Let's Get Some Facts Straight About the Trayvon Martin Shooting


Mike Griffith
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 23, 2012
In some recent exchanges on the Trayvon Martin shooting in a thread on the Ferguson incident, many liberals repeated a number of leftist talking points about the shooting that were thoroughly destroyed at the George Zimmerman trial. I was a bit surprised that the liberals on this board were so badly misinformed and uninformed about the Martin shooting, especially after the trial and all the information that we now have about the case. So let's get a few basic facts straight (sources will be provided at the end):

MYTH: Zimmerman was driving around looking for possible burglars when he spotted Martin.
FACT: Zimmerman was merely on his way to Target to do his regular Sunday shopping when he spotted Martin.

As the police call shows, Zimmerman noticed Martin because he saw Martin walking through yards and looking into windows in the cutback between housing units. Anyone can read this on the police call transcript or hear it on the police call audio for themselves.

MYTH: Zimmerman called the police to report Martin because Martin was black and because Zimmerman was a racist.
FACT: The FBI conducted a thorough investigation into Zimmerman's racial views and found no evidence that he was a racist. In fact, several blacks who knew Zimmerman came forward and said they had never known Zimmerman to express racist views and that they had always felt respected by him.

The police call transcript shows that Zimmerman was not certain that Martin was black, and Zimmerman said nothing about Martin's race/skin color until he was asked about it by the police dispatcher--at which point Zimmerman said he thought that Martin looked black. In Zimmerman's previous police calls to report other suspected trouble-makers, Zimmerman never mentioned the suspect's race/skin color until he was asked to describe their appearance.

Also, Zimmerman is half-Hispanic and, by the way, is (or at least was) a Democrat.

MYTH: Zimmerman followed Martin against police orders.
FACT: The police call refutes this. Zimmerman thought the dispatcher wanted him to follow Martin if Martin began to move out of his sight, and at trial the dispatcher himself admitted that his wording to Zimmerman could have made Zimmerman think he wanted him to follow Martin.

Also, as the police tape reveals, when the dispatcher realized that Zimmerman was following Martin and told him to stop, Zimmerman said "ok" and then you can hear on the tape that his voice returns to normal as he stops breathing heavily.

MYTH: Zimmerman came back to the "T" junction to confront Martin. If he had not done that, the shooting would not have happened.
FACT: Zimmerman passed two voice-stress polygraphs that asked him he if went back to confront Martin, and both times he passed with "No Deception Indicated (NDI)," the highest indicator of truth-telling that a polygraph can provide. And one of those polygraphs was administered without Zimmerman's knowledge.

As the police tape shows, after Martin ran off, Zimmerman thought the incident was over and was making arrangements to meet the police car that was en route.

Zimmerman went back near the T to try to get an address to give to the police. The prosecution claimed that this was not plausible since Zimmerman had lived in the neighborhood for several years, but many people can attest that they could not tell you the name of even the next street over from their street even though they've lived in their neighborhood for many years. I could not tell you the name of the next street over east from my house. And, again, Zimmerman passed with NDI the polygraph question about whether he confronted Martin.

Moreover, the homicide detective who did most of Zimmerman's interrogation said he was impressed that when he falsely led Zimmerman to believe that the police had obtained a surveillance video of the incident, Zimmerman was visibly relieved and expressed gratitude that the video had been found.

MYTH: Martin was just a defenseless kid, while Zimmerman was a grown man.
FACT: Martin was 17 years old (a legal adult in some states), and was 4 inches taller than Zimmerman, had played on the football team, and had a history of violence.

Martin's social media messages included messages about wanting to kill people, about slapping girls who would not cooperate in bed, about being congratulated for trying to punch a bus driver, and about gang-related activities. In addition, Martin got into trouble at school multiple times and was once caught with a common burglary tool and women's jewelry in his backpack. (Was he casing homes for a burglary the night he was shot?)

MYTH: Martin was afraid of Zimmerman and thus would not have picked a fight with him as Zimmerman claimed.
FACT: If Martin was afraid of him, why did he wait at the T junction for at least 2 minutes, and probably 4 minutes, after he ran away from Zimmerman and after Zimmerman then walked back to his vehicle? Even 2 minutes was more than enough time for Martin to have walked to his alleged destination (his dad's house). So why did he hang around the T junction?

One of Martin's girlfriends, who spoke with Martin on the phone moments before he was shot, said Martin thought that Zimmerman was gay and that that's why Martin tried to beat up Zimmerman.

MYTH: Zimmerman's "injuries" were very minor and so he had no reason to fear for his life.
FACT: This claim was utterly destroyed at trial with photographic evidence, with police testimony, and with expert forensic testimony from one of the world's leading forensic pathologists, Dr. Vincent DiMaio (many regard Dr. DiMaio as the best forensic pathologist in the world).

Zimmerman emerged from his fight with Martin with two punctate skull wounds that were visibly bleeding, a fractured and bleeding nose, a back injury, a bruised cheek, a bruised lip, and two black eyes. When the police arrived, they noticed that Zimmerman appeared "wobbly" and "dazed."

Also, eyewitness testimony indicated that Martin was on top of Zimmerman and was rapidly punching him moments before he was shot. When the police arrived, they noted that the back of Zimmerman's jacket was visibly wet and had grass on it, consistent with Zimmerman's account.

MYTH: The voice heard crying for help on a 911 cell phone call during the incident was identified by forensic analysis to be Martin's voice.
FACT: That "forensic analysis" was thoroughly discredited soon after it was published. Martin's own father initially said the voice crying for help on the 911 call was not his son's voice. Why would the person beating the tar out of the other person be crying for help?


George Zimmerman Medical Report Sheds Light on Injuries After Trayvon Martin Shooting - ABC News

New Forensic Evidence Is Consistent With George Zimmerman s Self Defense Claim Alan Dershowitz

George Zimmerman Tells Trayvon Martin s Parents I Am Sorry - ABC News

Medical Evidence Delivers Another Major Blow to the Prosecution in Zimmerman Murder Trial Video TheBlaze.com

Witness reportedly saw Trayvon Martin beating George Zimmerman before shooting Fox News

Report Witness Says Trayvon Martin Attacked George Zimmerman Video TheBlaze.com

Trayvon Martin George Zimmerman s account to police of the Trayvon Martin shooting. - tribunedigital-orlandosentinel


Cops Witnesses Back Up George Zimmerman s Version - ABC News


Witnesses in Trayvon Case Changed Their Stories -- NYMag

Trayvon Martin case He was suspended three times and caught with burglary tool Daily Mail Online

Trayvon Martin case He was suspended three times and caught with burglary tool Daily Mail Online

Facts The Media Won t Tell You Why George Zimmerman Is Innocent And Will Not Be Convicted Pat Dollard

Trayvon Martin s Dad Told Police the Person Crying for Help on 911 Tapes Was Not His Son

Trayvon Martin Autopsy Report Killed By Bullet Fired At Intermediate Range

George Zimmerman Medical Report Sheds Light on Injuries After Trayvon Martin Shooting - ABC News

Cops Witnesses Back Up George Zimmerman s Version - ABC News

George Zimmerman Tells Trayvon Martin s Parents I Am Sorry - ABC News

Shooting of Trayvon Martin - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Perspectives on the George Zimmerman Trayvon Martin shooting by Massad Ayoob

New Talking Point Trayvon Was the Bigot As He Thought Zimmerman Was Gay - The Wire

Did Trayvon Fear Zimmerman Was Gay Rapist Rush Limbaugh Breaks Down Rachel Jeantel s Revealing CNN Interview TheBlaze.com

Rachel Jeantel Tells Piers She And Trayvon Feared Zimmerman Might Be Rapist Mediaite

Rachel Jeantel Tells Piers She And Trayvon Feared Zimmerman Might Be Rapist Mediaite

Drop Zimmerman s murder charge - NY Daily News

Dershowitz No Jury Would Convict Zimmerman Of Murder Unless Afraid New Black Panthers Might Kill Them Mediaite

Also FACT.... There was TWO encounters between Martin and Zimmerman.
Trayon WON the FIRST encounter and had walked away IF he had kept walking he WOULD be alive.
It was his return to a second encounter that got him killed.
Also FACT.... There was TWO encounters between Martin and Zimmerman.
Trayon WON the FIRST encounter and had walked away IF he had kept walking he WOULD be alive.
It was his return to a second encounter that got him killed.

Yeah there WAS two encounters, Cletus. It were all Travon fault. He should have keep on walking and he would haven't been dead.
Trayvon Martin was merely walking to his Stepdad's house with skittles in one hand and tea in the other. Hardly ready to commit a robbery. Some of the suppositions listed above are not without debate. I still think Zimmerman was guilty.
In some recent exchanges on the Trayvon Martin shooting in a thread on the Ferguson incident, many liberals repeated a number of leftist talking points about the shooting that were thoroughly destroyed at the George Zimmerman trial. I was a bit surprised that the liberals on this board were so badly misinformed and uninformed about the Martin shooting, especially after the trial and all the information that we now have about the case. So let's get a few basic facts straight (sources will be provided at the end):

MYTH: Zimmerman was driving around looking for possible burglars when he spotted Martin.
FACT: Zimmerman was merely on his way to Target to do his regular Sunday shopping when he spotted Martin.

As the police call shows, Zimmerman noticed Martin because he saw Martin walking through yards and looking into windows in the cutback between housing units. Anyone can read this on the police call transcript or hear it on the police call audio for themselves.

MYTH: Zimmerman called the police to report Martin because Martin was black and because Zimmerman was a racist.
FACT: The FBI conducted a thorough investigation into Zimmerman's racial views and found no evidence that he was a racist. In fact, several blacks who knew Zimmerman came forward and said they had never known Zimmerman to express racist views and that they had always felt respected by him.

The police call transcript shows that Zimmerman was not certain that Martin was black, and Zimmerman said nothing about Martin's race/skin color until he was asked about it by the police dispatcher--at which point Zimmerman said he thought that Martin looked black. In Zimmerman's previous police calls to report other suspected trouble-makers, Zimmerman never mentioned the suspect's race/skin color until he was asked to describe their appearance.

Also, Zimmerman is half-Hispanic and, by the way, is (or at least was) a Democrat.

MYTH: Zimmerman followed Martin against police orders.
FACT: The police call refutes this. Zimmerman thought the dispatcher wanted him to follow Martin if Martin began to move out of his sight, and at trial the dispatcher himself admitted that his wording to Zimmerman could have made Zimmerman think he wanted him to follow Martin.

Also, as the police tape reveals, when the dispatcher realized that Zimmerman was following Martin and told him to stop, Zimmerman said "ok" and then you can hear on the tape that his voice returns to normal as he stops breathing heavily.

MYTH: Zimmerman came back to the "T" junction to confront Martin. If he had not done that, the shooting would not have happened.
FACT: Zimmerman passed two voice-stress polygraphs that asked him he if went back to confront Martin, and both times he passed with "No Deception Indicated (NDI)," the highest indicator of truth-telling that a polygraph can provide. And one of those polygraphs was administered without Zimmerman's knowledge.

As the police tape shows, after Martin ran off, Zimmerman thought the incident was over and was making arrangements to meet the police car that was en route.

Zimmerman went back near the T to try to get an address to give to the police. The prosecution claimed that this was not plausible since Zimmerman had lived in the neighborhood for several years, but many people can attest that they could not tell you the name of even the next street over from their street even though they've lived in their neighborhood for many years. I could not tell you the name of the next street over east from my house. And, again, Zimmerman passed with NDI the polygraph question about whether he confronted Martin.

Moreover, the homicide detective who did most of Zimmerman's interrogation said he was impressed that when he falsely led Zimmerman to believe that the police had obtained a surveillance video of the incident, Zimmerman was visibly relieved and expressed gratitude that the video had been found.

MYTH: Martin was just a defenseless kid, while Zimmerman was a grown man.
FACT: Martin was 17 years old (a legal adult in some states), and was 4 inches taller than Zimmerman, had played on the football team, and had a history of violence.

Martin's social media messages included messages about wanting to kill people, about slapping girls who would not cooperate in bed, about being congratulated for trying to punch a bus driver, and about gang-related activities. In addition, Martin got into trouble at school multiple times and was once caught with a common burglary tool and women's jewelry in his backpack. (Was he casing homes for a burglary the night he was shot?)

MYTH: Martin was afraid of Zimmerman and thus would not have picked a fight with him as Zimmerman claimed.
FACT: If Martin was afraid of him, why did he wait at the T junction for at least 2 minutes, and probably 4 minutes, after he ran away from Zimmerman and after Zimmerman then walked back to his vehicle? Even 2 minutes was more than enough time for Martin to have walked to his alleged destination (his dad's house). So why did he hang around the T junction?

One of Martin's girlfriends, who spoke with Martin on the phone moments before he was shot, said Martin thought that Zimmerman was gay and that that's why Martin tried to beat up Zimmerman.

MYTH: Zimmerman's "injuries" were very minor and so he had no reason to fear for his life.
FACT: This claim was utterly destroyed at trial with photographic evidence, with police testimony, and with expert forensic testimony from one of the world's leading forensic pathologists, Dr. Vincent DiMaio (many regard Dr. DiMaio as the best forensic pathologist in the world).

Zimmerman emerged from his fight with Martin with two punctate skull wounds that were visibly bleeding, a fractured and bleeding nose, a back injury, a bruised cheek, a bruised lip, and two black eyes. When the police arrived, they noticed that Zimmerman appeared "wobbly" and "dazed."

Also, eyewitness testimony indicated that Martin was on top of Zimmerman and was rapidly punching him moments before he was shot. When the police arrived, they noted that the back of Zimmerman's jacket was visibly wet and had grass on it, consistent with Zimmerman's account.

MYTH: The voice heard crying for help on a 911 cell phone call during the incident was identified by forensic analysis to be Martin's voice.
FACT: That "forensic analysis" was thoroughly discredited soon after it was published. Martin's own father initially said the voice crying for help on the 911 call was not his son's voice. Why would the person beating the tar out of the other person be crying for help?


George Zimmerman Medical Report Sheds Light on Injuries After Trayvon Martin Shooting - ABC News

New Forensic Evidence Is Consistent With George Zimmerman s Self Defense Claim Alan Dershowitz

George Zimmerman Tells Trayvon Martin s Parents I Am Sorry - ABC News

Medical Evidence Delivers Another Major Blow to the Prosecution in Zimmerman Murder Trial Video TheBlaze.com

Witness reportedly saw Trayvon Martin beating George Zimmerman before shooting Fox News

Report Witness Says Trayvon Martin Attacked George Zimmerman Video TheBlaze.com

Trayvon Martin George Zimmerman s account to police of the Trayvon Martin shooting. - tribunedigital-orlandosentinel


Cops Witnesses Back Up George Zimmerman s Version - ABC News

Witnesses in Trayvon Case Changed Their Stories -- NYMag

Witnesses in Trayvon Case Changed Their Stories -- NYMag

Trayvon Martin case He was suspended three times and caught with burglary tool Daily Mail Online

Trayvon Martin case He was suspended three times and caught with burglary tool Daily Mail Online

Facts The Media Won t Tell You Why George Zimmerman Is Innocent And Will Not Be Convicted Pat Dollard

Trayvon Martin s Dad Told Police the Person Crying for Help on 911 Tapes Was Not His Son

Trayvon Martin Autopsy Report Killed By Bullet Fired At Intermediate Range

George Zimmerman Medical Report Sheds Light on Injuries After Trayvon Martin Shooting - ABC News

Cops Witnesses Back Up George Zimmerman s Version - ABC News

George Zimmerman Tells Trayvon Martin s Parents I Am Sorry - ABC News

Shooting of Trayvon Martin - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Perspectives on the George Zimmerman Trayvon Martin shooting by Massad Ayoob

New Talking Point Trayvon Was the Bigot As He Thought Zimmerman Was Gay - The Wire

Did Trayvon Fear Zimmerman Was Gay Rapist Rush Limbaugh Breaks Down Rachel Jeantel s Revealing CNN Interview TheBlaze.com

Rachel Jeantel Tells Piers She And Trayvon Feared Zimmerman Might Be Rapist Mediaite

Rachel Jeantel Tells Piers She And Trayvon Feared Zimmerman Might Be Rapist Mediaite

Drop Zimmerman s murder charge - NY Daily News

Dershowitz No Jury Would Convict Zimmerman Of Murder Unless Afraid New Black Panthers Might Kill Them Mediaite

You lie!
MYTH: The OP has never sucked a dick.

FACT: The OP is gargling cum as we speak.
Trayvon Martin was merely walking to his Stepdad's house with skittles in one hand and tea in the other. Hardly ready to commit a robbery. Some of the suppositions listed above are not without debate. I still think Zimmerman was guilty.

Martin was looking into people's windows and walking in people's yards in the cutback area between housing units, which is suspicious behavior by any rational judgment, especially given the fact that it was raining.

And robbers never snack before they rob a house? Really? How do you know that? And I said he was casing houses, not robbing them. And why, why, why did Martin hang around the T junction for at least 2 minutes after Zimmerman headed back to his vehicle? Why? Because he wanted to beat up Zimmerman because he thought was a gay.

What is your basis for thinking that Zimmerman is guilty? How many more times was he supposed to let Martin slam his head against the pavement? How many more blows to the face was he supposed to absorb? How much more dazed and blurry was he supposed to feel from all the punches and pavement-head slams he had already suffered?
Facts are useless against delusional haters. They just ignore them. Remember all they said they wanted was a trial, then when that trial did not convict they complained about that and continue to complain about it. Further they refuse to admit that either Zimmerman did no wrong or Holder and the DOJ after 3 years was wither lying when they announced no charges or incompetent.
MYTH: The OP has never sucked a dick.

FACT: The OP is gargling cum as we speak.
Your fantasies need to stay your own. If you have anything to contribute here post it. OTherwise fuck off.

I'm contributing by trolling this retarded ass thread. Shut your mouth, faggot.
You arent even doing a good job of that. But at least you admit you're a troll. Which means I can stick you on iggy with your pals.
Eat shit, asshole.
MYTH: The OP has never sucked a dick.

FACT: The OP is gargling cum as we speak.
Your fantasies need to stay your own. If you have anything to contribute here post it. OTherwise fuck off.

I'm contributing by trolling this retarded ass thread. Shut your mouth, faggot.
You arent even doing a good job of that. But at least you admit you're a troll. Which means I can stick you on iggy with your pals.
Eat shit, asshole.

The Rabbi has me on ignore? How am I ever going to read his tiresome posts about how Rick Perry will be president in 2016? I know his 2012 predictions scared me. :lol:
I was a bit surprised that the liberals on this board were so badly misinformed and uninformed
If they weren't badly misinformed and uninformed, they couldn't be liberals.

Notice how, even after you explained every point and provided numerous source to back up your statements, the liberals still claim they "think" you meant something else, like "Oh, you say Zimmerman was COMPLETELY innocent, eh?"

They totally depend on misunderstanding, getting it wrong, and lying about what you say.

If they had to rely on the plain truth, they couldn't support their agenda at all.
I was a bit surprised that the liberals on this board were so badly misinformed and uninformed
If they weren't badly misinformed and uninformed, they couldn't be liberals.

Notice how, even after you explained every point and provided numerous source to back up your statements, the liberals still claim they "think" you meant something else, like "Oh, you say Zimmerman was COMPLETELY innocent, eh?"

They totally depend on misunderstanding, getting it wrong, and lying about what you say.

If they had to rely on the plain truth, they couldn't support their agenda at all.

Wait! You mean he WASN'T completely innocent? Now I'm really confused! What do you mean?

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