test of virtue.
Pleasure active and In-dolent.
In-dolence is the absence of pain, the true felicity.
Active, consists in agreeable motion
it is not happiness. but the means to produce it.
thus the absence of hunger is an article of felicity; eating the means to obtain it.
The Summum bonum is to be not pained in body, nor troubled in mind.
i.e. In-dolence of body, tranquility of mind.
to procure tranquility of mind we must avoid desire & fear the two
principal diseases of the mind.
Man is a free agent.
Virtue consists in 1. Prudence. 2. Temperance. 3. Fortitude. 4. Justice

to which are opposed 1. Folly. 2. Desire. 3. Fear. 4. Deciept

Founders Online: From Thomas Jefferson to William Short, 31 October 1819
Life and Liberty - throughout human history this has been a common theme seen in the formation of governments.


I am not aware of any government in history being established mentioning happiness. Yet happiness is one of the most important things for a society to function correctly. And the Founding Fathers were wise enough to recognize it.

Note they only said "Pursuit". They knew a society that allows its citizens to pursue happiness would only grow in greatness. Happy people make things better.
but there are limits to happiness
you can't go running around naked just anywhere, if that makes you happy
you can't go speeding at 100 mph
you can't even say what you want sometimes

..happiness--nice that a government thinks that--but that doesn't make the people ''happy''

it doesn't stop murders/suicides/mass killings/robbery/etc
nice to think of and write down on paper--but in reality it's just that--words on paper
...pursuit of happiness?? well --isn't that what '''most'' humans naturally try to do?? --and when they are not happy, some of them try to kill others or themselves
..they drink/eat/etc when they are happy and unhappy
...a government cannot ''make'' people happy . can help the people be free/unchained/etc.....
You obviously have no clue to what the OP says.
you obviously have no clue to what I said
nice on paper, --NOT unique-- not reality
the US is not unique in having HUMANS as citizens!!!
HUMANS want happiness all over the world
Ho Chi Minh was the SAME human--
"All men are created equal. They are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness"
Declaration of Independence of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam
Ho Chi Minh - Wikiquote
you think the founder fathers were different than other humans??
--there were many peoples that were trying to get rid of the English, Belgian, French, etc colonialists post WW2 --that wanted the same thing as the Americans in 1776
Life and Liberty - throughout human history this has been a common theme seen in the formation of governments.


I am not aware of any government in history being established mentioning happiness. Yet happiness is one of the most important things for a society to function correctly. And the Founding Fathers were wise enough to recognize it.

Note they only said "Pursuit". They knew a society that allows its citizens to pursue happiness would only grow in greatness. Happy people make things better.

You can thank John Locke for that particular concept.

"The necessity of pursuing true happiness is the foundation of liberty. As therefore the highest perfection of intellectual nature lies in a careful and constant pursuit of true and solid happiness; so the care of ourselves, that we mistake not imaginary for real happiness, is the necessary foundation of our liberty." -- John Locke, An Essay Concerning Human Understanding, 1689

Got to hand it to Tommy J. he only plagiarized from the best. :D
maybe Pol Pot, Idi Amin, etc did not want their people happy
..but don't most governments want their people happy?? --that's how they stay in power
but you can't please all the people all the time
Of course, by "pursuit of happiness" you mean your pursuit of your happiness. When low income citizens advocate for higher minimum wages, that's commie bullshit. When the sick advocate for improved access to health care, that's some kind of violence, or whatever. But when you want to exile anyone who doesn't think the same way you do, that's freedom, supposedly.
maybe Pol Pot, Idi Amin, etc did not want their people happy
..but don't most governments want their people happy??
Not really, most governments throughout history have preferred "the people" to be passive, obedient and ignorant to what those in power were really up to, as long as they did what they were told, when they were told the ruling class didn't give a fuck if they were happy or not.
Life and Liberty - throughout human history this has been a common theme seen in the formation of governments.


I am not aware of any government in history being established mentioning happiness. Yet happiness is one of the most important things for a society to function correctly. And the Founding Fathers were wise enough to recognize it.

Note they only said "Pursuit". They knew a society that allows its citizens to pursue happiness would only grow in greatness. Happy people make things better.
but there are limits to happiness
you can't go running around naked just anywhere, if that makes you happy
you can't go speeding at 100 mph
you can't even say what you want sometimes

..happiness--nice that a government thinks that--but that doesn't make the people ''happy''

it doesn't stop murders/suicides/mass killings/robbery/etc
nice to think of and write down on paper--but in reality it's just that--words on paper
...pursuit of happiness?? well --isn't that what '''most'' humans naturally try to do?? --and when they are not happy, some of them try to kill others or themselves
..they drink/eat/etc when they are happy and unhappy
...a government cannot ''make'' people happy . can help the people be free/unchained/etc.....
You obviously have no clue to what the OP says.
the Vietnamese were exactly like the Americans in 1776--trying to get rid of the colonialists
Yeah, communism is all about spreading peacefully for the liberty of people.

Of course, by "pursuit of happiness" you mean your pursuit of your happiness. When low income citizens advocate for higher minimum wages, that's commie bullshit. When the sick advocate for improved access to health care, that's some kind of violence, or whatever. But when you want to exile anyone who doesn't think the same way you do, that's freedom, supposedly.
I live in America, where people like me who grew up in poverty can work hard and retire comfortably in the their 50's.
Where do you live?
maybe Pol Pot, Idi Amin, etc did not want their people happy
..but don't most governments want their people happy??
Not really, most governments throughout history have preferred "the people" to be passive, obedient and to, as long as they did what they were told, when they were told the ruling class didn't give a fuck if they were happy or not.
ignorant to what those in power were really up
this describes exactly LBJ during the Vietnam War, Nixon and his crimes, and what a lot of libs say about Trump
please re-read my post
why are there so many unhappy Americans?
even the rich are unhappy--commit suicide/protests/etc
why the Civil War?
why riots against the Vietnam War/LA Riots/etc?

just as in Germany pre WW2 and WW2, many people were happy with hitler...the economy was much better than post WW1
...and there were many that did not like hitler
...the same as in many countries pre and post WW2--many people are happy with the government and many are not---as in the US now
another example of post colonialism, just like 1776:
We shall stop the persecution of free thought. We shall see to it that all citizens enjoy to the fullest extent the basic freedoms provided for by the Declaration of Human Rights
We shall eradicate all discrimination, whatever its origin, and we shall ensure for everyone a station in life befitting his human dignity and worthy of his labour and his loyalty to the country.

you really think the founding fathers are different than other anti-colonialists?
Life and Liberty - throughout human history this has been a common theme seen in the formation of governments.


I am not aware of any government in history being established mentioning happiness. Yet happiness is one of the most important things for a society to function correctly. And the Founding Fathers were wise enough to recognize it.

Note they only said "Pursuit". They knew a society that allows its citizens to pursue happiness would only grow in greatness. Happy people make things better.

Leftists do not want anyone to be happy, they want everyone to be as miserable as they are, how can Leftists be happy when ALL they do is scream and whine 24/7 they are angry ALL the time, if you are angry you CANNOT be happy, Leftists HATE seeing others happy, they want everyone to be as miserable as they are.
Life and Liberty - throughout human history this has been a common theme seen in the formation of governments.


I am not aware of any government in history being established mentioning happiness. Yet happiness is one of the most important things for a society to function correctly. And the Founding Fathers were wise enough to recognize it.

Note they only said "Pursuit". They knew a society that allows its citizens to pursue happiness would only grow in greatness. Happy people make things better.

Leftists do not want anyone to be happy, they want everyone to be as miserable as they are, how can Leftists be happy when ALL they do is scream and whine 24/7 they are angry ALL the time, if you are angry you CANNOT be happy, Leftists HATE seeing others happy, they want everyone to be as miserable as they are.
All you do is scream and whine about liberals 24/7.

You must be miserable, you poor thing.
Life and Liberty - throughout human history this has been a common theme seen in the formation of governments.


I am not aware of any government in history being established mentioning happiness. Yet happiness is one of the most important things for a society to function correctly. And the Founding Fathers were wise enough to recognize it.

Note they only said "Pursuit". They knew a society that allows its citizens to pursue happiness would only grow in greatness. Happy people make things better.
but there are limits to happiness
you can't go running around naked just anywhere, if that makes you happy
you can't go speeding at 100 mph
you can't even say what you want sometimes

..happiness--nice that a government thinks that--but that doesn't make the people ''happy''

it doesn't stop murders/suicides/mass killings/robbery/etc
nice to think of and write down on paper--but in reality it's just that--words on paper
...pursuit of happiness?? well --isn't that what '''most'' humans naturally try to do?? --and when they are not happy, some of them try to kill others or themselves
..they drink/eat/etc when they are happy and unhappy
...a government cannot ''make'' people happy . can help the people be free/unchained/etc.....
You obviously have no clue to what the OP says.
the Vietnamese were exactly like the Americans in 1776--trying to get rid of the colonialists
Yeah, communism is all about spreading peacefully for the liberty of people.

....I see you, like a lot of members, back up your points with a wealth [:laugh: ]of information/links/etc and NOT name calling =''dumbass''
why do you people get upset/angry/name calling when someone not only disagrees with you, but provides links/proof that you could '''possibly'' be wrong??
...the US civil rights record is not perfect:
...the US trashed the democratically elected leader of Iran
...tried to overthrow Cuba's leader
...overthrew Guatemala's democratically elected leadership
...sided with the corrupt, murderous, unstable, etc South Vietnamese leadership/government
----a. did not allow elections in Vietnam
---b. helped the French colonialist against the Vietnamese that wanted freedom, as the Americans did in 1776
....etc etc
let's hear the dumbass crap ''you're anti-American commie''' hahahahhaha

no--I just know some history.....and humans are usually the same everywhere
Life and Liberty - throughout human history this has been a common theme seen in the formation of governments.


I am not aware of any government in history being established mentioning happiness. Yet happiness is one of the most important things for a society to function correctly. And the Founding Fathers were wise enough to recognize it.

Note they only said "Pursuit". They knew a society that allows its citizens to pursue happiness would only grow in greatness. Happy people make things better.

Leftists do not want anyone to be happy, they want everyone to be as miserable as they are, how can Leftists be happy when ALL they do is scream and whine 24/7 they are angry ALL the time, if you are angry you CANNOT be happy, Leftists HATE seeing others happy, they want everyone to be as miserable as they are.
All you do is scream and whine about liberals 24/7.

You must be miserable, you poor thing.

No actually I do not scream and whine 24/7 about Liberals. I am not miserable I am VERY content with everything in my life.

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