Let's raise the minimum wage! It's good for business, it's good for America!

How do you feel about your Congressperson voting in favor of the minimum wage?

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Gold Member
Nov 26, 2013
This has been a hot button issue this campaign season, with the Democrat morons salivating at the mouth at the votes they hope to buy with promises of a minimum wage increase. Is there actually support among the people for this, though?
This has been a hot button issue this campaign season, with the Democrat morons salivating at the mouth at the votes they hope to buy with promises of a minimum wage increase. Is there actually support among the people for this, though?

Until you figure out why it is necessary to raise minimum wage, it's akin to putting a tourniquet on a deep neck wound.
Un-incorporate USA.INC, return it to constitutional law, tell the Fed bankers that own USA.INC that their ill-gotten corporation has been dissolved and that we will no longer allow them to print fiat currency with usury attached to every note...that would be a great fucking start.
Is there another possibility? A limit on maxim income? Let's go the other way here. CEO's or actors or sports stars, all get a cap on their income limit based on percentage of average American worker income. Period.
Is there another possibility? A limit on maxim income? Let's go the other way here. CEO's or actors or sports stars, all get a cap on their income limit based on percentage of average American worker income. Period.

Or how about going the completely opposite way and abandoning Marxism. It doesn't work...
Is there another possibility? A limit on maxim income? Let's go the other way here. CEO's or actors or sports stars, all get a cap on their income limit based on percentage of average American worker income. Period.

Or how about going the completely opposite way and abandoning Marxism. It doesn't work...
we have never actually tried that, that isn't Marxism, either. A CEO's income or actor or a sports figure should be merit based, not handed out to them. I want a million dollars because I think I merit it? Nobody merits the income Apple execs, Hollywood Oscar winners or NFL quarterback earns. It's pure bullshit.
I say raise minimum wage to $20.00 per hr....
Then cut hours for all employees or let a few go...
How bout that?
This has been a hot button issue this campaign season, with the Democrat morons salivating at the mouth at the votes they hope to buy with promises of a minimum wage increase. Is there actually support among the people for this, though?
Dumb poor people don't vote so screw them. Until they start voting I say don't raise minimum wage.
Is there another possibility? A limit on maxim income? Let's go the other way here. CEO's or actors or sports stars, all get a cap on their income limit based on percentage of average American worker income. Period.

Or how about going the completely opposite way and abandoning Marxism. It doesn't work...
we have never actually tried that, that isn't Marxism, either. A CEO's income or actor or a sports figure should be merit based, not handed out to them. I want a million dollars because I think I merit it? Nobody merits the income Apple execs, Hollywood Oscar winners or NFL quarterback earns. It's pure bullshit.

Let me present to you the exact role you should play in determining the wage of Steve Jobs or the like:

None. You should shut up and let the real men negotiate the wages based on costs and benefits. That is unless you are on the other side of the negotiation table.

I would have called you a regressive Marxist, but at least you had the decency to bring the Oscar winners into this, so I will spare you this time.
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Is there another possibility? A limit on maxim income? Let's go the other way here. CEO's or actors or sports stars, all get a cap on their income limit based on percentage of average American worker income. Period.

Or how about going the completely opposite way and abandoning Marxism. It doesn't work...
we have never actually tried that, that isn't Marxism, either. A CEO's income or actor or a sports figure should be merit based, not handed out to them. I want a million dollars because I think I merit it? Nobody merits the income Apple execs, Hollywood Oscar winners or NFL quarterback earns. It's pure bullshit.

Most everybody is paid by how much they make for their employer.

If everybody tunes in to the television series Big Bang Theory, and the company is making 30 million a week off of the program, they pay their actors one million dollars an episode each. They couldn't pay that kind of money unless they were making that kind of money.

If a star baseball pitcher is drawing in crowds at the stadium and people tuning into the baseball game on television, the baseball team is making millions off of that pitcher, so they pay him X millions per year.

If a CEO is making 10 million a year, it's likely that his or her talents are bringing in the company twice or more that kind of money.

Socialism is not only a failure in society, it's a failure in business as well. Government should not run business--business should run business and government should run government.
You raise wages, price of living goes up that much. Let's don't even have a minimum wage, let's have a MAXIMUM wage limit. Limit it, let's put the fire under the feet of the wealthy entitled elitists that like to pretend they earned it. End this.
I don't like politicians that refuse to compromise. So if I were a congressman my vote to approve an increased minimum wage would take a ban on imports from countries without labor laws similar to the good old U.S. of A. I probably would first play hardball and also insist that they abide by our environmental legislation as well.
I don't like politicians that refuse to compromise. So if I were a congressman my vote to approve an increased minimum wage would take a ban on imports from countries without labor laws similar to the good old U.S. of A. I probably would first play hardball and also insist that they abide by our environmental legislation as well.

Then their products would increase in price. An increase in price means less items sold. Less items sold means less labor needed.
You raise wages, price of living goes up that much. Let's don't even have a minimum wage, let's have a MAXIMUM wage limit. Limit it, let's put the fire under the feet of the wealthy entitled elitists that like to pretend they earned it. End this.

Interesting, I never thought about it like that before and while it hasn't completely sunk in the thought appeals to me in regards to these people that run a business into the ground and then are given an outrageous bundle to go away.
If we do this, we need to immediately give everyone else a substantial raise as well.
The people who get screwed when a sudden high minimum wage is enacted, are people who have been in the workforce for years and who earn $20-$30 an hour.
If they do not also receive a large raise, inflation will have a big impact.
Of course if you do this, you'll be right back where you started.

Let's cut through the crap here and be honest. Burger flippers and many other no-skill low-skill entry jobs are NOT worth $15 bucks an hour !

These jobs were NEVER intended to be so-called "living wage" jobs.
The idea here is to enter the workforce, at a lower wage, then through your own choices, and hard work, you work your way up to jobs that pay more.
Is there another possibility? A limit on maxim income? Let's go the other way here. CEO's or actors or sports stars, all get a cap on their income limit based on percentage of average American worker income. Period.

Ok and all the left over money goes to me, I can spend it better then the government and you.


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