Liberalism Is A Disease, & It's Getting Worse: Blacks / Reparations Panel Demand $14 TRILLION


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
After Gov Newsom announced California is now in debt to the amount of $20 BILLION Dollars, the Reparations Board is now demanding $14 TRILLION in repatations for address 'harms' since 'the founding'.

1. These people are INSANE.

2. They are engaging in an exercize of FANTASY.

1st of all, these people are hyper-sefish, focused only on themselves - blacks. It is a spin-off version of 'BLACK Lives Matter'.

ALL lives matter, but they only care about BLACK lives. In this case the narrative is 'WE - BLACKS - have been harmed and therefore deserve 'Reparations'.'

The list of people abused, enslaved, killed, cheated, and unfairly treated in this nation's history is extremely long. I hate to break it to blacks, but the fact is YOU WEREN'T THE 1ST ONES, YOU WEREN'T THE ONLY ONES, AND YOU WEREN'T THE LAST ONES.

Native Americans, Irish immigrants, chinese immigrants, blacks, Japanese Americans, and more are on that list....but blacks are on this board are proving 2 things: 1) It's all about 'ME, ME, ME' - blacks, & 2) They are greedy as hell.

If the US were to seriously consider giving 'Reparations' to people blacks would have to GET IN LINE.

Secondly, WHERE the hell fo you think you ate going to get $14 TRILLION?

Liberal California is a microcosm of liberal governance. California Drmocrats have done for California what Federal Democrats have done for the country. Its insane policies and CRIMINAL FISCAL MIS-MANAGEMENT OF BUDGETS / FUNDS has left California BILLIONS IN DEBT.

So,where is the money coming from?


Blacks like this guy are screaming, 'TAX THE RICH - TAKE IT FROM THE WEALTHY WHITE PEOPLE!'

Great....people who were never slaves demand money be taken from people who were never slave owners abd given to them.

Let's forget for a second that California is already so heavily taxed there is a mass Exodus going on and Ca is hemorrhaging 'wealthy' tax payers...attempting to hit remaining tax payers with a huge tax to fund 'black-only' Reparations is going to send a large portion of remaining tax payers running.

Also, thanks to the Democrats blacks have been moronically loyal to for decades, Calfornia - like the rest of the country - is being overrun by Biden's Open Secured Border invasion. Town, cities, and states are being flooded with illegals who are overwhelming these cities / states and draining their own budgets, sucking up all their money.
-- Sorry, any money thay may have been available for your insane reparations are being drained by the Democrats' illegal invasion agenda.

Instead of talking about the harm this nation has done to blacks, for a minute lets talk about the harm blacks have rhemselves and to this nation:

i am sure some of the 'harm' blacks claim have been done TO them have been done BY them.


1. Black-on-Black crime is out of control and is being comepletely ignored.
- There is what amounts to be a 'mass shooting' in Chicago every weekend. 14 people were shot just this last weekend. Shootings, gang violence, blacks dealing drugs to their own, etc... completely self-destructive.

One excuse is the lack of economic opportunity...

Whose fault is that?

Many blacks look for an excuse to steal / loot.

Oh yeah, nothing says 'Justice for George Floyd' like climbing out of a broken storefront window carrying a 50" plasma!

During the 'Summer of Love' BLM would bting in busloads of out-of-town domestic terrorists to places like Baltimore to riot, burn, destroy, shoot, and kill. Local black business people were shot and killed, their stores burnt to the ground ... by other militant backs claiming 'Black Lives Matter'.


National chain stores and businesses were destroyed, closed down, and never came back, leaving locals with no where to shop and no where to work. The bience was so bad ut caused BILLIONS of dollars in damages and destroyed both lives and communities.

Looting has become so bad - encouraged by liberal DAs who refused to protect businesses by arresting and punishing thieves that, again, national chain stores have closed down and left cities in droves. Again, blacks hurt themselves by chasing off businesses - no where to shop,no where to work, no where to loot.

Talk about shooting yourselves in the foot...

So I am sure if we ever get to a point where Reparations are realistic insteadvof fantasy I am sure blacks won't have a problem with the cost of damage they have done since this nation's founding being drducted from the amount they ask for, right?

After Gov Newsom announced California is now in debt to the amount of $20 BILLION Dollars, the Reparations Board is now demanding $14 TRILLION in repatations for address 'harms' since 'the founding'.

1. These people are INSANE.

2. They are engaging in an exercize of FANTASY.

1st of all, these people are hyper-sefish, focused only on themselves - blacks. It is a spin-off version of 'BLACK Lives Matter'.

ALL lives matter, but they only care about BLACK lives. In this case the narrative is 'WE - BLACKS - have been harmed and therefore deserve 'Reparations'.'

The list of people abused, enslaved, killed, cheated, and unfairly treated in this nation's history is extremely long. I hate to break it to blacks, but the fact is YOU WEREN'T THE 1ST ONES, YOU WEREN'T THE ONLY ONES, AND YOU WEREN'T THE LAST ONES.

Native Americans, Irish immigrants, chinese immigrants, blacks, Japanese Americans, and more are on that list....but blacks are on this board are proving 2 things: 1) It's all about 'ME, ME, ME' - blacks, & 2) They are greedy as hell.

If the US were to seriously consider giving 'Reparations' to people blacks would have to GET IN LINE.

Secondly, WHERE the hell fo you think you ate going to get $14 TRILLION?

Liberal California is a microcosm of liberal governance. California Drmocrats have done for California what Federal Democrats have done for the country. Its insane policies and CRIMINAL FISCAL MIS-MANAGEMENT OF BUDGETS / FUNDS has left California BILLIONS IN DEBT.

So,where is the money coming from?

View attachment 786435
Blacks like this guy are screaming, 'TAX THE RICH - TAKE IT FROM THE WEALTHY WHITE PEOPLE!'

Great....people who were never slaves demand money be taken from people who were never slave owners abd given to them.

Let's forget for a second that California is already so heavily taxed there is a mass Exodus going on and Ca is hemorrhaging 'wealthy' tax payers...attempting to hit remaining tax payers with a huge tax to fund 'black-only' Reparations is going to send a large portion of remaining tax payers running.

Also, thanks to the Democrats blacks have been moronically loyal to for decades, Calfornia - like the rest of the country - is being overrun by Biden's Open Secured Border invasion. Town, cities, and states are being flooded with illegals who are overwhelming these cities / states and draining their own budgets, sucking up all their money.
-- Sorry, any money thay may have been available for your insane reparations are being drained by the Democrats' illegal invasion agenda.

Instead of talking about the harm this nation has done to blacks, for a minute lets talk about the harm blacks have rhemselves and to this nation:

i am sure some of the 'harm' blacks claim have been done TO them have been done BY them.


1. Black-on-Black crime is out of control and is being comepletely ignored.
- There is what amounts to be a 'mass shooting' in Chicago every weekend. 14 people were shot just this last weekend. Shootings, gang violence, blacks dealing drugs to their own, etc... completely self-destructive.

One excuse is the lack of economic opportunity...

Whose fault is that?

Many blacks look for an excuse to steal / loot.

Oh yeah, nothing says 'Justice for George Floyd' like climbing out of a broken storefront window carrying a 50" plasma!

During the 'Summer of Love' BLM would bting in busloads of out-of-town domestic terrorists to places like Baltimore to riot, burn, destroy, shoot, and kill. Local black business people were shot and killed, their stores burnt to the ground ... by other militant backs claiming 'Black Lives Matter'.

View attachment 786444

National chain stores and businesses were destroyed, closed down, and never came back, leaving locals with no where to shop and no where to work. The bience was so bad ut caused BILLIONS of dollars in damages and destroyed both lives and communities.

Looting has become so bad - encouraged by liberal DAs who refused to protect businesses by arresting and punishing thieves that, again, national chain stores have closed down and left cities in droves. Again, blacks hurt themselves by chasing off businesses - no where to shop,no where to work, no where to loot.

Talk about shooting yourselves in the foot...

So I am sure if we ever get to a point where Reparations are realistic insteadvof fantasy I am sure blacks won't have a problem with the cost of damage they have done since this nation's founding being drducted from the amount they ask for, right?

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After Gov Newsom announced California is now in debt to the amount of $20 BILLION Dollars, the Reparations Board is now demanding $14 TRILLION in repatations for address 'harms' since 'the founding'.

1. These people are INSANE.

2. They are engaging in an exercize of FANTASY.

1st of all, these people are hyper-sefish, focused only on themselves - blacks. It is a spin-off version of 'BLACK Lives Matter'.

ALL lives matter, but they only care about BLACK lives. In this case the narrative is 'WE - BLACKS - have been harmed and therefore deserve 'Reparations'.'

The list of people abused, enslaved, killed, cheated, and unfairly treated in this nation's history is extremely long. I hate to break it to blacks, but the fact is YOU WEREN'T THE 1ST ONES, YOU WEREN'T THE ONLY ONES, AND YOU WEREN'T THE LAST ONES.

Native Americans, Irish immigrants, chinese immigrants, blacks, Japanese Americans, and more are on that list....but blacks are on this board are proving 2 things: 1) It's all about 'ME, ME, ME' - blacks, & 2) They are greedy as hell.

If the US were to seriously consider giving 'Reparations' to people blacks would have to GET IN LINE.

Secondly, WHERE the hell fo you think you ate going to get $14 TRILLION?

Liberal California is a microcosm of liberal governance. California Drmocrats have done for California what Federal Democrats have done for the country. Its insane policies and CRIMINAL FISCAL MIS-MANAGEMENT OF BUDGETS / FUNDS has left California BILLIONS IN DEBT.

So,where is the money coming from?

View attachment 786435
Blacks like this guy are screaming, 'TAX THE RICH - TAKE IT FROM THE WEALTHY WHITE PEOPLE!'

Great....people who were never slaves demand money be taken from people who were never slave owners abd given to them.

Let's forget for a second that California is already so heavily taxed there is a mass Exodus going on and Ca is hemorrhaging 'wealthy' tax payers...attempting to hit remaining tax payers with a huge tax to fund 'black-only' Reparations is going to send a large portion of remaining tax payers running.

Also, thanks to the Democrats blacks have been moronically loyal to for decades, Calfornia - like the rest of the country - is being overrun by Biden's Open Secured Border invasion. Town, cities, and states are being flooded with illegals who are overwhelming these cities / states and draining their own budgets, sucking up all their money.
-- Sorry, any money thay may have been available for your insane reparations are being drained by the Democrats' illegal invasion agenda.

Instead of talking about the harm this nation has done to blacks, for a minute lets talk about the harm blacks have rhemselves and to this nation:

i am sure some of the 'harm' blacks claim have been done TO them have been done BY them.


1. Black-on-Black crime is out of control and is being comepletely ignored.
- There is what amounts to be a 'mass shooting' in Chicago every weekend. 14 people were shot just this last weekend. Shootings, gang violence, blacks dealing drugs to their own, etc... completely self-destructive.

One excuse is the lack of economic opportunity...

Whose fault is that?

Many blacks look for an excuse to steal / loot.

Oh yeah, nothing says 'Justice for George Floyd' like climbing out of a broken storefront window carrying a 50" plasma!

During the 'Summer of Love' BLM would bting in busloads of out-of-town domestic terrorists to places like Baltimore to riot, burn, destroy, shoot, and kill. Local black business people were shot and killed, their stores burnt to the ground ... by other militant backs claiming 'Black Lives Matter'.

View attachment 786444

National chain stores and businesses were destroyed, closed down, and never came back, leaving locals with no where to shop and no where to work. The bience was so bad ut caused BILLIONS of dollars in damages and destroyed both lives and communities.

Looting has become so bad - encouraged by liberal DAs who refused to protect businesses by arresting and punishing thieves that, again, national chain stores have closed down and left cities in droves. Again, blacks hurt themselves by chasing off businesses - no where to shop,no where to work, no where to loot.

Talk about shooting yourselves in the foot...

So I am sure if we ever get to a point where Reparations are realistic insteadvof fantasy I am sure blacks won't have a problem with the cost of damage they have done since this nation's founding being drducted from the amount they ask for, right?

Since the goddamn Negroes have stolen more than $14 trillion in crime and did more than $14 trillion with their periodic insurrections then they owe us $14 trillion.
Since the goddamn Negroes have stolen more than $14 trillion in crime and did more than $14 trillion with their periodic insurrections then they owe us $14 trillion.
What they want is for everything white people have taken from them and redistributed to blacks. Mah feelings done be hurt. Pay up.
What they want is for everything white people have taken from them and redistributed to blacks. Mah feelings done be hurt. Pay up.
I haven't taken a damn thing from the assholes. However, the shitheads have elected Liberals that have taken my money for welfare. That is the same a s stealing.

They sure have stolen and looted a hellva lot of money in addition to burning down cities whenever they were butthurt over something.
I haven't taken a damn thing from the assholes. However, the shitheads have elected Liberals that have taken my money for welfare. That is the same a s stealing.

They sure have stolen and looted a hellva lot of money in addition to burning down cities whenever they were butthurt over something.
In the last few years, blacks have made themselves so obnoxious that few care what they think or certainly how they feel. Even those who were on their side are disgusted and just done with the whole black thing.
Median US income for blacks is $46k and for those in Senegal or Congo or most African nations it’s <$1k.
That means that blacks bitching about reparations owe the US over $45k per.
It just means many Americans have no idea how wealthy they are compared to the rest of the world.
Give all blacks 100,000 dollars. They'll all OD in a week and we'll be rid of them.

Quickest way to kill a black man...give him gobs and gobs of free money.
The Democrats are the founders of White Supremacy starting with the KKK. I wonder if the reason the Democrats want open boarders is because Biden made a deal for millions of dollars and in return, China would send over the fentanyl to kill off the black population before reparations would need to be paid? There's a conspiracy there.
After Gov Newsom announced California is now in debt to the amount of $20 BILLION Dollars, the Reparations Board is now demanding $14 TRILLION in repatations for address 'harms' since 'the founding'.

1. These people are INSANE.

2. They are engaging in an exercize of FANTASY.

1st of all, these people are hyper-sefish, focused only on themselves - blacks. It is a spin-off version of 'BLACK Lives Matter'.

ALL lives matter, but they only care about BLACK lives. In this case the narrative is 'WE - BLACKS - have been harmed and therefore deserve 'Reparations'.'

The list of people abused, enslaved, killed, cheated, and unfairly treated in this nation's history is extremely long. I hate to break it to blacks, but the fact is YOU WEREN'T THE 1ST ONES, YOU WEREN'T THE ONLY ONES, AND YOU WEREN'T THE LAST ONES.

Native Americans, Irish immigrants, chinese immigrants, blacks, Japanese Americans, and more are on that list....but blacks are on this board are proving 2 things: 1) It's all about 'ME, ME, ME' - blacks, & 2) They are greedy as hell.

If the US were to seriously consider giving 'Reparations' to people blacks would have to GET IN LINE.

Secondly, WHERE the hell fo you think you ate going to get $14 TRILLION?

Liberal California is a microcosm of liberal governance. California Drmocrats have done for California what Federal Democrats have done for the country. Its insane policies and CRIMINAL FISCAL MIS-MANAGEMENT OF BUDGETS / FUNDS has left California BILLIONS IN DEBT.

So,where is the money coming from?

View attachment 786435
Blacks like this guy are screaming, 'TAX THE RICH - TAKE IT FROM THE WEALTHY WHITE PEOPLE!'

Great....people who were never slaves demand money be taken from people who were never slave owners abd given to them.

Let's forget for a second that California is already so heavily taxed there is a mass Exodus going on and Ca is hemorrhaging 'wealthy' tax payers...attempting to hit remaining tax payers with a huge tax to fund 'black-only' Reparations is going to send a large portion of remaining tax payers running.

Also, thanks to the Democrats blacks have been moronically loyal to for decades, Calfornia - like the rest of the country - is being overrun by Biden's Open Secured Border invasion. Town, cities, and states are being flooded with illegals who are overwhelming these cities / states and draining their own budgets, sucking up all their money.
-- Sorry, any money thay may have been available for your insane reparations are being drained by the Democrats' illegal invasion agenda.

Instead of talking about the harm this nation has done to blacks, for a minute lets talk about the harm blacks have rhemselves and to this nation:

i am sure some of the 'harm' blacks claim have been done TO them have been done BY them.


1. Black-on-Black crime is out of control and is being comepletely ignored.
- There is what amounts to be a 'mass shooting' in Chicago every weekend. 14 people were shot just this last weekend. Shootings, gang violence, blacks dealing drugs to their own, etc... completely self-destructive.

One excuse is the lack of economic opportunity...

Whose fault is that?

Many blacks look for an excuse to steal / loot.

Oh yeah, nothing says 'Justice for George Floyd' like climbing out of a broken storefront window carrying a 50" plasma!

During the 'Summer of Love' BLM would bting in busloads of out-of-town domestic terrorists to places like Baltimore to riot, burn, destroy, shoot, and kill. Local black business people were shot and killed, their stores burnt to the ground ... by other militant backs claiming 'Black Lives Matter'.

View attachment 786444

National chain stores and businesses were destroyed, closed down, and never came back, leaving locals with no where to shop and no where to work. The bience was so bad ut caused BILLIONS of dollars in damages and destroyed both lives and communities.

Looting has become so bad - encouraged by liberal DAs who refused to protect businesses by arresting and punishing thieves that, again, national chain stores have closed down and left cities in droves. Again, blacks hurt themselves by chasing off businesses - no where to shop,no where to work, no where to loot.

Talk about shooting yourselves in the foot...

So I am sure if we ever get to a point where Reparations are realistic insteadvof fantasy I am sure blacks won't have a problem with the cost of damage they have done since this nation's founding being drducted from the amount they ask for, right?

There is an easy solution to it all. Just propose tax increases on every business and every rich person in the state enough to pay the 14 trillion dollars.
Blacks have paid for white racism. It's time we got our money back.

Quit acting like blacks are the only ones who have ever asked for reparations. And don't bring up the Irish. They are white and benefitted from being racists and from money in programs that excluded blacks. And you talk about Native Americans?

I am quite sure no one living in 1980 was alive when the U.S. government made the Fort Laramie treaty with the Sioux Nation or were participants in Custers violation of that treaty. Nor were they alive when President Grant decided it was OK to let settlers and people prospecting for gold tresspass into land promised to the Sioux thereby violating the treaty. No one in 1980 was alive when the U.S. government decided to take the land from the Sioux by military force. No one in 1980 was alive when the U.S. government decided to cut off supplies they promised the Sioux as condition for their surrender after whipping the U.S. Army at The Battle of Little Bighorn. But in 1980, the government of the United States decided reparations were due to the Sioux Nation for what was done to them in the 1800’s. They awarded the Sioux nation 105 million dollars..

United States v. Sioux Nation of Indians :: 448 U.S. 371 (1980) :: Justia US Supreme Court Center, United States v. Sioux Nation of Indians, 448 U.S. 371 (1980)

And there are other similar cases. We paid for shit you whites have been given that we were denied. So stop your freakin whininng.
The Democrats are the founders of White Supremacy starting with the KKK.
White supremacy began with Carolus Linnaeus. The founders of this nation, not one of them a Democrat, created a system built on white supremacy. Republicans AND democrats have been complicit in white supremacy.
Democrats should play blacks the way President Reagan played the religious right. He knew that the religious right was a large constituency Republicans would need in a tight election. He also knew that most Americans disliked the religious right, including many Republicans. During the 1980's public opinion surveys consistently indicated that Jerry Falwell was one of the most unpopular public figures.

Reagan got around this dilemma by giving the religious right rhetorical support while doing nothing to advance its agenda. When there was an anti abortion demonstration in Washington Reagan would have a recorded speech played to the demonstrators, but he would not invite the leaders to the White House. Of the three Supreme Court justices he nominated to the Supreme Court two voted to preserve Roe vs Wade.
White supremacy began with Carolus Linnaeus. The founders of this nation, not one of them a Democrat, created a system built on white supremacy. Republicans AND democrats have been complicit in white supremacy.
"At the time of Ulysses S. Grant's election to the presidency, white supremacists were conducting a reign of terror throughout the South. In outright defiance of the Republican-led federal government, Southern Democrats formed organizations that violently intimidated blacks and Republicans who tried to win political power. The most prominent of these, the Ku Klux Klan, was formed in Pulaski, Tennessee, in 1865. Originally founded as a social club for former Confederate soldiers, the Klan evolved into a terrorist organization. It would be responsible for thousands of deaths, and would help to weaken the political power of Southern blacks and Republicans.......In this violent atmosphere, the Ku Klux Klan grew in size and strength. By 1868, the Klan had evolved into a hooded terrorist organization that its members called "The Invisible Empire of the South." The reorganized Klan's first leader, or "Grand Wizard," was Nathan Bedford Forrest, who had been a Confederate general during the Civil War."

I don't know who you are listening to but they are revisionist historians attempting to distance the Democrat Party from the KKK.

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