Letting your child(ren) win

No, my kids are fine.

And you know there are rules about making such comments about family. I understand that we were talking about letting kids win and I participated, but just giving you a head's up. I don't need your input on this particular subject. Not that I mind talking about it, but it would take too much effort to bring you up to speed and I'm not interested in doing it, given your skewed views.
Dude you refuse any attempts to get you feeling better.

You hold onto idiotic notions that are clearly ruining you life.


TM, there is nothing that is going to help me. My life was ruined by the hands of Fate the moment I was conceived. Nothing is ever going to change that. Those "idiotic notions" as you refer to them are all I have; so if I were to lose them I'd have nothing at all.
Oh waaaaahhhhhhh...

PS...fate is complete bullshit. Though there is such a thing as poetic justice!
Dude you refuse any attempts to get you feeling better.

You hold onto idiotic notions that are clearly ruining you life.


TM, there is nothing that is going to help me. My life was ruined by the hands of Fate the moment I was conceived. Nothing is ever going to change that. Those "idiotic notions" as you refer to them are all I have; so if I were to lose them I'd have nothing at all.

so what, exactly, did Jack Fate do to you?
No, my kids are fine.

And you know there are rules about making such comments about family. I understand that we were talking about letting kids win and I participated, but just giving you a head's up. I don't need your input on this particular subject. Not that I mind talking about it, but it would take too much effort to bring you up to speed and I'm not interested in doing it, given your skewed views.

Yeah because teaching kids its more important how they play the game than winning at any expense like you proffered is so horrible huh?

It used to be how most American kids were taught.
Ho hum. I made a flippant comment. Big whoop. The kids love board games. They win and lose with style, just like their mom.

Now fuck yourself. Please. You seem to need it.
Dude you refuse any attempts to get you feeling better.

You hold onto idiotic notions that are clearly ruining you life.


TM, there is nothing that is going to help me. My life was ruined by the hands of Fate the moment I was conceived. Nothing is ever going to change that. Those "idiotic notions" as you refer to them are all I have; so if I were to lose them I'd have nothing at all.

You are 37.

You choose to give up.

How can ANYONE help you if you REFUSE to be helped.

When you have nothing but distain for any attempt to help you then its YOU who have doomed yourself.

Why do you love your misery so much?
so what, exactly, did Jack Fate do to you?

I don't know who Jack is, but the Fates (Maiden, Matron, and Crone if you will) wove me a thread of life that includes something called Sturge Weber Syndrome. I won't expect that you've ever heard of it. It's characterized in my case by a full facial birthmark, cranial calcification, glaucoma, and epileptic activity. In most cases it's also characterized by moderate to severe brain damage. I avoided the vast majority of that issue, thankfully.

I had a Grand Mal seizure in the summer of 1978, at 4 years old. I was paralyzed on the left side of my body for 18 hours. Back then nobody ever considered giving a 4 year old physical therapy. Instead they put me on a high-end anti-seizure medication for 11 years. A medication that tends to retard physical development of the body. It's only in the last 6-9 months that my left (dominant) side has finally become anywhere near as strong as my right side. It's also left me several inches shorter and less physically developed than I might have been otherwise.

So between the physical issues and going through life wearing a birthmark platered across my face (which you can surely comprehend being a major social inconvenience); it's been a bit of a less than fully pleasant experience.
We get it, you're ugly. YOu've told us that before.

And that's your excuse for being the obnoxious toad you are today.

Thank you for sharing.
You are 37. You choose to give up. How can ANYONE help you if you REFUSE to be helped. When you have nothing but distain for any attempt to help you then its YOU who have doomed yourself.

Why do you love your misery so much?

It's not so much a matter of Loving misery as the fact that it eventually becomes a very comfortable place to be. They say one of the definitions of Insanity is doing the same thing over and over while expecting different results. Eventually you learn that there's no more point in trying because you can already predict the outcome. At that point, the misery reaches a level of comfort. It becomes a nice, easy way to live. You don't have to worry about trying anymore because you already know the results before the action is taken.

I'm 37 years old. I probably have less days LEFT in my life than I've already lived. Why would I bother trying to change who and what I am NOW? What's the point? What is there truly to be gained? THAT is what nobody has ever been able to explain to me..... Even assuming that there was some magic pill that could change me overnight, what's the reward for doing so? What's the guaranteed return on the investment?
You make that decision.

You have ONLY you to blame.

Take your good qualities and make them your driving force.

Everyday every human being that walks owes this world to become a better person.

It is what it means to be human and to care about other humans.

You have given up and when you give up like you have you then have no right to condemn others for not being better human beings.

Be the change you want to see.

I care about you buddy but you have to care enough about me to make yourself a better person.

Care about others enough to do that and your life will change in increments for the better.

YOU have to deal with your anger issues or you will hurt someone someday.

You do not live in a vacuum
I agree, sometimes let them win but make sure they are learning something from the games of skill.

This thread brings to mind that movie mommy dearest where she would race her daughter in the pool and let her win until almost the end, then she would crush her. :lol:

She would say, you'll never be faster than me, I'm bigger and I can always win.

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