More than anything else, the 2024 presidential race boiled down to good vs evil.

No, you don't. You bloody tRumplings positively rejoice in your lies and those of your Fearless Orange Leader.
I do, I think it’s tragic how deplorable the left has come that they have to resort to assassination
It is silly to mix theological terms with politics. "Evil" has nothing to do with it. Incompetent is the term that applies to the duopoly's offerings. People mostly didn't vote "for", they voted "against". Harris was the only rational argument for voting for Trump for voters so caught in the duality that they could not bring themselves to vote "other".
Not true. Trump had platforms and agendas, and he has detailed most of them. Plus, he did not alienate half the population. If I lived in the hinterlands, I would really think about trusting outsiders coming in. In AOC's district, the voters voted for AOC and Trump. The reason for AOC was, she is Hispanic, and the voters are the same. AOC has done nothing for her district. And one day the money will run dry, and they will not be a happy lot and other district like this the same.
Just like a terlit you keep on flushing the same shit.


Thanks for beautifully making my point.
1) Bush 1 agreed to the Democrats' demand that he increase spending. They promised tax cuts in return, but reneged.
2) Clinton spent like a drunken sailer until the 104th GOP Congress reined him in after 1995. Your graph shows that.
3). Bush 2 was forced to defend America because of Clinton's asleep-at-the-wheel negligence which caused 9-11.
4). Wow. Look at 0bama's meteoric spending on wasteful programs like 0bamacare.
5) Are you really going to blame Trump for the $2 trillion CARES Act, pushed by Democrats in Trump's last year?
6) Biden spending absolutely off the charts.

If you notice, when Republicans spend, it's to pay for Democrat messes. When Democrats spend, it's to create new wasteful programs.
Trump as President abused his position and us, 24/7, 365 X 4. He was as crooked as they come imo!
You have that opinion because you believe the propaganda. Even Morning Joe knew their spiel was bullshit.
You make the incredible claim Trump is being controlled by someone. Trump does so many things his advisors tell him not to do, so who exactly do you think is controlling him?

As for him being good or bad, I just look at the fruits his term yielded. Overturned Roe. Defense of Israel. Autonomy to the individual. Opposes trans stuff. Very much aligned with the goals of Christians. That’s why Christians support him. While not perfect, he is so much better than the alternative. I’m sorry you didn’t support that.

See, this is the problem. Christians look at a couple things that are good, like the overturning of Roe, and that placates them and makes them think he's the real deal. But you're not looking at so many things, including the big picture.

Not only was he fully on board with the Covid agenda, to this day he proudly calls himself the "Father of the vaccine" and is proud of Operation Warp Speed. He even gave Fauci an award on his second to last day of office. The scamdemic was a psyop, based on lies. So either he was in on it, or ignorant and did what he was told. Which was it?

The first time around he ran on "draining the swamp" and being against the deep state, but then he turned around and appointed some of the swampiest swamp creatures of all. Yes, I've heard the response to that, "he was deceived"... or "he didn't know better but now he does." But this time around too, most of his cabinet picks are business as usual neocon warmongers, and a few picks that in my view are pretenders too, acting as if they're against the deep state but when you look at their background and positions, they're anything but anti-deep state.

He claims to be a Republican and one of his promises the first time around was to end the federal deficit, but he spent more than pretty much any other president, certainly more than any Republican president and increased the debt by more than 60%.

Also, contrary to what you said, he speaks with a forked tongue and constantly contradicts himself. One of the things he ran on the first time around was "Lock her up!" and he accurately said Hillary is a criminal, then immediately after getting elected that went out the window and he said he has a lot of respect for the Clintons and then later when people in crowds continued to chant "Lock her up" he actually said "Nah, that plays well BEFORE the election. Now? We don't care!" Then later in an interview he denied that he said "lock her up".

He's funded by people who are architecting a surveillance society, and in Trump's own words it's clear he's doing their bidding.

There's SO much more that I could bring up, but this is getting long. So for now I'll end it with this.....

Yet he lied about who would pay for it.
He got Mexico to put 27,000 or so of its military on their southern border to step the caravans from coming through Mexico. He got Mexico to agree to a 'stay in Mexico' policy while asylum applications were adjudicated some years down the road. That saved America billions and billions in resources in education, healthcare etc. plus spared Americans the cost in blood and treasure, child and sex trafficking, in the criminal element that is invariably included in the caravans.

That more than paid for the wall.
See, this is the problem. Christians look at a couple things that are good, like the overturning of Roe, and that placates them and makes them think he's the real deal. But you're not looking at so many things, including the big picture.

Not only was he fully on board with the Covid agenda, to this day he proudly calls himself the "Father of the vaccine" and is proud of Operation Warp Speed. He even gave Fauci an award on his second to last day of office. The scamdemic was a psyop, based on lies. So either he was in on it, or ignorant and did what he was told. Which was it?

The first time around he ran on "draining the swamp" and being against the deep state, but then he turned around and appointed some of the swampiest swamp creatures of all. Yes, I've heard the response to that, "he was deceived"... or "he didn't know better but now he does." But this time around too, most of his cabinet picks are business as usual neocon warmongers, and a few picks that in my view are pretenders too, acting as if they're against the deep state but when you look at their background and positions, they're anything but anti-deep state.

He claims to be a Republican and one of his promises the first time around was to end the federal deficit, but he spent more than pretty much any other president, certainly more than any Republican president and increased the debt by more than 60%.

Also, contrary to what you said, he speaks with a forked tongue and constantly contradicts himself. One of the things he ran on the first time around was "Lock her up!" and he accurately said Hillary is a criminal, then immediately after getting elected that went out the window and he said he has a lot of respect for the Clintons and then later when people in crowds continued to chant "Lock her up" he actually said "Nah, that plays well BEFORE the election. Now? We don't care!" Then later in an interview he denied that he said "lock her up".

He's funded by people who are architecting a surveillance society, and in Trump's own words it's clear he's doing their bidding.

There's SO much more that I could bring up, but this is getting long. So for now I'll end it with this.....

If you're looking for perfection in a candidate, you won't find it. As for his rhetoric, all we have to look at is Trump's first term to see if he did what he campaigned on, and the answer is, he either did it or tried to and was obstructed. But mostly, he accomplished what he said he would. I have no doubt he will deport people unless he, again, is obstructed. I don't think there is any question Trump wants to help the country. He's not in it for himself. He's already done everything you can do in life. It's not about him. Not the case for Harris. She was in it for herself, her own ego, her own need to be famous and 'historic', wealthy and powerful. She doesn't care about the country. or children, or people. She's a typical Marxist.
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If you're looking for perfection in a candidate, you won't find it. As for his rhetoric, all we have to look at is Trump's first term to see if he did what he campaigned on, and the answer is, he either did it or tried to and was obstructed. But mostly, he accomplished what he said he would. I have no doubt he will deport people unless he, again, is obstructed. I assume you sat out the election, and I can respect that. But if you voted for Harris because you object to Trump, it nullifies everything you say.

HELL no, if you think I would ever in a million years vote for Harris you clearly haven't read any of my posts, lol.

As for what you said about Trump, sorry, I can't agree. There's a world of difference between merely being imperfect, and being controlled opposition, fooling people. But I don't want to continue to argue about this. I will say this though... be careful, the Bible says do not put your trust in powerful people, they are mortal like you and me (Psalm 146:3-4) and it also says clearly that in the last days there will be a lot of deception. Also I don't want to ruffle a bunch of feathers here, but what I've been seeing in regard to Trump (hero worship) is borderline idolatry.
You make the incredible claim Trump is being controlled by someone. Trump does so many things his advisors tell him not to do, so who exactly do you think is controlling him?

As for him being good or bad, I just look at the fruits his term yielded. Overturned Roe. Defense of Israel. Autonomy to the individual. Opposes trans stuff. Very much aligned with the goals of Christians. That’s why Christians support him. While not perfect, he is so much better than the alternative. I’m sorry you didn’t support that.
Notice she never answered your question. It's easy to create these demons she calls "they." I guess "They" is the name of the person controlling everyone
."They" told me to post this here 😂
And evil won.

That would be the point.

Trump was a criminal, traitor and sexual pervert, with a life history of fraud and failure.

Harris was the opposite on all counts. The contrast between good and evil couldn't have been more stark.

Remember, your big lies don't suddenly become true just because you won. You're still down on your knees servicing the Lord of Lies, and you still can't gaslight the moral people. It's not us, it's you, and everyone still knows it.

And no, we're not going to apologize for being proven right on every point. Quite the contrary, we're going to keep rubbing that in your faces. We especially enjoy how that triggers you so hard.
Global Becomes a Glob

If you sore losers were any sorer, you'd be soros.
Notice she never answered your question. It's easy to create these demons she calls "they." I guess "They" is the name of the person controlling everyone
."They" told me to post this here 😂

I don't feel she is an honest broker either.
More than anything else, the 2024 presidential race boiled down to good vs evil.

First the candidates: Trump was the earnest sincere honest candidate; the one whose excellent record showed the utmost of competence. Harris was the opposite. She was an unqualified incompetent DEI place-holder. Based on competence alone, it should have been a slam dunk for Trump.

But it went beyond that, to personal character. Trump was the straight shooter. Never denied an interview or a debate. He’s an open book. He makes promises and keeps them. What you see is what you get. Despite some early life setbacks, he’s led an exemplary family life for nearly two decades. Harris was shady from the start. She lied by commission and omission. She tried to disguise her true positions and radical past. She avoided, she stalled, she was unavailable. She has also had a checkered moral past, as did her husband.

And finally, there are the forces behind the two candidates. Trump was supported by those who honestly want the world to be a better place. His supporters work hard, want a good economy, want their jobs preserved, want to avoid skyrocketing inflation, want to raise their families and worship as they please without having their churches vandalized and services halted. They want their kids to learn in school without the Marxist leftwing indoctrination. They want their daughters to play sports without biological males taking over; In short, Trump supporters want to be left alone, so they can live their lives. Trump is actually going to tackle massive government spending; the first time this has ever been tried. He doesn't care about the inevitable barrage of attacks. He's doing this because it desperately needs done.

Harris on the other hand was financed and controlled by the radical Marxist left whose agenda is the destruction of America; the family structure, the economy, and historical institutions and icons. They wanted unfettered illegal immigration in order to destroy the economy, increase drug trafficking, wave in criminals, and flood the states with phony voters in order to steal elections. The declared war on corporations and ergo the economy, want to stifle energy production and end capitalism. And finally, they made the killing of little babies in the womb the centerpiece of their entire campaign. They propped up a president who lost his mind years ago. They wanted a similarly abject marionette in Harris. In addition, the Marxist signal callers waged an unending series of attacks on Trump. Nine years worth of protests, lawsuits, investigations, witch trials, and attempted assassinations. They went after Trump’s allies, attempting to jail and bankrupt them, just as they tried with Trump. They received billions from the Communist atheist Soros family who finances campaigns of radicals to overthrow the country.
Because Trump survived t

Fortunately for America and the world, good prevailed. For now. Because Trump has survived the gauntlet of leftwing attacks and triumphed, he has shown that he (and perhaps he alone) is capable of achieving these previously impossible improvements. We pray the great man can uproot and destroy the cancer in the American government and the election system. EVERY American should be behind him in all these efforts.
You post pro-magaturd propaganda.

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