Latvia passed a law that will force most Muscovite citizens with permanent residence in Latvia to pass a Latvian language test if they want to stay


Diamond Member
Sep 3, 2017
- radical left & right

You probably don’t know much about the challenges Estonia and Latvia face regarding the Muscovite 🇷🇺 🇸🇦 colonizers and their families that started arriving in those states in the decades following the 1940 invasion.
Latvia passed a law that will force most Muscovite citizens with permanent residence in Latvia to pass a Latvian language test if they want to stay in the country.
" Why discrimination?? Before I got my UK citizenship I had to pass language test… it’s a common practice…nothing unusual.."
- radical left & right

You probably don’t know much about the challenges Estonia and Latvia face regarding the Muscovite 🇷🇺 🇸🇦 colonizers and their families that started arriving in those states in the decades following the 1940 invasion.
Latvia passed a law that will force most Muscovite citizens with permanent residence in Latvia to pass a Latvian language test if they want to stay in the country.
" Why discrimination?? Before I got my UK citizenship I had to pass language test… it’s a common practice…nothing unusual.."


In SHTFF a good test to weed out illegals is to see if they can speak English. Naturalized citizens must pass an English test to get their papers.

milley won a war.jpg

In SHTFF a good test to weed out illegals is to see if they can speak English. Naturalized citizens must pass an English test to get their papers.

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Unless these people have committed an offence they should not be kicked out.
do you support Jewish settlers in the West Bank as well ? Tommy, look, the former ussr colonialists who dont want to learn Latvian language today , dont support not just Latvian statehood but they are actively AGAINST gay - rights , minorities rights , democracy , international borders, etc.

Can't blame the Latvians for that. The Russians get what they deserve - integrate or leave.
We should have no illusion about former communist countries which have made transition to democracy since the 1990s. But most of ethnic Russians who gained Latvian citizenship in 1992 may be exempted from the Latvian language test due to their age. Younger Russians can go back to Russia and start a new life.

The amendments could apply to about 4,800 individuals, but about half of them have turned 75, so they could be exempted from language testing.

Dont give me ideas.

We should have no illusion about former communist countries which have made transition to democracy since the 1990s. But most of ethnic Russians who gained Latvian citizenship in 1992 may be exempted from the Latvian language test due to their age. Younger Russians can go back to Russia and start a new life.

The amendments could apply to about 4,800 individuals, but about half of them have turned 75, so they could be exempted from language testing.

KGB 🇷🇺whore.. why only we can deal with commie traitors ?


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