Leftism is a Dis - Ease


Changes aren't permanent, but change is...
Gold Supporting Member
Dec 5, 2010

Personal Content required in OPs.
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Actually the disease is Eliminationism.

"Left" and "Right" are both necessary for balance, like Yin and Yang, night and day, summer and winter. To suggest one of them must be eliminated is just fucking mindless.
Love the way the OP posts an image ---- rather than a link. Because nothing says credibility like a Googly Image.
Ropey was arrested for a hate crime when he yelled, "I hate fags", and punched himself in the face.

Well Ropey you bring out another reason against hate crime legislation
(besides it isn't effective, it adds more to the costs and legal procedures,
but doesn't produce any added effect than if you charged the crime normally
-- this coming from a prison reform advocate who is the most ardent liberal I know!!!)
that "racially motivated" is SUBJECTIVE and FAITH BASED.

So this is disrimination by creed to even try to define much less enforce
something "faith based" - it depends on people's SUBJECTIVE beliefs!

Good post Ropey

It's not just that the laws don't apply equally,
but should NOT be applied at all because it requires govt establishing
faith based beliefs if something is racially motivated or not.

We should just use discrimination laws in general
whether that's race, religion or creed, and not have to prove it was race.
Just discrimination by depriving someone of rights and protections
without due process. Maybe by creed or belief would be enough,
because the attacker's beliefs were in opposition or conflict with the victims or their perception.
Or the other way around, the victim has different beliefs that the offender violated.

Just conflicting beliefs should be enough to show discrimination occurred.
whether or not it was race per se, BELIEFS ABOUT RACE still count as BELIEFS and CREED.

You can PROVE people have different or conflicting BELIEFS
and invoke anti-discrimination laws on those grounds.
This would ALSO solve the issue with LGBT vs Christian
BELIEFS so they are treated equally where govt remains NEUTRAL of judgment calls
instead of endorsing one and penalizing the other.
If we treat race related conflicts as differences in BELIEFS, you don't have to
prove those to show there was a conflict and discrimination by attacking someone
due to BELIEFS (or being a victim whose beliefs were violated),
regardless what the content of those beliefs were that don't require proof of validity.
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Ropey was arrested for a hate crime when he yelled, "I hate fags", and punched himself in the face.

And worse, Ropey couldn't take the Fifth Amendment,
because he already incriminated himself.
But at least he saved taxpayers money by going straight to jail with no appeal!
My hero!

Just kidding Ropey
but seriously this is a good OP post, just add your own COMMENT
at the bottom, so it doesn't get deleted as a copy/paste only.
This is worth discussing!
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Well Ropey you bring out another reason against hate crime legislation
(besides it isn't effective, it adds more to the costs and legal procedures,
but doesn't produce any added effect than if you charged the crime normally
-- this coming from a prison reform advocate who is the most ardent liberal I know!!!)
that "racially motivated" is SUBJECTIVE and FAITH BASED.

So this is disrimination by creed to even try to define much less enforce
something "faith based" - it depends on people's SUBJECTIVE beliefs!

Good post Ropey

It's not just that the laws don't apply equally,
but should NOT be applied at all because it requires govt establishing
faith based beliefs if something is racially motivated or not.

We should just use discrimination laws in general
whether that's race, religion or creed, and not have to prove it was race.
Just discrimination by depriving someone of rights and protections
without due process. Maybe by creed or belief would be enough,
because the attacker's beliefs were in opposition or conflict with the victims or their perception.
Or the other way around, the victim has different beliefs that the offender violated.

Just conflicting beliefs should be enough to show discrimination occurred.
whether or not it was race per se, BELIEFS ABOUT RACE still count as BELIEFS and CREED.

You can PROVE people have different or conflicting BELIEFS
and invoke anti-discrimination laws on those grounds.
This would ALSO solve the issue with LGBT vs Christian
BELIEFS so they are treated equally where govt remains NEUTRAL of judgment calls
instead of endorsing one and penalizing the other.
If we treat race related conflicts as differences in BELIEFS, you don't have to
prove those to show there was a conflict and discrimination by attacking someone
due to BELIEFS (or being a victim whose beliefs were violated),
regardless what the content of those beliefs were that don't require proof of validity.
Because when I start a thread I always wait four hours to link anything and even then none of my links go to the story anyway.

Linking thinking appears to be a lost art.
^Clearly has caught the dis-ease. :lol: Good to find such a premier example. Thanks.

Let me halp.

At ease, Pogo.


And in Megantic Joal?

Suc mon grien.

^Clearly has caught the dis-ease. :lol: Good to find such a premier example. Thanks.

Let me halp.

At ease, Pogo.


And in Megantic Joal?

Suc mon grien.


Ce thread-ci est completement con. :cuckoo:

I doubt if anyone else will come in and mimic unease as well as you have in this thread, but whatcha gonna do?

^Clearly has caught the dis-ease. :lol: Good to find such a premier example. Thanks.

Let me halp.

At ease, Pogo.


And in Megantic Joal?

Suc mon grien.


Ce thread-ci est completement con. :cuckoo:

I doubt if anyone else will come in and mimic unease as well as you have in this thread, but whatcha gonna do?


"unease"? Moi? Pas du tout. I'm not the one who can't find a link, am I.
Pogo said:


Poor boy needs linkage before he can apply 'thinkage'.

And the 'outrage' over no link? So many posts over no link? Even after I posted some to make you happy?

You're still whining.

That's pure dis-ease.


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