Zone1 Let's Take A Look at What Racism is DEFINED to Be


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Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
Definition of racism

1: a belief that race is a fundamental determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race.

Ladino elites used racism to justify the displacement and enslavement of the indigenous population, and these beliefs, along with the resentment created by the continued exploitation of indigenous land and labor, culminated in the Guatemalan Civil War (1960-1996).— Mariana Calvo…

how do we begin undoing the processes of internalized hatred and internalized racism?— bell hooks

also : behavior or attitudes that reflect and foster this belief : racial discrimination or prejudice

The kind of trenchant racism to which black people have persistently been subjected can never be defeated by making its victims more respectable. The essence of American racism is disrespect.— Imani Perry

From racist graffiti in schools to daily microaggressions and police profiling, rally testimonials highlighted that issues surrounding racism are still very much local issues.— Ryan J. Degan

The War on Drugs, cloaked in race-neutral language, offered whites opposed to racial reform a unique opportunity to express their hostility toward blacks and black progress, without being exposed to the charge of racism.— Michelle Alexander

2a: the systemic oppression of a racial group to the social, economic, and political advantage of another
specifically : WHITE SUPREMACY sense 2 institutional racism

One of the many ruses racism achieves is the virtual erasure of historical contributions by people of color.— Angela Y. Davis

Discriminatory housing practices, redlining neighborhoods, underfunded education, lack of access to healthcare, racial profiling, police brutality and mass incarceration are just a few examples of cage wires that all together contribute to structural racism.— Sylvia Luetmer

Our nation faces a fork in the road and a decision to either continue down the same path of systemic racism or to confront our past honestly.— Bree Newsome

"People of color, low-income people, and Indigenous peoples have been made especially vulnerable through decades of environmental racism: policies that intentionally concentrate pollution and toxic hazards in our communities."— Michele Roberts

b: a political or social system founded on racism and designed to execute its principles
In 1913 the Natives Land Act reserved 90% of the country for whites, who then made up 21% of the population.
Under the formalised racism of apartheid 3.5m blacks were forcibly moved to isolated reservations called "homelands."— The Economist

Notice what is not included in the definitions or the examples- The claim that somebody who talks about legitimate racial issues is practicing racism. Posting about systemic racism is not racism. Discussing the American record of racism is not racism. There is a difference between saying whites are racists than saying whites who pracice racism, white racists, white right wingers, or white right wing extremists. Each of these things describe a subculture inside of the white race.

Definition of subculture

1a: a culture (as of bacteria) derived from another culture
b: an act or instance of producing a subculture
2: an ethnic, regional, economic, or social group exhibiting characteristic patterns of behavior sufficient to distinguish it from others within an embracing culture or society.
a: criminal subculture

Blacks and other people of color have not been blaiming everybody white for racism. While all whites are not racists, there is a subculture that is. Unfortunately some of that subculture exists here. And they are the one whining and compaining about black racism or anti white racism or discrimination. Now you guys can do your whataboutisms and claim there is a black racist subculture. You are welcome to provide evidence of how that black racist subculture is supported by public policy, law enforcement/criminal justice, business, education and politics. Find me the political party thal party that supports black extremists and show me a report where members of groups like the NBPP are infiltrating law enforcement. Show me the history of policies made by blacks that have denied whites of opportunity. Blacks calling a white person the h word or whatever is not the same thing.

"The term gaslighting, as you might already know, refers to a particular type of emotional abuse where someone is made to question the validity of their experiences, feelings, and beliefs.

When this form of manipulation is used specifically to undermine or minimize someone’s experiences of racism, it’s called racial gaslighting."

Examples of racial gaslighting

“Yes, slavery happened, but that’s in the past,” or “We shouldn’t focus on just the faults of [problematic historical figure].”

“Stop playing the race card.”

“I don’t see color.”

"The “All Lives Matter” movement. This racist rebuttal to the Black Lives Matter movement effectively dismisses the issue of racism, even prompting some Black Lives Matter supporters to reconsider their beliefs."

“Racial gaslighting allows white groups to assuage their guilt and shirk responsibility while continually laying blame at the feet of those their privilege harms the most.”

This is what we see exhibited here. It's primarily done by the right although at least 2 who claim to be liberal, JoeB and Sealybobo do it also.
Now define Race. I have yet since 1970 found a definition that will hold up under scrutiny. It's long past time to get rid of the idea of Race and Racism out of our vocabulary and use Bigotry and Prejudice instead.
By those definitions I am a racist. Watch me not care. I do acknowledge that the characteristics I admire can be found in each of the races, and I have found them, although in different percentages.
You claim any legit rebuttal is actually racism gaslighting.
Does the "I'm right no matter what you say & stating the facts proves you're a racist" defense of your positions actually work on the low info in you area? Because it is as transparent as it gets here in the real world.

Making everything about race is the actual racism
Now define Race. I have yet since 1970 found a definition that will hold up under scrutiny. It's long past time to get rid of the idea of Race and Racism out of our vocabulary and use Bigotry and Prejudice instead.
Oh that's easy. A "Race" in the context of "Racism" is any minority that the Democratic Party thinks it can exploit for votes. Obviously the most successful "Racism" has been centered on Black people.
Racism used in a definition to define racism. Not good practice to use a word to define itself.
That didn't happen since no race was ever mentioned.
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Damn! If you read what I quoted, you will see that the word "racism" is used in a definition that you posted for the word "racism".
I read everything. The defnition is from Wbsters dictionary.
You claim any legit rebuttal is actually racism gaslighting.
Does the "I'm right no matter what you say & stating the facts proves you're a racist" defense of your positions actually work on the low info in you area? Because it is as transparent as it gets here in the real world.

Making everything about race is the actual racism
No, that statement is actually racial gaslighting. And since we ARE in a section of a forum about race, the discussion won't be about recipes. Funny how the only people those like you whine about are the blacks here countering your racism.

Never see you doing this in threads by whites.
guys/gals- i wonder if im2 realizes the party he votes for breaks everyone down by 15 sexes, 25 sexual orientations and by age, and race etc.
I wonder if yiu don't realize that I won't join a party full of people like you.
For fucks sake, we get it!
Apparently you don't. Because it's funny how the only people those like you whine about are the blacks here countering your racism.

Never see you doing this in threads by whites.
Now define Race. I have yet since 1970 found a definition that will hold up under scrutiny. It's long past time to get rid of the idea of Race and Racism out of our vocabulary and use Bigotry and Prejudice instead.
You define it since white made race a factor in being a citizen and in other areas. Whites have defined others because of race. So you find the definition.

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