Legal weed states = 25% less opioid deaths .

We have places around here that can legally sell moonshine, but I don't know how good it is and it's not sold in liquor stores, just specialty shops

If they're selling it in the open they've paid all the required taxes and licenses.

I never know about that around here, we had this basically gambling machines at the local quickie marts for years, cops looked away I just assumed they were legal instill they cracked down on them
Yeah this is becoming clear. They want to stop legal marijuana because it cuts into the profits of Big Pharma and Big Alcohol.

Legal marijuana has created hundreds of thousands of new jobs and hundreds of new prosperous businesses and is lowering the death rates in a number of states from opioids. Notice neither the orange turd nor the Republican't Congress aren't doing anything about the drug dealers at Big Pharma.

Sessions is another soulless ass who said bye bye to morals and ethics long ago.
what is the democratic congress doing?....

So you live in 1992. Good luck to you.
What don't idiots understand, a federal law takes precedent over state law. Want to rewrite the law then petition Congress.
Now I know how idiots remain in power.
They wont mess with you here in Texas unless you're drunk when they find it.
That is true. It's against the law, but they are not interested unless there is suspicion of DUI.

I remember the good old days in Alabama when I used to visit my uncle you could legally drink a beer in you were not drunk. all changed when the state was no longer the soul beneficiary of DUI convictions.
Now the county gets the money which of course made it a prime objective.

The open container laws are bullshit!!!

I remember the days when you got pulled over and the cop considered you buzzed he'd tell you to go home and possibly follow you with the warning that if he saw you on the roadway again he'd haul you in.
The study is weak. at least according to the authors......Here is their summary.

Although the present study provides evidence that medical cannabis laws are associated with reductions in opioid analgesic overdose mortality on a population level, proposed mechanisms for this association are speculative and rely on indirect evidence. Further rigorous evaluation of medical cannabis policies, including provisions that vary among states,14,42 is required before their wide adoption can be recommended. If the relationship between medical cannabis laws and opioid analgesic overdose mortality is substantiated in further work, enactment of laws to allow for use of medical cannabis may be advocated as part of a comprehensive package of policies to reduce the population risk of opioid analgesics. Medical Cannabis Laws and Opioid Mortality
That being said, I'd much rather see people deal with chronic pain by using marijuana than opioids.
They wont mess with you here in Texas unless you're drunk when they find it.
That is true. It's against the law, but they are not interested unless there is suspicion of DUI.

I remember the good old days in Alabama when I used to visit my uncle you could legally drink a beer in you were not drunk. all changed when the state was no longer the soul beneficiary of DUI convictions.
Now the county gets the money which of course made it a prime objective.

The open container laws are bullshit!!!

I remember the days when you got pulled over and the cop considered you buzzed he'd tell you to go home and possibly follow you with the warning that if he saw you on the roadway again he'd haul you in.

I know I had cops drive me home a few times, one time this cop said your drunk, go home and if you get stopped don't say anything about him :)

The good old days..

They would find weed or cocaine and they would keep it for themselves..and tell you to go home.
Trump said let the states decide on this matter. But the unhinged lefties keep jumping to stupid conclusions blaming Trump.
I agree with President Trump on that. He needs to shut Sessions little war down. I prefer it to pass congress so there is no chance of a federal war on it.
It's tough when the fake news jumps into fake conclusions. Trump will stick with the states deciding this.

It only makes sense, and that's what he said from the beginning.

If Colorado wants legal weed, but Alabama does should be up to the residents of those states.
So you're saying Trump and the feds should remove all federal penalties and laws against drugs? OK. That would leave it to the states to criminalize it or not.

I'm saying I'd like the states to decide whether or not to legalize weed. However the fuck that can happen, it should happen....just like levying state and local taxes.
It's the only way it can happen. I don't see why you're pussyfooting around the issue.
You know, if inmates in the jails were allowed to smoke 1 or 2 joints per day, I'm pretty sure that a lot of prison violence would go down. Especially if you gave them pure Indica strains.

They don't call it "in da couch" for nothing.
Seems that may cause an increase in crimes to get thrown in jail. Vacation in jail! Three meals, free room and board and two joints a day.

Well...............yeah you got a point, because I don't even get over a joint a day.

But, it wouldn't be worth it to go there if they were giving you ditch weed with stems and seeds.
I don’t really give a shit about people smoking pot. If that’s your thing go for it. What does irk me is the medical angle. Does it help some symptoms? Sure. But that’s not what the industry is based on there’s not enough legit medical to open a business for. It’s recreation so call it what it is. I don’t think it should be illegal but it’s kinda like claiming whiskey cures colds during prohibition.

Actually, there is documented medical proof that marijuana helps people who have seizures, people with epilepsy, people with Alzheimer's as well as helps a great deal for the people who are undergoing chemotherapy for cancer.

And, if that rehab place in Maine can get good documentation on their treatment of heroin addicts with marijuana, it could help solve the heroin/opiate crisis this country currently has.

Incidentally, did you know that opiates will make you constipated? Marijuana never will.
Right wingers can't afford weed in Appalachia.

Because they grow there own

Everyone should be free to grow the crops they choose to. That's truly the American way.

Especially hemp, why they ever outlawed it again after WWII is anyone's guess

Because marijuana plants can be hidden in hemp fields quite easily. A lot of times, the only way to tell them apart (especially when they are young) is to test them for THC.

By the way, did you know that the US government actually had farmers grow hemp on the down low to help with the war effort? They needed the hemp for rope, but when DuPont (a backer of Anslinger and helped fund the movie Reefer Madness), came up with nylon, they switched from hemp to nylon and didn't look back.

Too bad, because any cowboy or person who uses rope on a regular basis will tell you that hemp rope is far superior to nylon.
Right wingers can't afford weed in Appalachia.

Because they grow there own

Everyone should be free to grow the crops they choose to. That's truly the American way.

Especially hemp, why they ever outlawed it again after WWII is anyone's guess

Because marijuana plants can be hidden in hemp fields quite easily. A lot of times, the only way to tell them apart (especially when they are young) is to test them for THC.

By the way, did you know that the US government actually had farmers grow hemp on the down low to help with the war effort? They needed the hemp for rope, but when DuPont (a backer of Anslinger and helped fund the movie Reefer Madness), came up with nylon, they switched from hemp to nylon and didn't look back.

Too bad, because any cowboy or person who uses rope on a regular basis will tell you that hemp rope is far superior to nylon.

Yea I am very familiar with the different uses of hemp during the war.
In order to have legal weed ANYWHERE you have to repeal federal law...That is not the Presidents job or the department of justice. I truly wish you pot pushers and lobbyists would at least be truthful about that. Congress has to do it.

Actually, no. There is a far faster way that doesn't require Congressional legislation to repeal the laws, and, it also wouldn't mess with current drug laws.

All you would have to do is remove marijuana from a Schedule I substance. If they classed it as a Schedule II (which is the most it should be), it would be legal for doctors all over the country to prescribe it medically. If they reduced it to Schedule V, it could be sold like alcohol.
They wont mess with you here in Texas unless you're drunk when they find it.
That is true. It's against the law, but they are not interested unless there is suspicion of DUI.

I remember the good old days in Alabama when I used to visit my uncle you could legally drink a beer in you were not drunk. all changed when the state was no longer the soul beneficiary of DUI convictions.
Now the county gets the money which of course made it a prime objective.

The open container laws are bullshit!!!

I remember the days when you got pulled over and the cop considered you buzzed he'd tell you to go home and possibly follow you with the warning that if he saw you on the roadway again he'd haul you in.

I know I had cops drive me home a few times, one time this cop said your drunk, go home and if you get stopped don't say anything about him :)

The good old days..

They would find weed or cocaine and they would keep it for themselves..and tell you to go home.

LOL....I remember back in the early 80's getting busted in Bear Creek Park with a sack and the cop making me me dump it out in the gravel parking lot and dance on it until he told me to stop.
On another occasion they busted a bunch of underaged drinkers with a brandnew 16 gallon keg and made em take turns running the pump until it was emptied on the ground......while laughing the entire time.
The thing was? They weren't mean about it,they joked and told the kids they understood and they did the same in their youth but they had a job to do and everyone left on good terms.
a little info the reefer madness crowd doesn’t want you to know . Be sure to throw it in their face when you get a chance, especially when they make the “gateway drug argument “.

Why are conservatives like Sessions targeting weed? It’s not because of a moral stance . Those whores are just doing Big Pharmas bidding . After all, can’t have a drug that people can grow themselves ! Cuts into profits .

In states with medical marijuana, painkiller deaths drop by 25%

However, in the 13 states that passed laws allowing for the use of medical marijuana between 1999 and 2010, 25 percent fewer people die from opioid overdoses annually

He isn’t targeting, he is telling his prosecutors to use prosecutorial discretion. He is applying the law.

I think marijuana should be legalized, along with a lot of other drugs, such as opioids, cocaine, heroin and so on.

The issue is they are illegal, why not write your Congressman and put the pressure on to legalize the drugs instead of being upset because the government upholds the laws Congress wrote?

I’m not sure why this is such a hard concept for the left.
They wont mess with you here in Texas unless you're drunk when they find it.
That is true. It's against the law, but they are not interested unless there is suspicion of DUI.

I remember the good old days in Alabama when I used to visit my uncle you could legally drink a beer in you were not drunk. all changed when the state was no longer the soul beneficiary of DUI convictions.
Now the county gets the money which of course made it a prime objective.

The open container laws are bullshit!!!

I remember the days when you got pulled over and the cop considered you buzzed he'd tell you to go home and possibly follow you with the warning that if he saw you on the roadway again he'd haul you in.

I know I had cops drive me home a few times, one time this cop said your drunk, go home and if you get stopped don't say anything about him :)

The good old days..

They would find weed or cocaine and they would keep it for themselves..and tell you to go home.

LOL....I remember back in the early 80's getting busted in Bear Creek Park with a sack and the cop making me me dump it out in the gravel parking lot and dance on it until he told me to stop.
On another occasion they busted a bunch of underaged drinkers with a brandnew 16 gallon keg and made em take turns running the pump until it was emptied on the ground......while laughing the entire time.
The thing was? They weren't mean about it,they joked and told the kids they understood and they did the same in their youth but they had a job to do and everyone left on good terms.

I know I wish the law would let cops be like that today..I forgot another story about a cop pulling me over and like 4 empty beer cans fell out into the street when I opened the door, the cop turned around and said put those back in the car I didn't see a
a little info the reefer madness crowd doesn’t want you to know . Be sure to throw it in their face when you get a chance, especially when they make the “gateway drug argument “.

Why are conservatives like Sessions targeting weed? It’s not because of a moral stance . Those whores are just doing Big Pharmas bidding . After all, can’t have a drug that people can grow themselves ! Cuts into profits .

In states with medical marijuana, painkiller deaths drop by 25%

However, in the 13 states that passed laws allowing for the use of medical marijuana between 1999 and 2010, 25 percent fewer people die from opioid overdoses annually

Up in Smoke (Cheech and Chong 1980 give or take)
That is true. It's against the law, but they are not interested unless there is suspicion of DUI.

I remember the good old days in Alabama when I used to visit my uncle you could legally drink a beer in you were not drunk. all changed when the state was no longer the soul beneficiary of DUI convictions.
Now the county gets the money which of course made it a prime objective.

The open container laws are bullshit!!!

I remember the days when you got pulled over and the cop considered you buzzed he'd tell you to go home and possibly follow you with the warning that if he saw you on the roadway again he'd haul you in.

I know I had cops drive me home a few times, one time this cop said your drunk, go home and if you get stopped don't say anything about him :)

The good old days..

They would find weed or cocaine and they would keep it for themselves..and tell you to go home.

LOL....I remember back in the early 80's getting busted in Bear Creek Park with a sack and the cop making me me dump it out in the gravel parking lot and dance on it until he told me to stop.
On another occasion they busted a bunch of underaged drinkers with a brandnew 16 gallon keg and made em take turns running the pump until it was emptied on the ground......while laughing the entire time.
The thing was? They weren't mean about it,they joked and told the kids they understood and they did the same in their youth but they had a job to do and everyone left on good terms.

I know I wish the law would let cops be like that today..I forgot another story about a cop pulling me over and like 4 empty beer cans fell out into the street when I opened the door, the cop turned around and said put those back in the car I didn't see a

LOL...I remember putting my 74 Mustang in the ditch on a backroad and the cops rolling up.
They asked if we were okay and I told em someone crossed the center line forcing me to hit the ditch.....of course we were hammered and he laughed and drove off leaving us to figure out how we were going to get the car out of the ditch and make it home.

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