Let's see how far apart we really are on abortion... Step 1

Do you believe in unlimited abortions all the way to 9 months, no restrictions.

  • I am a R and I believe there should be no time limits

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Exactly. And I remember some arguments on this subject. Where the abortion clinics were accusing the State of being shut down illegally. But they were not LICENSED in the State. I think it was in Texas.
I’d have to know the specifics but there were states that imposed undue burdens and requirements on clinics that made it impossible for them to operate, thus forcing the closure of many leaving some with only one operating clinic. Those requirements were not imposed on any other same-day type clinics. I would consider that to be an unnecessary obstacle designed to prevent a woman from obtaining a legal abortion within the time period.
18 years they are considered a adult.
The legal age for consent to marry is 16 in most states. The minimum age age to apply for emancipation is 16. If they are old enough to marry and decide to have a child, they are old enough to decide to terminate it.
terminate it.
You leftists live for that 'termination'. It's as if you guys love death and killing the innocent as a 'choice'.
I’d have to know the specifics but there were states that imposed undue burdens and requirements on clinics that made it impossible for them to operate, thus forcing the closure of many leaving some with only one operating clinic. Those requirements were not imposed on any other same-day type clinics. I would consider that to be an unnecessary obstacle designed to prevent a woman from obtaining a legal abortion within the time period.
Politicians love Wedge issues. This is a wedge issue same as Immigration. It is used to give us Chaos. Riots..........and hyped up outrage.

If they wanted to end this they would have already done so. They could do a law or even an Amendment on this right now. Using a compromise bill that is simple.......to the point and clear. No EARMARKS............just you have x number of weeks or it's illegal.
The legal age for consent to marry is 16 in most states. The minimum age age to apply for emancipation is 16. If they are old enough to marry and decide to have a child, they are old enough to decide to terminate it.
That would have to be negotiated then. Most children live with their parents and should be in on an abortion if they are adult in the situation. I don't agree with 16.
I would agree with this, the deformities I'm a little skeptical, my grand niece has encephalitis and the doc said she wouldn't live a week. She's now 4 and while she has learning disablitlies and her parents have been through a lot, they wouldn't have it any other way and we are all proud of my niece and nephew. So that one would be a little iffy, but life of the mother, sure, I would be ok with that.
I was thinking primarily of severe fetal deformities that usually result in death at or soon after birth … I think that has to be a parents choice, but I understand the skepticism.
I was thinking primarily of severe fetal deformities that usually result in death at or soon after birth … I think that has to be a parents choice, but I understand the skepticism.
Yeah, I gotcha, not an easy choice, but I would agree with that
Despite my, admittedly, terrible wording in the options.

It is easy to see that both sides agree there should be time limits.
And I should also have added that if there is some medical emergency where the mothers life is in imminent life threatening danger, that changes those rules. And with that, if the baby can make it outside of the womb then that child should be given the opportunity to survive.

So we overwhelmingly agree on this point.
I am in favor of cash payouts for long-term contraception, mandatory sterilization to collect welfare, and probably cash payouts for abortions.
Democrats should have no time limits on abortion. Those are the ills of society we want terminated
Yeah, I gotcha, not an easy choice, but I would agree with that

So would I, as much as I dislike the idea of abortions.

Have you guys seen the news from Kansas, the voters there have denied an amendment to their state Constitution that would allow the Kansas state legislature to institute restrictions on pregnancy terminations beyond that allowed by the justices, by almost a 60-40 split, the last I heard anyway.

The ballot measure was a proposed state constitutional amendment that says the right to an abortion is not protected by the state constitution, effectively reversing a state Supreme Court decision from 2019. But because the measure failed, that means that the state Supreme Court ruling still stands. Most abortions up until 22 weeks of pregnancy are allowed currently in the state.

This is how a republic is supposed to work, whether on agrees with the decision or not. BTW, Kansas is a red state.
The double negatives in a couple of the responses makes my head hurt.

I voted, but it's still confusing. It should've been:

D time limits
D no time limits
R time limits
R no time limits

If you truly are what you seem, this isn't a good moment for you.
I am betting reasonable people, whether Democrats or Republicans are a lot closer on Abortion than we are told we are.

QUESTION 1 - Do you believe in "unlimited" abortions all the way to 9 months, no restrictions.
In other words - NO TIME LIMITS.
** NOTE*** If you are an independent - please answer as to the party you most identify with on abortion.
I believe it should be a matter left to a woman and her doctor
I am betting reasonable people, whether Democrats or Republicans are a lot closer on Abortion than we are told we are.

QUESTION 1 - Do you believe in "unlimited" abortions all the way to 9 months, no restrictions.
In other words - NO TIME LIMITS.
** NOTE*** If you are an independent - please answer as to the party you most identify with on abortion.
I believe God deems humans as His most prized and valuable creation. I would hate to be an abortionist standing before God explaining why they murdered his creations.
I am betting reasonable people, whether Democrats or Republicans are a lot closer on Abortion than we are told we are.

QUESTION 1 - Do you believe in "unlimited" abortions all the way to 9 months, no restrictions.
In other words - NO TIME LIMITS.
** NOTE*** If you are an independent - please answer as to the party you most identify with on abortion.

Heartbeat equals life. If its life before then is debatable. Find it funny how microscopic organisms found on mars or the moon are called life but not a zygote in a womb.

I've said before that I could agree with 4 instances.
* Rape
* Incest
* carrying to term would kill the mother
* baby has severe life quality hindering disability

All 4 of those are RARE instances as over 90% of those who reported having abortions did so for cosmetic reasons. I've legit heard liberals say "having a baby would give me stretch marks" as a reason. So use condoms or birth control. Then they bitch about that. Bottom line is shitlibs don't want to face personal responsibility for their hedonistic ways.

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