Legalization of marijuana a no winner


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Legalizing marijuana will create more crime, more drug addiction, and will not generate revenue expected. Unless it will be illegal to grow your own, people will have their won marijuana gardens and they will have to ride shot gun over it to prevent it from being stolen.
What ever government sell it for, drug cartels will sell it cheaper and still make a profit.
The cost involved in legalization will far out weigh any revenue generated, and will not stop drug related crimes.
Legalization of marijuana is a no winner so put it on your shelf and smoke it.
It will increase crime, increase drug addiction and increase of cost of legalization vs. illegal.
Can you even imagine a country full of drug induced Americans. Are they not already crazy enough on prescription drugs?
There are far more alcoholics now then in prohibition and more alcohol related illness and death. Same with cigarette smoking. Oils released in marijuana smoking is dangerous than cigarette smoking. Just because it may me less harmless than cigarettes does not mean it is harmless. I can only imagine the damage it does to a teens young lungs and heart.
Miami is going to make bath salts illegal so if pot is legalized, the cartels will still have a marketable product.
Making marijuana legal will not stop the cartels or other drug dealers, they will just move on to create new drugs or stock up on crack cocaine, heroin, mushrooms etc etc
Making marijuana legal will not stop the cartels or other drug dealers, they will just move on to create new drugs or stock up on crack cocaine, heroin, mushrooms etc etc

That's true! Making booze legal just created a market for pot.

The cartels won't stop until they are stamped out of existence.

In the 1800s when Britian was colonizing India there was a religious sect called the Thugees (where we get the word thug from). The practice of their religion involved murder, rape and theft. The British exterminated them. No trials, no civil rights claims. They were exterminated like vermin. Now there are no more Thugees.

That's what we need to do with the Cartels. A war of extermination.
Marijuana makes people too introspective. It allows them to feel empathy for other human beings and diminishes the cut-throat capitalist brain washing that we're taught in school.

In short, it's bad for Big Business.
Marijuana makes people too introspective. It allows them to feel empathy for other human beings and diminishes the cut-throat capitalist brain washing that we're taught in school.

In short, it's bad for Big Business.

Ban liquor when pot is legal.
I'm growing some white widow right now, about 5 weeks into the flowering stage and sometimes I have dreams I'm Che' Guevera. Whoever that is.

In these dreams I also came to the realization that both political parties are simply two sides of the same corrupt coin.

Ban this devil weed! Ban it!

Legalizing marijuana will create more crime, more drug addiction, and will not generate revenue expected. Unless it will be illegal to grow your own, people will have their won marijuana gardens and they will have to ride shot gun over it to prevent it from being stolen.
What ever government sell it for, drug cartels will sell it cheaper and still make a profit.
The cost involved in legalization will far out weigh any revenue generated, and will not stop drug related crimes.
Legalization of marijuana is a no winner so put it on your shelf and smoke it.
It will increase crime, increase drug addiction and increase of cost of legalization vs. illegal.
Can you even imagine a country full of drug induced Americans. Are they not already crazy enough on prescription drugs?
There are far more alcoholics now then in prohibition and more alcohol related illness and death. Same with cigarette smoking. Oils released in marijuana smoking is dangerous than cigarette smoking. Just because it may me less harmless than cigarettes does not mean it is harmless. I can only imagine the damage it does to a teens young lungs and heart.
Generate revenue for who?
I'm pretty sure it is already generating revenue for the people that already produce it. Kind of like people that grow other crops generate revenue for themselves.
I suppose pot growers should pay income tax, just like other crop growers, is the income tax revenue what you were talking about?
Not enough alcohol related deaths, add another intoxicant available legally? No thanks. The prescription pill problem is killing many Americans & I have seen violence in that 'industry'. Focus on stopping the pill epidemic, and treat alcohol related crime harshly. Do not add another drug to the mix.
Other than grain, marijuana is far and away America's biggest cash crop. Do we want that money to fuel criminal empires or do we want to take that money out of the hands of criminals?
Marijuana is bad for Big Pharma. It will never be legalized.

You really think they're going to let a simple plant that we can grow on a window sill eviscerate a trillion dollar industry?


Legalizing marijuana will create more crime, more drug addiction, and will not generate revenue expected. Unless it will be illegal to grow your own, people will have their won marijuana gardens and they will have to ride shot gun over it to prevent it from being stolen.
What ever government sell it for, drug cartels will sell it cheaper and still make a profit.
The cost involved in legalization will far out weigh any revenue generated, and will not stop drug related crimes.
Legalization of marijuana is a no winner so put it on your shelf and smoke it.
It will increase crime, increase drug addiction and increase of cost of legalization vs. illegal.
Can you even imagine a country full of drug induced Americans. Are they not already crazy enough on prescription drugs?
There are far more alcoholics now then in prohibition and more alcohol related illness and death. Same with cigarette smoking. Oils released in marijuana smoking is dangerous than cigarette smoking. Just because it may me less harmless than cigarettes does not mean it is harmless. I can only imagine the damage it does to a teens young lungs and heart.

You forgot about the pox and the raining frogs business. Fire and brimstone, etc...

Legalizing marijuana will create more crime, more drug addiction, and will not generate revenue expected. Unless it will be illegal to grow your own, people will have their won marijuana gardens and they will have to ride shot gun over it to prevent it from being stolen.
What ever government sell it for, drug cartels will sell it cheaper and still make a profit.
The cost involved in legalization will far out weigh any revenue generated, and will not stop drug related crimes.
Legalization of marijuana is a no winner so put it on your shelf and smoke it.
It will increase crime, increase drug addiction and increase of cost of legalization vs. illegal.
Can you even imagine a country full of drug induced Americans. Are they not already crazy enough on prescription drugs?
There are far more alcoholics now then in prohibition and more alcohol related illness and death. Same with cigarette smoking. Oils released in marijuana smoking is dangerous than cigarette smoking. Just because it may me less harmless than cigarettes does not mean it is harmless. I can only imagine the damage it does to a teens young lungs and heart.

The way this is written I think u been in da weed.

Legalizing marijuana will create more crime, more drug addiction, and will not generate revenue expected. Unless it will be illegal to grow your own, people will have their won marijuana gardens and they will have to ride shot gun over it to prevent it from being stolen.
What ever government sell it for, drug cartels will sell it cheaper and still make a profit.
The cost involved in legalization will far out weigh any revenue generated, and will not stop drug related crimes.
Legalization of marijuana is a no winner so put it on your shelf and smoke it.
It will increase crime, increase drug addiction and increase of cost of legalization vs. illegal.
Can you even imagine a country full of drug induced Americans. Are they not already crazy enough on prescription drugs?
There are far more alcoholics now then in prohibition and more alcohol related illness and death. Same with cigarette smoking. Oils released in marijuana smoking is dangerous than cigarette smoking. Just because it may me less harmless than cigarettes does not mean it is harmless. I can only imagine the damage it does to a teens young lungs and heart.
Everything you've said here is warmed over drug-warrior nonsense.

Marijuana was decriminalized in New York City throughout the sixties and seventies, meaning the police were told by their commanders not to waste time with bullshit marijuana arrests. The laws remained on the books but were not enforced, except for distribution to minors, possession (of any quantity) by minors, public sale or public use. Possession by adults of up to one ounce was a summons offense -- if a cop chose to issue one, and the fine was $25. Bottom line: marijuana arrests were very rare and usually occurred in conjuction with other offenses or crimes.

There were head shops all over the City. E.J. Korvette sold bongs, rolling papers, pipes and screens in their tobacco shops. The benches in Tompkins Square Park and Washington Square Park on Sunday afternoons were filled with people who obviously were high, some openly smoking weed, chatting peacefully, minding their business, and the beat cop would walk through paying no attention.

And none of the things you've mentioned above were manifest. In that atmosphere marijuana simply wasn't that big a deal. Anyone who used it knew many suppliers. An ounce of ordinary "ditchweed" cost around $20. An ounce of the finest sinsemilla cost around $75. I once bought a pound of really excellent bud for $250. Today you couldn't get an ounce of that quality for $250. Back then lots of people grew their own if they had a place to do it and they gave some away to their friends. It was that plentiful -- and not a big deal.

Then Ronald Reagan revived and escalated the War on Drugs and today we have the largest prison population in the world, we waste mega-billions on drug law enforcement, and marijuana is no less available than it was when the insanity began. It just costs a lot more -- and therein lies the tale.

You should know marijuana has been readily available to adults in The Netherlands since 1976 and it hasn't harmed the Dutch culture. The only problem they have is with tourists who try to smuggle it out.

Venezuela legalized all drugs about two years ago and thus far have no regrets.

So, as I said, you might want to bring yourself up to date on this subject -- unless you enjoy being among the brainwashed and pathetically uninformed. Better still, maybe you should pick up an ounce and get stoned. It might do you a world of good.
Making marijuana legal will not stop the cartels or other drug dealers, they will just move on to create new drugs or stock up on crack cocaine, heroin, mushrooms etc etc
Marijuana is the most commonly used of all recreational substances and only a small percentage of those who use or have used marijuana want anything to do with any other drug. The effect of marijuana is very different from the effects of all other recreational substances. It is a totally different experience. Most important, it is not addictive.

One effect of legalized marijuana would be a gradual but significant reduction is the use of beverage alcohol.

Another positive effect will be the proper use of marijuana. I.e., many users will be able to afford sufficient quantities to bake and cook with it rather than smoking it, which is really the only harmful aspect of marijuana use.

And the most positive effect will be a major reduction in our national prison census.

But you are mistaken about the cartels, because marijuana is their most profitable product. If it were legal here the cartels would be significantly diminished.
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Making marijuana legal will not stop the cartels or other drug dealers, they will just move on to create new drugs or stock up on crack cocaine, heroin, mushrooms etc etc

That's true! Making booze legal just created a market for pot.
Actually there never was a "market" for pot until it was made illegal in the mid-thirties, because before then anyone who wanted it just grew it or knew someone who did.

The main reason why marijuana never became popular within mainstream American society prior to the enlightened 1960s is racism and Reefer Madness propaganda. It was thought to be favored by Negroes and Mexicans (marijuana is a Mexican word) and people believed the lies told about it.

If you'd like to know more about the history of marijuana, along with a lot of very interesting facts about it, I recommend Jack Herer's excellent book, The Emperor Wears No Clothes. It's available from Amazon and is very inexpensive.

The cartels won't stop until they are stamped out of existence.

In the 1800s when Britian was colonizing India there was a religious sect called the Thugees (where we get the word thug from). The practice of their religion involved murder, rape and theft. The British exterminated them. No trials, no civil rights claims. They were exterminated like vermin. Now there are no more Thugees.

That's what we need to do with the Cartels. A war of extermination.
The most destructive drugs in use today are beverage alcohol and nicotine, both of which are enjoyed by many who condemn the use of marijuana.

While it is morally acceptable to exterminate members of a cult which practices murder, rape and theft, it is hardly acceptable to exterminate people for marketing substances which are no more harmful than cigarettes and booze.

And in case you doubt what I've said here I advise you to research the lethality statistics of all recreational substances. You might be surprised.

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