Legendary Actor James Woods Exposes Biden As Being Behind COVID-19 Outbreak


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"Trump believes his own government is conspiring to delay a COVID-19 vaccine until after the election. He retweeted a message from the actor James Woods saying New York Governor Andrew Cuomo “should be in jail” -- Young Trump acolyte Charlie Kirk said "I am here tonight to tell you—to warn you—that this election is a decision between preserving America as we know it and eliminating everything that we love.” One does not have to be a champion of the Democratic Party to know this portrait is absurd-- but it is also essential, because it allows Trump and his followers to tolerate and justify pretty much anything in order to win. And “anything” turns out to be quite a lot."


Indeed James, how did Joe know way back in October to be talking about America's preparedness for a viral outbreak? Is he psychic? Intuitive and forward thinking? Of course not -- James Woods dealt the Biden campaign a death blow this week with a single tweet -- a tweet that will probably be the final spark that ignites the conservative patriot revolution that will not only defeat Biden and Democrats in the elections -- but will also usher in the total destruction of liberalism in this country and finally establishing one party rule forever...

Because what James Woods has uncovered -- is the final nail in the coffin of the liberal movement --- and all of the policies they have unleashed on us, social security, Medicare, labor rights, etc -- all of it is about to come to an end --- once America finds out that sleepy Joe Biden, a guy who can't even tie his own shoes -- was one of the masterminds behind the COVID-19 outbreak...
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"Trump believes his own government is conspiring to delay a COVID-19 vaccine until after the election. He retweeted a message from the actor James Woods saying New York Governor Andrew Cuomo “should be in jail” -- Young Trump acolyte Charlie Kirk said "I am here tonight to tell you—to warn you—that this election is a decision between preserving America as we know it and eliminating everything that we love.” One does not have to be a champion of the Democratic Party to know this portrait is absurd-- but it is also essential, because it allows Trump and his followers to tolerate and justify pretty much anything in order to win. And “anything” turns out to be quite a lot."

View attachment 386777

Indeed James, how did Joe know way back in October to be talking about America's preparedness for a viral outbreak? Is he psychic? Intuitive and forward thinking? Of course not -- James Woods dealt the Biden campaign a death blow this week with a single tweet -- a tweet that will probably be the final spark that ignites the conservative patriot revolution that will not only defeat Biden and Democrats in the elections -- but will also usher in the total destruction of liberalism in this country and finally establishing one party rule forever...

Because what James Woods has uncovered -- is the final nail in the coffin of the liberal movement --- and all of the policies they have unleashed on us, social security, Medicare, labor rights, etc -- all of it is about to come to the end --- once America finds out that sleepy Joe Biden, a guy who can't even tie his own shoes -- was one of the masterminds behind the COVID-19 outbreak...
Anything is possible with leftists.

"Trump believes his own government is conspiring to delay a COVID-19 vaccine until after the election. He retweeted a message from the actor James Woods saying New York Governor Andrew Cuomo “should be in jail” -- Young Trump acolyte Charlie Kirk said "I am here tonight to tell you—to warn you—that this election is a decision between preserving America as we know it and eliminating everything that we love.” One does not have to be a champion of the Democratic Party to know this portrait is absurd-- but it is also essential, because it allows Trump and his followers to tolerate and justify pretty much anything in order to win. And “anything” turns out to be quite a lot."

View attachment 386777

Indeed James, how did Joe know way back in October to be talking about America's preparedness for a viral outbreak? Is he psychic? Intuitive and forward thinking? Of course not -- James Woods dealt the Biden campaign a death blow this week with a single tweet -- a tweet that will probably be the final spark that ignites the conservative patriot revolution that will not only defeat Biden and Democrats in the elections -- but will also usher in the total destruction of liberalism in this country and finally establishing one party rule forever...

Because what James Woods has uncovered -- is the final nail in the coffin of the liberal movement --- and all of the policies they have unleashed on us, social security, Medicare, labor rights, etc -- all of it is about to come to the end --- once America finds out that sleepy Joe Biden, a guy who can't even tie his own shoes -- was one of the masterminds behind the COVID-19 outbreak...

Medicare and labor rights? Oh, the inhumanity!

"Trump believes his own government is conspiring to delay a COVID-19 vaccine until after the election. He retweeted a message from the actor James Woods saying New York Governor Andrew Cuomo “should be in jail” -- Young Trump acolyte Charlie Kirk said "I am here tonight to tell you—to warn you—that this election is a decision between preserving America as we know it and eliminating everything that we love.” One does not have to be a champion of the Democratic Party to know this portrait is absurd-- but it is also essential, because it allows Trump and his followers to tolerate and justify pretty much anything in order to win. And “anything” turns out to be quite a lot."

View attachment 386777

Indeed James, how did Joe know way back in October to be talking about America's preparedness for a viral outbreak? Is he psychic? Intuitive and forward thinking? Of course not -- James Woods dealt the Biden campaign a death blow this week with a single tweet -- a tweet that will probably be the final spark that ignites the conservative patriot revolution that will not only defeat Biden and Democrats in the elections -- but will also usher in the total destruction of liberalism in this country and finally establishing one party rule forever...

Because what James Woods has uncovered -- is the final nail in the coffin of the liberal movement --- and all of the policies they have unleashed on us, social security, Medicare, labor rights, etc -- all of it is about to come to an end --- once America finds out that sleepy Joe Biden, a guy who can't even tie his own shoes -- was one of the masterminds behind the COVID-19 outbreak...
Joe isn't behind it.
However, Joe's ability to come up with rational solutions is totally gone.
Everything he does is political rather than practical.
Never mind the fact that he has so many skeletons in his closet that he cannot be trusted to do the right thing anymore. He can be too easily forced into doing the wrong thing.

"Trump believes his own government is conspiring to delay a COVID-19 vaccine until after the election. He retweeted a message from the actor James Woods saying New York Governor Andrew Cuomo “should be in jail” -- Young Trump acolyte Charlie Kirk said "I am here tonight to tell you—to warn you—that this election is a decision between preserving America as we know it and eliminating everything that we love.” One does not have to be a champion of the Democratic Party to know this portrait is absurd-- but it is also essential, because it allows Trump and his followers to tolerate and justify pretty much anything in order to win. And “anything” turns out to be quite a lot."

View attachment 386777

Indeed James, how did Joe know way back in October to be talking about America's preparedness for a viral outbreak? Is he psychic? Intuitive and forward thinking? Of course not -- James Woods dealt the Biden campaign a death blow this week with a single tweet -- a tweet that will probably be the final spark that ignites the conservative patriot revolution that will not only defeat Biden and Democrats in the elections -- but will also usher in the total destruction of liberalism in this country and finally establishing one party rule forever...

Because what James Woods has uncovered -- is the final nail in the coffin of the liberal movement --- and all of the policies they have unleashed on us, social security, Medicare, labor rights, etc -- all of it is about to come to an end --- once America finds out that sleepy Joe Biden, a guy who can't even tie his own shoes -- was one of the masterminds behind the COVID-19 outbreak...

Please tell us you don't actually believe this bullshit.

"Trump believes his own government is conspiring to delay a COVID-19 vaccine until after the election. He retweeted a message from the actor James Woods saying New York Governor Andrew Cuomo “should be in jail” -- Young Trump acolyte Charlie Kirk said "I am here tonight to tell you—to warn you—that this election is a decision between preserving America as we know it and eliminating everything that we love.” One does not have to be a champion of the Democratic Party to know this portrait is absurd-- but it is also essential, because it allows Trump and his followers to tolerate and justify pretty much anything in order to win. And “anything” turns out to be quite a lot."

View attachment 386777

Indeed James, how did Joe know way back in October to be talking about America's preparedness for a viral outbreak? Is he psychic? Intuitive and forward thinking? Of course not -- James Woods dealt the Biden campaign a death blow this week with a single tweet -- a tweet that will probably be the final spark that ignites the conservative patriot revolution that will not only defeat Biden and Democrats in the elections -- but will also usher in the total destruction of liberalism in this country and finally establishing one party rule forever...

Because what James Woods has uncovered -- is the final nail in the coffin of the liberal movement --- and all of the policies they have unleashed on us, social security, Medicare, labor rights, etc -- all of it is about to come to an end --- once America finds out that sleepy Joe Biden, a guy who can't even tie his own shoes -- was one of the masterminds behind the COVID-19 outbreak...

Please tell us you don't actually believe this bullshit.
My belief is not required....

However, I am always 2 or 3 steps ahead of what Trumpers will ACTUALLY believe later....

"Trump believes his own government is conspiring to delay a COVID-19 vaccine until after the election. He retweeted a message from the actor James Woods saying New York Governor Andrew Cuomo “should be in jail” -- Young Trump acolyte Charlie Kirk said "I am here tonight to tell you—to warn you—that this election is a decision between preserving America as we know it and eliminating everything that we love.” One does not have to be a champion of the Democratic Party to know this portrait is absurd-- but it is also essential, because it allows Trump and his followers to tolerate and justify pretty much anything in order to win. And “anything” turns out to be quite a lot."

View attachment 386777

Indeed James, how did Joe know way back in October to be talking about America's preparedness for a viral outbreak? Is he psychic? Intuitive and forward thinking? Of course not -- James Woods dealt the Biden campaign a death blow this week with a single tweet -- a tweet that will probably be the final spark that ignites the conservative patriot revolution that will not only defeat Biden and Democrats in the elections -- but will also usher in the total destruction of liberalism in this country and finally establishing one party rule forever...

Because what James Woods has uncovered -- is the final nail in the coffin of the liberal movement --- and all of the policies they have unleashed on us, social security, Medicare, labor rights, etc -- all of it is about to come to an end --- once America finds out that sleepy Joe Biden, a guy who can't even tie his own shoes -- was one of the masterminds behind the COVID-19 outbreak...
It says right below the Biden tweet, that they received a report and Study on 195 countries not being prepared for a pandemic.... that was OCT 2019

THAT IS WHY it was being discussed, silly one.
Biden left out the part that when him and Obama departed the White House - they left with supplies depleted and out of repair. So if America "wasn't ready" - he and Biden had more to do with that than Trump
Biden left out the part that when him and Obama departed the White House - they left with supplies depleted and out of repair. So if America "wasn't ready" - he and Biden had more to do with that than Trump
That's no excuse.
Biden was an idiot.....but we can't blame him for something that happens 2 years after he leaves office.
Then again.....Biden and the rest of the Democrats were too busy trying to impeach Trump to bother with a growing pandemic.
Biff is right on top of things, that's for sure.

"We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are." Anaïs Nin

"I want to argue for something which is controversial, although I believe that it is also intuitive and commonsensical. My claim is this: [Biff] Oliver believes what he does because that is the kind of thinker he is or, to put it more bluntly, because there is something wrong with how he thinks. The problem with conspiracy theorists is not, as the US legal scholar Cass Sunstein argues, that they have little relevant information. The key to what they end up believing is how they interpret and respond to the vast quantities of relevant information at their disposal. I want to suggest that this is fundamentally a question of the way they are. Oliver isn’t mad (or at least, he needn’t be). Nevertheless, his beliefs about 9/11 are the result of the peculiarities of his intellectual constitution – in a word, of his intellectual character."

The intellectual character of conspiracy theorists | Aeon Essays


"Trump believes his own government is conspiring to delay a COVID-19 vaccine until after the election. He retweeted a message from the actor James Woods saying New York Governor Andrew Cuomo “should be in jail” -- Young Trump acolyte Charlie Kirk said "I am here tonight to tell you—to warn you—that this election is a decision between preserving America as we know it and eliminating everything that we love.” One does not have to be a champion of the Democratic Party to know this portrait is absurd-- but it is also essential, because it allows Trump and his followers to tolerate and justify pretty much anything in order to win. And “anything” turns out to be quite a lot."

View attachment 386777

Indeed James, how did Joe know way back in October to be talking about America's preparedness for a viral outbreak? Is he psychic? Intuitive and forward thinking? Of course not -- James Woods dealt the Biden campaign a death blow this week with a single tweet -- a tweet that will probably be the final spark that ignites the conservative patriot revolution that will not only defeat Biden and Democrats in the elections -- but will also usher in the total destruction of liberalism in this country and finally establishing one party rule forever...

Because what James Woods has uncovered -- is the final nail in the coffin of the liberal movement --- and all of the policies they have unleashed on us, social security, Medicare, labor rights, etc -- all of it is about to come to an end --- once America finds out that sleepy Joe Biden, a guy who can't even tie his own shoes -- was one of the masterminds behind the COVID-19 outbreak...

Please tell us you don't actually believe this bullshit.
My belief is not required....

However, I am always 2 or 3 steps ahead of what Trumpers will ACTUALLY believe later....
Tell us, do you believe Biden was right back in February calling Trump xenophobic and a racist for shutting down travel from China?

So you think Fauci was right admittingly saying later than he lied to people in March to not wear a mask so they could "conserve" masks?

Do you think democrats were right for down playing the threats from Covid after the Biden comments on Trump being xenophobic about shutting down travel?

Are you in a cult sir?

"Trump believes his own government is conspiring to delay a COVID-19 vaccine until after the election. He retweeted a message from the actor James Woods saying New York Governor Andrew Cuomo “should be in jail” -- Young Trump acolyte Charlie Kirk said "I am here tonight to tell you—to warn you—that this election is a decision between preserving America as we know it and eliminating everything that we love.” One does not have to be a champion of the Democratic Party to know this portrait is absurd-- but it is also essential, because it allows Trump and his followers to tolerate and justify pretty much anything in order to win. And “anything” turns out to be quite a lot."

View attachment 386777

Indeed James, how did Joe know way back in October to be talking about America's preparedness for a viral outbreak? Is he psychic? Intuitive and forward thinking? Of course not -- James Woods dealt the Biden campaign a death blow this week with a single tweet -- a tweet that will probably be the final spark that ignites the conservative patriot revolution that will not only defeat Biden and Democrats in the elections -- but will also usher in the total destruction of liberalism in this country and finally establishing one party rule forever...

Because what James Woods has uncovered -- is the final nail in the coffin of the liberal movement --- and all of the policies they have unleashed on us, social security, Medicare, labor rights, etc -- all of it is about to come to the end --- once America finds out that sleepy Joe Biden, a guy who can't even tie his own shoes -- was one of the masterminds behind the COVID-19 outbreak...

Medicare and labor rights? Oh, the inhumanity!
I know exactly who Trump is. He is the first politician to keep his word no matter how hard the traitors in the democRat party fought him. Once this is over we are going to see a lot of democRats doing prison time or a lot getting shot or lynched

"Trump believes his own government is conspiring to delay a COVID-19 vaccine until after the election. He retweeted a message from the actor James Woods saying New York Governor Andrew Cuomo “should be in jail” -- Young Trump acolyte Charlie Kirk said "I am here tonight to tell you—to warn you—that this election is a decision between preserving America as we know it and eliminating everything that we love.” One does not have to be a champion of the Democratic Party to know this portrait is absurd-- but it is also essential, because it allows Trump and his followers to tolerate and justify pretty much anything in order to win. And “anything” turns out to be quite a lot."

View attachment 386777

Indeed James, how did Joe know way back in October to be talking about America's preparedness for a viral outbreak? Is he psychic? Intuitive and forward thinking? Of course not -- James Woods dealt the Biden campaign a death blow this week with a single tweet -- a tweet that will probably be the final spark that ignites the conservative patriot revolution that will not only defeat Biden and Democrats in the elections -- but will also usher in the total destruction of liberalism in this country and finally establishing one party rule forever...

Because what James Woods has uncovered -- is the final nail in the coffin of the liberal movement --- and all of the policies they have unleashed on us, social security, Medicare, labor rights, etc -- all of it is about to come to the end --- once America finds out that sleepy Joe Biden, a guy who can't even tie his own shoes -- was one of the masterminds behind the COVID-19 outbreak...

Medicare and labor rights? Oh, the inhumanity!
I know exactly who Trump is. He is the first politician to keep his word no matter how hard the traitors in the democRat party fought him. Once this is over we are going to see a lot of democRats doing prison time or a lot getting shot or lynched
Bawahahahahahahahahahahahahahha...wait, you are serious?

BAwahahahahahahahahahahahahah X 1000

"Trump believes his own government is conspiring to delay a COVID-19 vaccine until after the election. He retweeted a message from the actor James Woods saying New York Governor Andrew Cuomo “should be in jail” -- Young Trump acolyte Charlie Kirk said "I am here tonight to tell you—to warn you—that this election is a decision between preserving America as we know it and eliminating everything that we love.” One does not have to be a champion of the Democratic Party to know this portrait is absurd-- but it is also essential, because it allows Trump and his followers to tolerate and justify pretty much anything in order to win. And “anything” turns out to be quite a lot."

View attachment 386777

Indeed James, how did Joe know way back in October to be talking about America's preparedness for a viral outbreak? Is he psychic? Intuitive and forward thinking? Of course not -- James Woods dealt the Biden campaign a death blow this week with a single tweet -- a tweet that will probably be the final spark that ignites the conservative patriot revolution that will not only defeat Biden and Democrats in the elections -- but will also usher in the total destruction of liberalism in this country and finally establishing one party rule forever...

Because what James Woods has uncovered -- is the final nail in the coffin of the liberal movement --- and all of the policies they have unleashed on us, social security, Medicare, labor rights, etc -- all of it is about to come to an end --- once America finds out that sleepy Joe Biden, a guy who can't even tie his own shoes -- was one of the masterminds behind the COVID-19 outbreak...

Please tell us you don't actually believe this bullshit.
My belief is not required....

However, I am always 2 or 3 steps ahead of what Trumpers will ACTUALLY believe later....
Tell us, do you believe Biden was right back in February calling Trump xenophobic and a racist for shutting down travel from China?

So you think Fauci was right admittingly saying later than he lied to people in March to not wear a mask so they could "conserve" masks?

Do you think democrats were right for down playing the threats from Covid after the Biden comments on Trump being xenophobic about shutting down travel?

Are you in a cult sir?
Are you a contortionist??

Must leave you kinda sore to have to twist yourself into all of those pretzel shapes to defend your cult leader.....

"Trump believes his own government is conspiring to delay a COVID-19 vaccine until after the election. He retweeted a message from the actor James Woods saying New York Governor Andrew Cuomo “should be in jail” -- Young Trump acolyte Charlie Kirk said "I am here tonight to tell you—to warn you—that this election is a decision between preserving America as we know it and eliminating everything that we love.” One does not have to be a champion of the Democratic Party to know this portrait is absurd-- but it is also essential, because it allows Trump and his followers to tolerate and justify pretty much anything in order to win. And “anything” turns out to be quite a lot."

View attachment 386777

Indeed James, how did Joe know way back in October to be talking about America's preparedness for a viral outbreak? Is he psychic? Intuitive and forward thinking? Of course not -- James Woods dealt the Biden campaign a death blow this week with a single tweet -- a tweet that will probably be the final spark that ignites the conservative patriot revolution that will not only defeat Biden and Democrats in the elections -- but will also usher in the total destruction of liberalism in this country and finally establishing one party rule forever...

Because what James Woods has uncovered -- is the final nail in the coffin of the liberal movement --- and all of the policies they have unleashed on us, social security, Medicare, labor rights, etc -- all of it is about to come to an end --- once America finds out that sleepy Joe Biden, a guy who can't even tie his own shoes -- was one of the masterminds behind the COVID-19 outbreak...

Please tell us you don't actually believe this bullshit.
My belief is not required....

However, I am always 2 or 3 steps ahead of what Trumpers will ACTUALLY believe later....

What a fucking tool. You aren’t ahead of your own shadow.

In reality you are a fucking corn ball.

"Trump believes his own government is conspiring to delay a COVID-19 vaccine until after the election. He retweeted a message from the actor James Woods saying New York Governor Andrew Cuomo “should be in jail” -- Young Trump acolyte Charlie Kirk said "I am here tonight to tell you—to warn you—that this election is a decision between preserving America as we know it and eliminating everything that we love.” One does not have to be a champion of the Democratic Party to know this portrait is absurd-- but it is also essential, because it allows Trump and his followers to tolerate and justify pretty much anything in order to win. And “anything” turns out to be quite a lot."

View attachment 386777

Indeed James, how did Joe know way back in October to be talking about America's preparedness for a viral outbreak? Is he psychic? Intuitive and forward thinking? Of course not -- James Woods dealt the Biden campaign a death blow this week with a single tweet -- a tweet that will probably be the final spark that ignites the conservative patriot revolution that will not only defeat Biden and Democrats in the elections -- but will also usher in the total destruction of liberalism in this country and finally establishing one party rule forever...

Because what James Woods has uncovered -- is the final nail in the coffin of the liberal movement --- and all of the policies they have unleashed on us, social security, Medicare, labor rights, etc -- all of it is about to come to the end --- once America finds out that sleepy Joe Biden, a guy who can't even tie his own shoes -- was one of the masterminds behind the COVID-19 outbreak...

Medicare and labor rights? Oh, the inhumanity!
I know exactly who Trump is. He is the first politician to keep his word no matter how hard the traitors in the democRat party fought him. Once this is over we are going to see a lot of democRats doing prison time or a lot getting shot or lynched
Bawahahahahahahahahahahahahahha...wait, you are serious?

BAwahahahahahahahahahahahahah X 1000

As serious as you, Biff.

Sadly, you choose to insult instead of discuss.


"Trump believes his own government is conspiring to delay a COVID-19 vaccine until after the election. He retweeted a message from the actor James Woods saying New York Governor Andrew Cuomo “should be in jail” -- Young Trump acolyte Charlie Kirk said "I am here tonight to tell you—to warn you—that this election is a decision between preserving America as we know it and eliminating everything that we love.” One does not have to be a champion of the Democratic Party to know this portrait is absurd-- but it is also essential, because it allows Trump and his followers to tolerate and justify pretty much anything in order to win. And “anything” turns out to be quite a lot."

View attachment 386777

Indeed James, how did Joe know way back in October to be talking about America's preparedness for a viral outbreak? Is he psychic? Intuitive and forward thinking? Of course not -- James Woods dealt the Biden campaign a death blow this week with a single tweet -- a tweet that will probably be the final spark that ignites the conservative patriot revolution that will not only defeat Biden and Democrats in the elections -- but will also usher in the total destruction of liberalism in this country and finally establishing one party rule forever...

Because what James Woods has uncovered -- is the final nail in the coffin of the liberal movement --- and all of the policies they have unleashed on us, social security, Medicare, labor rights, etc -- all of it is about to come to the end --- once America finds out that sleepy Joe Biden, a guy who can't even tie his own shoes -- was one of the masterminds behind the COVID-19 outbreak...

Medicare and labor rights? Oh, the inhumanity!
I know exactly who Trump is. He is the first politician to keep his word no matter how hard the traitors in the democRat party fought him. Once this is over we are going to see a lot of democRats doing prison time or a lot getting shot or lynched
Bawahahahahahahahahahahahahahha...wait, you are serious?

BAwahahahahahahahahahahahahah X 1000

As serious as you, Biff.

Sadly, you choose to insult instead of discuss.

Perhaps you haven't heard this yet....

But I will let you in on it......

Not a single Trump voter can EVER EVER EVER say anything to me about insults -- and then clutch their pearls......

I have realized you folks do that when you want to avoid the fact that your cult leader has made yall look like morons again for continuing to defend the indefensible....

"Trump believes his own government is conspiring to delay a COVID-19 vaccine until after the election. He retweeted a message from the actor James Woods saying New York Governor Andrew Cuomo “should be in jail” -- Young Trump acolyte Charlie Kirk said "I am here tonight to tell you—to warn you—that this election is a decision between preserving America as we know it and eliminating everything that we love.” One does not have to be a champion of the Democratic Party to know this portrait is absurd-- but it is also essential, because it allows Trump and his followers to tolerate and justify pretty much anything in order to win. And “anything” turns out to be quite a lot."

View attachment 386777

Indeed James, how did Joe know way back in October to be talking about America's preparedness for a viral outbreak? Is he psychic? Intuitive and forward thinking? Of course not -- James Woods dealt the Biden campaign a death blow this week with a single tweet -- a tweet that will probably be the final spark that ignites the conservative patriot revolution that will not only defeat Biden and Democrats in the elections -- but will also usher in the total destruction of liberalism in this country and finally establishing one party rule forever...

Because what James Woods has uncovered -- is the final nail in the coffin of the liberal movement --- and all of the policies they have unleashed on us, social security, Medicare, labor rights, etc -- all of it is about to come to an end --- once America finds out that sleepy Joe Biden, a guy who can't even tie his own shoes -- was one of the masterminds behind the COVID-19 outbreak...
It says right below the Biden tweet, that they received a report and Study on 195 countries not being prepared for a pandemic.... that was OCT 2019

THAT IS WHY it was being discussed, silly one.
It's the flu, you can get out from under your bed now. You've been fooled by your government again.

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