Leftism Eradicates Character

It's one thing to believe that homosexuality is a sin.....quite another to murder people because of your religion.

Which is exactly what Christians in Uganda do, (thanks in no small part to.American evangelicals)

Nothing in the Bible says it's okay to murder someone because of their life choices. Matter of fact....Jesus was considered at one time to be a sinner by the Sanhedrin in Jerusalem and even his own people in Nazareth because of his open-mindedness and his habit of having supper with sinners the locals wouldn't be caught dead with.

And you must think every Christian in America is a missionary....apparently.

The Old Testament is part of the bible. Ever read it? Says it's totally cool to kill gays, required in fact. And there are Christians that want to follow the OT and kill gays (bunch right here on USMB). Here on my side of y'alls religious doctrine, two sides of the same coin, fundie Muslims and Christians.
The Old Testament is the history of the Hebrew nation.

Christianity is based only on the teachings of Jesus Christ (New Testament).....not Israel.
The only reason the Old Testament and the New Testament are together is because it is important to learn from the past.
Unfortunately people like you like to live in the past.

Jesus was the new doctrine which is what Christianity is based on.
The Old Testament is the doctrine of the Jewish people.

You have to go back over 4000 years to point a finger and blame every Christian you meet.....and this doesn't justify the hatred you can't seem to get rid of. Problem with that is you simply don't understand what you're talking about on this subject because you choose to believe people that want to mislead you and turn you into a hateful and spiteful excuse for a human-being. And the press tells you that you have every right to be so.

The Old Testament is part of the bible. It is part of Christianity. I don't hate Christians. I don't even hate Christianity. I look at Jesus and Elvis the same...dig their vibe, but some of their fans leave a lot to be desired.

None of this changes the FACTS. In the United States of America, Muslims support gay rights more than evangelical Christians.

Solid majorities of all major religious groups in the U.S. support laws protecting LGBT people from discrimination in housing, public accommodations, and the workplace. Among major religious groups, the strongest supporters of LGBT nondiscrimination protections are Unitarian Universalists (90 percent), Jews (80 percent), Hindus (79 percent), Buddhists (75 percent), and religiously unaffiliated Americans (78 percent). Even majorities of faith traditions that have been historically more opposed to LGBT rights support these protections. Fully seven in 10 Mormons (70 percent), along with 65 percent of black Protestants, 60 percent of Muslims, 54 percent of white evangelical Protestants, and 53 percent of Jehovah’s Witnesses favor LGBT nondiscrimination laws.[...]​

Majorities of most major religious groups oppose religiously-based refusals to serve gay or lesbian people. The greatest opposition comes from Unitarian Universalists (83 percent), Jews (68 percent), religiously unaffiliated Americans (66 percent), Buddhists (66 percent) and Muslims (60 percent). White evangelical Protestants (55 percent) and Mormons (54 percent) are the only religious groups where a majority support allowing small business owners to refuse service to gay and lesbian customers if doing so violates their religious beliefs. Jehovah’s Witnesses have no majority opinion: a plurality (43 percent) are opposed, while almost as many are in favor (39 percent); 18 percent offer no opinion.[...]

White evangelical Protestants are the only major religious group in which a majority oppose same-sex marriage (31 percent favor, 60 percent oppose).

New Landmark Survey of 50 States Finds Broad Support for LGBT Rights Across the United States | PRRI
Again...you can't seem to be able to separate the difference between refusing to bake a cake for you and murdering you in front of cheering crowds. Most American Muslims want to institute Sharia Law in America....which means your death sentence.

For the record.....I don't care about your statistics....because they can be manipulated quite easily. It is written in the Koran that lying is a very important tool that can be used by believers against non-believers. In the Bible lying is a mortal sin. Thou Shall Not Bare False Witness. Another thing.....everything that you read in the Bible isn't taught in Christianity as something you must do to others. It is sometimes a lesson on what not to do.

And again you are confusing other countries with the United States. In other countries both Christians and Muslims kill gays. In the United States it is Christians that are the greatest danger to gays...there are many, many more white evangelical Christians than Muslims (who don't hate gays as much as evangelical Christians do anyway).

Of course you don't believe facts....you're a Trump sycophant.
Those aren't facts. It would be nice if you could at the very least post some links about these imaginary attacks on gays by Christian mobs.

You feel that when a so-called Christian kills somebody in Uganda...it's over religion.
Having spent alot of time deployed to Africa I know the primary cause of violence is because of tribal differences.
I was deployed to Somalia in 93' and every couple of weeks there would be a flare up over tribal differences. Bunch of idiots got high on Khat and started shooting at each other. Many other fights were usually Christians fighting with Muslims. Christians are being slaughtered in many countries..Yemen, Sudan, Iraq, Iran to name a few...but the media refuses to post stories about it. This has been going on for over a decade.

Now....if you can point to a single time your life was threatened by a missionary or a Bible-banger, please feel free.
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Which is exactly what Christians in Uganda do, (thanks in no small part to.American evangelicals)

The Old Testament is part of the bible. Ever read it? Says it's totally cool to kill gays, required in fact. And there are Christians that want to follow the OT and kill gays (bunch right here on USMB). Here on my side of y'alls religious doctrine, two sides of the same coin, fundie Muslims and Christians.
The Old Testament is the history of the Hebrew nation.

Christianity is based only on the teachings of Jesus Christ (New Testament).....not Israel.
The only reason the Old Testament and the New Testament are together is because it is important to learn from the past.
Unfortunately people like you like to live in the past.

Jesus was the new doctrine which is what Christianity is based on.
The Old Testament is the doctrine of the Jewish people.

You have to go back over 4000 years to point a finger and blame every Christian you meet.....and this doesn't justify the hatred you can't seem to get rid of. Problem with that is you simply don't understand what you're talking about on this subject because you choose to believe people that want to mislead you and turn you into a hateful and spiteful excuse for a human-being. And the press tells you that you have every right to be so.

The Old Testament is part of the bible. It is part of Christianity. I don't hate Christians. I don't even hate Christianity. I look at Jesus and Elvis the same...dig their vibe, but some of their fans leave a lot to be desired.

None of this changes the FACTS. In the United States of America, Muslims support gay rights more than evangelical Christians.

Solid majorities of all major religious groups in the U.S. support laws protecting LGBT people from discrimination in housing, public accommodations, and the workplace. Among major religious groups, the strongest supporters of LGBT nondiscrimination protections are Unitarian Universalists (90 percent), Jews (80 percent), Hindus (79 percent), Buddhists (75 percent), and religiously unaffiliated Americans (78 percent). Even majorities of faith traditions that have been historically more opposed to LGBT rights support these protections. Fully seven in 10 Mormons (70 percent), along with 65 percent of black Protestants, 60 percent of Muslims, 54 percent of white evangelical Protestants, and 53 percent of Jehovah’s Witnesses favor LGBT nondiscrimination laws.[...]​

Majorities of most major religious groups oppose religiously-based refusals to serve gay or lesbian people. The greatest opposition comes from Unitarian Universalists (83 percent), Jews (68 percent), religiously unaffiliated Americans (66 percent), Buddhists (66 percent) and Muslims (60 percent). White evangelical Protestants (55 percent) and Mormons (54 percent) are the only religious groups where a majority support allowing small business owners to refuse service to gay and lesbian customers if doing so violates their religious beliefs. Jehovah’s Witnesses have no majority opinion: a plurality (43 percent) are opposed, while almost as many are in favor (39 percent); 18 percent offer no opinion.[...]

White evangelical Protestants are the only major religious group in which a majority oppose same-sex marriage (31 percent favor, 60 percent oppose).

New Landmark Survey of 50 States Finds Broad Support for LGBT Rights Across the United States | PRRI
Again...you can't seem to be able to separate the difference between refusing to bake a cake for you and murdering you in front of cheering crowds. Most American Muslims want to institute Sharia Law in America....which means your death sentence.

For the record.....I don't care about your statistics....because they can be manipulated quite easily. It is written in the Koran that lying is a very important tool that can be used by believers against non-believers. In the Bible lying is a mortal sin. Thou Shall Not Bare False Witness. Another thing.....everything that you read in the Bible isn't taught in Christianity as something you must do to others. It is sometimes a lesson on what not to do.

And again you are confusing other countries with the United States. In other countries both Christians and Muslims kill gays. In the United States it is Christians that are the greatest danger to gays...there are many, many more white evangelical Christians than Muslims (who don't hate gays as much as evangelical Christians do anyway).

Of course you don't believe facts....you're a Trump sycophant.
Those aren't facts. It would be nice if you could at the very least post some links about these imaginary attacks on gays by Christian mobs.

You feel that when a so-called Christian kills somebody in Uganda...it's over religion.
Having spent alot of time deployed to Africa I know the primary cause of violence is because of tribal differences.
I was deployed to Somalia in 93' and every couple of weeks there would be a flare up over tribal differences. Bunch of idiots got high on Khat and started shooting at each other. Many other fights were usually Christians fighting with Muslims. Christians are being slaughtered in many countries..Yemen, Sudan, Iraq, Iran to name a few...but the media refuses to post stories about it. This has been going on for over a decade.

Now....if you can point to a single time your life was threatened by a missionary or a Bible-banger, please feel free.

I already gave you the information on Uganda. Christians killing gays just like Muslims in OTHER COUNTRIES. We live in America where white evangelical Christians do not want gays to have equal rights as much as American Muslims do. American Muslims are more gay friendly as a group than white, evangelical Christians. That is the fact you just can't seem to understand.

I don't live in those countries where being gay is a crime, be it Muslim nations or Christian ones like Uganda or Russia.
The Old Testament is the history of the Hebrew nation.

Christianity is based only on the teachings of Jesus Christ (New Testament).....not Israel.
The only reason the Old Testament and the New Testament are together is because it is important to learn from the past.
Unfortunately people like you like to live in the past.

Jesus was the new doctrine which is what Christianity is based on.
The Old Testament is the doctrine of the Jewish people.

You have to go back over 4000 years to point a finger and blame every Christian you meet.....and this doesn't justify the hatred you can't seem to get rid of. Problem with that is you simply don't understand what you're talking about on this subject because you choose to believe people that want to mislead you and turn you into a hateful and spiteful excuse for a human-being. And the press tells you that you have every right to be so.

The Old Testament is part of the bible. It is part of Christianity. I don't hate Christians. I don't even hate Christianity. I look at Jesus and Elvis the same...dig their vibe, but some of their fans leave a lot to be desired.

None of this changes the FACTS. In the United States of America, Muslims support gay rights more than evangelical Christians.

Solid majorities of all major religious groups in the U.S. support laws protecting LGBT people from discrimination in housing, public accommodations, and the workplace. Among major religious groups, the strongest supporters of LGBT nondiscrimination protections are Unitarian Universalists (90 percent), Jews (80 percent), Hindus (79 percent), Buddhists (75 percent), and religiously unaffiliated Americans (78 percent). Even majorities of faith traditions that have been historically more opposed to LGBT rights support these protections. Fully seven in 10 Mormons (70 percent), along with 65 percent of black Protestants, 60 percent of Muslims, 54 percent of white evangelical Protestants, and 53 percent of Jehovah’s Witnesses favor LGBT nondiscrimination laws.[...]​

Majorities of most major religious groups oppose religiously-based refusals to serve gay or lesbian people. The greatest opposition comes from Unitarian Universalists (83 percent), Jews (68 percent), religiously unaffiliated Americans (66 percent), Buddhists (66 percent) and Muslims (60 percent). White evangelical Protestants (55 percent) and Mormons (54 percent) are the only religious groups where a majority support allowing small business owners to refuse service to gay and lesbian customers if doing so violates their religious beliefs. Jehovah’s Witnesses have no majority opinion: a plurality (43 percent) are opposed, while almost as many are in favor (39 percent); 18 percent offer no opinion.[...]

White evangelical Protestants are the only major religious group in which a majority oppose same-sex marriage (31 percent favor, 60 percent oppose).

New Landmark Survey of 50 States Finds Broad Support for LGBT Rights Across the United States | PRRI
Again...you can't seem to be able to separate the difference between refusing to bake a cake for you and murdering you in front of cheering crowds. Most American Muslims want to institute Sharia Law in America....which means your death sentence.

For the record.....I don't care about your statistics....because they can be manipulated quite easily. It is written in the Koran that lying is a very important tool that can be used by believers against non-believers. In the Bible lying is a mortal sin. Thou Shall Not Bare False Witness. Another thing.....everything that you read in the Bible isn't taught in Christianity as something you must do to others. It is sometimes a lesson on what not to do.

And again you are confusing other countries with the United States. In other countries both Christians and Muslims kill gays. In the United States it is Christians that are the greatest danger to gays...there are many, many more white evangelical Christians than Muslims (who don't hate gays as much as evangelical Christians do anyway).

Of course you don't believe facts....you're a Trump sycophant.
Those aren't facts. It would be nice if you could at the very least post some links about these imaginary attacks on gays by Christian mobs.

You feel that when a so-called Christian kills somebody in Uganda...it's over religion.
Having spent alot of time deployed to Africa I know the primary cause of violence is because of tribal differences.
I was deployed to Somalia in 93' and every couple of weeks there would be a flare up over tribal differences. Bunch of idiots got high on Khat and started shooting at each other. Many other fights were usually Christians fighting with Muslims. Christians are being slaughtered in many countries..Yemen, Sudan, Iraq, Iran to name a few...but the media refuses to post stories about it. This has been going on for over a decade.

Now....if you can point to a single time your life was threatened by a missionary or a Bible-banger, please feel free.

I already gave you the information on Uganda. Christians killing gays just like Muslims in OTHER COUNTRIES. We live in America where white evangelical Christians do not want gays to have equal rights as much as American Muslims do. American Muslims are more gay friendly as a group than white, evangelical Christians. That is the fact you just can't seem to understand.

I don't live in those countries where being gay is a crime, be it Muslim nations or Christian ones like Uganda or Russia.
Yeah....since it doesn't effect you directly then you could care less.

And it's all about being White....not about the religion to you. Nevermind the fact that many Evangelicals or Catholics are Black or Hispanic. Nope....your problem is you think that there's a bunch of White Racist Pilgrims running around America killing gays.

My primary concern is what will happen when your Democrat Party brings enough Muslims to America and they eventually take over parts of our government. They're winning office in Blue Cities that Obama filled with so-called refugees....and they will institute Sharia Law....and then spread out in the US. American Muslims are only Gay friendly because they have to be. What will happen when they feel they don't have to be so nice? What other religion do you know of that 1 out of every 10 of them is a potential terrorist?

Fact: The only way a Muslim cannot be accused of being an Apostate is by following the Koran to the letter....which means Sharia Law.

Fact: Good Christians cannot show prejudice to anyone regardless of their race, religion, or sexual orientation. The people who don't follow the Golden Rule are Bad Christians....or not Christians at all.
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That was 100 million beaners ago bud...And you are full of shit, minimum wage and minimum wage jobs have always been reserved for children seeking work experience...nothing more. Children don’t need a “living wage”.
LefTarded lowlife degenerates have turned minimum wage jobs into careers for 36 year old filthy wetbacks trying to raise a family of nine fat beaners on a McDonalds salary.
The solution is as simple as it’s always been...chase 40 million beaners home to Mehico....TA-DA!.....Problem solved

Did your girlfriend dump you for a beaner... or was that just the chick who got a restraining order?

Kids don't want to do those jobs...

I spend a lot of time in Starbucks, where they live off Min Wage and Tips. Most of them are college age people, few of them are Hispanic...
The Old Testament is part of the bible. It is part of Christianity. I don't hate Christians. I don't even hate Christianity. I look at Jesus and Elvis the same...dig their vibe, but some of their fans leave a lot to be desired.

None of this changes the FACTS. In the United States of America, Muslims support gay rights more than evangelical Christians.

Solid majorities of all major religious groups in the U.S. support laws protecting LGBT people from discrimination in housing, public accommodations, and the workplace. Among major religious groups, the strongest supporters of LGBT nondiscrimination protections are Unitarian Universalists (90 percent), Jews (80 percent), Hindus (79 percent), Buddhists (75 percent), and religiously unaffiliated Americans (78 percent). Even majorities of faith traditions that have been historically more opposed to LGBT rights support these protections. Fully seven in 10 Mormons (70 percent), along with 65 percent of black Protestants, 60 percent of Muslims, 54 percent of white evangelical Protestants, and 53 percent of Jehovah’s Witnesses favor LGBT nondiscrimination laws.[...]​

Majorities of most major religious groups oppose religiously-based refusals to serve gay or lesbian people. The greatest opposition comes from Unitarian Universalists (83 percent), Jews (68 percent), religiously unaffiliated Americans (66 percent), Buddhists (66 percent) and Muslims (60 percent). White evangelical Protestants (55 percent) and Mormons (54 percent) are the only religious groups where a majority support allowing small business owners to refuse service to gay and lesbian customers if doing so violates their religious beliefs. Jehovah’s Witnesses have no majority opinion: a plurality (43 percent) are opposed, while almost as many are in favor (39 percent); 18 percent offer no opinion.[...]

White evangelical Protestants are the only major religious group in which a majority oppose same-sex marriage (31 percent favor, 60 percent oppose).

New Landmark Survey of 50 States Finds Broad Support for LGBT Rights Across the United States | PRRI
Again...you can't seem to be able to separate the difference between refusing to bake a cake for you and murdering you in front of cheering crowds. Most American Muslims want to institute Sharia Law in America....which means your death sentence.

For the record.....I don't care about your statistics....because they can be manipulated quite easily. It is written in the Koran that lying is a very important tool that can be used by believers against non-believers. In the Bible lying is a mortal sin. Thou Shall Not Bare False Witness. Another thing.....everything that you read in the Bible isn't taught in Christianity as something you must do to others. It is sometimes a lesson on what not to do.

And again you are confusing other countries with the United States. In other countries both Christians and Muslims kill gays. In the United States it is Christians that are the greatest danger to gays...there are many, many more white evangelical Christians than Muslims (who don't hate gays as much as evangelical Christians do anyway).

Of course you don't believe facts....you're a Trump sycophant.
Those aren't facts. It would be nice if you could at the very least post some links about these imaginary attacks on gays by Christian mobs.

You feel that when a so-called Christian kills somebody in Uganda...it's over religion.
Having spent alot of time deployed to Africa I know the primary cause of violence is because of tribal differences.
I was deployed to Somalia in 93' and every couple of weeks there would be a flare up over tribal differences. Bunch of idiots got high on Khat and started shooting at each other. Many other fights were usually Christians fighting with Muslims. Christians are being slaughtered in many countries..Yemen, Sudan, Iraq, Iran to name a few...but the media refuses to post stories about it. This has been going on for over a decade.

Now....if you can point to a single time your life was threatened by a missionary or a Bible-banger, please feel free.

I already gave you the information on Uganda. Christians killing gays just like Muslims in OTHER COUNTRIES. We live in America where white evangelical Christians do not want gays to have equal rights as much as American Muslims do. American Muslims are more gay friendly as a group than white, evangelical Christians. That is the fact you just can't seem to understand.

I don't live in those countries where being gay is a crime, be it Muslim nations or Christian ones like Uganda or Russia.
Yeah....since it doesn't effect you directly then you could care less.

And it's all about being White....not about the religion to you. Nevermind the fact that many Evangelicals or Catholics are Black or Hispanic. Nope....your problem is you think that there's a bunch of White Racist Pilgrims running around America killing gays.

My primary concern is what will happen when your Democrat Party brings enough Muslims to America and they eventually take over parts of our government. They're winning office in Blue Cities that Obama filled with so-called refugees....and they will institute Sharia Law....and then spread out in the US. American Muslims are only Gay friendly because they have to be. What will happen when they feel they don't have to be so nice? What other religion do you know of that 1 out of every 10 of them is a potential terrorist?

Fact: The only way a Muslim cannot be accused of being an Apostate is by following the Koran to the letter....which means Sharia Law.

Fact: Good Christians cannot show prejudice to anyone regardless of their race, religion, or sexual orientation. The people who don't follow the Golden Rule are Bad Christians....or not Christians at all.

Idiot, that's how the surveys are broken out. Black evangelicals support gay rights more than white evangelicals just like Muslims support gay rights more than white evangelicals. These are facts, not your silly islamaphobia.
Again...you can't seem to be able to separate the difference between refusing to bake a cake for you and murdering you in front of cheering crowds. Most American Muslims want to institute Sharia Law in America....which means your death sentence.

For the record.....I don't care about your statistics....because they can be manipulated quite easily. It is written in the Koran that lying is a very important tool that can be used by believers against non-believers. In the Bible lying is a mortal sin. Thou Shall Not Bare False Witness. Another thing.....everything that you read in the Bible isn't taught in Christianity as something you must do to others. It is sometimes a lesson on what not to do.

And again you are confusing other countries with the United States. In other countries both Christians and Muslims kill gays. In the United States it is Christians that are the greatest danger to gays...there are many, many more white evangelical Christians than Muslims (who don't hate gays as much as evangelical Christians do anyway).

Of course you don't believe facts....you're a Trump sycophant.
Those aren't facts. It would be nice if you could at the very least post some links about these imaginary attacks on gays by Christian mobs.

You feel that when a so-called Christian kills somebody in Uganda...it's over religion.
Having spent alot of time deployed to Africa I know the primary cause of violence is because of tribal differences.
I was deployed to Somalia in 93' and every couple of weeks there would be a flare up over tribal differences. Bunch of idiots got high on Khat and started shooting at each other. Many other fights were usually Christians fighting with Muslims. Christians are being slaughtered in many countries..Yemen, Sudan, Iraq, Iran to name a few...but the media refuses to post stories about it. This has been going on for over a decade.

Now....if you can point to a single time your life was threatened by a missionary or a Bible-banger, please feel free.

I already gave you the information on Uganda. Christians killing gays just like Muslims in OTHER COUNTRIES. We live in America where white evangelical Christians do not want gays to have equal rights as much as American Muslims do. American Muslims are more gay friendly as a group than white, evangelical Christians. That is the fact you just can't seem to understand.

I don't live in those countries where being gay is a crime, be it Muslim nations or Christian ones like Uganda or Russia.
Yeah....since it doesn't effect you directly then you could care less.

And it's all about being White....not about the religion to you. Nevermind the fact that many Evangelicals or Catholics are Black or Hispanic. Nope....your problem is you think that there's a bunch of White Racist Pilgrims running around America killing gays.

My primary concern is what will happen when your Democrat Party brings enough Muslims to America and they eventually take over parts of our government. They're winning office in Blue Cities that Obama filled with so-called refugees....and they will institute Sharia Law....and then spread out in the US. American Muslims are only Gay friendly because they have to be. What will happen when they feel they don't have to be so nice? What other religion do you know of that 1 out of every 10 of them is a potential terrorist?

Fact: The only way a Muslim cannot be accused of being an Apostate is by following the Koran to the letter....which means Sharia Law.

Fact: Good Christians cannot show prejudice to anyone regardless of their race, religion, or sexual orientation. The people who don't follow the Golden Rule are Bad Christians....or not Christians at all.

Idiot, that's how the surveys are broken out. Black evangelicals support gay rights more than white evangelicals just like Muslims support gay rights more than white evangelicals. These are facts, not your silly islamaphobia.
Bullshit. !!!

That is pure unadultrated Bullshit.

And the reason I know about Muslims is because I've trained them, lived with them, and even have them in my family.
They tell me exactly what I've been telling you.

Many Muslim men are gay..but would never admit it...because until they reach 30yrs of age, in some sects like Sunni, they cannot marry. If you wonder why so many of them throw their lives away in suicide bombings, it's because of DSB (Deadly Sperm Buildup).

Once the Sun goes down, however,....the queers come out to play. The Sun goes down and they figure Allah closes his eyes to their sin.
And again you are confusing other countries with the United States. In other countries both Christians and Muslims kill gays. In the United States it is Christians that are the greatest danger to gays...there are many, many more white evangelical Christians than Muslims (who don't hate gays as much as evangelical Christians do anyway).

Of course you don't believe facts....you're a Trump sycophant.
Those aren't facts. It would be nice if you could at the very least post some links about these imaginary attacks on gays by Christian mobs.

You feel that when a so-called Christian kills somebody in Uganda...it's over religion.
Having spent alot of time deployed to Africa I know the primary cause of violence is because of tribal differences.
I was deployed to Somalia in 93' and every couple of weeks there would be a flare up over tribal differences. Bunch of idiots got high on Khat and started shooting at each other. Many other fights were usually Christians fighting with Muslims. Christians are being slaughtered in many countries..Yemen, Sudan, Iraq, Iran to name a few...but the media refuses to post stories about it. This has been going on for over a decade.

Now....if you can point to a single time your life was threatened by a missionary or a Bible-banger, please feel free.

I already gave you the information on Uganda. Christians killing gays just like Muslims in OTHER COUNTRIES. We live in America where white evangelical Christians do not want gays to have equal rights as much as American Muslims do. American Muslims are more gay friendly as a group than white, evangelical Christians. That is the fact you just can't seem to understand.

I don't live in those countries where being gay is a crime, be it Muslim nations or Christian ones like Uganda or Russia.
Yeah....since it doesn't effect you directly then you could care less.

And it's all about being White....not about the religion to you. Nevermind the fact that many Evangelicals or Catholics are Black or Hispanic. Nope....your problem is you think that there's a bunch of White Racist Pilgrims running around America killing gays.

My primary concern is what will happen when your Democrat Party brings enough Muslims to America and they eventually take over parts of our government. They're winning office in Blue Cities that Obama filled with so-called refugees....and they will institute Sharia Law....and then spread out in the US. American Muslims are only Gay friendly because they have to be. What will happen when they feel they don't have to be so nice? What other religion do you know of that 1 out of every 10 of them is a potential terrorist?

Fact: The only way a Muslim cannot be accused of being an Apostate is by following the Koran to the letter....which means Sharia Law.

Fact: Good Christians cannot show prejudice to anyone regardless of their race, religion, or sexual orientation. The people who don't follow the Golden Rule are Bad Christians....or not Christians at all.

Idiot, that's how the surveys are broken out. Black evangelicals support gay rights more than white evangelicals just like Muslims support gay rights more than white evangelicals. These are facts, not your silly islamaphobia.
Bullshit. !!!

That is pure unadultrated Bullshit.

And the reason I know about Muslims is because I've trained them, lived with them, and even have them in my family.
They tell me exactly what I've been telling you.

Many Muslim men are gay..but would never admit it...because until they reach 30yrs of age, in some sects like Sunni, they cannot marry. If you wonder why so many of them throw their lives away in suicide bombings, it's because of DSB (Deadly Sperm Buildup).

Once the Sun goes down, however,....the queers come out to play. The Sun goes down and they figure Allah closes his eyes to their sin.

How many American Muslims do you know? Meet some. They are just like American anything else. Same American wants, desires and dreams...AND they're less anti gay than American evangelicals.
Those aren't facts. It would be nice if you could at the very least post some links about these imaginary attacks on gays by Christian mobs.

You feel that when a so-called Christian kills somebody in Uganda...it's over religion.
Having spent alot of time deployed to Africa I know the primary cause of violence is because of tribal differences.
I was deployed to Somalia in 93' and every couple of weeks there would be a flare up over tribal differences. Bunch of idiots got high on Khat and started shooting at each other. Many other fights were usually Christians fighting with Muslims. Christians are being slaughtered in many countries..Yemen, Sudan, Iraq, Iran to name a few...but the media refuses to post stories about it. This has been going on for over a decade.

Now....if you can point to a single time your life was threatened by a missionary or a Bible-banger, please feel free.

I already gave you the information on Uganda. Christians killing gays just like Muslims in OTHER COUNTRIES. We live in America where white evangelical Christians do not want gays to have equal rights as much as American Muslims do. American Muslims are more gay friendly as a group than white, evangelical Christians. That is the fact you just can't seem to understand.

I don't live in those countries where being gay is a crime, be it Muslim nations or Christian ones like Uganda or Russia.
Yeah....since it doesn't effect you directly then you could care less.

And it's all about being White....not about the religion to you. Nevermind the fact that many Evangelicals or Catholics are Black or Hispanic. Nope....your problem is you think that there's a bunch of White Racist Pilgrims running around America killing gays.

My primary concern is what will happen when your Democrat Party brings enough Muslims to America and they eventually take over parts of our government. They're winning office in Blue Cities that Obama filled with so-called refugees....and they will institute Sharia Law....and then spread out in the US. American Muslims are only Gay friendly because they have to be. What will happen when they feel they don't have to be so nice? What other religion do you know of that 1 out of every 10 of them is a potential terrorist?

Fact: The only way a Muslim cannot be accused of being an Apostate is by following the Koran to the letter....which means Sharia Law.

Fact: Good Christians cannot show prejudice to anyone regardless of their race, religion, or sexual orientation. The people who don't follow the Golden Rule are Bad Christians....or not Christians at all.

Idiot, that's how the surveys are broken out. Black evangelicals support gay rights more than white evangelicals just like Muslims support gay rights more than white evangelicals. These are facts, not your silly islamaphobia.
Bullshit. !!!

That is pure unadultrated Bullshit.

And the reason I know about Muslims is because I've trained them, lived with them, and even have them in my family.
They tell me exactly what I've been telling you.

Many Muslim men are gay..but would never admit it...because until they reach 30yrs of age, in some sects like Sunni, they cannot marry. If you wonder why so many of them throw their lives away in suicide bombings, it's because of DSB (Deadly Sperm Buildup).

Once the Sun goes down, however,....the queers come out to play. The Sun goes down and they figure Allah closes his eyes to their sin.

How many American Muslims do you know? Meet some. They are just like American anything else. Same American wants, desires and dreams...AND they're less anti gay than American evangelicals.
There is nothing about devout Muslims that is just like Americans. That is the primary difference in all of this. The only American Muslims you speak of that are like THAT were born Muslim....but never practiced their religion....like my nephew Ali Muhammed. His father was from Somalia and Ali was born in America and was raised in a Christian church. His father was never around.

If Muslims are allowed to live in their own secluded communities, where Americans are not allowed, like in some places in Minnesota and New Jersey, they become radicalized and become anti-American. They hate everything America stands for....specifically our support of Israel and our sinful ways. They feel that any woman who walks alone on a sidewalk dressed like an American deserves to be raped. So I suggest you walk one of these Muslim communities without wearing a Burka and tell me what the response was.
I already gave you the information on Uganda. Christians killing gays just like Muslims in OTHER COUNTRIES. We live in America where white evangelical Christians do not want gays to have equal rights as much as American Muslims do. American Muslims are more gay friendly as a group than white, evangelical Christians. That is the fact you just can't seem to understand.

I don't live in those countries where being gay is a crime, be it Muslim nations or Christian ones like Uganda or Russia.
Yeah....since it doesn't effect you directly then you could care less.

And it's all about being White....not about the religion to you. Nevermind the fact that many Evangelicals or Catholics are Black or Hispanic. Nope....your problem is you think that there's a bunch of White Racist Pilgrims running around America killing gays.

My primary concern is what will happen when your Democrat Party brings enough Muslims to America and they eventually take over parts of our government. They're winning office in Blue Cities that Obama filled with so-called refugees....and they will institute Sharia Law....and then spread out in the US. American Muslims are only Gay friendly because they have to be. What will happen when they feel they don't have to be so nice? What other religion do you know of that 1 out of every 10 of them is a potential terrorist?

Fact: The only way a Muslim cannot be accused of being an Apostate is by following the Koran to the letter....which means Sharia Law.

Fact: Good Christians cannot show prejudice to anyone regardless of their race, religion, or sexual orientation. The people who don't follow the Golden Rule are Bad Christians....or not Christians at all.

Idiot, that's how the surveys are broken out. Black evangelicals support gay rights more than white evangelicals just like Muslims support gay rights more than white evangelicals. These are facts, not your silly islamaphobia.
Bullshit. !!!

That is pure unadultrated Bullshit.

And the reason I know about Muslims is because I've trained them, lived with them, and even have them in my family.
They tell me exactly what I've been telling you.

Many Muslim men are gay..but would never admit it...because until they reach 30yrs of age, in some sects like Sunni, they cannot marry. If you wonder why so many of them throw their lives away in suicide bombings, it's because of DSB (Deadly Sperm Buildup).

Once the Sun goes down, however,....the queers come out to play. The Sun goes down and they figure Allah closes his eyes to their sin.

How many American Muslims do you know? Meet some. They are just like American anything else. Same American wants, desires and dreams...AND they're less anti gay than American evangelicals.
There is nothing about devout Muslims that is just like Americans. That is the primary difference in all of this. The only American Muslims you speak of that are like THAT were born Muslim....but never practiced their religion....like my nephew Ali Muhammed. His father was from Somalia and Ali was born in America and was raised in a Christian church. His father was never around.

If Muslims are allowed to live in their own secluded communities, where Americans are not allowed, like in some places in Minnesota and New Jersey, they become radicalized and become anti-American. They hate everything America stands for....specifically our support of Israel and our sinful ways. They feel that any woman who walks alone on a sidewalk dressed like an American deserves to be raped. So I suggest you walk one of these Muslim communities without wearing a Burka and tell me what the response was.

Your singular personal experience doesn’t mean squat I’ve provided facts, you’ve responded with nothing but Islamaphobia.
Yeah....since it doesn't effect you directly then you could care less.

And it's all about being White....not about the religion to you. Nevermind the fact that many Evangelicals or Catholics are Black or Hispanic. Nope....your problem is you think that there's a bunch of White Racist Pilgrims running around America killing gays.

My primary concern is what will happen when your Democrat Party brings enough Muslims to America and they eventually take over parts of our government. They're winning office in Blue Cities that Obama filled with so-called refugees....and they will institute Sharia Law....and then spread out in the US. American Muslims are only Gay friendly because they have to be. What will happen when they feel they don't have to be so nice? What other religion do you know of that 1 out of every 10 of them is a potential terrorist?

Fact: The only way a Muslim cannot be accused of being an Apostate is by following the Koran to the letter....which means Sharia Law.

Fact: Good Christians cannot show prejudice to anyone regardless of their race, religion, or sexual orientation. The people who don't follow the Golden Rule are Bad Christians....or not Christians at all.

Idiot, that's how the surveys are broken out. Black evangelicals support gay rights more than white evangelicals just like Muslims support gay rights more than white evangelicals. These are facts, not your silly islamaphobia.
Bullshit. !!!

That is pure unadultrated Bullshit.

And the reason I know about Muslims is because I've trained them, lived with them, and even have them in my family.
They tell me exactly what I've been telling you.

Many Muslim men are gay..but would never admit it...because until they reach 30yrs of age, in some sects like Sunni, they cannot marry. If you wonder why so many of them throw their lives away in suicide bombings, it's because of DSB (Deadly Sperm Buildup).

Once the Sun goes down, however,....the queers come out to play. The Sun goes down and they figure Allah closes his eyes to their sin.

How many American Muslims do you know? Meet some. They are just like American anything else. Same American wants, desires and dreams...AND they're less anti gay than American evangelicals.
There is nothing about devout Muslims that is just like Americans. That is the primary difference in all of this. The only American Muslims you speak of that are like THAT were born Muslim....but never practiced their religion....like my nephew Ali Muhammed. His father was from Somalia and Ali was born in America and was raised in a Christian church. His father was never around.

If Muslims are allowed to live in their own secluded communities, where Americans are not allowed, like in some places in Minnesota and New Jersey, they become radicalized and become anti-American. They hate everything America stands for....specifically our support of Israel and our sinful ways. They feel that any woman who walks alone on a sidewalk dressed like an American deserves to be raped. So I suggest you walk one of these Muslim communities without wearing a Burka and tell me what the response was.

Your singular personal experience doesn’t mean squat I’ve provided facts, you’ve responded with nothing but Islamaphobia.
Your so-called facts are no different than hearsay.
My experience is first-hand.
And Islamaphobia is a media invention. Islamaphobia is just another word for common-sense.
You cannot actually believe that after 911 and the thousands of attacks by Muslims on Christians in the Middle East, Europe, and America that you still think that they will ever change. Their religion won't allow it. For 1200 years they have been attacking Christians and Jews. What makes you think they want to live with them? Pakistan only exists because Muslims couldn't live with Hindus. I've listened to them....I know what they think. Best way to find out what they're thinking is keep your mouth shut around them..especially in large groups of other Muslims where they feel like being open. They always will let you know.

My suggestion is you try mixing with these "American Muslims" you feel are so accepting and see what happens. Try attending a service in their Mosques or accept an invitation to one of their homes like I have. Tell them to their faces that you love women. See what their reaction is.

And screw the statistics. Statistics can be manipulated.
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Idiot, that's how the surveys are broken out. Black evangelicals support gay rights more than white evangelicals just like Muslims support gay rights more than white evangelicals. These are facts, not your silly islamaphobia.
Bullshit. !!!

That is pure unadultrated Bullshit.

And the reason I know about Muslims is because I've trained them, lived with them, and even have them in my family.
They tell me exactly what I've been telling you.

Many Muslim men are gay..but would never admit it...because until they reach 30yrs of age, in some sects like Sunni, they cannot marry. If you wonder why so many of them throw their lives away in suicide bombings, it's because of DSB (Deadly Sperm Buildup).

Once the Sun goes down, however,....the queers come out to play. The Sun goes down and they figure Allah closes his eyes to their sin.

How many American Muslims do you know? Meet some. They are just like American anything else. Same American wants, desires and dreams...AND they're less anti gay than American evangelicals.
There is nothing about devout Muslims that is just like Americans. That is the primary difference in all of this. The only American Muslims you speak of that are like THAT were born Muslim....but never practiced their religion....like my nephew Ali Muhammed. His father was from Somalia and Ali was born in America and was raised in a Christian church. His father was never around.

If Muslims are allowed to live in their own secluded communities, where Americans are not allowed, like in some places in Minnesota and New Jersey, they become radicalized and become anti-American. They hate everything America stands for....specifically our support of Israel and our sinful ways. They feel that any woman who walks alone on a sidewalk dressed like an American deserves to be raped. So I suggest you walk one of these Muslim communities without wearing a Burka and tell me what the response was.

Your singular personal experience doesn’t mean squat I’ve provided facts, you’ve responded with nothing but Islamaphobia.
Your so-called facts are no different than hearsay.
My experience is first-hand.
And Islamaphobia is a media invention. Islamaphobia is just another word for common-sense.
You cannot actually believe that after 911 and the thousands of attacks by Muslims on Christians in the Middle East, Europe, and America that you still think that they will ever change. Their religion won't allow it. For 1200 years they have been attacking Christians and Jews. What makes you think they want to live with them? Pakistan only exists because Muslims couldn't live with Hindus. I've listened to them....I know what they think. Best way to find out what they're thinking is keep your mouth shut around them..especially in large groups of other Muslims where they feel like being open. They always will let you know.

My suggestion is you try mixing with these "American Muslims" you feel are so accepting and see what happens. Try attending a service in their Mosques or accept an invitation to one of their homes like I have. Tell them to their faces that you love women. See what their reaction is.

And screw the statistics. Statistics can be manipulated.
No, dumbass, polls are scientific surveys of public opinion. Every single one shows greater support for gay rights from American Muslims than American white evangelical Christians. That is fact. You thinking you KNOW all Muslims everywhere because you knew a handful of Muslims who were not American is stupid.

i have friends and family who ARE American Muslims and they have no problem with my being gay.

Yes, we know you eschew facts...you support Trump, you have to ignore facts.
When the Shitstorm that was 2008, the first thing they did was swoop in and make sure the rich were taken care of.
And who did that? Obama and the Dumbocrats (Pelosi & Reid). The people you worship.

That’s how dumb you are, my friend. You wail against the policies created by the people you worship and support. :eusa_doh:

A constitutional conservative never would have given a bailout. Never.
Today I look at these kids, getting out of college with 50K+ in debt, having to work two jobs to make ends meet, and you wonder why they think Bernie Sanders is the bomb.
I don’t wonder that at all. The left took over education in this country (no surprise as it’s a government function) and failed to educate them. So we have a nation of uneducated, ignorant idealists who never studied the horrors of socialism.

Thankfully, I grew up in an era where we did.
And who did that? Obama and the Dumbocrats (Pelosi & Reid). The people you worship.

Um, you realize that Bush was president when the Economy Collapsed in 2008, right? Or were you still in High School when that happened?

A constitutional conservative never would have given a bailout. Never.

Except that Bush did. TARP was something that he signed off on. Because even he wasn't enough of a crazy fanatic to allow the entire banking system to collapse.

I don’t wonder that at all. The left took over education in this country (no surprise as it’s a government function) and failed to educate them. So we have a nation of uneducated, ignorant idealists who never studied the horrors of socialism.

Thankfully, I grew up in an era where we did.

Yeah, guy, you give schools way too much credit. These kids support Bernie because they see what a shit sandwich Capitalism has been for their parents, and what a double helping they are in for.
A constitutional conservative never would have given a bailout. Never.
Except that Bush did. TARP was something that he signed off on. Because even he wasn't enough of a crazy fanatic to allow the entire banking system to collapse.
Except that Bush isn’t a constitutional conservative. Never was. Hell, he wasn’t even a Republican. He was a RINO in its purest form. Thanks for playing.
“College Age People” aren’t living on their own. They are living off of mommy and daddy as they attend college.

Missing the point, Corky. Most college kids work. And they look at the mountains of debt that someone is getting rich on, and they think, hey, Maybe Bernie has a point.

True story, when I went to College back in the 1980's, you could work your way through college. Today, not so much.

Except that Bush isn’t a constitutional conservative. Never was. Hell, he wasn’t even a Republican. He was a RINO in its purest form. Thanks for playing.

Now, funny thing that.

by your logic-
Bush -43 was a Rino
McCain was a Rino
Bush 41 was a Rino
Ford was a RINO
Romney is a RINO.

So the only "True Republican" is Reagan. Except not really, Reagan gave Amnesty to illegal, raised taxes after it was realized Supply Side didn't work, etc. But since he was the only Republican who wasn't driven out of office under a cloud, you can claim he wasn't.

Trump will be a RINO as some point, too.
True story, when I went to College back in the 1980's, you could work your way through college. Today, not so much.
And what changed between then and now? Government interference in the free market of higher education. True story.

You once again proved that the policies you support create the problems you cry about it.

That is a special kind of stupid that I can’t even begin to wrap my head around.

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