Leftists, this teen must be crushed!!!

Oh yeah. An emotional basket case is an obvious choice for dangerous drugs and mutiluating surgery. Incidently, you posted that long list of medical and emotional ailments as a way to justify the child as a candidate for medical experimentation.

You posted, ''Yup, she was going to be a basket case if she had titties or not.''

I suppose for the leftist groomers, she was an obvious choice for the kind of medical experimentation that the groomers are inflicting on children. No harm - no foul because she was going to be a basket case anyway. Leftists presumed she was a disposable commodity.

The problem now facing the ghoulish monsters who used her for chemical and surgical experiments is that she's more mature and able to articulate the horrors inflicted on her. It's becoming more apparent that the left is exploiting children for profit.

He do hates the wimins!
I actually feel bad for that 80% that have realized they weren’t actually trans.
Shush, the grownups are talking.
Oh yeah. An emotional basket case is an obvious choice for dangerous drugs and mutiluating surgery. Incidently, you posted that long list of medical and emotional ailments as a way to justify the child as a candidate for medical experimentation.

I suppose for the leftist groomers, she was an obvious choice for the kind of medical experimentation that the groomers are inflicting on children. No harm - no foul because she was going to be a basket case anyway. Leftists presumed she was a disposable commodity.

Again, I didn't list the whole host of her mental problems, she did. Or her lawyers did. He doctors also corrected a cleft palette through surgery, and no one said boo about that. Probably where she got the idea that what was wrong with her could be fixed with surgery.

So they tried something to fix her and it didn't work. Oh, well. The patient has to want to get better.

My sister has a heart valve replacement, which usually has a 96% survival rate. Except she had to give up smoking and other unhealthy habits, which she didn't. She passed a year later. Wasn't the doctor's fault, it was hers.
Shush, the grownups are talking.

Again, I didn't list the whole host of her mental problems, she did. Or her lawyers did. He doctors also corrected a cleft palette through surgery, and no one said boo about that. Probably where she got the idea that what was wrong with her could be fixed with surgery.

So they tried something to fix her and it didn't work. Oh, well. The patient has to want to get better.

My sister has a heart valve replacement, which usually has a 96% survival rate. Except she had to give up smoking and other unhealthy habits, which she didn't. She passed a year later. Wasn't the doctor's fault, it was hers.

Um, sorry. Grownups don't flail their Pom Poms for child abuse.

Again. You listed a host of mental and physical problems that afflicted a young teenager because you wanted an excuse for the experimental drugs and surgeries she was subjected to.

I find it remarkable that you don't understand that a medically and emotionally damaged teenager needed grownups to guide her into rational decisions. Instead, you approve of child abuse by allowing greedy, ideologically driven hacks to dope a teenager with dangerous, life altering drugs and mutilating surgeries.

Oh, well. You're fine with leftist hacks taking advantage of teenagers. As long as there is a profit from the child abuse, let the grooming continue.
Again. You listed a host of mental and physical problems that afflicted a young teenager because you wanted an excuse for the experimental drugs and surgeries she was subjected to.

I find it remarkable that you don't understand that a medically and emotionally damaged teenager needed grownups to guide her into rational decisions. Instead, you approve of child abuse by allowing greedy, ideologically driven hacks to dope a teenager with dangerous, life altering drugs and mutilating surgeries.

Oh, well. You're fine with leftist hacks taking advantage of teenagers. As long as there is a profit from the child abuse, let the grooming continue.

You keep leaving out that her parents were involved every step of the way, in fact, their marriage largely fell apart because she was such a handful.

They thought that normalizing her body to match her gender identity was the best course of action.

Clearly, it wasn't. Oh, well, medical mistakes happen.
You keep leaving out that her parents were involved every step of the way, in fact, their marriage largely fell apart because she was such a handful.

They thought that normalizing her body to match her gender identity was the best course of action.

Clearly, it wasn't. Oh, well, medical mistakes happen.
You keep leaving out that grownups had a responsibility to accept a standard of care for a teenager. You applaud the fact that the groomers had a ''victory'' of sorts in that they made a profit from the abuse of a teenager.

Oh, well. Leftism happens and that results in child grooming.
You keep leaving out that her parents were involved every step of the way, in fact, their marriage largely fell apart because she was such a handful.

Another example of the failure of the “professionals” to do their jobs

Another indictment of creepy Joe Bs argument.
You keep leaving out that grownups had a responsibility to accept a standard of care for a teenager. You applaud the fact that the groomers had a ''victory'' of sorts in that they made a profit from the abuse of a teenager.

Oh, well. Leftism happens and that results in child grooming.

I doubt anyone made a profit. Insurance didn't cover this procedure, so the parents paid out of pocket at discounted rates.

Another example of the failure of the “professionals” to do their jobs

I am sure they did the best they could of. Of course, we all know you never make any mistakes because you've never done anything of note.
I doubt anyone made a profit. Insurance didn't cover this procedure, so the parents paid out of pocket at discounted rates.

I am sure they did the best they could of. Of course, we all know you never make any mistakes because you've never done anything of note.

God, you are a moron. Every prisoner ever convicted is innocent as well.

And equating a cleft pallet to sex change surgery shows exactly how weak you know your argument is. Know of any cleft pallet patients that wanted it returned to how it was prior to repair.

Your still blaming the victim. Just like all you creeps that blame rape victims for wearing short skirts

But that is what the creeps in our society do.
I doubt anyone made a profit. Insurance didn't cover this procedure, so the parents paid out of pocket at discounted rates.

I am sure they did the best they could of. Of course, we all know you never make any mistakes because you've never done anything of note.
I doubt you would ever look at the facts.

Um, yeah. Just a couple of those cold, hard facts which leftists choose to ignore.
And equating a cleft pallet to sex change surgery shows exactly how weak you know your argument is. Know of any cleft pallet patients that wanted it returned to how it was prior to repair.

Nope.. and few transgender people do, either.

Actually, repairing a cleft palette is largely cosmetic except for the most severe cases.

I doubt you would ever look at the facts.

What facts? ALL MEDICAL PROCEDURES are big money, it's why we spend more money than any other country and get the worst results.

But simple enough solution. Single payer, socialized medicine, doctors are paid a sensible salary, no profit taking and just the costs of the procedure, provided for anyone who wants it.
Nope.. and few transgender people do, either.

Actually, repairing a cleft palette is largely cosmetic except for the most severe cases.

What facts? ALL MEDICAL PROCEDURES are big money, it's why we spend more money than any other country and get the worst results.

But simple enough solution. Single payer, socialized medicine, doctors are paid a sensible salary, no profit taking and just the costs of the procedure, provided for anyone who wants it.

God, you are hilarious.

You can’t name a single person with a repaired cleft palate that wants it reversed although millions of those operations have been performed. And in the last few weeks we have seen one after the other victims of sex change come forward.

Joe, admit it, because we all know it’s true, your a friggen drag Queen!
Nope.. and few transgender people do, either.

Actually, repairing a cleft palette is largely cosmetic except for the most severe cases.

What facts? ALL MEDICAL PROCEDURES are big money, it's why we spend more money than any other country and get the worst results.

But simple enough solution. Single payer, socialized medicine, doctors are paid a sensible salary, no profit taking and just the costs of the procedure, provided for anyone who wants it.
GROOMING PROCEDURES are exploited by doctors and hospitals and are unnecessary mutilating surgeries on children.

Really is a shame that leftists are so anxious to exploit children for profit.
GROOMING PROCEDURES are exploited by doctors and hospitals and are unnecessary mutilating surgeries on children.

Really is a shame that leftists are so anxious to exploit children for profit.

You have noticed how many undocumented children are allowed into this country every years right?

Who needs Epstein and Lolita island when we have these pervs running the country?
You can’t name a single person with a repaired cleft palate that wants it reversed although millions of those operations have been performed. And in the last few weeks we have seen one after the other victims of sex change come forward.

You mean exactly two?

GROOMING PROCEDURES are exploited by doctors and hospitals and are unnecessary mutilating surgeries on children.

Really is a shame that leftists are so anxious to exploit children for profit.

Works on the assumption that you can make someone trans or gay who wasn't already so inclined. No credible psychiatrist or psychologist holds that position...
You mean exactly two?

Works on the assumption that you can make someone trans or gay who wasn't already so inclined. No credible psychiatrist or psychologist holds that position...

In the grown up world, we grownups need to provide guidance, councel and direction to a teenager who may just be feeling the affects of naturally occurring hormones at their age. Puberty has psychological as well as physical affects.

The leftist notion that a scared, emotionally fragile pre / early teen should be groomed as a candidate for dangerous drug therapy and mutilating surgery should be criminal.

Why you would suggest that a 13 year girl is capable of making decisions about experimental life altering drug therapy and irreversible, mutilating surgery is a pathology.

Fortunately, more states are banning the drugs and surgeries you would so quickly inflict on children.
In the grown up world, we grownups need to provide guidance, councel and direction to a teenager who may just be feeling the affects of naturally occurring hormones at their age. Puberty has psychological as well as physical affects.

If that were the case, every teen would be gender dysphoric.. when in fact it's a pretty small percentage.

Why you would suggest that a 13 year girl is capable of making decisions about experimental life altering drug therapy and irreversible, mutilating surgery is a pathology.

I wouldn't, which is why you have to have parents, guardians and medical professionals involved.

Fortunately, more states are banning the drugs and surgeries you would so quickly inflict on children.

And those laws will be meaningless. HIPAA would prevent it to start with.
You have noticed how many undocumented children are allowed into this country every years right?

Who needs Epstein and Lolita island when we have these pervs running the country?
Yep. As part of the Biden drug and human trafficking syndicate, there is a looming disaster that the Biden flunkies pretend to know nothing about.

If that were the case, every teen would be gender dysphoric.. when in fact it's a pretty small percentage.

I wouldn't, which is why you have to have parents, guardians and medical professionals involved.

And those laws will be meaningless. HIPAA would prevent it to start with.
I'm afraid you're just not a participant in the grownup world.

Part of the problem faced by children is that a version of leftist groomer ''medical professionals" actually are involved.

Data show that “socially transitioned” children are far more likely to go on to medical interventions. And perhaps this is the point: After all, transgender is big business. Gender-transition surgery can cost upward of $100,000. The US gender-surgery market was valued in 2021 at $1.9 billion, with predicted annual growth of more than 10%. And when hormone therapy costs $1,500 a year, for the rest of a patient’s life, no wonder entrepreneurial medics want kids on the treatment treadmill as young as possible. Clinics are popping up like mushrooms to take advantage of this new business opportunity: The first American pediatric gender clinic opened in 2007, and there are now more than 50 nationwide.
Why you would suggest that a 13 year girl is capable of making decisions about experimental life altering drug therapy and irreversible, mutilating surgery is a pathology.

Especially for one who is obviously afflicted with significant mental health issues, well beyond what is normal even for most thirteen-year-olds.

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