Hiding the bad things blacks do part 713: Reporting crack babies is racist


Diamond Member
May 2, 2021

So in yet another desperate attempt to hide the shitty things blacks do a hospital now will not report babies born with drugs in their systems to the child welfare department because it makes blacks look bad.

How does this help anything? The crack babies are still born, now no one is able to take them from away their black moms that do drugs and hop on every dick they can. All this will do is lead to more drug babies because now blacks aren't held responsible for doing heroine and raw dogging it like rutting hedonistic animals.

When will America start making blacks be responsible and holding them to the same standards whites are supposed to adhere to?

And what is it today with how shitty we treat children? Screw the crack babies, little kids getting hormones and being told they are trannies, all this pro abortion stuff, hell even a movie about child trafficking being a bad thing met with backlash and so on. It sickens me.

So in yet another desperate attempt to hide the shitty things blacks do a hospital now will not report babies born with drugs in their systems to the child welfare department because it makes blacks look bad.

How does this help anything? The crack babies are still born, now no one is able to take them from away their black moms that do drugs and hop on every dick they can. All this will do is lead to more drug babies because now blacks aren't held responsible for doing heroine and raw dogging it like rutting hedonistic animals.

When will America start making blacks be responsible and holding them to the same standards whites are supposed to adhere to?

And what is it today with how shitty we treat children? Screw the crack babies, little kids getting hormones and being told they are trannies, all this pro abortion stuff, hell even a movie about child trafficking being a bad thing met with backlash and so on. It sickens me.

It stuns me to see the vast changes to America done to America in the name of blacks.
Babies now carry the burden for Black parents.
The racist threads here lately are off the charts. Did Stormfront and 4chan show up recently.

Back off fuckheads before you ruin the site. I've seen it done before.
Trolling ^

The major sports organizations, news outlets, and big companies in the USA Have racist hiring policies supporting unqualified minorities over qualified whites. Why not have a meritocracy instead?

And now this hospital has an insane policy catering to some kind of BLM narrative.

So instead of criticizing the hospital or the companies and major sports organizations with races policies , you’re going after nonexistent problems in this country such as “white supremacy”… there are no white supremacists on national television or in any positions of power. But even if you believe that there are….

…Please criticize the hospital for their terrible policy. Please rightfully criticize major sports organizations in the Oscars for policies that cater to minorities instead of having meritocracy.
It stuns me to see the vast changes to America done to America in the name of blacks.
Babies now carry the burden for Black parents.
You mean like black folks having the right to vote, black folks being given Civil Rights to a degree, making it against the law to lynch black folks, making interracial marriage legal. I guess you hate those changes.
Trolling ^

The major sports organizations, news outlets, and big companies in the USA Have racist hiring policies supporting unqualified minorities over qualified whites. Why not have a meritocracy instead?
Hmmm, but you don't have a problem with these same organizations hiring unqualified whites over qualified minorities. That's ok.
And now this hospital has an insane policy catering to some kind of BLM narrative.
What is your obsession of trying to tie BLM into everything happening in America.
So instead of criticizing the hospital or the companies and major sports organizations with races policies , you’re going after nonexistent problems in this country such as “white supremacy”… there are no white supremacists on national television or in any positions of power. But even if you believe that there are….

…Please criticize the hospital for their terrible policy. Please rightfully criticize major sports organizations in the Oscars for policies that cater to minorities instead of having meritocracy.
This dude comes right out of a comic book, the racist bullshit that you spew is unreal.
You mean like black folks having the right to vote, black folks being given Civil Rights to a degree, making it against the law to lynch black folks, making interracial marriage legal. I guess you hate those changes.
Pay attention to the big picture. This is not just about your complaints on the system. This is your responsibilities as a citizen also. In history there has been manias that turned things expensive. There was actually a tulip mania in Holland some centuries ago. Where they got so expensive that you could purchase a home with a few of them. Well, I believe we are currently having a housing mania. And when it collapses, there is going to be wails heard on the outer regions of the solar system. Things could be worse than now. And all of this orchestrated by elites and politicians that do their bidding.
Bottom line: After Caucasian-Americans become a small minority by the next century, then the United States of America will witness African Americans accusing Hispanic Americans of racism.
Trolling ^

The major sports organizations, news outlets, and big companies in the USA Have racist hiring policies supporting unqualified minorities over qualified whites. Why not have a meritocracy instead?

And now this hospital has an insane policy catering to some kind of BLM narrative.

So instead of criticizing the hospital or the companies and major sports organizations with races policies , you’re going after nonexistent problems in this country such as “white supremacy”… there are no white supremacists on national television or in any positions of power. But even if you believe that there are….

…Please criticize the hospital for their terrible policy. Please rightfully criticize major sports organizations in the Oscars for policies that cater to minorities instead of having meritocracy.
Except on the actual playing field and basketball court where meritocracy rules and is measured on a scoreboard. There is where things are extremely disproportionately black and no one says a word.
Good grief. Nevermind the baby huh?

Here's a novel thought, if you're a crackhead don't get pregnant. It is preventable
You mean like black folks having the right to vote, black folks being given Civil Rights to a degree, making it against the law to lynch black folks, making interracial marriage legal. I guess you hate those changes.
All that needs to be taken away from you anti-White black savages. You types can't be socially civilized in a White built country for White people. We gave y'all a chance but the experiment failed.
Hmmm, but you don't have a problem with these same organizations hiring unqualified whites over qualified minorities. That's ok.

What is your obsession of trying to tie BLM into everything happening in America.

This dude comes right out of a comic book, the racist bullshit that you spew is unreal.
I said im for meritocracy. Why do you continue to invent what I say? I know my views ..much of the stuff you say about me is false and assumed same with Curried Goats

If you’re calling me a racist you are for the BLM narrative. I mean that is totally insane and a horrible way to treat somebody. You can’t quote any instance of me saying blacks are inferior. But your idea apparently of what is racist is the BLM narrative like they believe in “white privilege”. That homeless white folks are privileged.

The BLM narrative expects poor white people to agree that “whites are privileged”, and that blacks are oppressed. That is a dangerous way of thought. It’s ignorance. It breeds weakness among white and black man we don’t need that for society. The truth is we all come from greatness and also from poverty. Our ancestors go back to thousands of years some of them were in the highest echelon of society, others the lowest.

The reality of the matter is that right here in the USA we have homeless white folks and black folks struggle is the same.

To the point of the original post the Oscars mandates that minorities be nominated for an award. OK that is racist. It’s totally stupid. And it takes away from the black folks of history who won awards. And if you’re gonna bring up slavery from hundreds of years ago, also talk about whites that were enslaved by blacks in Africa.

I said I’m for meritocracy. So why are you inventing what I’m saying? . Give the best man the job or woman whether they’re black or white.

More personal attacks from you toward me, even though I continue to treat you with respect. Come on brother have strong feelings about the topic if you want, but leave the personal issues out of it. makes for a better conversation.

I talk about BLM quite a bit but not all the time. They play a big role in the Democrat party. they’re left-wing fanaticism is their fantasy making the working man’s reality a nightmare.

Show me an example of somebody actually suggesting blacks are inferior, and I will call it out for what it is …racism. But if somebody brings up the fact that a black man commits a crime, that’s a fact ok it happened . There’s a reason why some neighborhoods in the USA are known as the hood they tend to be black majority doesn’t mean all blacks are bad, but the FBI stats show that blacks commit more crimes than whites when it comes to violent crimes and robberies. And no cops are not letting violent white people get away with their crimes. That is an insane counterpoint. It makes no sense. See when somebody commits a violent crime and somebody else sees it the police get called does not matter what the skin color is.

But on the other hand, young white people commit more mass school shootings than blacks. Now I’ve seen you do this before you will flip around what I say and call me a racist, but you wont talk about what I just said about white people. Same with Curried Goats …. See, I just criticized young white people. Let’s see you guys say something about it.

Your Triggered by the wrong things
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Good grief. Nevermind the baby huh?

Here's a novel thought, if you're a crackhead don't get pregnant. It is preventable
You don’t seem to understand. Pregnancy can be caught in a subway or in a store or classroom just like a cold. And only democrats allow women to take medicine for the pregnancies they inevitably catch.
I guess you are trying to be funny, because you are definitely a racist and you definitely hate black folks.
:45: I was not trying to be funny... if you think this is good for black folks just to give up on them because they just can't get straight its you that is dangerous to black folks not me...

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