Last updates in Israel ragarding the last escalations


Gold Member
Apr 11, 2012
Where the wild things are
Escalation inside and outside of the green line

-In Nazereth, Arabs began rioting starting early evening, throwing burning tires and stones on security men. The main police station was burned to the ground near Nazereth.

- Haifa, two Palestinian men were killed when stopping on the side of the road to fix a tire, they were run over by a truck, the driver was also injured. Hamas uses the accident as trigger, saying it was intentional attempt of killing Arabs.

- Hebron: major riots in the ancestors' land: two Palestinians were shot and killed when trying to hurt security forces. One of them is Hamda Salhab. Another one was critically injured

#غزة الان |#عاجل : إصابة مواطن برصاص الاحتلال في المواجهات الدائرة بباب الزاوية بالخليل.

שם ההרוג חמאדה סלהב

דיווח על עוד פצוע אנוש שנורה בראשו


#غزة الان |#عاجل :اصابة شاب برصاصة في الرأس وحالته حرجة جدا في المواجهات في مدينة الخليل

- Riots also in Rammallah, Silwan, Shfar'am (protesting the arrest of the killer of Israeli girl Shelly Dadon) and Jericho.

- Southern District: roads 60 and 31 are closed from Be'er Sheva Junction after Arabs starting targeting Jewish civilians with stones and molotiv cocktails.

Most of the roads leading from my hometown out closed, from Be'er Sheva, Lakia, Tel Arad and Omer.

A Jewish woman injured after her vehicle was stoned near Omer. 12 were arrested.

- Gaza strip: Israeli striked in Gaza strip, targeting Palestinians setting rockets. 2 Palestinians from military Fatah (Al-Aqsa and Al-quds brigades) killed.

Another attack in Rafah kills 2 others, 3 other civilians injured.

- Ten minutes ago, Code red triggered in Sderot

More updated to come.

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