Liberals aren't mad that Brian Williams lied...


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2012
Thread after thread, I've noticed liberals have not been offended by Brian Williams actions. Some have defended him. Many have attacked his accusers. Others have spun this about other issues. Others have presented moral relativism arguments. The one thing that liberals have not done is show outrage. Why? Cos he's one of their own. And in liberal land, it's okay to lie for the cause.

Liberals aren't mad that Brian Williams lied. They're mad that he got caught.
Sorry, Great Gasbag, but I don't get outraged by the actions of newscasters/journalists from any side of the political spectrum. I have more important things to do. But I'm sure you've said the same thing about conservatives and Fox News' daily lies, right comrade?
Sorry, Great Gasbag, but I don't get outraged by the actions of newscasters/journalists from any side of the political spectrum. I have more important things to do. But I'm sure you've said the same thing about conservatives and Fox News' daily lies, right comrade?

EDITED: (You can see my original post in sock's reply). Just gonna note that sock's post is case in point of what I was saying in the OP. And sock's follow-up post isn't even worthy of a reply (much like sock's first post).
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Thread after thread, I've noticed liberals have not been offended by Brian Williams actions. Some have defended him. Many have attacked his accusers. Others have spun this about other issues. Others have presented moral relativism arguments. The one thing that liberals have not done is show outrage. Why? Cos he's one of their own. And in liberal land, it's okay to lie for the cause.

Liberals aren't mad that Brian Williams lied. They're mad that he got caught.

I didn't know he was one of us.

I'm more mad he didn't tell us the truth...that bush lied us into Iraq.

Liberals know he lost all credibility.
Sorry, Great Gasbag, but I don't get outraged by the actions of newscasters/journalists from any side of the political spectrum. I have more important things to do. But I'm sure you've said the same thing about conservatives and Fox News' daily lies, right comrade?

You can't even avoid hypocrisy within the space of three sentences. You say that the newscasters actions is not of importance and that you don't care and then you go on your own little spill about media that you don't like. Yea, this is the spin strategy. You aren't mad that BW lied like I say. You're mad that he got caught.

BTW, we've had little to no interaction and you're speaking to me like we have a history. One wonders whose sock you are.
You need to learn the meaning of 'hypocrisy', comrade. Saying that I'm not outraged by the actions of newscasters, then commenting on Fox News' lies being absent from your criticism, yeah that's not hypocrisy. Learn to read.
Sorry, Great Gasbag, but I don't get outraged by the actions of newscasters/journalists from any side of the political spectrum. I have more important things to do. But I'm sure you've said the same thing about conservatives and Fox News' daily lies, right comrade?

JustEatDick, list me 2 weeks worth of FOX NEWS LIES, or, like Nuttley, and Myrtle, you're also FULL OF SHIT... we are all waiting for your colossal intellect to show up, since it hasn't as long as I've been here!
Well, we know that USMB liberals have shoveled their predictable BS. But I'm going to put in a request for liberal apologists/deniers from the blogospere__
Sorry, Great Gasbag, but I don't get outraged by the actions of newscasters/journalists from any side of the political spectrum. I have more important things to do. But I'm sure you've said the same thing about conservatives and Fox News' daily lies, right comrade?

What Fox News daily lies? Come on, give us a link.
Sorry, Great Gasbag, but I don't get outraged by the actions of newscasters/journalists from any side of the political spectrum. I have more important things to do. But I'm sure you've said the same thing about conservatives and Fox News' daily lies, right comrade?

EDITED: (You can see my original post in sock's reply). Just gonna note that sock's post is case in point of what I was saying in the OP. And sock's follow-up post isn't even worthy of a reply (much like sock's first post).

I see that all the time here. I make a point, and then a person will respond with a perfect example of my point but wrap it in a personal insult, as if they're disagreeing. I obviously struck a nerve, but they can't deny my point. It cracks me up, it happens all the freaking time.

Anyway, to illustrate your point, HuffPo has a story titled (get this) "How Williams' Rare Talents Brought About His Downfall" (I'm not making this up), and then a link to this story: Storytelling ability connected Brian Williams with viewers but also led to his downfall - The Washington Post

From the piece:
In his 55 years, Brian Williams has fashioned a life that needed no embellishment, a life so filled with gravity-defying success, with fame and riches, that it might have seemed too good to be true.

Yet some of the very traits that made Williams so irresistible to TV viewers — the intimacy of his storytelling and the eagerness to seal his legitimacy by proving his proximity to the action — are at the root of his undoing.

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Thread after thread, I've noticed liberals have not been offended by Brian Williams actions. Some have defended him. Many have attacked his accusers. Others have spun this about other issues. Others have presented moral relativism arguments. The one thing that liberals have not done is show outrage. Why? Cos he's one of their own. And in liberal land, it's okay to lie for the cause.

Liberals aren't mad that Brian Williams lied. They're mad that he got caught.

I don't think liberals are mad about it at all. they are kind of indifferent. It's not like they have any investment in Williams. It's just not a big deal and the guy is paying a disproportionate price for something that is kind of irrelevent.
Sorry, Great Gasbag, but I don't get outraged by the actions of newscasters/journalists from any side of the political spectrum. I have more important things to do. But I'm sure you've said the same thing about conservatives and Fox News' daily lies, right comrade?

You can't even avoid hypocrisy within the space of three sentences. You say that the newscasters actions is not of importance and that you don't care and then you go on your own little spill about media that you don't like. Yea, this is the spin strategy. You aren't mad that BW lied like I say. You're mad that he got caught.

BTW, we've had little to no interaction and you're speaking to me like we have a history. One wonders whose sock you are.
You need to learn the meaning of 'hypocrisy', comrade. Saying that I'm not outraged by the actions of newscasters, then commenting on Fox News' lies being absent from your criticism, yeah that's not hypocrisy. Learn to read.
You don't care you're own president is a liar, so i'm not surprised.
"Liberals aren't mad that Brian Williams lied..."

Because they're not hysterical loony-tunes like so many on the right, where most conservatives have this insane, unfounded notion that Williams is a 'liberal' and the media are 'liberal.'

Liberals correctly understand that getting 'mad' doesn't solve anything; they also correctly understand that Williams is under investigation by NBC and suspended from broadcasting the news, likely permanently – a fitting punishment for violating the trust of his viewers.

Last, liberals correctly understand that Williams doesn't represent some sort of 'evil media conspiracy,' that this is an isolated incident involving Williams alone, where Williams is not representative of any group or political ideology and is not representative of the media as a whole.
"Liberals aren't mad that Brian Williams lied..."

Because they're not hysterical loony-tunes like so many on the right, where most conservatives have this insane, unfounded notion that Williams is a 'liberal' and the media are 'liberal.'

Liberals correctly understand that getting 'mad' doesn't solve anything; they also correctly understand that Williams is under investigation by NBC and suspended from broadcasting the news, likely permanently – a fitting punishment for violating the trust of his viewers.

Last, liberals correctly understand that Williams doesn't represent some sort of 'evil media conspiracy,' that this is an isolated incident involving Williams alone, where Williams is not representative of any group or political ideology and is not representative of the media as a whole.
Dan Rather?
If the OP were to honestly state why he IS outraged by Williams' lies, I'd be very impressed.
He is supposed to be a news caster. You don't care that they will lie to you?

If he lied about the news.....and I was misled by him regarding something important, I'd care. I find what he did here to be indicative of a major character flaw. I'm not heavily invested in anyone who delivers the news on television. So...I'm not outraged.
If the OP were to honestly state why he IS outraged by Williams' lies, I'd be very impressed.
He is supposed to be a news caster. You don't care that they will lie to you?

If he lied about the news.....and I was misled by him regarding something important, I'd care. I find what he did here to be indicative of a major character flaw. I'm not heavily invested in anyone who delivers the news on television. So...I'm not outraged.
Did you care about Dan Rather?
Though not a liberal, I don't care if he lied either. Everyone does. Acting all pissed off because some glory hound on tv lied is like being upset when the sun sets.

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