Leaked documents show Baltimore high schoolers perform math, reading at elementary level.


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
“iReady is a system schools use to measure at which grade level a student is performing. In Baltimore City Schools, iReady assessments are given in math and reading, three times a year, to measure a student’s progress. The scores we obtained show some students are performing 10 grade levels below their age.”

The ‘teachers’ here will proclaim defense by claiming the kids are not getting the support they need at home. But that defense shows how inept they are and don’t care. Baltimore teachers should be shouting the problems from mountaintops to get the problem corrected, we shouldn’t be learning this from leaked documents.
The article says it's an "alarming discovery" but I bet that's not what the local authority, state and Government thinks.

As long as they all vote the right way in a few years then the people responsible for them will perpetuate the myth it's all do with systemic racism and absolve the teachers and students themselves of any and all responsibility and give them a life of handouts at the tax payers expense.

Jobs a good un'
So dare one ponder a political situation where the Left seeks to promote masses of Blacks despite profound academic deficiencies, thereby making a High School diploma utterly worthless in most cases?

Then they go around to large employers, telling them that they must consider Black, inner city applicants to be the equals of everyone else.

The Left fears meritocracy more than anything else.
Is the person who began this thread a resident of Baltimore? I have read on USMB many people from across the country who do not seem to know the basics, not only of math, but civics, mathematics, and other subjects that should have been taught in high school. Many do not know the basics of the United States Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the separation of powers.

If you want to talk about high-schoolers in Baltimore, compare their performance to youngsters in all parts of the country. I'm not for lousy performance or lousy performance. I'm just saying that schools and parents have not performed well in a variety of subjects over decades. this is not only over math. I am disgusted at what I see of adults, 20s, 30s, 40s, 40s, 50s, 60s, who do not understand and uphold what our Constitution says. This must be the result of inadequate education going back decades. I was educated back in the 60s, and I fondly remember my civics teacher, Mr. Robert Turner, a Marine veteran, who truly slammed it home. He taught us U.S. government, all branches, all posts, and taught us the joys of bibliographies and footnotes, to be turned in on 3x5 cards.
Nothing new here. Been going on for years. Problem started with the no child left behind. if The cash register doesn’t do the math they can’t even make change.
The answer is improving our schools and removing the disrespect for education and teachers that seems to persist all over our country. There are many parents who don't teach the value of an education and many others who want to keep their children from education. My own parents taught that knowledge was something that no one can ever take away from you: read and read and read of any and every subject. Heck, my dad and I used to have discussions when I was a teenager about things like the dropping of the bomb on Hiroshima and whether the dropping of the bomb on Nagasaki was necessary. We had discussions on many topics. The main concern is to get our children up to the point that they are ready to deal with adult topics, including the ones that they will deal with personally in their own lives.
“iReady is a system schools use to measure at which grade level a student is performing. In Baltimore City Schools, iReady assessments are given in math and reading, three times a year, to measure a student’s progress. The scores we obtained show some students are performing 10 grade levels below their age.”

The ‘teachers’ here will proclaim defense by claiming the kids are not getting the support they need at home. But that defense shows how inept they are and don’t care. Baltimore teachers should be shouting the problems from mountaintops to get the problem corrected, we shouldn’t be learning this from leaked documents.

Another thread to illustrate your complete ignorance of the educational process? When are you going to admit that on this topic, you are dumber than a bag of hammers?

I want to know who gave you a teacher certification and how long you taught in an inner-city public school. Perhaps if you had, you would not make such asinine statements like are contained in your posts.

Do you live in Baltimore? If not, why not?
Nothing new here. Been going on for years. Problem started with the no child left behind. if The cash register doesn’t do the math they can’t even make change.
You know that old lie gets very tiresome. As a math teacher for grades 6-12, I can assure you that everyone is taught the "count up" method of making change.

The reason registers calculate change is that counting it out takes time, and as the old saying goes, "Time is money!"
Another thread to illustrate your complete ignorance of the educational process? When are you going to admit that on this topic, you are dumber than a bag of hammers?

I want to know who gave you a teacher certification and how long you taught in an inner-city public school. Perhaps if you had, you would not make such asinine statements like are contained in your posts.

Do you live in Baltimore? If not, why not?
Hilarious. All you can do is attack the messenger.
Illustrates I’m totally right in displaying how bad public education is today in America while you lie, spin and dodge in lame attempts to defend the indefensible.
The answer is improving our schools and removing the disrespect for education and teachers that seems to persist all over our country. There are many parents who don't teach the value of an education and many others who want to keep their children from education. My own parents taught that knowledge was something that no one can ever take away from you: read and read and read of any and every subject. Heck, my dad and I used to have discussions when I was a teenager about things like the dropping of the bomb on Hiroshima and whether the dropping of the bomb on Nagasaki was necessary. We had discussions on many topics. The main concern is to get our children up to the point that they are ready to deal with adult topics, including the ones that they will deal with personally in their own lives.
According to Admiral Gilligan the teacher, there’s nothing wrong in our public education system and anyone who thinks so is an idiot.
Nothing new here. Been going on for years. Problem started with the no child left behind. if The cash register doesn’t do the math they can’t even make change.
Actually it started with allowing teachers to unionize. On that day teachers stopped working for the kids and started working for themselves.
Oregon solved this problem. :omg:

That’s becoming more common. Just stop testing and look, more kids graduate!
Hilarious. All you can do is attack the messenger.
Illustrates I’m totally right in displaying how bad public education is today in America while you lie, spin and dodge in lame attempts to defend the indefensible.
I attack the messenger's lack of intelligent thought and misplaced blame. Please show where I defended anything. I just happen to think you are a first class asshole who knows nothing about the educational process and you use examples like this to paint all public education with a broad brush.
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Actually it started with allowing teachers to unionize. On that day teachers stopped working for the kids and started working for themselves.
You do realize that unions are allowed under the law, or did you sleep through that lesson about the National Labor Relations Act?

The real issue is when unions get outside their lanes and get involved in curriculum choices, which most local unions do not.

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