Lets assume


Diamond Member
May 6, 2007
North Carolina
Lets assume the Republicans were willing to go for new taxes.

Now Liberals provide for us your list of acceptable cuts and acceptable tax increases.
Close every base overseas.
End every war.
Eliminate the VA entirely.
Fire 3/4 of the military.
The remaining 1/4 take a 50% pay cut.
Cut all retired military pay by 75%.

Fucking Bush.......
Close every base overseas.
End every war.
Eliminate the VA entirely.
Fire 3/4 of the military.
The remaining 1/4 take a 50% pay cut.
Cut all retired military pay by 75%.

Fucking Bush.......

RETARD. But then we already knew that, didn't we?

Yes, we know you are.

Ok everyone look closely this dumb ass is not willing to even admit realistically what he would cut, rather he wants to play games because he thinks he can get a rise out of me by doing so. JUST as the Senate Democrats are doing right now. Refusing to do their jobs while claiming it is some how the Republicans fault that the Senate Democrats will not send to committee bills submitted by the house.

This is what we face, Democrats willing to play games to win political points thinking they can survive after destroying this Country.
RETARD. But then we already knew that, didn't we?

Yes, we know you are.

Ok everyone look closely this dumb ass is not willing to even admit realistically what he would cut, rather he wants to play games because he thinks he can get a rise out of me by doing so. JUST as the Senate Democrats are doing right now. Refusing to do their jobs while claiming it is some how the Republicans fault that the Senate Democrats will not send to committee bills submitted by the house.

This is what we face, Democrats willing to play games to win political points thinking they can survive after destroying this Country.

I'm more than willing to discuss real spending and tax policy.....just not with hyper-partisan toolboxes like yourself.

You get the response your ass deserves.
Yes, we know you are.

Ok everyone look closely this dumb ass is not willing to even admit realistically what he would cut, rather he wants to play games because he thinks he can get a rise out of me by doing so. JUST as the Senate Democrats are doing right now. Refusing to do their jobs while claiming it is some how the Republicans fault that the Senate Democrats will not send to committee bills submitted by the house.

This is what we face, Democrats willing to play games to win political points thinking they can survive after destroying this Country.

I'm more than willing to discuss real spending and tax policy.....just not with hyper-partisan toolboxes like yourself.

You get the response your ass deserves.

You not I are the problem and your answer5s prove it. Unwilling to even consider cuts and willing to play political gotcha games while the Country closes in on potential default. Thanks for proving my point.
Ok everyone look closely this dumb ass is not willing to even admit realistically what he would cut, rather he wants to play games because he thinks he can get a rise out of me by doing so. JUST as the Senate Democrats are doing right now. Refusing to do their jobs while claiming it is some how the Republicans fault that the Senate Democrats will not send to committee bills submitted by the house.

This is what we face, Democrats willing to play games to win political points thinking they can survive after destroying this Country.

I'm more than willing to discuss real spending and tax policy.....just not with hyper-partisan toolboxes like yourself.

You get the response your ass deserves.

You not I are the problem and your answer5s prove it. Unwilling to even consider cuts and willing to play political gotcha games while the Country closes in on potential default. Thanks for proving my point.

Reading comprehension was never your strong suit....

Never said I was unwilling to consider cuts....I said that was unwilling to discuss them with hyper-partisan toolboxes like yourself. See the difference? I know you dont!
I'm more than willing to discuss real spending and tax policy.....just not with hyper-partisan toolboxes like yourself.

You get the response your ass deserves.

You not I are the problem and your answer5s prove it. Unwilling to even consider cuts and willing to play political gotcha games while the Country closes in on potential default. Thanks for proving my point.

Reading comprehension was never your strong suit....

Never said I was unwilling to consider cuts....I said that was unwilling to discuss them with hyper-partisan toolboxes like yourself. See the difference? I know you dont!

And I repeat keep playing your games just like your heroes in the Senate that refuse to do their job. Just keep proving my point. Thanks again.
Lets assume the Republicans were willing to go for new taxes.

Now Liberals provide for us your list of acceptable cuts and acceptable tax increases.

The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness.

John Kenneth Galbraith
Lets assume the Republicans were willing to go for new taxes.

Now Liberals provide for us your list of acceptable cuts and acceptable tax increases.

The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness.

John Kenneth Galbraith

The modern idiot uses big colorful text instead of intelligence.

California Girl
You not I are the problem and your answer5s prove it. Unwilling to even consider cuts and willing to play political gotcha games while the Country closes in on potential default. Thanks for proving my point.

Reading comprehension was never your strong suit....

Never said I was unwilling to consider cuts....I said that was unwilling to discuss them with hyper-partisan toolboxes like yourself. See the difference? I know you dont!

And I repeat keep playing your games just like your heroes in the Senate that refuse to do their job. Just keep proving my point. Thanks again.

This is why you are a partisan idiot. You seem to think that the Senate is under some kind of obligation to just rubber stamp the House. Sorry but it doesn't work that way.

The deal is in talks right now. The Senate isn't doing anything until Obama and the GOP come to an accord.

Reading comprehension was never your strong suit....

Never said I was unwilling to consider cuts....I said that was unwilling to discuss them with hyper-partisan toolboxes like yourself. See the difference? I know you dont!

And I repeat keep playing your games just like your heroes in the Senate that refuse to do their job. Just keep proving my point. Thanks again.

This is why you are a partisan idiot. You seem to think that the Senate is under some kind of obligation to just rubber stamp the House. Sorry but it doesn't work that way.

The deal is in talks right now. The Senate isn't doing anything until Obama and the GOP come to an accord.


The Senate is supposed to send to committee bills submitted by the House, such bills are amended and voted on. If the committee decides such bills are worth the consideration of the full Senate they are sent to the floor. Where further debate and amendment occurs. If the full Senate votes to approve the bill the modified bill is sent back to the House at which point the House either agrees to the new bill or they schedule committee with the Senate to work out the differences for a further vote in BOTH houses.

Reid is REFUSING to pass any bill to the Senate at all. THAT IS NOT THE FUNCTION of the position he holds. Claiming it is proves what a partisan YOU are.
And I repeat keep playing your games just like your heroes in the Senate that refuse to do their job. Just keep proving my point. Thanks again.

This is why you are a partisan idiot. You seem to think that the Senate is under some kind of obligation to just rubber stamp the House. Sorry but it doesn't work that way.

The deal is in talks right now. The Senate isn't doing anything until Obama and the GOP come to an accord.


The Senate is supposed to send to committee bills submitted by the House, such bills are amended and voted on. If the committee decides such bills are worth the consideration of the full Senate they are sent to the floor. Where further debate and amendment occurs. If the full Senate votes to approve the bill the modified bill is sent back to the House at which point the House either agrees to the new bill or they schedule committee with the Senate to work out the differences for a further vote in BOTH houses.

Reid is REFUSING to pass any bill to the Senate at all. THAT IS NOT THE FUNCTION of the position he holds. Claiming it is proves what a partisan YOU are.

Meanwhile, here in reality, the deal is being hashed out by Obama and the GOP.

Feel free to continue barking at the moon.
Close every base overseas.
End every war.
Eliminate the VA entirely.
Fire 3/4 of the military.
The remaining 1/4 take a 50% pay cut.
Cut all retired military pay by 75%.

Fucking Bush.......

Well, seems Congress might just confront those trillions of socialist tax dollars after all>

Defazio Amendment Seeks Pentagon Audit
The House of Representatives has passed a defense spending bill that includes an amendment by Oregon Rep. Peter Defazio. The amendment requires the Pentagon to produce financial statements that can be audited. For the past twenty years, the Defense Department has not undergone any external auditing process. Defazio says his staff recently learned the exemption is a permanent part of the law.

“By 2017, they have a goal of being auditable. The Pentagon brass has such chutzpah that they came to a hearing last fall and said, ‘If you want us to be auditable by 2017, we’re going to need more money, to construct the system so we can be auditable,’” Defazio said.
House Approves Amendment Calling For Pentagon Audit After $2.3 Trillion Goes Missing
Lets assume the Republicans were willing to go for new taxes.

Now Liberals provide for us your list of acceptable cuts and acceptable tax increases.

The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness.

John Kenneth Galbraith

The modern idiot uses big colorful text instead of intelligence.

California Girl

not so much as for the hard of hearing ....
Lets assume the Republicans were willing to go for new taxes.

Now Liberals provide for us your list of acceptable cuts and acceptable tax increases.

How about we start by cutting your military retirement benefits in half?


That wouldn't be fair, would it?

After all, you deserve those benefits, right?
Lets assume the Republicans were willing to go for new taxes.

Now Liberals provide for us your list of acceptable cuts and acceptable tax increases.

The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness.

John Kenneth Galbraith
The modern liberal is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for covetousness.
Lets assume the Republicans were willing to go for new taxes.

Now Liberals provide for us your list of acceptable cuts and acceptable tax increases.

How about we start by cutting your military retirement benefits in half?


That wouldn't be fair, would it?

After all, you deserve those benefits, right?

They aren't benefits, you idiot. They were in his contract. Yeesh, read up, so ya don't get beat up, AGAIN.
Lets assume the Republicans were willing to go for new taxes.

Now Liberals provide for us your list of acceptable cuts and acceptable tax increases.

How about we start by cutting your military retirement benefits in half?


That wouldn't be fair, would it?

After all, you deserve those benefits, right?

They aren't benefits, you idiot. They were in his contract. Yeesh, read up, so ya don't get beat up, AGAIN.

Well, heck, the Republicans want to break the contract they have with the elderly, we might just as well break the one we have with RGS.

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