Liberal radio host shows how intolerant the left can be

Do you will no longer be here. :eusa_pray:

Only a leftist would be dumb enough to not realize that making false calls to 911 is a crime. As for the rest, he's obviously accustomed to making a fool of himself in public, so it won't be much of a change.

I would definitely call 911. I do not know this gun-wielding person's intentions.
Why would I no longer be here, just for calling 9/11?

And are you wishing death on me?
Sad thing is that this behavior isn't rare among liberals. The nastiness coming from the left is common when people aren't abiding by their liberal views. This lunatic would scream at the sight of a gun carried legally, he would call 911 and falsely claim that shots were fired and he would hope that police would shoot the gun owner when they arrived. And if someone died because of this, I bet he wouldn't feel bad at all.

Liberal Radio Host Redefines Insanity With What He Plans to Do When He Sees an Open Carry Gun Owner

Shall I post stories of conservatives who molested children, and then get my broad brush out?

Would you consider that fair?

I see where liberals do the same, why don't you chime in then? Supposedly Rush Limbaugh speaks for all Conservatives.

All Republicans are racist, according to the left.

Maybe you should clean up the liberals before you try the opposition, it would mean something then, right now, you sound like a liberal nut job.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.

So you're dismissing this thread as idiocy. Good for you.
Remember when the left tried to pin the shootings involving Gabbi Giffords on rightwing rhetoric? That claim held no water at all, but the leftwing media immediately started blaming the vitriol on the right as the cause.

This guy is on the radio and presumably has some leftist listeners. Is he trying to give people ideas? If one of his viewers actually takes his advice, will the guy be held liable?
hey its one of these threads that prove absolutely nothing
It offers a bit of evidence that Mike Malloy is an idiot...similar to most all liberal media hosts. Liberals can't maintain a large audience because nobody (even another liberal) believes what they say.

Liberalism is a mental disorder!
Thread title: Liberal radio host shows how intolerant the left can be

Which do you mean -- "Liberal" or "the left"?
Sad thing is that this behavior isn't rare among liberals. The nastiness coming from the left is common when people aren't abiding by their liberal views. This lunatic would scream at the sight of a gun carried legally, he would call 911 and falsely claim that shots were fired and he would hope that police would shoot the gun owner when they arrived. And if someone died because of this, I bet he wouldn't feel bad at all.

Far-left radio talk-show host Mike Malloy has a plan for the next time he sees a law-abiding open-carry gun owner in public: Start screaming “Guns, guns, hit the deck!” Call 911 and say “Shots fired.” What he hopes happens next is even more appalling.
Liberal Radio Host Redefines Insanity With What He Plans to Do When He Sees an Open Carry Gun Owner
The deal is not whether we can debate the Second Amendment but rather that he has full rights under the FIRST Amendment! After all, it is not like shouting "FIRE!" in a crowded theater. And just because he has said things doesn't mean he will actually carry out plans to call 911 in the end unless the need actually arises and he sees people are in clear danger. We do, however, have to give him credit as a radio personality for coming up with a very clever way to focus upon and get the message out on the air that Open-Carry Laws are dangerous because they are! In today's crazy and volatile climate of shooters going around targeting others for little to no reason one never knows if indeed the person carrying the gun could be out to "get" someone or a group of people at random. What if their mental state wasn't exactly balanced while carrying a weapon in the open? The possibility also exists that the gun could accidentally fire while being out in the open and someone could get hit and/or it could also do damage to a car or business. This calls much attention for the need to consider repealing the law that gives people the right to carry a weapon openly. Many states have "Concealed Weapon Laws" and that is a far better alternative than the one allowing one to carry a weapon openly. Doing so can actually provoke someone who might be intoxicated or just mad at the world or escaping from Police to try to take his weapon away and either shoot him or someone else because it was right on sight and *easy* to get at.

Because of things like that which are very real possibilities, we just NEVER know and it's always better to err on the side of caution. There can be little doubt that a Conservative would have kept his or her mouth shut at Columbine, Sandy Hook, and at other places and an actual shooting could have taken place. Uh, actually and most unfortunately, it DID take place and many *innocent* lives were consequently lost. But all it takes is to have an Open-Carry Law for people to go crazy and take advantage of that in whatever distorted way comes across their sick mind in order to hurt another. But what if the Open-Carry Law that allows someone to openly carry a weapon attracted someone so that he decided to take advantage of it and they ended up shooting and most unfortunately killing a member of your own family or maybe even you? That could easily happen when carrying weapons openly and with someone with deranged thinking! What then? Well, it would simply be too late for you to change your mind on supporting Open-Carry Laws at that point now wouldn't it?

Please visit the following for excellent information about this matter!

9 Signs of Dangerous Gun Nut Craziness in 2014 | Alternet
Sad thing is that this behavior isn't rare among liberals. The nastiness coming from the left is common when people aren't abiding by their liberal views. This lunatic would scream at the sight of a gun carried legally, he would call 911 and falsely claim that shots were fired and he would hope that police would shoot the gun owner when they arrived. And if someone died because of this, I bet he wouldn't feel bad at all.

Liberal Radio Host Redefines Insanity With What He Plans to Do When He Sees an Open Carry Gun Owner

He'd be arrested himself if he ever really did such a thing. Which, of course, he won't. Just another lefty dope with a big mouth and a tiny brain.

If he told 911 that shots had been fired when they had not, he would have committed a crime and should be charged. If he yelled "gun! gun! gun!, Get down!" and then called 911 and told them that he had seen a man in public with a gun, he would have committed no crime and should not be charged with anything.

Actually, wasting 911's time by calling them for things that are not crimes is also a crime. Having a gun in public is not a crime, and therefore has no business being reported to 911.

Furthermore, yelling "Gun! Gun! Get down!" could be seen as inciting a riot and endangering public safety, depending on the reactions of people around you, and is at the very least creating a public nuisance.
Shitstain, if you yell "fire" in a movie're going to jail.

If you yell "shots fired" at the mall and cause a stampede/ are going to fucking jail.

If you call 911 over "shots fired" for are going to jail.

If you are even dumb enough to tell the responding police that another person has fired could be charged with murder if the police shoot that person.

You are the typical piece of shit liberal this scumbag caters to.

It is illegal to make statements to cause a riot.

If someone has a gun and you yell that someone has a gun that is not illegal.

And frankly, if you're yelling at a total stranger in a public place for no good reason, you're guilty of harassment and causing a public nuisance.

And no, leftists, the fact that he is carrying a gun is not a good reason to shout at a total stranger in public.
Sad thing is that this behavior isn't rare among liberals. The nastiness coming from the left is common when people aren't abiding by their liberal views. This lunatic would scream at the sight of a gun carried legally, he would call 911 and falsely claim that shots were fired and he would hope that police would shoot the gun owner when they arrived. And if someone died because of this, I bet he wouldn't feel bad at all.

Liberal Radio Host Redefines Insanity With What He Plans to Do When He Sees an Open Carry Gun Owner

Only a leftist would be dumb enough to not realize that making false calls to 911 is a crime. As for the rest, he's obviously accustomed to making a fool of himself in public, so it won't be much of a change.

I would definitely call 911. I do not know this gun-wielding person's intentions.

I'm pretty sure your inability to read minds is not viewed as a legitimate cause for a 911 call in any state in the Union.

But by all means, feel free to make the call. Just be certain you have bail money when you do.
hey its one of these threads that prove absolutely nothing
It offers a bit of evidence that Mike Malloy is an idiot...similar to most all liberal media hosts. Liberals can't maintain a large audience because nobody (even another liberal) believes what they say.

Liberalism is a mental disorder!

There's also the fact that leftists tend to be boring and unamusing to anyone except the occasional conservative with a strong sense of schadenfreude.
Sad thing is that this behavior isn't rare among liberals. The nastiness coming from the left is common when people aren't abiding by their liberal views. This lunatic would scream at the sight of a gun carried legally, he would call 911 and falsely claim that shots were fired and he would hope that police would shoot the gun owner when they arrived. And if someone died because of this, I bet he wouldn't feel bad at all.

Far-left radio talk-show host Mike Malloy has a plan for the next time he sees a law-abiding open-carry gun owner in public: Start screaming “Guns, guns, hit the deck!” Call 911 and say “Shots fired.” What he hopes happens next is even more appalling.
Liberal Radio Host Redefines Insanity With What He Plans to Do When He Sees an Open Carry Gun Owner


Love it!!!!
hey its one of these threads that prove absolutely nothing
It offers a bit of evidence that Mike Malloy is an idiot...similar to most all liberal media hosts. Liberals can't maintain a large audience because nobody (even another liberal) believes what they say.

Liberalism is a mental disorder!

Uh huh.

So how's it feel, living in a country founded by a "mental disorder"?


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